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Obamas tricks have fooled many. But now the inevitable revelations have begun. Only the most brain washed mindless drug addled zombies still follow his maniacal lead. As the Madison Avenue facade of Obama withers under the weight of reality, his manipulative powers have declined. Now that Obama has been revealed as the most diabolical liar ever to hold the Presidency, most of the public will either exhibit cowardice & delude themselves, or tune out entirely to focus on American Idol & other trivial pursuits.
But some are not standing down.
Contest winner prizes:
First Place: $1000
Second Place: $500
Third Place: $200
"Bob Kane’s original comic book Joker is a master criminal and a bizarre psychopath. Obama is not necessarily a psychopath — that is to say a ruthless hands-on serial killer — but by the standard of his office he is a master criminal, or rather a front man for a cartel of master criminals."
First line in the link:
In order to awaken the people about Obama’s agenda, Alex is organizing a contest centered around the “Obama as Joker” poster that has Democrats and Obamanoids going ballistic.
Funny, I haven't seen anyone here complaining about the poster. Just attackers fishing for complaints. Personally, I couldn't care less about it. It's nothing more than garden variety propaganda. Although I may wish for people to articulate legitimate concerns and avoid sensationalism, I don't expect them to.
I loled. What a fool.
"A stupid idea to you is the memory of a lifetime for me"
Could you make that opening paragraph a little more extremist? You're not quite at cult leader level yet.
The Official God FAQ
Like father, like son.
Red meat tastes good... throw some more please.
He didn't write it, it was a direct quote from the link provided.
He didn't write it, it was a direct quote from the link provided.
Actually I did write that first paragraph that Sabi so lovingly joked about. But yes, the quote at the bottom is from one of the linked articles.
Ah thanks for the heads up, I was just about to drink his poisoned coolaid. He's damned near just as good as Jim Jones! Or even Hannity!
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Derek Gordon