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I had pre-ordered a copy and found myself unable to play in the last closed beta; I had submitted tracerts for possible routing problems and even done my best to see if there were any possible conflicts with gameguard, yet no real communication had been made on NC Soft's part and quite a few of us with Comcast in the South and Southeast were left unable to play. The irony, however, is that the previous closed beta was more than playable and I had had little to no lag.
Well, guess what? I'm still having the exact same problems in the current closed beta (and other users are as well) and NCSoft has made little to no effort to communicate with us or Comcast about the issue.
What makes the whole thing so bad is that beta board users in the last closed beta were the ones finding solutions for people with problems that could be solved (gameguard conflicts); absolutely nothing was done by the company to help, or even receive feedback. It seems that they are either not taking this "closed beta" seriously, since it's more of a game sampler than anything else as it's an outdated version of the game while the most current version is being tested on Korean servers, or this is more like how support will be once the game has launched.
In either case, I'm not going to gamble on them fixing a routing issue and will probably be canceling my pre-order if it isn't resolved.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Well CRAP! I am a Comcast user and had the same problems the last beta (but not any beta's before that...) Ug, this is annoying. I was realllly hoping they would have fixed this issue.
Damn damn damn.
I have Comcast as well and have had no problems connecting to either the Chinese or NA clients. Are you using Windows 7 by chance? I know early on, the game wasnt connecting with Win 7 because of the GameGuard, and there was a way to get around it by using a different version of GameGuard. I'm not sure if its been fixed since then...I havnt used Win 7 since its first beta. Wish I could be of more help....
I played in the first three beta weekends and I have Comcast. In fact, I'm also running Windows 7. I had absolutely ZERO problems, aside from the Gameguard issue, which is really easy to fix. Just download CrossFire, install it, and copy the des file from the CrossFire install to the Aion install.
Gameguard works fine with Windows 7 now - since like early July. There was an update, so I don't think that is an issue.
I am on Windows 7 though...
Where in the US are you? The Chinese version connects to Chinese servers, so that can be ruled out immediately.
Could you also provide a tracert to the game ( no need to include you IP; just take the 5th+ pings )?
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I have comcast and have no problems running NA beta and playing in china (china lags from time to time but it's to be expected).
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I'm have Comcast, and I've had no issues whatsoever.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:
And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"
~Lord George Gordon Byron
Where in the US are you? The Chinese version connects to Chinese servers, so that can be ruled out immediately.
Could you also provide a tracert to the game ( no need to include you IP; just take the 5th+ pings )?
Not sure if you misread my post...but I was saying that I am NOT having any problems connecting to either Chinese or NA servers.
I am in Atlanta and also use Comcast....and I havnt had any problems connecting.....only when I was using Win 7, but that seems to be fixed. I was asking if the OP was having GameGuard errors or if it was something different because I am using the same ISP and have no problems playing.
Not sure if you misread my post...but I was saying that I am NOT having any problems connecting to either Chinese or NA servers.
I am in Atlanta and also use Comcast....and I havnt had any problems connecting.....only when I was using Win 7, but that seems to be fixed. I was asking if the OP was having GameGuard errors or if it was something different because I am using the same ISP and have no problems playing.
Exactly, but China's servers have nothing to do with NA's servers; they use a different patch and the routing is different, so you might as well have just typed that there is a lot of tea in China.
I'm not on Windows 7; I'm on Windows XP and Gameguard isn't yielding any errors directly. Some people had had problems with different devices (i.e. the keyboard G15) and those were resolved by other users. If you log into the Beta forums you will see a few threads of Comcast users having trouble with the game. It is entirely possible that it is Comcast's fault: It could be a routing issue for some people, although two people with the same routing would disprove that, which is why tracerts are really necessary.
It's either a software issue related to gameguard (which intercepts packets), or a routing issue and any input without a tracert is pretty much moot.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Much as it pains me to defend Comcast, I'm in Atlanta and have had no issues connecting at all.
Comcast in the midwest, everything works just fine. I'm thinking that it maybe be pebkac.
7 42 ms 43 ms 42 ms [6]
8 63 ms 61 ms 65 ms [6]
9 62 ms 62 ms 79 ms tenge13/ []
10 *
That seems to be the culprit right there and other users are reporting it as well.
