Originally posted by Horkathane CO is the 1st mmo in History to have a smooth flawless launch! Congrats to Cryptic for another milestone! Also the game is 90% sold out around the Globe. Buh By WoW it seems there is a missle launching right at you hehe. Congrats to the Cryptic Devs! The best Dev team on the planet for a job well done!
"I'm not really this excited, I'm just trying to bait trolls."
That's nice man, I'm happy for Cryptic. I just wish they would have made a better game.
Dont taught Blizzard. Lord knows if CO actually challenges WoW, Blizz will simply make a new "hero" class that can be customized from scratch including all sorts of crazy spells and abilities, haha.
Well things are going pretty smoothly with the head-start event, but I wouldn't count it as the official launch yet. They're still getting out the last couple hitches but it looks like it's going to be quite a smooth launch.
Well things are going pretty smoothly with the head-start event, but I wouldn't count it as the official launch yet. They're still getting out the last couple hitches but it looks like it's going to be quite a smooth launch.
I wouldn't want to be in the starter zones on release day imo. There are still quests being camped, especially escort quests. Some were fixed, so that you can still get the quest after it's started, but some you have to wait till the npc respawns to escort them. Things like that are more of what I'm worried about than actual server stability. Although, with the head start, I'll be at least 20-30 by the actual release time, so I, myself am not too worried about it. But I see it being a problem for those coming in.
Cryptic has a habit of having really good launches with there really good games. There has been 4 games with great launches (in order of them coming out) Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, Warhammer Online, and Champions online.
Now if only they could fix their graphics engine and make it not be a total piece of shit we might be in business. The tech support forum at CO is filled with people with high end machines far surpassing min specs *me included* who can't even play the game because it's configured so horribly. The User Interface is one of the worst FPS droppers I've seen, but they notice this so hopefully it will get fixed.
Definately not the best launch I've seen. But for the people without issues it's probably not the worst either.
Originally posted by KyleranOriginally posted by maskedweasel
And really horkathane is way off.. CO would be lucky to reach 300K subs at launch. He's always fanboying things way out of proportion, always has, always will... I wonder if anyone really takes what he says seriously anymore.
Horkathane tends to get over-excited about the games he plays, and his predictions frequently are wrong...... take this gem he wrote about Tabula Rasa on 10/2/07
Extremely well done wall of text.
I hope it is very successful because so few have been in the past few years and it would be nice to see a game get /retain about 500k subs.
Excellent job in calling someone out.
Personally I give more credence to people who speak more objectively about a game. Not like the guy you made a good example of, or one another in this thread whose name I won't mention.
Those with comments that boil down to "This game roxxors!" or "This game suxxors!" I simply pass on by.
Cryptic has a habit of having really good launches with there really good games. There has been 4 games with great launches (in order of them coming out) Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, Warhammer Online, and Champions online.
For one thing, Champions Online hasn't even released yet and another, Warhammer Online didn't have a very smooth launch at all. I'm a fan of the game but there's no point in making weird excuses and exaggerations to defend the game.
And as for a smooth open beta launch, I'd say for the most part that it has been going pretty good. There was an issue however of a lack of mirrors, so it was near impossible for anyone to download the client for the first day. It was rather entertaining seeing the people horde the forums on the main site, saying the game was doomed when it was evident that this was their first time ever being in an MMO beta. Though I must admit that it was a rather simple mistake that Cryptic should have accounted for, little things like this should be expected. Better to get through them in OB launch then on actual launch. And overall the game itself is very smooth. I have issues with the game of course, beyond the topic of this thread, but overall it was much better than I expected. I won't be buying it at launch due to the simple fact that I've grown a habit out of it over the past two years with the way chaos inevitably ensues. If within a month people speak highly of the game's end-game (the only thing I haven't gotten to see myself yet), then I will definitely be making a purchase.
best MMO ever Aion #2 to WoW that's laughable Champions will stomp it
The real question is how well Champions will do. They had said earlier that 100k is what would take to keep this game going. I am sure they are aiming higher then that. I would love for it to hit half a million. They would would consider that great. Getting 250K probable is what they are aiming for. Something higher then CoH. CoH at the highest point in its history had 180k.
CO is the 1st mmo in History to have a smooth flawless launch! Congrats to Cryptic for another milestone! Also the game is 90% sold out around the Globe. Buh By WoW it seems there is a missle launching right at you hehe. Congrats to the Cryptic Devs! The best Dev team on the planet for a job well done!
Loving the game so far. I'm playing a force character and the powers are nice. Animations are great. Just love the art style of the game.
