I think most of you are putting way too much thought into this.
Blizzard is probably not concerned with Aion or any other game. This is about the time they released information for Wrath and TBC (Blizzcon.), The Wrath story line is just about over and done with at this point.
From a wow player's perspective, the new Wow expansion does look pretty appealing. The fact that they're adding more to your character ( Path of the Titans) and more to guilds (Guild Progression) is good in its self.
The old world really did need a revamp. There are many incomplete chain quests, quest rewards that are completely useless, etc. This is a good time for Blizzard to correct that. Not to mention, its more than what most MMO's do these days.
Plus, if you read up, there is loads of other things they will be doing. New zones, class changes, new dungeons, etc.
I really don't get the wow hate. WoW is a pretty well made MMO and its sad to think that every update Blizzard tries to do with the game people think it is lazy or uninspired. (although I do think WOTLK was lackluster. It felt more like they were testing new things than rather trying to be truly innovative.)
As many of you know, WoW has announced their 3rd Xpac. Do you think that it was a good time to announce it in order to try and stop many people from going to Aion? And will it work? Will people now not buy AIon on opening day because of the WoW Xpac?
Personnaly i am waiting for "WoW Xpac 27" and wont buy any game for next 30 years...
Haha, but maybe a lot of people that have been planing to quit WoW for Aion will change their minds and stick it out until the 3rd Xpac.
I was mocking . Of course i closed my wow account long time ago and waiting for Aion online.
Originally posted by Halandir Would be great if Aion manages to attract more (new) players to the MMO genre, instead of being marked with the rather silly "potential WoW killer" label. THIS IMO is an interesting perspective on Aion. I leave the "This game is only successful if it manages to kill of another game" theories to the Zorndorfs of this world
The really funny thing about people saying that is that by using that logic no game is ever successful.
UO is still up and running.
DAOC is still up and running.
EQ is still up and running.
AO is still up and running.
People still play Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Ogre Tactics, Ninja Gaiden (yes, the console games).
As many of you know, WoW has announced their 3rd Xpac. Do you think that it was a good time to announce it in order to try and stop many people from going to Aion? And will it work? Will people now not buy AIon on opening day because of the WoW Xpac?
Omg they are actually bringing another one out..? who is insane enough to grind up another 10 levels and reget all their gear...
It will have a minor effect on Aion numbers. If you've played the CB's or are going to play the OB (ver 1.5), then you know if its for you or not. If you like it, WoW will not appeal to you anymore, trust me. And WTF Blizzard? Anounce your new expansion adding Queen Azshara and Sargeras BEFORE you even have Arthas available? Way to totally ruin the excitement of fighting him....yup I'm done with WoW. Aion here I come!!
"Cataclysm" is probably not coming out any time soon. I feel bad for the Chinese players..I don't think they even have wotlk yet and now Blizzard reveals the new xpac. Hopefully their government will resolve this quick. As for Arthas...it's actually a good idea to change up and add little bits of content..only to allow final battle with the lich king...a little closer to the xpac 3 release. Less down time between for those players who are not all about drilling through all the content in record time.
Originally posted by theratmonkey I think most of you are putting way too much thought into this.
Blizzard is probably not concerned with Aion or any other game.
I dont think your putting ENOUGH thought into this.
When AOC/WAR were released, WOTLK was released soon after.
And now when more quality MMOs are soon to be released than in the last five years Bliz goes above and beyond with this expansion.
I think not.
Guild Wars 2 Star Wars Final Fantasy Fallen Earth Champions Online AION Earthrise Star Gate Worlds Global Agenda
And Im sure I missed at least a couple. Thats a solid 3 blockbuster titles and a couple possible break out hits.
Please tell me, as a whole or even on there own those games pose no financial threat to WoW. And Im not talking about "LOSING" subscribers. It also includes business they might not receive.
I think most of you are putting way too much thought into this.
Blizzard is probably not concerned with Aion or any other game.
I dont think your putting ENOUGH thought into this.
When AOC/WAR were released, WOTLK was released soon after.
And now when more quality MMOs are soon to be released than in the last five years Bliz goes above and beyond with this expansion.
I think not.