Here is an authentication server tracert:
7 54 ms 43 ms 40 ms [6
8 43 ms 43 ms 48 ms [6
9 48 ms * 48 ms [206.82.142
10 43 ms 53 ms 53 ms [
11 71 ms 71 ms 76 ms [
12 73 ms 71 ms 72 ms [
13 74 ms 77 ms 76 ms [144.232.18.
14 81 ms 76 ms 78 ms [
15 76 ms 77 ms 78 ms []
16 84 ms 86 ms 89 ms []
17 107 ms 107 ms 106 ms
18 * *
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I'm Comcast, and so is my brother and 2 friends. We haven't had any problems playing though. If you figure out a fix post it cause if it does happen that would suck.
Oh yeah we're in GA.
I'm using Comcast broadband and haven't had a problem
I'm using comcast and I've had no problems last 2 betas.
This is a common routing problem. I've had them pop up 3times in the last 10 years with various different games.
Long story short, do a tracert in the command prompt and see where the issue is.
NCSoft will NOT be able to do anything for you - it is NOT a server issue or else everyone would have it!
Basically in the past, I've informed my ISP of the problem and had them tell me "it is not our issue it is in our routing so we can not do anything" - do NOT accept this answer! You are a customer of your ISP and you can not get support from the routing company directly, but it IS your ISP's responsibility to do it for you as it is *their* routing. Speak to a supervisor and do what you have to do to get it - because no matter what they tell you, the people who have any sort of say in the ISP CAN get support from the routing company - I've had it happen in the past.
If they continue to refuse, do yourself a favor and change to an ISP that will actually give you acceptable support. Even if you have a contract, they are likely breaching it by not giving you the service you pay for - print out some tracert results as proof that their routing is responsible for your problems. You will find that once you change ISP's, the issue is resolved as well.
BTW - the reason not all comcast users are not having this problem is different areas have different routing. It's not comcasts problem as a whole - just the comcast provider you are using directly.
8 42 ms 44 ms 45 ms tenge13/ []
9 *
Yup, that's where I'm timing out as well.
This CB is even worse than the last for me. I can't play this time around due to 15-20 sec lag spikes and constant rubberbanding.
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Report that to your isp, and speak to the persons superior if they say they can not do anything about it. Thats the only way you will get anywhere with the problem.
When I lived in NY i had optimumonline,and level3 in new jersey was the company that was having issues - apparetntly to save money they put more people on a hop then it could handle and it was ruining gameplay for me. I went months without getting it resolved then finally spoke to someone that helped me after I made a huge fuss about it.
A year later the same thing happened again, and I just switched ISPs
Report that to your isp, and speak to the persons superior if they say they can not do anything about it. Thats the only way you will get anywhere with the problem.
When I lived in NY i had optimumonline,and level3 in new jersey was the company that was having issues - apparetntly to save money they put more people on a hop then it could handle and it was ruining gameplay for me. I went months without getting it resolved then finally spoke to someone that helped me after I made a huge fuss about it.
A year later the same thing happened again, and I just switched ISPs
Actually there is a very good thread on the Open Beta forums (it's in the general forums) with 15 pages worth of people with the same problem; somebody contacted the people responsible for the server and it turns out it's not the packets that are coming from the players, but the route back from NCSoft and we've yet to hear anything from them on the issue.
What is very disconcerting is that we actually had to contact the servers ourselves and NCSoft has made little to no effort to correct this issue, which has persisted since the last closed beta.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Report that to your isp, and speak to the persons superior if they say they can not do anything about it. Thats the only way you will get anywhere with the problem.
When I lived in NY i had optimumonline,and level3 in new jersey was the company that was having issues - apparetntly to save money they put more people on a hop then it could handle and it was ruining gameplay for me. I went months without getting it resolved then finally spoke to someone that helped me after I made a huge fuss about it.
A year later the same thing happened again, and I just switched ISPs
Actually there is a very good thread on the Open Beta forums (it's in the general forums) with 15 pages worth of people with the same problem; somebody contacted the people responsible for the server and it turns out it's not the packets that are coming from the players, but the route back from NCSoft and we've yet to hear anything from them on the issue.
