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OMG BOOOOORING. That officially the most boring class i ever played.
I never felt being someone bitch before playing this game..
the priest and the shaman in wow could at least KILL something why healing..
Took me 1/5 of the time to reach 15 lvl with a sorc.
But i fear the sorc will SUCK endgame and get killed by every class just as in wow classic,
I kill for fun...
Chanters, like rangers, are late bloomers. At level 30ish you start receiving knockback skills and conditional skills for knock backed people, mixed with a crit setup it starts being entertaining because the combat turns more templar-like (very reactive).
But before that I couldnt swallow it either, not my style, Id rather stay with sorcerer.
The real question is, whether I should pick chanter or cleric ... still undecided.
Well if you are used to beeing people's tail/bitch ill go with the chanter, cuz solo play--- they suck balls.. a really booring class.
I kill for fun...
Both are great, i like cleric more though.. and as a cleric you will have no problem getting groups, both early and late in game, and that includes PvE as well as PvP.. Clerics rocks Chanters..
First i had planned to play Sorc, played one to 20 and kinda lost interest in the class, so i figured i'd try some melee, went for the gladiator, it was very fun, but too many people play gladiators, and i dont like to play the most played classes..
So i tried Ranger... Hard to lvl, and expensive too, rangers were made for me!...
Aside from templar, the most fun I've had playing a class has been chanter. Killed stuff just as fast and sometimes faster then most of the other classes and shining brightly while grouping.
I could off-tank, main-heal, off-heal, nice buffs which everyone loved and...DPS, when not multitasking in the group.
Well if you are used to beeing people's tail/bitch ill go with the chanter, cuz solo play--- they suck balls.. a really booring class.
lol, remember, what you think suck might be what other people like about the class.. Why did you find the chanter boring?.. was it cause you coudnt kill a mob in 3 hits???
... I think if you are the type of guy who wants to just steamroll ppl and mobs, you should be playing gladiator maybe?
just wondering
Well if you are used to beeing people's tail/bitch ill go with the chanter, cuz solo play--- they suck balls.. a really booring class.
The way I see it, it's the other way round
(everybody in the team is the healer's pet
The Chanter is pretty 'dry' to start out with, but become a whole lotta fun later on, like a previous poster mentioned. They're definately a niche class and I don't expect to see many of them initially at launch (unsurprisingly).
With Sorc you can at least blow through the lower lvls with little down-time if you manage spell rotation correctly / eat food etc.
I played a Chanter to level 26 and had a total blast with him. Although soloing may take longer than some other classes with higher DPS, a chanter does very well against mobs that are quite challenging and they shine in a group.
I will definitely be playing one upon release.
Boring? Not.
Currently: AION, an MMO Beta under NDA
Played: WAR, LOTRO, Hellgate: London, CoX, GW, SotNW, DAOC, EQ2, SWG, WoW, AO, Horizons, Second Life, There, TSO
Beta'd: There, Second Life, EQ2, DAOC:LotM, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, Hellgate: London, Requiem:Bloodymare, AoC, WAR, DDO, Fallen Earth
Chanters are a very popular class. 50% of my my legion's level 30's were Chanters. It wasn't very efficient when we partied though.
This should be expected with healer classes. In *almost* every game out there the healer is the slowest/hardest to level, but when it comes to end game, you are the most highly recruited for groups AND when healing gear drops you have a much higher chance at getting it.
Just a simple game of risk/reward.
Healers in Aion definitely take a long time to level. My cleric almost put me to sleep. I am thinking dps is the way to go.
I don't think is so much the chanter sucking as much as it is the sorcerer being the fastest leveler from 1-20. My sorcerer leveled to 20 twice as fast as my assassin, I'm sure it evens out at the end though.
Not to mention end-game pvp the chanter is NASTY with some insane survivability.
the first character i made in beta was Scout to Ranger... it was kinda fun, but i hated all the kiting (yeah so why pick a ranger, im bright aren't i?)
Anyways, second character, made a priest and i leveled much quicker, and became a chanter, and was in love! I felt my ability to kill was pretty good.
All classes are boring in there teen's. Chanters do a good job at solo pve but they shine in groups, so if you don't care for being the group buffer you may want to pass on this class.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I knew as soon as i read the title that this dude was about to smash this class to bits. 15 levels is about 3 hours of class immersian. All you need really to smash a class to bits.
I mean every high level chanter says the class is bad ass, but this levle 15... he knows his stuff.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
I played these classes between CB5 & CB6
Chanter lvl 13
Sorcerer lvl 17
Gladiator lvl 12
Templar lvl 10
Assassin lvl 10
I have to say out of the 5 classes I played I like Chanter the best. I only died 1 time when I did the quest in the starting zone to grab the chic's dress by the pond and run off. She was ?? and I ran for a little bit and turned around to take a quick look (didn't know at the time about the mouse click look behind ability) and as soon as I turned around she 1 shot me! So I don't really consider that a normal kill and technically I was still a priest at the time not a chanter :P.
Other than that one instance I NEVER died with Chanter while doing respectable dps. I also was only using cloth armor and no shield! It was my first toon and I've learned much since! So I would say that Chanter rocks solo!
That being said, I don't think I will play Chanter when Aion launches as a main because I keep reading over and over that they continually get kicked in end game for Clerics (in Korea, and hey, will prolly end up the same here too). Since that is the case I will probably end up rolling a Cleric.
I liked both the chanter for melee and the cleric for a few more ranged attacks. I thought both classes had good survivability. Between the two, chanter or cleric, hmmm-I'd pick cleric.
Your right, tried playing it three times, very boring gameplay, its like a pretty but very stupid GF, okay to look but shallow. The game just doesnt draw you in at all. I was really looking forward to this one too,
I know what you mean. I wish they would have based their game around a new combat mechanic or sieging that would make or break the game. If only they would try to take a huge gamble for their game, instead of presenting solid mechanics with a new twist. I mean does this game even use directx 10? Seriously whats the point?
i played a chanter to level 14 in beta and i liked it
pizza sauce... everywhere
Is this thread for real?
These comments are just stupid.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Dutchess played a chanter to level 10 and then ended up playing a spirit master so please vote for her as the cutest spirit master here lol
Play cleric, Ima need someone to rez me in the abyss!
Steam =D

I don't use xfire anymore.