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A fair warning about the grind: 19 Hours from level 44 to 45.



  • abyss610abyss610 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,131

    i honestly hope it does take that long to lvl, i'm tired of these happymeal mmos taht keep releasing. i don't want everything handed to me, i enjoy the journey of leveling. i don't care how many alts i have i like leveling, and this being more group oriented i won't feel like i'm grinding mobs in a console game. i'll have people to interact with and will go alot faster than trying to level in the solo mmos. and by "go alot faster" i mean it won't feel like a grind like in the solo mmos out where its like pulling teeth to level at the high might technicly BE faster but sure doesn't feel like it all by myself killing mobs.

  • stayontargetstayontarget Member RarePosts: 6,519

    So if you play 4 hours a day, you will go from lvl44 to lvl45 in about 5 days !!  Sure don't sound like L2 to me bro.  Hell silkroad can take weeks to make lvl.

    Grind is a state of mind.  Old pro's will see it as a cake walk and the young pup's will QQuit.

    Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...

  • MMO_DoubterMMO_Doubter Member Posts: 5,056
    Originally posted by LynxJSA 
    Now that would be rather entertaining. I'd anxiously await the post from the first person that had his character die during chracter creation.


    LOL. Well said.


    TBH, If the early development rolls were replaced with a tutorial phase which wiped your character if you died...

    "" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2

  • twigglytwiggly Member Posts: 47

    Lots of comparisons with WoW leveling....

    Kind of sad it sounds like most of them were from TBC babies. (Leaving Azeroth for Outlands at level 58...even 56, spoiled you).

    Before the exp gains and exp per level decreases, 58-60 in vanilla wow was definitly an achievement lol. I know a lot of TBC/WOTLK babies that have never seen EPL or Silithus!


    Anyways, a wow comparison is unfair. Since when did you guys compare wow to any other game when WoW first came out? None I bet. lol.


    Aion will be Aion, I hope it stays Aion, and becomes more Aion as it ages!

    I hope it doesn't change into the mindless 'appeal to the QQers' as WoW did.

    Do you have the willpower to delete YOUR wow toons? XD

    [Retired: WoW, RO, EvE, WaR, AoC, LoTR]

  • LogothXLogothX Member Posts: 245
    Originally posted by twiggly

    Lots of comparisons with WoW leveling....
    Kind of sad it sounds like most of them were from TBC babies. (Leaving Azeroth for Outlands at level 58...even 56, spoiled you).
    Before the exp gains and exp per level decreases, 58-60 in vanilla wow was definitly an achievement lol. I know a lot of TBC/WOTLK babies that have never seen EPL or Silithus!
    Anyways, a wow comparison is unfair. Since when did you guys compare wow to any other game when WoW first came out? None I bet. lol.
    Aion will be Aion, I hope it stays Aion, and becomes more Aion as it ages!
    I hope it doesn't change into the mindless 'appeal to the QQers' as WoW did.



  • YamiOfHellYamiOfHell Member Posts: 48

    i dunno about how long it takes to grind at that level myself, but i know plenty of people planning on maxing level in 2 weeks. and i dont think its possible if 44-45 takes 19 hours. honestly, it probably takes less than 10 hours if u knew what u were doing. and by the time u've played that much, u should know what you're doing

  • DwarvishDwarvish Member Posts: 208

      On a quick look through on the link given there are several comments on the quests available to level. Sounds like this will work.

       One argument the author makes is that  they can level faster by grinding.   Maybe a little of each is the ticket...that and there are suppossedly lots more quests coming for the official release.

     It seems premature to make a choice based on an opinion from someone who chooses to grind instead of questing.


       I am DEFINETLY going to give the game a run through. If I get to a point I don't like it, I leave.  What I don't want to do is make a choice to skip and miss a great time...finding out much later the game was questable.  ( I kinda like a little grinding to build up the Ks)



  • sceeZsceeZ Member Posts: 17

    i honestly hate when leveling takes a long time either when grinding or questing and 19 hours is more than average i guess but did any of you play RF Online before VC was released? 44-45 took 100 hours.... and even after new leveling areas opened and xp got boosted to 7x 49-50 took like 3 weeks playing 8-10 hours every day in a group for almost every second of it. oh and you only got a single quest per level that gave you 5% and was done in about 2minutes


    i would like aion to have less than 19 hours for a single level but it's not bad. and everyones gonna be at the same level so you can still get pvp and other stuff done when you want to take a break from grinding. thats how it worked in rf. tired of grinding? well start some pvp....

  • RitzuRitzu Member Posts: 1

    I really dont mind if it takes that long to lvl but only if its like a super high lvl but when you first start out it should be really easy cuz I mean most ppl play MMOs and they see all these ppl that are hardcore BEAST lookin and they think  ahhh!!! i wanna be beastly like that but then they play and realize ugh 20 hours to get to lvl 10 WTF!!! so i think they should make it easy for low lvls but harder for higher lvls

  • SoupismSoupism Member UncommonPosts: 272
    Originally posted by Ritzu

    I really dont mind if it takes that long to lvl but only if its like a super high lvl but when you first start out it should be really easy cuz I mean most ppl play MMOs and they see all these ppl that are hardcore BEAST lookin and they think  ahhh!!! i wanna be beastly like that but then they play and realize ugh 20 hours to get to lvl 10 WTF!!! so i think they should make it easy for low lvls but harder for higher lvls


    Breathe man breathe.