What is very disconcerting is that we actually had to contact the servers ourselves and NCSoft has made little to no effort to correct this issue, which has persisted since the last closed beta.
Servers rarely (if ever) provide support for this type of problem.
Think of it like this - lets say the internet is a network of city streets. The server is like a building that you work at on the west side of the city, your on the north east side. The bus route to the building is fine, but there is heavy traffic on the bus route back to your home. Would you expect your job to be able to do anything about the traffic problem?
Even if they tried, they would not be able to fix the issue. It's their job only to provide the server - even they have their own ISP. Now, I know it could be argued that it should be their job to contact their ISP and fix the issue - but the thing is, their ISP is deliivering service for the majoirty of customers, and there are a select amount of ISP's that are having problems with them. In this type of situation, it's the job of the ISP's of the users that are having problems to fix it. NCSoft's ISP is working with the majority. NCSoft is considered only one of the customers of their ISP. But the Comcast division in whatever district that this person is from is not providing the requires service for ANY of their customers that live in that district. I'm not saying that NCSoft's ISP is not somewhat responsible for the problem - but in business terms, the full responsibility of handling this problem is in the hands of the ISP that is not providing the needed service to any of its customers in the area. It's a situation of "Whos fault is it the most".
Thats all besides the point that your Internet Service Provider, is the one responsible for making sure you are provided with that internet service that they are named after, lol. Your internet providers are responsible for providing support on routing issues of not only for outgoing traffic, but incoming traffic as well. If your having routing issues in either direction, they are meant to be the ones to contact the outside ISP that is having the problem to get it handled. That's (supposed to be) their job.
Servers rarely (if ever) provide support for this type of problem.
Think of it like this - lets say the internet is a network of city streets. The server is like a building that you work at on the west side of the city, your on the north east side. The bus route to the building is fine, but there is heavy traffic on the bus route back to your home. Would you expect your job to be able to do anything about the traffic problem?
Even if they tried, they would not be able to fix the issue. It's their job only to provide the server - even they have their own ISP. Now, I know it could be argued that it should be their job to contact their ISP and fix the issue - but the thing is, their ISP is deliivering service for the majoirty of customers, and there are a select amount of ISP's that are having problems with them. In this type of situation, it's the job of the ISP's of the users that are having problems to fix it. NCSoft's ISP is working with the majority. NCSoft is considered only one of the customers of their ISP. But the Comcast division in whatever district that this person is from is not providing the requires service for ANY of their customers that live in that district. I'm not saying that NCSoft's ISP is not somewhat responsible for the problem - but in business terms, the full responsibility of handling this problem is in the hands of the ISP that is not providing the needed service to any of its customers in the area. It's a situation of "Whos fault is it the most".
Thats all besides the point that your Internet Service Provider, is the one responsible for making sure you are provided with that internet service that they are named after, lol. Your internet providers are responsible for providing support on routing issues of not only for outgoing traffic, but incoming traffic as well. If your having routing issues in either direction, they are meant to be the ones to contact the outside ISP that is having the problem to get it handled. That's (supposed to be) their job.
No, the peach part is complete nonsense; they have no way of monitoring/controlling other ISP's. If the fault doesn't lie on their end, then they're inculpable. The traffic isn't incoming traffic, it doesn't even get that far: To be incoming traffic it would actually have to make to their server and it obviously doesn't, or if it does, then NCSoft is not doing their part to provide feedback.
WoW players had had the same problem and Blizzard fixed it, so I guess NCSoft is trying to set a new precedent for customer service. The thing is there is no way to know if it is indeed comcast, or another provider along the way; NCSoft has not communicated with us clearly enough to provide an answer and it is their answer we need, since it's on their route and not ours.
So what were you saying about ISPs being obligated to fix other ISPs' problems?
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
For anyone with Comcast that also plays WoW, they know that there have been a lot of problems with comcast and WoW as well. The difference is that Blizzard has been able to work with comcast directly to solve these as they happen, whereas NCSoft has yet to acknowledge there even is a problem. I will wait till the open beta but, if the lag is as bad in that, I will simply request my money back. From what I have read, NCSoft will refund without issue if you pre-ordered with them.
Servers rarely (if ever) provide support for this type of problem.
