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besides petroleum what powers cars?

kinda dumb of me asking this guys but i need help on another essay. this ones in science though and i got stuck with righting a persuavive essay on why petroleum is a good energy source. but all im asking you is what are the other energy sources cars run on. i think cars are my only good argument i can bring upimage. o and if you know how that energy source is used the run the car id help a lot!image




  • KiamdeKiamde Member CommonPosts: 5,820

    Alcohol, Gasohol, and electricity.


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  • cuzzo222cuzzo222 Member Posts: 95
    Fuel cells, hydrogen, solar power   dunno what else

  • AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

    - Hydrogen is prolly better then any other source once you have it, it show extremely potent results(better then gas by far).  The current process to make hydrogen require so much electricity it is not efficient.  But we could create hydrogen with electricity derived from wind.  (hydrogen is the H2 in the H2O part, so creating it release oxygen, and wasting it create no ''waste'')  I expect racing cars and competing folks to be the first to use it.

    - Batteries are use in ''hybrid'' cars(as the main source and the gas take over as your batterie deplete, progressively, so you maintain the same performance and dont notice it except for the board and the the arrows saying what is depleted).

    - Nuclear could prolly work if we dont care about the wasted that we cant get rid of.

    - Solar power (think of Opportunity and Spirit), however, it is better when used as a hybrid power source to refill batteries.

    - "Solo is, will always be, the main market. A MMORPG that succeed with little or no solo appeal is doing great considering they are ignoring the main player base.''

    - "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren

  • pinkstarfishpinkstarfish Member Posts: 120
    dude, i owe u big time, i think my essay just might workimage.


  • JohnarkJohnark Member Posts: 901

    Don't forget MAN! :)

    remember the flintstones? lol


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  • pinkstarfishpinkstarfish Member Posts: 120
    do u know anything about petroleum and plastics? is petroleum  the only thing to make plastics? lol johnark^ 


  • AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

    Originally posted by pinkstarfish
    do u know anything about petroleum and plastics? is petroleum  the only thing to make plastics? lol johnark^ 

    That is harder.  I call a friend but he is not home, he work with plastics a lot and could have tell better.


    From memories, I would say we can work with alternate products but that is harder, because plastic have a huge variety and flexibility that you dont find as easily with other products.


    ''Glass fiber'' can replace some plastics(boats usually stick with those rather then with plastics), but hardly all of them.  Many products from vegetal origins can be worked out. 


    Personnally I cant bear plastic containers for drinks and all, I feel they leave a taste in the product(think of milk in plastic or in others containers).


    Replacing oil in the car will be easier then in the plastics...a lot easier.  I dont see how we can have good tires(wheel or whatever) without using plastic atm.

    - "Solo is, will always be, the main market. A MMORPG that succeed with little or no solo appeal is doing great considering they are ignoring the main player base.''

    - "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren

  • NaosNaos Member Posts: 379

    You guys forgot the one natural fuel that we not only produce in abundance but with zero cost and the world is overflowing in it..... good old SHIT! ::::20:: (can you picture filling up lolz).

    I can only wonder how it could be taxed and what the name of the tax might be........ ::::07::

  • XavonXavon Member Posts: 334

    Alternative fuels
    Plastics If you scroll down you will find some stuff about Green plastics etc (under 'Prices and the Future')


  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360
    corn based fuel --- Ethynol


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  • ElapsedElapsed Member UncommonPosts: 2,329


    Burns well, good supply, renewable.

  • qurckqurck Member Posts: 91
    Vegatable oil

    We call the village idiot Mr. President

    We call the village idiot Mr. President


  • lyonman24lyonman24 Member Posts: 855

    there where 2 differant people that created a engine that ran off of water many years ago they both no longer talk strong armed. one was brought to univercity of davis CA. the tests they ran showed it ran more horse power than a gas engine of equal size. finding material on this is hard but does exist. running a car on water is the best alternative than anything out there right now but god forbid we we get ride of gas in cars right now before we run out of oil lol.

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