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I"ve played from Beta 2 all the way to the Beta 6. I had ordered the Collector's Edition game box, and was really excited about it, however after playing it for those several betas, I began to wonder if I truly want to play this game when it launches or just sell my CE box.
Anyone else having the same second thoughts I'm having?
I'm absolutely playing. Got involved with a great legion, great group of people. It's going to be a hell of a lot of fun on launch!
I guess you were lucky.
nah, i had trouble getting myself motivated to play the i can only imagine the bordem after hitting max level 'n stuff
That's the problem when you play for long in beta then they wipe there's the chance you lose interest on playing the game from the beginning again from scratch that's why I never play a beta more then 3 days or more else I would lose interest in it having to repeat everything from beginning.
I guess you were lucky.
I wasn't lucky. I did the active thing by getting involved, looking around for legions, chatting with players and doing what I can to have a successful experience.
You'll find if you don't set yourself up for failure in a game you can have a great experience if it has some solid mechanics and polish. It's really all down to the community and effort you put in after you can enjoy the gameplay.
I only got to play about 20 - 25 hours of beta and it left me extremely hungry for more.
I can't wait for launch!
I preordered the CE as well and I can't wait! We are getting some former members of our guilds from over the years all the way back to EQ together again. I was playing vanguard but having a hard time even logging in while I wait for Aion to release. I played a few of the beta events, I usually try not to get too burned out on a game during betas. If feels way different at release for me knowing that I am building my character that I will keep and advance.
I was very hyped on this game, even worked on starting a danish community, but after getting in to the beta and the pre-order beta, I just lost interest, I cant even motivate my self to log in now. Well in my oppinion Aion just has more negatives than positives on my list for now. And quite honestly I see no reasson for leaving WoW or the other titles out there right now, need something new, something different. And Aion is not any of those, its the same old with some new graphics and with another lore.
The MMO gamer equation:
Social skills + anonymity = skill + toughness divided by actual ability.
I think that's the main problem with me. I played so much and got so into it that I got burnt out..
Didn't even bother, if it's the same boring grinding crap than L2 then i gave more than enough time on the Korean MMorpgs.
Just like L2 with improved graphics, i guess ranged classes are overpowered as usual as well. Go beat the phantom ranger (well i loved her tho, much over my Warlord
even tho it was the first on L2 US servers).
Neways good luck guys on Aion, everyone now and then needs to have a shot at click-grind-get-a-carpal-tunnel type of games.
I think i'm stopping MMos till TOR
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Lol I'm glad people who don't take a second to learn about the game aren't playing.
The game is quest driven, has quests being added with each patch.
The classes are very well-balanced for end game PvP.
But I must say I'm glad to not have your ignorance in Aion.
Your post shouldn't deserve a reply but before some bashes you I'll say something.
So you think aion is a grinding game because ncsoft made L2? Without even know anything about the game and even had the opportunity to try it for free so no comments....
I will definitely play if they have fixed those lousy BIN crashes, by the time of release.
Your post shouldn't deserve a reply but before some bashes you I'll say something.
So you think aion is a grinding game because ncsoft made L2? Without even know anything about the game and even had the opportunity to try it for free so no comments....
Lol looking at his posts turns out he was one of the people that fell for darkfail. I trust his judgment on MMO's.
Your post shouldn't deserve a reply but before some bashes you I'll say something.
So you think aion is a grinding game because ncsoft made L2? Without even know anything about the game and even had the opportunity to try it for free so no comments....
Lol looking at his posts turns out he was one of the people that fell for darkfail. I trust his judgment on MMO's.
If that's the case then your right :P
I was just about to make a thread about this.
I feel exactly the same way bro, I think it's called 'burnout'.
I also have been wondering where I can sell my CE ... but was thinking that it would be worth more in a couple years?
This is exactly what I did. I only played to level 13 (Loved it). But I figured I might want to quit so I'm not burned out by the time the game is released.
It is what I recommend everyone do when playing a beta, unless you're really into finding bugs and reporting them. >.<
I preordered also and joined a very very nice legion but.... not going to play. I had all these days of beta to play but lost interest about the game after 1 hour, like others said I didn't feel like login in again there was no fun playing it.
Life lessons can be learned by trying things before you judge them just like you dont judge a book by its cover.
Classes are very well balanced in end game PVP atm and even 25 + PVP it seems classes are balanced. The game is far from grindy though and even less grindy once OB starts and we see 1.5 patch
I only played my two characters to about level 10. I didn't want to burnout either or doing the same quests over only a month after beta. I am very excited to play the final game and move my main MMO time into this title.
Momo sucks, I have proof.
Really played 1st 2 betas then just logged in to see the changes in the others
that way im not burned out by release. So ya im still going to play my CE and it will be clean and fresh
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
I have high hopes in this game even though I won't play it since it's heavily focused on pvp which is not my favourite aspect in a game.
I'm definitely a person who gets burned out by playing in beta too much, so i kept my playtime short and am still interested in shelling out for a couple of copies (for my son and I) to play once it goes live.
Hey, if it eventually sucks I'm only out a hundred bucks or so.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
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"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Yeah I can't wait to play the 2 player co-op in "The Old Republic"
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doutful at best