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I though Mozilla web browsers were anti-popup...

EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384


you know how IE is very susceptable to pop up banners? Well, I've had firefox for awhile now. However, two days ago I have noticed an increase volume of pop up ads with Mozilla Firefox.

Today, I left my computer on only to come back and find 157 Firefox windows open with various "offers".

Now, I have more anti-spyware programs to shake a stick at and I have two spyware programs that will only come off if I totally revert my drives to factory condition.

However, all the effective pop-up blockers seem to be only effective with IE rather than the other web browsers (simply because the other web browsers did not have pop up banners).

Right now, I use Hijack this and Pop up Blocker for my popups and I use Spy Sweeper, Adaware, SpyBot S&D, and Pest Patrol for my spyware but there are no software (it seems) that will block popups from other Web Browsers other than IE.

If you guys know of any popup blockers that work with Oprah, Mozilla, Firefox, etc please let me know. Thanks.

It's rather annoying to play a game in full mode only for it to get minimized because a stupid popup banner wants to sell me jewelry studded Silver plated puppy pins

People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.


  • DerfelCadarnDerfelCadarn Member Posts: 875

    I use firefox, and have currently had 0 pop-ups for months. You can always get better extentions though like Adblock( Make sure you have the newest version- firefox 1.0

    Check that your firefox is working properly-

    Mozilla has a built-in option for blocking pop-ups. Click on Edit, Preferences. Under Privacy & Security select Popup windows. Tick the box next to "Block unrequested popup windows". You can also ask Mozilla to alert you to a blocked pop-up by playing a sound file or displaying an icon in the Navigator status bar.

    To allow pop-ups for a site, click on Tools, Popup Manager and select "Allow popups from this site".

    Under Tools, Popup Manager, Manage popups you can remove any sites that have been "allowed" or add sites that are allowed to present pop-ups.

    EQ2 Qeynos Guild-

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    Did all of that.

    Im still getting firefoz popup banners all over the place

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    Originally posted by En1Gma
    Ok,you know how IE is very susceptable to pop up banners? Well, I've had firefox for awhile now. However, two days ago I have noticed an increase volume of pop up ads with Mozilla Firefox. Today, I left my computer on only to come back and find 157 Firefox windows open with various "offers".Now, I have more anti-spyware programs to shake a stick at and I have two spyware programs that will only come off if I totally revert my drives to factory condition.However, all the effective pop-up blockers seem to be only effective with IE rather than the other web browsers (simply because the other web browsers did not have pop up banners). Right now, I use Hijack this and Pop up Blocker for my popups and I use Spy Sweeper, Adaware, SpyBot S&D, and Pest Patrol for my spyware but there are no software (it seems) that will block popups from other Web Browsers other than IE.If you guys know of any popup blockers that work with Oprah, Mozilla, Firefox, etc please let me know. Thanks.It's rather annoying to play a game in full mode only for it to get minimized because a stupid popup banner wants to sell me jewelry studded Silver plated puppy pins

    If you are seriously concerned about security and pop ups I would hugely advise you to go to opera. Firefox is just the netscape engine, and it has security issues just like IE. Being in Information Technology, being a web developer, the System Admin for where I work, and a network engineer, I honestly am afraid to use anything else anymore. Firefox and Mozilla are safer then IE, but they still have issues, opera I am sure does too, just hardly the scale of the other 2. Try opera, you can forget about spyware and adware. And popups are a thing of the past. You won't need any third party programs to assist your browser, such as a pop up blocker, cookie eater, spyware sniffer, etc etc.

    give it a try:

    - Fadeus Hawkwood

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • ZepeeZepee Member Posts: 947

    Well Ive also changed to Firefox like 2 weeks ago and I NEVER had a pop up witgh it... I think FF is perfect in that aspect.

    Sure it has its flaws like having its own crapy dnl manager(which I cant turn off :S), and the thing that although u have WMP and whatever he requires his own downloaded WMP.... but in the popup aspect its perfect to me...

    P.S. Could u guys point me how to solve my 2 problems? :D


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    Originally posted by Zepee
    Well Ive also changed to Firefox like 2 weeks ago and I NEVER had a pop up witgh it... I think FF is perfect in that aspect.


    I had firefox for months without a pop up. However I think some companies have managed to get through now. I ve installed the Adblock extension via FF and I set my security to not allow pop ups.

    Neither works anymore. I'll check out opera.

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • qurckqurck Member Posts: 91
    i used the Google banner and that blcoks pop-ups. or it did for meimage

    We call the village idiot Mr. President

    We call the village idiot Mr. President


  • OminisOminis Member Posts: 1,015

    Don't know En1Gma. I've had Firefox for months now and have had no problems with pop ups of any kind. Only time I ever get them is if I enable them on a certain website, and rarely do that. I've heard very little about Opera so I might go check up on that myself.

    ---------------------------- Desolation Guild Website ---------------------------
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    Playing: EQII & WOW
    (yeah, both... deal with it)

    Playing: WOW & GW

  • rathmarathma Member UncommonPosts: 3,786

    It doesn't sound like Mozilla is the direct problem, because most people (including myself) don't get any pop-ups from mozilla.

    Try downloading Browser Hijacker and it will find out whats giving you popups on your browser.

    Scythes of Bodom


    image - Official Fanboi

    EverQuest II : Level 20 Paladin - Antonia Bayle Server
  • JohnarkJohnark Member Posts: 901

    Firefox prevents pop-ups! But nothing will stop pop-ups from appearing if you go all over the place, read all kinds of emails, are a porn-addict, etc.