Guild Wars 2 Star Wars Final Fantasy Fallen Earth Champions Online AION
Earthrise Star Gate Worlds Global Agenda
And Im sure I missed at least a couple. Thats a solid 3 blockbuster titles and a couple possible break out hits.
Please tell me, as a whole or even on there own those games pose no financial threat to WoW. And Im not talking about "LOSING" subscribers. It also includes business they might not receive.
I do not doubt your points and you may very well be right.....but MMOS come out constantly..it really is hard to pin down..in most cases...why or if Blizzard releases patches or xpacs to counter other mmos...sure they added elements that other mmos had...that's just noting the trends in what many gamers are apparently looking for or at least..where some interest may rest. I really think there are only a few mmos Blizzard even takes a serious concern over...and imo..Aion is not one of them...tho a beautiful game..it very similar ..upon first impressions to many other F2p games and some P2P. Nothing new to what WOW has been competing with for years.
Originally posted by BarCrow Originally posted by logangregor
Originally posted by theratmonkey I think most of you are putting way too much thought into this.
Blizzard is probably not concerned with Aion or any other game.
I dont think your putting ENOUGH thought into this.
When AOC/WAR were released, WOTLK was released soon after. And now when more quality MMOs are soon to be released than in the last five years Bliz goes above and beyond with this expansion. Coincidence? I think not.
Guild Wars 2 Star Wars Final Fantasy Fallen Earth Champions Online AION Earthrise Star Gate Worlds Global Agenda
And Im sure I missed at least a couple. Thats a solid 3 blockbuster titles and a couple possible break out hits. Please tell me, as a whole or even on there own those games pose no financial threat to WoW. And Im not talking about "LOSING" subscribers. It also includes business they might not receive.
I do not doubt your points and you may very well be right.....but MMOS come out constantly..it really is hard to pin down..in most cases...why or if Blizzard releases patches or xpacs to counter other mmos...sure they added elements that other mmos had...that's just noting the trends in what many gamers are apparently looking for or at least..where some interest may rest. I really think there are only a few mmos Blizzard even takes a serious concern over...and imo..Aion is not one of them...tho a beautiful game..it very similar ..upon first impressions to many other F2p games and some P2P. Nothing new to what WOW has been competing with for years.
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions? You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions?
You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO. I'm sure they were concerned with WAR and AoC..but we all know how that went. Will Aion take away subs from WOW..most likely..but I dont think it will be enough to sweat over. I believe the main focus on sales is the western markets. Sure...the asian markets have tons more players..but WOW has to give away graphic cards with boxed sets just to guarantee the subs..as well as charging pennies per hour with what the get in the west at $15.00 a month. I think they even give away the boxed sets for next to nothing ..and make up on pure volume in the eastern markets. The revenue from both west and east are not to far off...relatively speaking.
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions?
You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO. I'm sure they were concerned with WAR and AoC..but we all know how that went. Will Aion take away subs from WOW..most likely..but I dont think it will be enough to sweat over. I believe the main focus on sales is the western markets. Sure...the asian markets have tons more players..but WOW has to give away graphic cards with boxed sets just to guarantee the subs..as well as charging pennies per hour with what the get in the west at $15.00 a month. I think they even give away the boxed sets for next to nothing ..and make up on pure volume in the eastern markets. The revenue from both west and east are not to far off...relatively speaking.
Joe's Hamburger Shack? Really? Methinks no one told you of the kind of numbers Aion already has in Asia. It's already got a large sub base (in the millions) and once it launches in NA and Europe, you're looking at top 3-5 in the world easy, maybe even number 2 in sub numbers. It's also published by NCSoft, a very well established name in the MMO industry.
It's not up for debate whether Blizz is paying attention to it. It is guaranteed that they are.
Originally posted by BarCrow correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO.
Huh? By your own analogy Blizzard would be concerned about Aion.
By the way, am I the only one that gets irritated to no end by the constant need to use analogies on forums?
