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You boys know the rules. Watch your low blows, kidney punches, rabbit punches. In case of a knockdown, you go to the corner I tell you... and you stay there until I tell you to come out. Shake hands and let's have a good fight!
It's Cartoons vs Barbies! It's West against East! It's Blondie vs Violet!
So who are you going to LOVE NOW? And more importantly WHY?
Comments're asking us which set of imaginary boobs we like best?
WoW is old and sagging badly, and Aion looks hot, but is too high-maintenence.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
/lol fail thread /next
Well we all play games for different reasons.. if thats your reason then I'd like to know which one you like better?
R.I.P Chikaca Whachuchu

Im going with Aion
Think that about sums it up for me.
ahh didnt realize this was a boobs only thread... in that case AIOn still wins
Aion isn't fantastic, but it's still light years ahead of WoW. Much better crafting, much better PvP, much better combat systems (combos alone would do it). It's just a better game, hands down. Still not "revolutionary" like I keep hearing people say it is, but much better than WoW.
EDIT: I meant to say something about how Aion has better boobs too. Of course, the cartoony style of WoW, again, loses by default.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
Aion, I cant atleast casually play that..
Aion by far.. can't stand wow cartoons.. + Aion has meaningful pvp where wow does not.
Having shiny green eyes, huge spiky ears and read/orange hair clearly beats dark blue hair, an amazingly dumb expression and a horrible haircut.
Someone go alert the wowboys.. Or this will be a K.O. in the 2nd round!
Aion PvP.
Aion GamePlay.
Aion Boobs.
Aion > WoW
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
FFXIV! You Ready?
Does Aion have an item mall?
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
This.. ^^
and to the OP - Aion is by far the best MMO I've played since when I first started WoW 5 years ago.... Fantastic game, I just wish it wasn't so far away
30 more days... /shrug
It's a dumb question, and the scales are balanced towards Aion. I am not fan of WoW but you are talking about a engine that is..I dunno 5-6 years old? Of course ion looks better but will it stand the test of time? That is the real question.
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Of course Aion boobs win.
Not many MMO's you can make a short person with big boobs.
The Aion graphics are better of course, but i love that type of art style. Unfortunately the graphics were not enough to sell me on the game. WOW is getting a bit long in the tooth and Aion is relatively new. After five years we can compare Aion graphics to the graphics of the next WOW killer what ever it may be.
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Well wtf you 2 bbuddies are playing at?
i'm going with aion
the only reason: i got bored of wow 3 months ago
i played wow 2 years. wow stil a really good game but with too many kids now and the contents is really too easy
and cake is better:P
Oh god, Aion is in the lead by far! INC Zorndorf and Coffee proxying their IP so many times that they can put WoW back in the lead. I could see it.
As fresh and new as Aion FEELS now, I don't personally think it can compare to WoW at this point.
World of Warcraft just has massive amounts more content than Aion will be able to match for years. As soon as people have played through to the end game and see just how much less content there is, lots of them will probably end up going back to WOW.
I also found that the grind and lack of class customization (in terms of different specs) in Aion simply cannot compare with WoW. There is a much smaller degree to which you can change your playstyle as far as I can tell. Think of all the ways you can do that in WoW. There's the talent trees, enchantments, gems, glyphs. It seems to me that Aion has far fewer choices for specialization... but perhaps I have just not played long enough.
Personally I expect people to switch over to Aion in large numbers in the short term. But once WoW's new expansion hits the shelves, I forsee them going right back.
Aion for the following
: Wow had VERY dated looking gfx at "Release" for it's time. while aion has "Above average gfx at release"
: Wow looks like a cartoon, i don't hate it but it's not my favorite. AIon doesn't look like real life, and is stylized, but very not cartoony.
: Aion will have better PVP, even with blizz trying to make more open PVP with rapture FINALLY.
: First MMO i've played where wings where not useless fluff. Perfect world has shit on this, wings in PW are fluff. And Wow doesn't have them at all
: Aion plans player housing, if done right this will be awsome. Wow has never had housing and with the type of game it is, it never will.
: Armor and weapons are a million times more badass. Only a very select few WoW items come close.
Keep it on topic guys.
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