Friday night I counted 20.000 online people. Thats mostly people who bought the game from USA retailers as EU will have a few days delay. I saw 15.000 people online Saturday afternoon.
How? Log in a newbie alt (tutorial) and then count how many instances are there (hit M and change instance). Then log a higher level alt and check the crisis zones (2). After that, check the big 3 zones (MC, Desert, Canada). Sum that up. People online. Takes about 5min to do it (if you have a level 1, a level 6 and a 9+ alts).
Not bad for the HS. Hopefully we will get over 50k online next weekend (with people from all over the World). Devs said they needed about 90k subscriptions to keep the game growing. Wait and see now.
About the smart reply in the first page: how do you sell out a download game? Dude.... seriously? Download is one option, and one that is not really popular. People for some reason still likes to buy the box. Of course they also sold downloads copies only... anyway, the boxes with pre-order bonus (USA and EU) were out of stock by Friday.
Smooth release so far. Friday night I counted 20.000 online people. Thats mostly people who bought the game from USA retailers as EU will have a few days delay. I saw 15.000 people online Saturday afternoon. How? Log in a newbie alt (tutorial) and then count how many instances are there (hit M and change instance). Then log a higher level alt and check the crisis zones (2). After that, check the big 3 zones (MC, Desert, Canada). Sum that up. People online. Takes about 5min to do it (if you have a level 1, a level 6 and a 9+ alts). Not bad for the HS. Hopefully we will get over 50k online next weekend (with people from all over the World). Devs said they needed about 90k subscriptions to keep the game growing. Wait and see now. About the smart reply in the first page: how do you sell out a download game? Dude.... seriously? Download is one option, and one that is not really popular. People for some reason still likes to buy the box. Of course they also sold downloads copies only... anyway, the boxes with pre-order bonus (USA and EU) were out of stock by Friday.
Hopefully they will even get more then that. They should do better then CoH. CoH at max had 180k.
Originally posted by kal08 Smooth release so far. Friday night I counted 20.000 online people....
The last 2 big MMO's had huge releases...and you see how they struggle now. Its not really that important what numbers they pull in September. Its November numbers that will be important. I am not a fan of what the devs gave us. I will freely say initially the game impresses. But it has a short lifespan. The game is not released and there are level 30's running around. The last minute XP and retcon tweaks ruined some of the game flow. But since its technically pre-release, so you can't hate them too much for it.
No matter the MMO your going to find those ppl that have to rush to max lvl, it's a badge of honour for them and thier playstyle, also they are the ones more likely to quit after the first month as they have seen it all and bought the T-shirt, but thats their way and good luck to them.
I was going to get the game on pre-order to take advantage of the head start but as non of my friends are getting the game it was a mute point, so next week I'l get the game and by then the massive quest bottleneck should have died down allowign me to quest in relative peace and frustration free (Fingers crossed).
CO is the 1st mmo in History to have a smooth flawless launch! Congrats to Cryptic for another milestone! Also the game is 90% sold out around the Globe. Buh By WoW it seems there is a missle launching right at you hehe. Congrats to the Cryptic Devs! The best Dev team on the planet for a job well done!
Gotta say i been a lot of mmo launches from EQ1,EQ2,perfect worlds,SWG,eve,war,AoC and wow ( which has to be the worst launch ever) but co has to be the best launch i have seen so far.
I have not got this excited about a mmo since way back with EQ1(which i played for 10 years and am still subed to it).
Its fun and sure it has some elements of war,wow and other mmos but it allso gives you the feeling of being a hero .
Which lets face it is what fantasy gameing is all about getting away from real life and becomeing something differant.
So guys i strongly sugest if you havent go grab yourself a copy and try it .
Cryptic has a habit of having really good launches with there really good games. There has been 4 games with great launches (in order of them coming out) Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, Warhammer Online, and Champions online.
Warhammer didn't have a great launch. Certainly wasn't one of the worst by any stretch but it was far from great and actually if you're talking about launches specifically then you would have to add LotR to that list. Frankly, seems a bit early to me to say their launch was great or compare it to those other launches but it does seem to be going well so far.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Cryptic has a habit of having really good launches with there really good games. There has been 4 games with great launches (in order of them coming out) Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, Warhammer Online, and Champions online.
Warhammer didn't have a great launch. Certainly wasn't one of the worst by any stretch but it was far from great and actually if you're talking about launches specifically then you would have to add LotR to that list. Frankly, seems a bit early to me to say their launch was great or compare it to those other launches but it does seem to be going well so far.
Never heard if LotR had a good launch or not. So that would make 5 games that had Great launches.