Whatever stoned out hippie made the use of analogies as a mainstream debate tactic can kiss my ass. Most of the time they don't even correlate properly when people even try using them for christ's sake.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Fair enough...I do know of the numbers in Asia. Wow also has large numbers in asia..at least did ..not sure if they resolve the issue with internet revenues and the chinese government tho...but millions play there too. I think the main money market is in NA/EU...and there are asian mmos that have a great following in the asian market but hardly any in the west. Aion has a better chance than most of those I admit....and has garnered much support from its beta release. I still don't think it's enough to concern Blizzard to much of a degree. A cursory glance maybe...and they may even steel some ideas from it....but I doubt they are waving their arms and running in circles.....fearful of a falling sky. Again...you have your opinion based on the subs in the asian market ...personal experience(?) with the game and the support from many beta testers....and I have mine based on past translations of mmos from asia to the west....my personal beta experience and others who do not feel ethusiatic for Aion. Anyway...again...strictly opinion..and everyone has one.
Originally posted by BarCrow correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO.
Huh? By your own analogy Blizzard would be concerned about Aion.
By the way, am I the only one that gets irritated to no end by the constant need to use analogies on forums?
Whatever stoned out hippie made the use of analogies as a mainstream debate tactic can kiss my ass. Most of the time they don't even correlate properly when people even try using them for christ's sake.
True...i was hesitant to click "post message"...especially with an McDonalds analogy...I could have gone with a "Britany Spears" vs. "Traffic" or "radiohead" ...or no analogy at all...but I did post it so....I deserve your contempt in that regard. I however I have not been stoned since the 80's and never was a hippie....lol
I never said it was going to be a "WoW killer" or that Blizzard employees will be going through alleyway dumpsters in search of their next meal once Aion launches. No game is going to make them panic, nor did any other game dev/publisher panic when WoW announced it's new expansion. These are corporate professionals here.
I was saying though that, being a successful corporation, Blizzard has to keep tabs on all the competition. They wouldn't be where they are if they didn't. Aion is an AAA mmo, so if they were going to pay attention to anything else coming out this year (which they are) then they should be paying attention to this. It's just plain good business sense.
You're entitled to your opinion, as ignorant to modern business practices at it may be . I just hope for your sake you aren't shooting for a job as a producer or marketing supervisor for Blizz anytime soon .
I never said it was going to be a "WoW killer" or that Blizzard employees will be going through alleyway dumpsters in search of their next meal once Aion launches. No game is going to make them panic, nor did any other game dev/publisher panic when WoW announced it's new expansion. These are corporate professionals here.
I was saying though that, being a successful corporation, Blizzard has to keep tabs on all the competition. They wouldn't be where they are if they didn't. Aion is an AAA mmo, so if they were going to pay attention to anything else coming out this year (which they are) then they should be paying attention to this. It's just plain good business sense.
You're entitled to your opinion, as ignorant to modern business practices at it may be . I just hope for your sake you aren't shooting for a job as a producer or marketing supervisor for Blizz anytime soon .
Sorry...I didn't realize I needed a P.H.D. in marketing to voice my opinion based on lifetime experience..observations...and the ability to read the information of papers..magazines and various forums. Especially after plainly expressing that it is all pure opinion. But the gag quote thing..that was funny....Using a few periods in between phrases....Its a bad habit incorporated from near half-a-century of stream of conscious writing. You're the only one who ever commented on it though.
OH well, I'm glad I don't need an English degree just to write in forums.
Sorry...I didn't realize I needed a P.H.D. in marketing to voice my opinion based on lifetime experience..observations...and the ability to read the information of papers..magazines and various forums. Especially after plainly expressing that it is all pure opinion. But the gag quote thing..that was funny....Using a few periods in between phrases....Its a bad habit incorporated from near half-a-century of stream of conscious writing. You're the only one who ever commented on it though. OH well, I'm glad I don't need an English degree just to write in forums.
Lol, don't get so touchy, I'm just poking fun .
All I'm saying is it doesn't seem like the more prudent business action to ignore competitors, especially those with decent marketshare. That is certainly an opinion. Still, I would be shocked if you asked blizz execs if they were keeping a keen eye on NCSoft's upcoming games and they said no (without lying through their teeth). That's something that is verifiable fact, even if none of us on these forums have access to the actual answer short of some sort of press release.
