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Is anyone else bored?

PsatiyahPsatiyah Member Posts: 71

I am not a troll. I've preordered the collector's edition of Aion and was looking forward to its release... before I got to level 20.


It's a beautiful game... very polished... it's not drastically different from other standard MMOs in terms of core gameplay, but the PvPvE system looks promising and there are a number of features (such as transferring item stats) that really appeal to me.


But, I have to say, by the time I reached level 20 on my sorc (I have tried all the classes except for chanter and templar up to level 12 at least), and having done some rfiting, I was quite honestly bored...


Can someone help me get psyched for it again?!? I haven't played beyond the betas they raised the cap over 20, as I worry I'm suffering from burnout, but so early on in the game?


Anyone else feel like this? I almost considered selling my CE before I realised I have no idea how ebay works lol


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,101
    Originally posted by Psatiyah

    I am not a troll. I've preordered the collector's edition of Aion and was looking forward to its release... before I got to level 20.
    It's a beautiful game... very polished... it's not drastically different from other standard MMOs in terms of core gameplay, but the PvPvE system looks promising and there are a number of features (such as transferring item stats) that really appeal to me.
    But, I have to say, by the time I reached level 20 on my sorc (I have tried all the classes except for chanter and templar up to level 12 at least), and having done some rfiting, I was quite honestly bored...
    Can someone help me get psyched for it again?!? I haven't played beyond the betas they raised the cap over 20, as I worry I'm suffering from burnout, but so early on in the game?
    Anyone else feel like this? I almost considered selling my CE before I realised I have no idea how ebay works lol


    To be honest, essentaily what you did was to repeat the same material with different characters over and over until you finally got to the point where the game sort of starts (yes I know this is not necessarily a great way to do it but I sort of understand why they did it this way) and then you stopped.

    It's like you ordered a race car. got it. didn't like it. did this several more times. changed your mind about the paint, different engine perhaps and then FINALLY got to the track and decided to skip it and go out for pizza.

    So... start doing rifts, pvp, get to 25 and do the abyss with a good guild (this is a guild game and it will be much harder to run without a guild) and if you are still bored the game is not for you.

    And I haven't even mentionied the mission instances and raids and sieges.

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  • thamighty213thamighty213 Member UncommonPosts: 1,637

    Aion's hook is poor its the one area where I could be scathing about the game but stick with because at 25 it opens right up and the fun begins TBH they could have dispensed with those first 20 levels and just gave you 5 levels to learn and hen bang PVP and thefun begins.


    I stopped with the beta's weeks ago played on chinese retail and I was sick to the back teeth of the start zones so havent really played in 2 month now and just waiting for it to launch now.

  • PsatiyahPsatiyah Member Posts: 71

    I have done rifting, a few times.


    In my experience, it just ended up being 1 group being chased by the other... back and forth...


    The only exhilarating part (for me) was picking a good spawn point to place our respawn flag, and then hoping the enemy would not find it....


    I dont really see how it changes in abyss?

  • linrenlinren Member Posts: 578

    I am also suffering from burnout.  I'll definitely play Aion when it launch but 6 closed beta is enough for me to know whether I want to play it or not.  I am unlikely to participate in OB, but maybe will let my friend play on my account a bit if they are interested. 

    However, since the balance is pretty well made, I am having problem finding a class I want to play the most, so I'll spend my time deciding which I'll ahve the most fun with while playing when it launch.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,101
    Originally posted by Psatiyah

    I have done rifting, a few times.
    In my experience, it just ended up being 1 group being chased by the other... back and forth...
    The only exhilarating part (for me) was picking a good spawn point to place our respawn flag, and then hoping the enemy would not find it....
    I dont really see how it changes in abyss?


    Well, then the only thing I can tell you is the abyss has the sieges. Also, my other thought is that there weren't a lot of people doing rifts because they were more interested in trying out different classes, trying to lvl to high lvl etc. My experience in rifting wasn't one group chasing the other but clash after clash after clash.

    But you need to find your own reason to play. That's a conclusion I've come to realize. If you don't have the fire in you, the desire in you then the game isn't really going to give that to you.

    Because games have their faults. They can't be all things to all people even though they try to. If you can't be inspired with what you are given then it is very likely the game is not for you.  This is not a bad thing. heck, people say that Aion is like wow but wow never inspired me. I could never fully get into it seriously. But I can with aion. it has the right mixture for me.

    But it might not have the right mixture for you. Also, I wonder if you ran with a guild? That could also help enhance the game play experience.

    but i'm old enough to know that anyone who is looking for an external "kick in the butt" isn't going to find what they are looking for. It ALWAYS comes from within. good luck!

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  • PsatiyahPsatiyah Member Posts: 71

    Sovrath, I was running with a very organized guild... extremely hardcore with the GM basically shouting down his mic at us whilst we were rifting.


    To be fair, there were actually quite a lot of 20s around... it must have been at least 30 on 30 at some points... but as I said, both our groups were too scared to actually attack each other, so we ended up flanking until the other group retreated. It just doesn't feel 'epic' to me... I sort of felt like a cat waiting to pounce on a mouse, but the moment never came where I got to pounce...


    Another problem was that the other big guild rifting near us would not coordinate with us... at times retreating, forcing us to retreat likewise, which made it frustrating, as they were French (they've heavily advertised their guild, can't remember the name, starts with an 'O' though and played mainly on Ariel i think) and just didn't want to speak to us I guess.


    I guess the point I'm getting at is that RvR doesn't really work, unless it's forced?

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,101
    Originally posted by Psatiyah

    I guess the point I'm getting at is that RvR doesn't really work, unless it's forced?


    Well, I'm not sure what to tell you. This is the only rvr game I've tried. hmmm well I did play warhammer up to lvl 30 but I find Aion to be a better game for my tastes.