Warhammer's launch wasn't good. There were lots of bugs and lots of issues. I'd not put it in the same category....
I'd say some of the best launches were DaoC, CoH, LoTR... LoTR did have some queues for logging in but it wasn't too bad nothing like when Wow launched.
REALLY bad launches were AO, Vanguard, AoC were among the worst. EQ worked pretty well at launch but had lots of downtime for the first couple weeks and login issues. So I'd say it was pretty bad. But not in the same category as the 3 I mentioned above.
Hate to burst your bubble but a ton of games have had smooth launches lately. It is pretty much mandatory now a days in order to drive a even remotely successful mmo. Champions has an advantage as to not be launching alongside a WoW content patch or expansion, but unfortunately they have Aion to deal with. While some may think these games have nothing in common, they will basically hurt each other's subs while WoW releases Icecrown and blows away half there sub base just like they did with Conan and WAR. Hell, Conan didn't even take a fully fledged content patch to drive it into the ground, just a pre-expansion one with nothing but features already coming in the expansion. Not saying Champions even compares to Conan, but one can certainly acknowledge that every time Blizzard releases something on there crown jewel the rest of the MMOs out there take a hit.
"I'm not really this excited, I'm just trying to bait trolls."
That's nice man, I'm happy for Cryptic. I just wish they would have made a better game.
Lol, nice one Kyleran.
I used to get excited about MMO's one day too, but its pretty hard to these days if your realistic
Dont taught Blizzard. Lord knows if CO actually challenges WoW, Blizz will simply make a new "hero" class that can be customized from scratch including all sorts of crazy spells and abilities, haha.
Well things are going pretty smoothly with the head-start event, but I wouldn't count it as the official launch yet. They're still getting out the last couple hitches but it looks like it's going to be quite a smooth launch.
I wouldn't want to be in the starter zones on release day imo. There are still quests being camped, especially escort quests. Some were fixed, so that you can still get the quest after it's started, but some you have to wait till the npc respawns to escort them. Things like that are more of what I'm worried about than actual server stability. Although, with the head start, I'll be at least 20-30 by the actual release time, so I, myself am not too worried about it. But I see it being a problem for those coming in.
I hope it screws over WoW, but it won't IMO... I didn't enjoy it after lvl 10.
Cryptic has a habit of having really good launches with there really good games. There has been 4 games with great launches (in order of them coming out) Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, Warhammer Online, and Champions online.
Now if only they could fix their graphics engine and make it not be a total piece of shit we might be in business. The tech support forum at CO is filled with people with high end machines far surpassing min specs *me included* who can't even play the game because it's configured so horribly. The User Interface is one of the worst FPS droppers I've seen, but they notice this so hopefully it will get fixed.
Definately not the best launch I've seen. But for the people without issues it's probably not the worst either.
Single player games with some online features dont have launch problems...real mmos with multiplayer in the same instanced server have problems...
Horkathane tends to get over-excited about the games he plays, and his predictions frequently are wrong...... take this gem he wrote about Tabula Rasa on 10/2/07
Extremely well done wall of text.I hope it is very successful because so few have been in the past few years and it would be nice to see a game get /retain about 500k subs.
Excellent job in calling someone out.
Personally I give more credence to people who speak more objectively about a game. Not like the guy you made a good example of, or one another in this thread whose name I won't mention.
Those with comments that boil down to "This game roxxors!" or "This game suxxors!" I simply pass on by.
Again, well done.
For one thing, Champions Online hasn't even released yet and another, Warhammer Online didn't have a very smooth launch at all. I'm a fan of the game but there's no point in making weird excuses and exaggerations to defend the game.
And as for a smooth open beta launch, I'd say for the most part that it has been going pretty good. There was an issue however of a lack of mirrors, so it was near impossible for anyone to download the client for the first day. It was rather entertaining seeing the people horde the forums on the main site, saying the game was doomed when it was evident that this was their first time ever being in an MMO beta. Though I must admit that it was a rather simple mistake that Cryptic should have accounted for, little things like this should be expected. Better to get through them in OB launch then on actual launch. And overall the game itself is very smooth. I have issues with the game of course, beyond the topic of this thread, but overall it was much better than I expected. I won't be buying it at launch due to the simple fact that I've grown a habit out of it over the past two years with the way chaos inevitably ensues. If within a month people speak highly of the game's end-game (the only thing I haven't gotten to see myself yet), then I will definitely be making a purchase.
im glad they are having a smooth release.
they would have had +1 customer if they didnt have the MT's.