Originally posted by BarCrow Originally posted by logangregor
Originally posted by BarCrow
ith for years.
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions? You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO. I'm sure they were concerned with WAR and AoC..but we all know how that went. Will Aion take away subs from WOW..most likely..but I dont think it will be enough to sweat over. I believe the main focus on sales is the western markets. Sure...the asian markets have tons more players..but WOW has to give away graphic cards with boxed sets just to guarantee the subs..as well as charging pennies per hour with what the get in the west at $15.00 a month. I think they even give away the boxed sets for next to nothing ..and make up on pure volume in the eastern markets. The revenue from both west and east are not to far off...relatively speaking.
Bar, I dont think were really arguing.
At least I dont know if you understand the point Im trying to make.
So there is no confusion, I dont beleive anyone or anygame will kill WoW anytime soon. For that matter DAOC is still going, so is Everquest and UltmaOnline. In that way Bliz isnt concerned I will agree.
To say that Blizzard is not conceerned at all is ridiculous. But they can lose subs and even taking subs out of the equation they can STIll lose potential customers.
Another thing, I dont care for your little comments towards AION... like bliz isnt concerned with "every LITTLE mmo". Nice one...
Sorry...I didn't realize I needed a P.H.D. in marketing to voice my opinion based on lifetime experience..observations...and the ability to read the information of papers..magazines and various forums. Especially after plainly expressing that it is all pure opinion. But the gag quote thing..that was funny....Using a few periods in between phrases....Its a bad habit incorporated from near half-a-century of stream of conscious writing. You're the only one who ever commented on it though. OH well, I'm glad I don't need an English degree just to write in forums.
Lol, don't get so touchy, I'm just poking fun .
All I'm saying is it doesn't seem like the more prudent business action to ignore competitors, especially those with decent marketshare. That is certainly an opinion. Still, I would be shocked if you asked blizz execs if they were keeping a keen eye on NCSoft's upcoming games and they said no (without lying through their teeth). That's something that is verifiable fact, even if none of us on these forums have access to the actual answer short of some sort of press release.
If I was an investor and the company I was investing in told it's investors it wasn't concerned with it's competition even if they held the market share I would be angry. Which is probably why I avoid investing in the game industry, it's too artsy for me. Game company employees aren't about making money, they are mostly about trying to put their mark in the game. I've seen games put tons of work into a meaningless feature just because it was creative and never been done before. Sometimes theres a reason it hasn't been done before and that reason is it isn't cost effective.
It's hard to pinpoint what will make you money in an MMO. An MMO releases a free patch to players that has an undersea environment, how do you ask "how does putting work into this zone make me money?" Whereas a normal business they open a new store location, it's easy to answer that question.
The fact that they are re-doing Azeroth is AMAZING. I'll finally be able to experience the joy of levelling up in all those vanilla areas.
I think most of you are putting way too much thought into this.
Blizzard is probably not concerned with Aion or any other game. This is about the time they released information for Wrath and TBC (Blizzcon.), The Wrath story line is just about over and done with at this point.
From a wow player's perspective, the new Wow expansion does look pretty appealing. The fact that they're adding more to your character ( Path of the Titans) and more to guilds (Guild Progression) is good in its self.
The old world really did need a revamp. There are many incomplete chain quests, quest rewards that are completely useless, etc. This is a good time for Blizzard to correct that. Not to mention, its more than what most MMO's do these days.
Plus, if you read up, there is loads of other things they will be doing. New zones, class changes, new dungeons, etc.
I really don't get the wow hate. WoW is a pretty well made MMO and its sad to think that every update Blizzard tries to do with the game people think it is lazy or uninspired. (although I do think WOTLK was lackluster. It felt more like they were testing new things than rather trying to be truly innovative.)
Personnaly i am waiting for "WoW Xpac 27" and wont buy any game for next 30 years...
Haha, but maybe a lot of people that have been planing to quit WoW for Aion will change their minds and stick it out until the 3rd Xpac.
I was mocking
. Of course i closed my wow account long time ago and waiting for Aion online.
The really funny thing about people saying that is that by using that logic no game is ever successful.
UO is still up and running.
