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i got nobody else to talk to so here goes. . . . . . . .
Speaking of aliens, why are Americans so reluctant to welcome anybody from Mexico and so enamored, witness the grosses for Independence Day, of the idea of encountering creatures from another planet?

Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but it seems like nowadays you can't throw a rock without hitting somebody . . . who'll claim it was a UFO. As life on this planet swirls in an ever-increasing speed down the crapper, is it any wonder that we've become more and more fixated with this notion of life elsewhere?

All began in the 50s when we saw an astronomical increase in the number of UFO sightings. In fact, before 1947 there were next to no reports of UFOs. Is it just a coincidence that everyone began to see flying saucers about the same time everyone began seeing Communists? World War II was over and we needed something new to fear.

In 1947 something crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Some believe four aliens were discovered at the sight and that their remains, as well as the flying saucer, are being held in an Air Force installation 100 miles north of Las Vegas in an area known as Area 51. UFO-ologists insist that the four aliens and manager, Brian Epstein, accidentally crashed their own flying saucer. Yeah, because they can travel 350 million light years dodging black holes, asteroids and comets, but those New Mexico telephone wires are a real pain! I think two of the four aliens might have survived the wreck, escaped from Area 51 and made it to Vegas where they have been doing nine shows a week under the name Siegfried and Roy!

Now, true believers say that Area 51 is definitely hiding something because if you go there, they won't let you in and they won't tell you what they have there. You know why that is? Because it's a (insert swear) military installation, all right! What, do you think that if you go to Areas 1 through 50 you're gonna get a Chardonnay and some gouda? No, you're not! You're gonna get turned away faster than Roger Clinton trying to get backstage at a Marilyn Manson concert!

Now some believe that there is an authentic film of an autopsy on one of the Roswell aliens. I saw the film on Fox. I believe it was sandwiched between a very special "Martin" and a special "Party of Five." And, I thought the autopsy was as authentic as a piece of total bullshit can be. By the way, you know what they found at the autopsy? Traces of O.J.'s blood.

Now, in addition to the Area 51 freaks, there are those who legitimize the existence of aliens vis-

On Time? On Target? Never Quit?


  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360
    Uhhh, Bulldogg...I think you're having a relapse.  You posted this word for word a few months ago.  LOL.


    33.333333333333336% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?

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  • AnofalyeAnofalye Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,433

    If I encouter an Alien life form I intend to convince them that Canadians make better pets(to cherish) then Americans!  image



    - "Solo is, will always be, the main market. A MMORPG that succeed with little or no solo appeal is doing great considering they are ignoring the main player base.''

    - "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren

  • qurckqurck Member Posts: 91

    Originally posted by dekron
    Uhhh, Bulldogg...I think you're having a relapse.  You posted this word for word a few months ago.  LOL.

    33.333333333333336% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Killer 100%
    Achiever 53%
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    Socializer 13%


    take some medication

    We call the village idiot Mr. President

    We call the village idiot Mr. President


  • GamewizeGamewize Member Posts: 956

    You use alot of analogies lol.

    If they should come here for anything why dont they freaking find osama bin laden and use thier super advanced sensors to find where he is hiding? or maybe just give us the technology for faster-than-light travel so we can get off this crap-infested planet we call earth.

    "Many people only believe things that they can see or hold"
    Eternal enemies:
    Brcolow (from a now-dead forum called flashstand)
    The people at SonicCult
    The True noobs (People who are jerks and think they know everything)

    I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.

  • FilipinoFuryFilipinoFury Member Posts: 1,056

    YA it throught I did but i couldnt find it in the search. So I just copy pasted it from microsoft word where I gave birth to this rant .Yes I do love my daily dose of analogies.

    I wonder medication treats relaps. (i hope it is cheese cake even though that is not a drug)::::17::

    The deep south? Isn't that the place where the black guys are really lazy and all the white guys are just as lazy but they're mad at the black guys for being so lazy?

    On Time? On Target? Never Quit?

  • HashmanHashman Member Posts: 649

    Neither Santa nor aliens exist. Although if you happen to see a 7-foot skinny green/grey creature that looks like a genetically modified insect wearing a red hat and suit then say, "Hi welcome to planet Earth, now wheres my presents alien scum!"

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