The real question is how well Champions will do. They had said earlier that 100k is what would take to keep this game going. I am sure they are aiming higher then that. I would love for it to hit half a million. They would would consider that great. Getting 250K probable is what they are aiming for. Something higher then CoH. CoH at the highest point in its history had 180k.
Loving the game so far. I'm playing a force character and the powers are nice. Animations are great. Just love the art style of the game.
The argument in this thread needs a whaaaaaambulance.
Smooth release so far.
Friday night I counted 20.000 online people. Thats mostly people who bought the game from USA retailers as EU will have a few days delay. I saw 15.000 people online Saturday afternoon.
How? Log in a newbie alt (tutorial) and then count how many instances are there (hit M and change instance). Then log a higher level alt and check the crisis zones (2). After that, check the big 3 zones (MC, Desert, Canada). Sum that up. People online. Takes about 5min to do it (if you have a level 1, a level 6 and a 9+ alts).
Not bad for the HS. Hopefully we will get over 50k online next weekend (with people from all over the World). Devs said they needed about 90k subscriptions to keep the game growing. Wait and see now.
About the smart reply in the first page: how do you sell out a download game? Dude.... seriously? Download is one option, and one that is not really popular. People for some reason still likes to buy the box. Of course they also sold downloads copies only... anyway, the boxes with pre-order bonus (USA and EU) were out of stock by Friday.
Hopefully they will even get more then that. They should do better then CoH. CoH at max had 180k.
The last 2 big MMO's had huge releases...and you see how they struggle now. Its not really that important what numbers they pull in September. Its November numbers that will be important. I am not a fan of what the devs gave us. I will freely say initially the game impresses. But it has a short lifespan. The game is not released and there are level 30's running around. The last minute XP and retcon tweaks ruined some of the game flow. But since its technically pre-release, so you can't hate them too much for it.
No matter the MMO your going to find those ppl that have to rush to max lvl, it's a badge of honour for them and thier playstyle, also they are the ones more likely to quit after the first month as they have seen it all and bought the T-shirt, but thats their way and good luck to them.
I was going to get the game on pre-order to take advantage of the head start but as non of my friends are getting the game it was a mute point, so next week I'l get the game and by then the massive quest bottleneck should have died down allowign me to quest in relative peace and frustration free (Fingers crossed).
How do you sell out Digital Downloads?
It's also got boxed sales aswell, not just D2D.
Gotta say i been a lot of mmo launches from EQ1,EQ2,perfect worlds,SWG,eve,war,AoC and wow ( which has to be the worst launch ever) but co has to be the best launch i have seen so far.
I have not got this excited about a mmo since way back with EQ1(which i played for 10 years and am still subed to it).
Its fun and sure it has some elements of war,wow and other mmos but it allso gives you the feeling of being a hero .
Which lets face it is what fantasy gameing is all about getting away from real life and becomeing something differant.
So guys i strongly sugest if you havent go grab yourself a copy and try it .
Warhammer didn't have a great launch. Certainly wasn't one of the worst by any stretch but it was far from great and actually if you're talking about launches specifically then you would have to add LotR to that list. Frankly, seems a bit early to me to say their launch was great or compare it to those other launches but it does seem to be going well so far.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Warhammer didn't have a great launch. Certainly wasn't one of the worst by any stretch but it was far from great and actually if you're talking about launches specifically then you would have to add LotR to that list. Frankly, seems a bit early to me to say their launch was great or compare it to those other launches but it does seem to be going well so far.
Never heard if LotR had a good launch or not. So that would make 5 games that had Great launches.
Warhammer's launch wasn't good. There were lots of bugs and lots of issues. I'd not put it in the same category....
I'd say some of the best launches were DaoC, CoH, LoTR... LoTR did have some queues for logging in but it wasn't too bad nothing like when Wow launched.
REALLY bad launches were AO, Vanguard, AoC were among the worst. EQ worked pretty well at launch but had lots of downtime for the first couple weeks and login issues. So I'd say it was pretty bad. But not in the same category as the 3 I mentioned above.
Hate to burst your bubble but a ton of games have had smooth launches lately. It is pretty much mandatory now a days in order to drive a even remotely successful mmo. Champions has an advantage as to not be launching alongside a WoW content patch or expansion, but unfortunately they have Aion to deal with. While some may think these games have nothing in common, they will basically hurt each other's subs while WoW releases Icecrown and blows away half there sub base just like they did with Conan and WAR. Hell, Conan didn't even take a fully fledged content patch to drive it into the ground, just a pre-expansion one with nothing but features already coming in the expansion. Not saying Champions even compares to Conan, but one can certainly acknowledge that every time Blizzard releases something on there crown jewel the rest of the MMOs out there take a hit.