DAOC is still up and running.
EQ is still up and running.
AO is still up and running.
People still play Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Ogre Tactics, Ninja Gaiden (yes, the console games).
Omg they are actually bringing another one out..? who is insane enough to grind up another 10 levels and reget all their gear...
it's 5 levels not 10.
I like questing in WoW, so another 5 levels won't be grind to me.
As for replace gear, meh oh well.
"Cataclysm" is probably not coming out any time soon. I feel bad for the Chinese players..I don't think they even have wotlk yet and now Blizzard reveals the new xpac. Hopefully their government will resolve this quick. As for Arthas...it's actually a good idea to change up and add little bits of content..only to allow final battle with the lich king...a little closer to the xpac 3 release. Less down time between for those players who are not all about drilling through all the content in record time.
I dont think your putting ENOUGH thought into this.
When AOC/WAR were released, WOTLK was released soon after.
And now when more quality MMOs are soon to be released than in the last five years Bliz goes above and beyond with this expansion.
I think not.
Guild Wars 2 Star Wars Final Fantasy Fallen Earth Champions Online AION
Earthrise Star Gate Worlds Global Agenda
And Im sure I missed at least a couple. Thats a solid 3 blockbuster titles and a couple possible break out hits.
Please tell me, as a whole or even on there own those games pose no financial threat to WoW. And Im not talking about "LOSING" subscribers. It also includes business they might not receive.
I dont think your putting ENOUGH thought into this.
When AOC/WAR were released, WOTLK was released soon after.
And now when more quality MMOs are soon to be released than in the last five years Bliz goes above and beyond with this expansion.
I think not.
Guild Wars 2 Star Wars Final Fantasy Fallen Earth Champions Online AION
Earthrise Star Gate Worlds Global Agenda
And Im sure I missed at least a couple. Thats a solid 3 blockbuster titles and a couple possible break out hits.
Please tell me, as a whole or even on there own those games pose no financial threat to WoW. And Im not talking about "LOSING" subscribers. It also includes business they might not receive.
I do not doubt your points and you may very well be right.....but MMOS come out constantly..it really is hard to pin down..in most cases...why or if Blizzard releases patches or xpacs to counter other mmos...sure they added elements that other mmos had...that's just noting the trends in what many gamers are apparently looking for or at least..where some interest may rest. I really think there are only a few mmos Blizzard even takes a serious concern over...and imo..Aion is not one of them...tho a beautiful game..it very similar ..upon first impressions to many other F2p games and some P2P. Nothing new to what WOW has been competing with for years.
I dont think your putting ENOUGH thought into this.
When AOC/WAR were released, WOTLK was released soon after.
And now when more quality MMOs are soon to be released than in the last five years Bliz goes above and beyond with this expansion.
I think not.
Guild Wars 2 Star Wars Final Fantasy Fallen Earth Champions Online AION
Earthrise Star Gate Worlds Global Agenda
And Im sure I missed at least a couple. Thats a solid 3 blockbuster titles and a couple possible break out hits.
Please tell me, as a whole or even on there own those games pose no financial threat to WoW. And Im not talking about "LOSING" subscribers. It also includes business they might not receive.
I do not doubt your points and you may very well be right.....but MMOS come out constantly..it really is hard to pin down..in most cases...why or if Blizzard releases patches or xpacs to counter other mmos...sure they added elements that other mmos had...that's just noting the trends in what many gamers are apparently looking for or at least..where some interest may rest. I really think there are only a few mmos Blizzard even takes a serious concern over...and imo..Aion is not one of them...tho a beautiful game..it very similar ..upon first impressions to many other F2p games and some P2P. Nothing new to what WOW has been competing with for years.
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions?
You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions?
You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO. I'm sure they were concerned with WAR and AoC..but we all know how that went. Will Aion take away subs from WOW..most likely..but I dont think it will be enough to sweat over. I believe the main focus on sales is the western markets. Sure...the asian markets have tons more players..but WOW has to give away graphic cards with boxed sets just to guarantee the subs..as well as charging pennies per hour with what the get in the west at $15.00 a month. I think they even give away the boxed sets for next to nothing ..and make up on pure volume in the eastern markets. The revenue from both west and east are not to far off...relatively speaking.