Think of it like this - lets say the internet is a network of city streets. The server is like a building that you work at on the west side of the city, your on the north east side. The bus route to the building is fine, but there is heavy traffic on the bus route back to your home. Would you expect your job to be able to do anything about the traffic problem?
Even if they tried, they would not be able to fix the issue. It's their job only to provide the server - even they have their own ISP. Now, I know it could be argued that it should be their job to contact their ISP and fix the issue - but the thing is, their ISP is deliivering service for the majoirty of customers, and there are a select amount of ISP's that are having problems with them. In this type of situation, it's the job of the ISP's of the users that are having problems to fix it. NCSoft's ISP is working with the majority. NCSoft is considered only one of the customers of their ISP. But the Comcast division in whatever district that this person is from is not providing the requires service for ANY of their customers that live in that district. I'm not saying that NCSoft's ISP is not somewhat responsible for the problem - but in business terms, the full responsibility of handling this problem is in the hands of the ISP that is not providing the needed service to any of its customers in the area. It's a situation of "Whos fault is it the most".
Thats all besides the point that your Internet Service Provider, is the one responsible for making sure you are provided with that internet service that they are named after, lol. Your internet providers are responsible for providing support on routing issues of not only for outgoing traffic, but incoming traffic as well. If your having routing issues in either direction, they are meant to be the ones to contact the outside ISP that is having the problem to get it handled. That's (supposed to be) their job.
No, the peach part is complete nonsense; they have no way of monitoring/controlling other ISP's. If the fault doesn't lie on their end, then they're inculpable. The traffic isn't incoming traffic, it doesn't even get that far: To be incoming traffic it would actually have to make to their server and it obviously doesn't, or if it does, then NCSoft is not doing their part to provide feedback.
WoW players had had the same problem and Blizzard fixed it, so I guess NCSoft is trying to set a new precedent for customer service. The thing is there is no way to know if it is indeed comcast, or another provider along the way; NCSoft has not communicated with us clearly enough to provide an answer and it is their answer we need, since it's on their route and not ours.
So what were you saying about ISPs being obligated to fix other ISPs' problems?
They do not control or monitor the other ISP, but when they recieve a report that there is a problem with another ISP, they are able to actually contact them and get support. If a random customer of a different ISP tried to call for support, they would be told "You are not a customer so we can not help you". The ISP's themselves do not have this problem - as I said before, my ISP's have contacted them directly in the past andmanaged to get them to fix the problem.
Furthermore, I was going by what you said in your earlier post. Your exact words were "it turns out it's not the packets that are coming from the players, but the route back from NCSoft". That means it IS "incoming traffic" and that it DID reach their server. The fact that you are contradicting yourself now only shows either you do not know about the things you are talking about, or that you are just trying to argue.
Even further, your claim that there is "no way to know if it is indeed comcast" shows again that you have no idea what you are talking about. A simple tracert in command prompt will tell you exactly where the problem is. NCSoft does not have to communicate anything when anyone with a little bit of computer know-how could find the problem themselves, and the post you mention already had people who did that for you. Again, your exact words are "it is on their route, not ours" - this makes no sense at all. Whether it is outgoing, or incoming, it is a routing problem regardless and there is no such thing as "NCSoft's route" - there is only a route to and from you, none of which are decided by NCSoft.
WoW players had the same problem and blizzard did NOT fix it. 2 of the 3 times I mentioned that I ran in to the problem with Optimum Online, I was playing WoW at those times, and blizzard directly said the problem was not server-side so they could do nothing to fix it. Much the same as you mention there was 15 pages of people with the problems on the NCSoft forums, there was even more pages on the blizzard forums and they did not provide any response whatsoever aside from "the problem is not server side". But, to fix it, one of the supervisors at OptOnline DID contact the ISP and manage to get them to fix it, though..
What was I saying about ISP's being able to fix other ones problems? When you report a problem with a traceroute to your ISP, your internet service providers are the ONLY people who have the authority to contact the ISP that has the problem, and say "Hey, your routing is preventing us from giving service to our customers" so that they could actually fix it.
Go ahead and learn what a traceroute is, and then try calling the ISP that has problems yourself, and watch what they will tell you when you are a random customer of a different ISP. You will see why you need to contact your ISP and have them do it for you.
I'm a comcast user, I've been in all betas, and have had no problems whatsoever.