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Mountain Dew Game Fuel Contest Cheaters Exposed

seraphis79seraphis79 Member UncommonPosts: 312

Here's the link to the contest forums.


It makes for a somewhat entertaining read if you are bored.  It's kinda crazy what some kids will do with the extra time summer break gives them. 


  • GazenthiaGazenthia Member Posts: 1,186

    Wow, those kids are in it up to their eyeballs. I wonder if they would have been exposed had not the author googled their alias?

    This is also yet another reason to never put your personal information, however vague, on the web. It isn't that hard to expose lies and what are essentially alternate personalities and second lives on the internet. One person was thunderstruck by what I had found about them through minor investigation. They had no idea that all of that was there, and that I could find it.


    But back on point. If a system can be abused, it will. In this case a bunch of little twats won thousands of dollars of prizes that, if a poster there is to be believed, will probably sit in their garage. And all they had to was amass email accounts, and shut the F up.

    Sadly, I see storm clouds on the horizon. A faint stench of Vanguard is in the air.-Kien

  • seraphis79seraphis79 Member UncommonPosts: 312

    Something definitely needs to be done about it. At what point do we finally say "that's enough" and no longer continue to allow teens to break the laws online. These kids need to be dealt with by Pepsico or MountainDew or whichever government agency handles this type of situation.

    **Don't feel like purchasing a legit copy of Adobe software, no problem. Get a torrent program and a keygen and the software is yours free (thousands of dollars stolen).

    **Don't want to pay for the game you've been waiting for, no problem. Burn a copy from your buddy or just bust open the box at your local superstore and copy the activation code.

    **Never want to pay for a CD again, no problem, just find your favorite p2p program and download everything you want for free.

    **The latest movie release you've been dying to see, no problem, you can download those too.

    *The video game too hard for you? Just jump online and download the latest hacks and cheats to make it easier.

    **Don't feel like buying a new keyboard, mouse, headset, laptop, t-shirt, hoodie, "pouch thing", or speakers? No problem, just jump onto the Mountain Dew site and create multiple email accounts.

    This shit is getting out of hand and needs to be dealt with.

  • TrizicTrizic Member Posts: 76
    Originally posted by jmsgalla

    Something definitely needs to be done about it. At what point do we finally say "that's enough" and no longer continue to allow teens to break the laws online. These kids need to be dealt with by Pepsico or MountainDew or whichever government agency handles this type of situation.
    **Don't feel like purchasing a legit copy of Adobe software, no problem. Get a torrent program and a keygen and the software is yours free (thousands of dollars stolen).

    **Don't want to pay for the game you've been waiting for, no problem. Burn a copy from your buddy or just bust open the box at your local superstore and copy the activation code.

    **Never want to pay for a CD again, no problem, just find your favorite p2p program and download everything you want for free.

    **The latest movie release you've been dying to see, no problem, you can download those too.

    *The video game too hard for you? Just jump online and download the latest hacks and cheats to make it easier.

    **Don't feel like buying a new keyboard, mouse, headset, laptop, t-shirt, hoodie, "pouch thing", or speakers? No problem, just jump onto the Mountain Dew site and create multiple email accounts.

    This shit is getting out of hand and needs to be dealt with.


    Big difference between everything else you listed and the last one.

    "A stupid idea to you is the memory of a lifetime for me"

  • NeikenNeiken Member Posts: 254

    Wish i woulda thought of it first. They got a alienware laptop? Bastards....


  • seraphis79seraphis79 Member UncommonPosts: 312
    Originally posted by Trizic

    Originally posted by jmsgalla

    Something definitely needs to be done about it. At what point do we finally say "that's enough" and no longer continue to allow teens to break the laws online. These kids need to be dealt with by Pepsico or MountainDew or whichever government agency handles this type of situation.
    **Don't feel like purchasing a legit copy of Adobe software, no problem. Get a torrent program and a keygen and the software is yours free (thousands of dollars stolen).

    **Don't want to pay for the game you've been waiting for, no problem. Burn a copy from your buddy or just bust open the box at your local superstore and copy the activation code.

    **Never want to pay for a CD again, no problem, just find your favorite p2p program and download everything you want for free.

    **The latest movie release you've been dying to see, no problem, you can download those too.

    *The video game too hard for you? Just jump online and download the latest hacks and cheats to make it easier.

    **Don't feel like buying a new keyboard, mouse, headset, laptop, t-shirt, hoodie, "pouch thing", or speakers? No problem, just jump onto the Mountain Dew site and create multiple email accounts.

    This shit is getting out of hand and needs to be dealt with.


    Big difference between everything else you listed and the last one.


    Yeah, I saved the best for last....Fraud. 

  • ThriftThrift Member Posts: 1,783

    What was the contest and what did they do to cheat the system I havent heard about this.

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