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions?
You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO. I'm sure they were concerned with WAR and AoC..but we all know how that went. Will Aion take away subs from WOW..most likely..but I dont think it will be enough to sweat over. I believe the main focus on sales is the western markets. Sure...the asian markets have tons more players..but WOW has to give away graphic cards with boxed sets just to guarantee the subs..as well as charging pennies per hour with what the get in the west at $15.00 a month. I think they even give away the boxed sets for next to nothing ..and make up on pure volume in the eastern markets. The revenue from both west and east are not to far off...relatively speaking.
Joe's Hamburger Shack? Really? Methinks no one told you of the kind of numbers Aion already has in Asia. It's already got a large sub base (in the millions) and once it launches in NA and Europe, you're looking at top 3-5 in the world easy, maybe even number 2 in sub numbers. It's also published by NCSoft, a very well established name in the MMO industry.
It's not up for debate whether Blizz is paying attention to it. It is guaranteed that they are.
Huh? By your own analogy Blizzard would be concerned about Aion.
By the way, am I the only one that gets irritated to no end by the constant need to use analogies on forums?
Whatever stoned out hippie made the use of analogies as a mainstream debate tactic can kiss my ass. Most of the time they don't even correlate properly when people even try using them for christ's sake.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Fair enough...I do know of the numbers in Asia. Wow also has large numbers in asia..at least did ..not sure if they resolve the issue with internet revenues and the chinese government tho...but millions play there too. I think the main money market is in NA/EU...and there are asian mmos that have a great following in the asian market but hardly any in the west. Aion has a better chance than most of those I admit....and has garnered much support from its beta release. I still don't think it's enough to concern Blizzard to much of a degree. A cursory glance maybe...and they may even steel some ideas from it....but I doubt they are waving their arms and running in circles.....fearful of a falling sky. Again...you have your opinion based on the subs in the asian market ...personal experience(?) with the game and the support from many beta testers....and I have mine based on past translations of mmos from asia to the west....my personal beta experience and others who do not feel ethusiatic for Aion. Anyway...again...strictly opinion..and everyone has one.
Huh? By your own analogy Blizzard would be concerned about Aion.
By the way, am I the only one that gets irritated to no end by the constant need to use analogies on forums?
Whatever stoned out hippie made the use of analogies as a mainstream debate tactic can kiss my ass. Most of the time they don't even correlate properly when people even try using them for christ's sake.
True...i was hesitant to click "post message"...especially with an McDonalds analogy...I could have gone with a "Britany Spears" vs. "Traffic" or "radiohead" ...or no analogy at all...but I did post it so....I deserve your contempt in that regard. I however I have not been stoned since the 80's and never was a hippie....lol
just messin around.
I never said it was going to be a "WoW killer" or that Blizzard employees will be going through alleyway dumpsters in search of their next meal once Aion launches. No game is going to make them panic, nor did any other game dev/publisher panic when WoW announced it's new expansion. These are corporate professionals here.
I was saying though that, being a successful corporation, Blizzard has to keep tabs on all the competition. They wouldn't be where they are if they didn't. Aion is an AAA mmo, so if they were going to pay attention to anything else coming out this year (which they are) then they should be paying attention to this. It's just plain good business sense.
You're entitled to your opinion, as ignorant to modern business practices at it may be
. I just hope for your sake you aren't shooting for a job as a producer or marketing supervisor for Blizz anytime soon
just messin around.
I never said it was going to be a "WoW killer" or that Blizzard employees will be going through alleyway dumpsters in search of their next meal once Aion launches. No game is going to make them panic, nor did any other game dev/publisher panic when WoW announced it's new expansion. These are corporate professionals here.
I was saying though that, being a successful corporation, Blizzard has to keep tabs on all the competition. They wouldn't be where they are if they didn't. Aion is an AAA mmo, so if they were going to pay attention to anything else coming out this year (which they are) then they should be paying attention to this. It's just plain good business sense.