  • FastTxFastTx Member UncommonPosts: 756
    Originally posted by Ritzu

    I really dont mind if it takes that long to lvl but only if its like a super high lvl but when you first start out it should be really easy cuz I mean most ppl play MMOs and they see all these ppl that are hardcore BEAST lookin and they think  ahhh!!! i wanna be beastly like that but then they play and realize ugh 20 hours to get to lvl 10 WTF!!! so i think they should make it easy for low lvls but harder for higher lvls


    Lay off the drugs man. Nowhere did anyone say getting to level 10 takes 20 hours. In fact it's much closer to 2-3 hours. Statements like you just said easily confuse people into believing 1-10 does take 20 hours, which is far from the truth.

  • dakyd23dakyd23 Member Posts: 15

    I never played Lineage 2, but i played WOW pre-BC and to be honest the last 10 levels were annoying. You had to quest grind and to be honest it was an accomplishment to be max level. I would rather it be a tough long road to max level then to see people at max level in a week. Remember the longer it takes to get to max level the longer the DEV's have to get END game going and what not. look at WAR people got to max level in a week or two and then they had nothing.

  • talonkuntalonkun Member Posts: 13

    I thought grinding was because of two reasons:

    1) To slow down the top guilds and guilds with mass members in their rank, from consuming the whole entire content in 3-6 months. Imagine that, 3-4 years of hardcore development and people finishes it in a few months! Kind of insulting...

    2) To give those solo players and people who's too shy to join a guild/group (in case they have to "chat" to other "real" people), a chance to catch up... somewhat. Everyone knows it's much more easier to level up when you're low than when you're high level. Hence a bigger population in the middle than in the end.

    And wasn't Aion made for social people? You don't "have" to be in a guild or even a "community" but you should at least be willing to group up quite eagerly, you know, otherwise play go play your Final Fantasy games. And on that note, I heard FF14 will be made specifically for the Hikimori....

    ~ cue mass googling of the word "hikimori" ~

    My tip: Do those repeatable quests that requires you to "only" kill, and not collect. If you were In a full group of six, you would have to kill about 3-4 mobs each (if the quests required about 20 kills), and then turn in the quest. And how long does it take to kill 3-4 mobs? You can do it in like 5 mins, probably less and even if you don't get as much xp from those quests per turn in, the rate of turn in will still be faster than if you try to solo high level mobs and you'll also get LOADS of money! Easily get over 100k.

    Anyway, there's a saying:

    "The ties of friendship and bonds of brotherhood are formed Strongest in the midst of battle."

    Thats why I LOVE PARTIES not just to grind, but for protection and making friends.

    19 hours from 44 to 45 huh... I could solo that in one day or one weekend day, but I'll probably be to busy ganking the opposing race and stopping them from leveling up


    Peace out/

  • joswijjoswij Member Posts: 82

    I'm pretty sure I've spent more time making templates for DAoC.  19 hours is maybe a good weekend and a weekday or two.  Don't give me that crap about people that work.  If I can work 40-50 hours regularly, have kids, and slip in a few hours for gaming late at night...  Adults call it time management.


  • socrates656socrates656 Member Posts: 142
    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by patrikd23


    Yes might be but not a huge leap, I think the "kids of WoW" need to grow up and do some work for a change, so it might be a "healthy bridge" right?

    I think we will see more of these mmo in the future.


      A lot of the "kids of WoW " are people with jobs who prefer instant satisfaction



    Yeah, and the reason why there are so many shitty mmo's out now is, because of whiners, and crybabys like you who come to forums and bitch, because the game isn't an instant gratification MMO which your obviously used too. IE World of Tardcraft

  • twigglytwiggly Member Posts: 47

    Instant gratification is usually best sought out in mmoFPS games. I go to them when the mmoRPG grind isn't appealing. Then I go back when my frags hit the 50,000 mark. And boom, mmoRPG's are appealing again.


    Just because it's not a 24 hour appeal, doesn't make an mmoRPG bad. All things in moderation please!

    Do you have the willpower to delete YOUR wow toons? XD

    [Retired: WoW, RO, EvE, WaR, AoC, LoTR]

  • EricDanieEricDanie Member UncommonPosts: 2,238
    Originally posted by twiggly

    Instant gratification is usually best sought out in mmoFPS games. I go to them when the mmoRPG grind isn't appealing. Then I go back when my frags hit the 50,000 mark. And boom, mmoRPG's are appealing again.
    Just because it's not a 24 hour appeal, doesn't make an mmoRPG bad. All things in moderation please!

    So true. I also go pewpew in FPS games when I'm temporarily bored of RPGs.

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