    Sorry but when customers bring their PCs to our store, and you see porn pop-ups all over the place and he's whinning that his PC is slow, can't get rid of the pop-ups and wants us to fix it cause he claims that it's not his fault. Porn ads don't appear because you accidently clicked on an advertisement off !!!

    Same goes for any ad pop-ups. They don't just appear out of nowhere one day, especially with Firefox installed. So if you're addicted to porn, well... un-addict yourself. If you visit underground webpages (warez and crap) well... start buying software. If you installed Divx or Xvid Codecs, well... you're screwed cause so many codecs have spyware now. If you're running Kazaa, well... start buying music CDs again, cause even the latest Kazaa Lite which they claim has *no spyware* is false, there is spyware!

    I'm not doing any of that on my main PC, and I haven't had pop-ups in months ever since I installed Firefox!


    ___________ ___ __ _ _ _
    Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384


    I don't surf for porn. I know i know....hard to believe..but I really dont lol

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    Originally posted by En1Gma
    Originally posted by Zepee
    Well Ive also changed to Firefox like 2 weeks ago and I NEVER had a pop up witgh it... I think FF is perfect in that aspect.


    I had firefox for months without a pop up. However I think some companies have managed to get through now. I ve installed the Adblock extension via FF and I set my security to not allow pop ups.

    Neither works anymore. I'll check out opera.

    If you have any questions aboout opera you can leave me a message in my inbox. There are a few downsides, but very few, the biggest would be no rich text message boxes. But I dont see you styling text much anyhow.

    - Fadeus Hawkwood

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • CopelandCopeland Member Posts: 1,955

    Ok folks heres the deal. I havent had a pop up in a year. I havent had spyware in a year. Should i tell you how to protect your PC? ok sure i will.. first off go to and download yourself avast anti virus. then download yourself zonealarm firewall. Also download spybot search and destroy. then go to and download peer guardian 2 lite. You'll notice a link on the left of the forums to download IP blocklists. Download the anti spyware blocklist and enable pg2lite. Next go to and download spysweeper. The full version is free for 30days which means you can clean up any unresolved spyware issues for free. After you got your anti virus software, firewall and pg2lite up either buy a subscription to spysweeper or use spybot to immunize your pc. Spysweeper is better though. Use firefox to browse the net and you'll probably never see another piece of spyware. Stay away from toolbars and any internet game package that is free and not from a reputable company.

    ps if you havent already go to run and type services.msc and disable windows messenger.

    if you know what your doing you'll never see a pop up.


  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    I used to go that route Copeland, I actually used Pest Patrol Corporate and I swear by symantec corporate antivirus over any other religiously, but thats a preference as a network admin that has to keep 30 stations updated constantly.

    Honestly though I got tired of having all that software just to browse the internet, so I ditched all that TSR's and third party apps and I just went to Opera, its so much safer. Spyware, Adware and such just don't know how to handle it, popups are in the past as well as having to worry about cleaning up after the fact.

    You have listed some excellent choices in spyware handling software. Spybot is excellent and free, does more then any of the pay versions. PestPatrol is like having AV for spyware however, but its rather costly so not many people's option.

    I do recommend BlackIce over ZoneAlarm though, ZoneAlarm can be had easier then BlackIce.

    - Fadeus Hawkwood

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • CopelandCopeland Member Posts: 1,955

    yeah i listed all the free ways. Spysweeper is the only program that costs and its free for the clean up. Blackice is nice but zonealarm is easier. I've heard bad things about pest patrol. Personally i use nortons internet security which is AV and Firewall but on my old pc i used to use avast and zonealarm and it worked just as well. I cant even begin to count how many people i've walked through this on EQ lol .. Damn pron addicts LOL


  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    I only messed with norton's firewall once and I actually have no idea how well it actually protects. I went to a hardware firewall now so I leave my pc open. I have had very goodluck with windows firewall however, its just abit of a pain in the ass to configure until you get to SP2, they made it easier with the service pack.

    Bad things about Pest Patrol? Really, thats interesting, I am not overly impressed with it, but I haven't had it fail me yet.

    UGH, if you are gonna go to porn sites you might as well just open your computer up to the world and let them have it, because your committing virtual suicide anymore.

    - Fadeus Hawkwood

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • CopelandCopeland Member Posts: 1,955

    well i think my favorite find lately is peer guardian. i downloaded the full blocklist. over 45,000 IP ranges blocked. spyware, government, mpaa thugs... it takes a little tweaking though.. for instance it had firefox sites blocked because its hosted on a government server. It also had SOE servers blocked because sony is an MPAA thug. But after editing the blocklist to allow me to get to my eq servers and the mozilla forums i'm more than pleased. I'd feel naked if i had to turn it off. Like i said i havent had any spyware or popups in over a year so these things must be doing their job.


  • SimplyMichaeSimplyMichae Member Posts: 86

    Yeah, that's very strange. I've been using Firefox for the last year or so with only the default blocker and have never seen a non-java related popup.(Then I discovered the NoScript plugin, which killed those as well.) I don't really have any suggestions other than what has already been offered, but something unusual is definately going on.

    ~ Michael

  • AzathothAzathoth Member Posts: 357

    And all that nonsense.

    Firefox, Mozilla, IE, Safari, you name it...

    They are all pop-up prone.

    Don't believe me?

    Ding. Genius.

    Cartman has a big fat ass!

  • HashmanHashman Member Posts: 649

    Which sites are you visiting that generate so many pop ups?

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