You're entitled to your opinion, as ignorant to modern business practices at it may be
. I just hope for your sake you aren't shooting for a job as a producer or marketing supervisor for Blizz anytime soon
Sorry...I didn't realize I needed a P.H.D. in marketing to voice my opinion based on lifetime experience..observations...and the ability to read the information of papers..magazines and various forums. Especially after plainly expressing that it is all pure opinion. But the gag quote thing..that was funny....Using a few periods in between phrases....Its a bad habit incorporated from near half-a-century of stream of conscious writing. You're the only one who ever commented on it though.
OH well, I'm glad I don't need an English degree just to write in forums.
Lol, don't get so touchy, I'm just poking fun
All I'm saying is it doesn't seem like the more prudent business action to ignore competitors, especially those with decent marketshare. That is certainly an opinion. Still, I would be shocked if you asked blizz execs if they were keeping a keen eye on NCSoft's upcoming games and they said no (without lying through their teeth). That's something that is verifiable fact, even if none of us on these forums have access to the actual answer short of some sort of press release.
To think that Blizzard pays no mind to other companies and what they do is not only silly but its ignorant. They are all competition. AION got game of the year in Korea and game of the year in Europes largest gaming convention. Thats hard to ignore.
How do you think they decide when they are going to release there expansions?
You think they flip a coin and that its all random?
correct...but I never said they pay no mind to every company with a new mmo...merely that every mmo is not a concern and they focus on those that they percieve as a true threat. I also stated that ..imo...Aion is not one of them. Again..strictly my opinion based on the many mmos in existence or announced for future release. Aion seems like a lot of other games out there already. Then again..most people seem to believe most mmos are wow clones..so what would they have to worry about ..since they are apparently the benchmark. Not saying it's a good thing. Just the way it is at the moment. Many chains make hamburgers...but I doubt McDonalds worrys about Joes hamburger Shack..and focus more on the likes of Burger King..Maybe Wendys . Sonic perhaps....and at one point checkers was kicking all their asses. McDonalds still reigns ...for the most part. I think Blizzard is definitely sweating over TOR...maybe STO...perhaps even Champions ONline and DCUO. I'm sure they were concerned with WAR and AoC..but we all know how that went. Will Aion take away subs from WOW..most likely..but I dont think it will be enough to sweat over. I believe the main focus on sales is the western markets. Sure...the asian markets have tons more players..but WOW has to give away graphic cards with boxed sets just to guarantee the subs..as well as charging pennies per hour with what the get in the west at $15.00 a month. I think they even give away the boxed sets for next to nothing ..and make up on pure volume in the eastern markets. The revenue from both west and east are not to far off...relatively speaking.
Bar, I dont think were really arguing.
At least I dont know if you understand the point Im trying to make.
So there is no confusion, I dont beleive anyone or anygame will kill WoW anytime soon.
For that matter DAOC is still going, so is Everquest and UltmaOnline. In that way Bliz isnt concerned I will agree.
To say that Blizzard is not conceerned at all is ridiculous. But they can lose subs and even taking subs out of the equation they can STIll lose potential customers.
Another thing, I dont care for your little comments towards AION... like bliz isnt concerned with "every LITTLE mmo". Nice one...
Lol, don't get so touchy, I'm just poking fun
All I'm saying is it doesn't seem like the more prudent business action to ignore competitors, especially those with decent marketshare. That is certainly an opinion. Still, I would be shocked if you asked blizz execs if they were keeping a keen eye on NCSoft's upcoming games and they said no (without lying through their teeth). That's something that is verifiable fact, even if none of us on these forums have access to the actual answer short of some sort of press release.
If I was an investor and the company I was investing in told it's investors it wasn't concerned with it's competition even if they held the market share I would be angry. Which is probably why I avoid investing in the game industry, it's too artsy for me. Game company employees aren't about making money, they are mostly about trying to put their mark in the game. I've seen games put tons of work into a meaningless feature just because it was creative and never been done before. Sometimes theres a reason it hasn't been done before and that reason is it isn't cost effective.
It's hard to pinpoint what will make you money in an MMO. An MMO releases a free patch to players that has an undersea environment, how do you ask "how does putting work into this zone make me money?" Whereas a normal business they open a new store location, it's easy to answer that question.