    So given everything you've said, short of doing the sieges and pvp instances, the game might not be for you. As I've said nothing wrong with that.

    We all have different tastes.

    edit: but  I stand by my initial point. I really don't feel that an external opinion, especially given all that you subsequently stated, is going to put the fire in your belly. It either strikes you or it doesn't.

    Perhaps you can tell us what types of pvp games you loved and that might help?

    edit 2: but it's 4 am here and I should probabl sleep! I'll check this thread tomorrow.

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  • linrenlinren Member Posts: 578
    Originally posted by Psatiyah

    Sovrath, I was running with a very organized guild... extremely hardcore with the GM basically shouting down his mic at us whilst we were rifting.
    To be fair, there were actually quite a lot of 20s around... it must have been at least 30 on 30 at some points... but as I said, both our groups were too scared to actually attack each other, so we ended up flanking until the other group retreated. It just doesn't feel 'epic' to me... I sort of felt like a cat waiting to pounce on a mouse, but the moment never came where I got to pounce...
    Another problem was that the other big guild rifting near us would not coordinate with us... at times retreating, forcing us to retreat likewise, which made it frustrating, as they were French (they've heavily advertised their guild, can't remember the name, starts with an 'O' though and played mainly on Ariel i think) and just didn't want to speak to us I guess.
    I guess the point I'm getting at is that RvR doesn't really work, unless it's forced?


    Rifting is not really considered real RvR setting in Aion.  You go to the other race's territory to attack them, so it is pretty normal to have that cat pounce on mouse feeling.  Most PvP guild will agree the Abyss is where RvR is in its best and most entertaining form, rifting is a part of PvP experience, but it is not the main event.  There are some players that does not consider rifting the form of PvP they like, and they simply spend their PvP career only in the Abyss.

    However, this might come with the exception of rifting to raid certain bosses if the reward is appealing enough.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,101
    Originally posted by linren

    Originally posted by Psatiyah

    Sovrath, I was running with a very organized guild... extremely hardcore with the GM basically shouting down his mic at us whilst we were rifting.
    To be fair, there were actually quite a lot of 20s around... it must have been at least 30 on 30 at some points... but as I said, both our groups were too scared to actually attack each other, so we ended up flanking until the other group retreated. It just doesn't feel 'epic' to me... I sort of felt like a cat waiting to pounce on a mouse, but the moment never came where I got to pounce...
    Another problem was that the other big guild rifting near us would not coordinate with us... at times retreating, forcing us to retreat likewise, which made it frustrating, as they were French (they've heavily advertised their guild, can't remember the name, starts with an 'O' though and played mainly on Ariel i think) and just didn't want to speak to us I guess.
    I guess the point I'm getting at is that RvR doesn't really work, unless it's forced?


    Rifting is not really considered real RvR setting in Aion.  You go to the other race's territory to attack them, so it is pretty normal to have that cat pounce on mouse feeling.  Most PvP guild will agree the Abyss is where RvR is in its best and most entertaining form, rifting is a part of PvP experience, but it is not the main event.  There are some players that does not consider rifting the form of PvP they like, and they simply spend their PvP career only in the Abyss.

    However, this might come with the exception of rifting to raid certain bosses if the reward is appealing enough.


    That's very well said Linren, thanks!

    ok NOW I'm going t bed! really.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • CamyllibCamyllib Member Posts: 57

    Where do bad folks go when they die... they don't go to heaven where the angels fly the go to a lake of fire and ice.. and you won't see them again till the 4th of July.  Nirvana... FIRE AND ICE :)


  • KryptyKrypty Member UncommonPosts: 454

    Do yourself a favor. Most people dont even realize but they turn a MMO into work. They always feel like they need to do this or that. How about you just have fun with it? I normally dont read lore, so I read everything on the Aion site. I normally dont read quests, and I am going to push myself to read them. I normally fly through levelling, and I think I am going to go more casual this time.


    Being one of the first to max level doesnt mean you are any "better" of a gamer. It simply means you apparently have more free time than the rest of us. So dont get caught up in the levelling fiasco either.


    And if you are going to play open beta, make sure you pick the opposite faction you will play at launch and pick a class you dont THINK you will like. I picked a Elyos Templar thinking I'd hate Templar. Now I might want to play it at launch!

  • linrenlinren Member Posts: 578
    Originally posted by gameguy369

    Do yourself a favor. Most people dont even realize but they turn a MMO into work. They always feel like they need to do this or that. How about you just have fun with it? I normally dont read lore, so I read everything on the Aion site. I normally dont read quests, and I am going to push myself to read them. I normally fly through levelling, and I think I am going to go more casual this time.
    Being one of the first to max level doesnt mean you are any "better" of a gamer. It simply means you apparently have more free time than the rest of us. So dont get caught up in the levelling fiasco either.
    And if you are going to play open beta, make sure you pick the opposite faction you will play at launch and pick a class you dont THINK you will like. I picked a Elyos Templar thinking I'd hate Templar. Now I might want to play it at launch!


    You raised a good point that I've noticed when playing Aion.  For some reason I actually read more about the lore and quest dialogs in Aion than other games.  It is not vastly superior than others but it is at least a bit more interesting than most.

    Reading quests and quest items (if readable) also give you a few more tibits about the backgrounds of the world or the quest itself.  The reading and paying attention to your quest sometimes also lead you to discover other quests that you could have otherwise missed.

  • PsatiyahPsatiyah Member Posts: 71

    Hmm ok, that's sort of what I was hoping to hear... anything to make me want to play again!


    I suppose I can't really conclude I don't like the game until I've tried the Abyss. If it's as good as some people make it out to be, then it'll be decent. I just don't know enough about it to formulate an opinion.

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