CPU is pretty much an alias for a processor. RAM and CPU you should still continue to upgrade, but unless you're gonna play other games such as everquest2 or something in the future, you shouldn't have to upgrade your graphics card..
ok i kinda get wat Rabid is trying to say now, is it.....
bcuz he found out that i have a certain type of motherboard so i dont have to spend a new motherboard, CPU, RAM, processor......but now only a graphics card and RAM? but i prob gone wrong somewhere in that explanation myself.
but thnx saigon for the help really apreciated, and rabid also made the point that newegg is only for USA and i live in UK so im not sure would it help much.
but thnx for the help ^^ u can always try tell me the parts to get and i get the parts in UK/ENGLAND
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Well Rabid said your AGP slot, which is a slot on your motherboard for a video card, is 4x. The typical AGP slot is 8x. All this means is that your slot won't allow, as I understand it, any of the typical AGP video cards. I could be wrong though. If I am wrong heres a suggestion for an AGP card in your range: ATI Radeon 9600. It sells for about $100.00 U.S. Now, your motherboard also has PCI slots, which is another place you can put video cards, it's just older than AGP slots. A suggestion for a PCI video card in your range is: Nvidia GeforceFX 5200. This also sells for around $100.00 U.S. . I'm pretty certain you would be able to handle the 5200 video card I suggested.
As far as RAM goes, the Mushkin 512mb I mentioned in my previous post would be a nice upgrade. If you do these 2 upgrades you will see a big performance increase over what you have now. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Morning Zaoldyeck. Just got back on from playing an online AA match, and I can't stay on long this morning. Yes, you are beginning to get it. I realize that I and others are throwing a lot of information and a lot of terms around, and it can be a great deal to take in. Basically you have a couple of options to choose from either of which you can try and do yourself or get a pc shop locally to do for you. Either option will offer an improvement over your current PC's performance.
OPTION 1: Keep your existing motherboard and CPU. Upgrade the ram to 768mb of PC2100 and add an inexpensive video card. All a video card is an interchangeable hardware component, a circuit board that plugs into a slot on the motherboard which handles the graphics processing and display of images. Your current computer uses onboard graphics on the motherboard instead of a video card to handle graphics processing and video. Even an inexpensive video card would boost your performance and speed when playing games and watching video over your current onboard graphics.
Saigon the AGP slot on his motherboard is 3.3volt AGP 4X/2x. The 9600 would not work in that slot as it is keyed for agp 1.5volt, but an nVidia Geforce FX5200 will. I would suggest the GeForce 4 MX440 for your paticular computer Zaoldyeck.
OPTION 2: Purchase a new motherboard, CPU, and new ram as saigon suggested:
Processor: AMD Athlon xp 2700+
Motherboard: Abit AN7 with nforce 2 chipset
RAM: 512mb should do you fine: Mushkin 512mb
You would basically have a new pc going with option 2. I would still suggest purchasing an inexpensive video card even if you go with option 2 as it will help with playing the games you play and watching videos on your pc.
You seemed to be confused by terms we are using which I also was when I first got into messing around with computrers. CPU is an acronym for Central Processing Unit. The CPU can also be referred to simply as the "processor", and it is pretty much the brain of your computer. It processes everything from basic instructions to complex functions. Any time something needs to be computed, it gets sent to the CPU. The two major processor companies are Intel and AMD, and the processor and motherboard have to be paired together. An Intel processor will not work with an AMD board and vice-a-versa. In addition, motherboards have specific socket sizes which will only allow processors with that same type of socket interface.
A basic defintion and explanation of the motherboard is that it is themain circuit board of a computer. The motherboard contains the connectors for attaching additional boards or cards like video cards, network cards, sound cards ect. Typically, the motherboard contains the CPU, BIOS, memory(RAM), mass storage interfaces(Hard drives), serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and all the controllers required to control standard peripheral devices, such as the display screen(Your monitor), keyboard, cd and dvd rom drives and other devices. Collectively, all these chips that reside on the motherboard are known as the motherboard's chipset. On most PCs, it is possible to add memory chips directly to the motherboard. You may also be able to upgrade to a faster processor by replacing the CPU chip. To add additional core features, you may need to replace the motherboard entirely.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM is made up of small memory chips that are connected to the motherboard of your computer. Everytime you open a program, it gets loaded from the hard drive into the RAM. This is because reading data from the RAM is much faster than reading data from the hard drive. Running programs from the RAM of the computer allows them to function without any lag time. The more RAM your computer has, the more data can be loaded from the hard drive into the RAM, which can help speed up your computer. In fact, adding RAM can be more beneficial to your computer's performance than upgrading the CPU.
Hope that helps in explaining the parts to you to some degree. I'll be on later and give you a list of some UK dealers that sell both the parts that saigon suggested if you want to go with Option 2 and also carry the parts if you go with Option 1.
Ok Zaoldyeck. After confering with some guys and gals from the UK and the fact that you are very new when it comes to pc parts, they and I both agreed that the best thing for you to do right now is keep your current motherboard and CPU and upgrade your RAM and install a video card.
Since you have an NEC/Packard Bell dealer specific designed motherboard, the Columbia GX (GA-8SIML) Ver 1.0, it would be best to purchase your RAM from the UK NEC/Packard Bell Dealer. The fastest memory you can use with your board is PC2100. You can order it here at Packard Bell-UK. You can get one 512mb stick of PC2100, Product Ref # A000061200. It cost 64 GBP per stick. All you do is install the new stick of memory in the empty DIMM slot next your 256mb stick of ram already in your board. Double check to make sure you get the right memory from the dealer before installation, and of course you do this with the computer off and the power cord unplugged. Usually there two clips locking the memory into the DIMM slot(this is the name for the slot that the memory is plugged into to). One clip on each end of the slot. You unlock the clips by gently pressing down on them at the same time. NOTE: The DIMM or memory slots on your motherboard are probably labeled DDR1 and DDR2. The video card we all agreed upon would be best for your system is the nVidia Geforce4 MX440 128mb, AGP 4X. It cost right at 34 GBP. Installing it is quite easy as you just plug it into your motherboards AGP slot. Again, make sure your pc is off. You plug your monitor into the video card's VGA port, turn on the computer and then follow the instructions. The video card will come with an installation disk. This is the simplest upgrade for you and the least expensive, but you should a noticeble gain in performance. Hope that helps, and btw, two good UK online dealers are KelKoo Computing and Dabs. Below is a picture of the layout of your specific motherboard.
edit: I changed the memory recommendations after talking to a friend of mine that used to work for NEC/Packard Bell. The fastest memory your board supports is PC2100 DDR266 and up to 768mb of ram, not 1gb.
ok i just got home and read both ur posts, and i think i decided to go with the latest posts option. on keeping motherboard, and CPU just get more RAM and get a video graphics card. and can u list those 2 items and the sites to be able to attain them plz.
and secondly would that fix most my problems such as loading programs faster etc?
and if its not too much hassle, can u private message me kinda like a step to step on wat to do. with those parts [in your own and free time of course] but if u dont feel like it i'll just read some information and pictures to try figure out some possible ways to try and fit it together. thnx for all the help
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I sent you a PM, but in case it didn't go through, here is what I sent you.
Hello Zaoldyeck and good morning from across the pond here in the states. For starters the easiest thing to do is read over this memory installation guide. Always remember to make sure your pc is turned off and unplugged. In addition to the memory installation guide, after you have turned off your pc and unplugged it and before you remove the cover and start installing memory, discharge the power supply(also referred to as PSU) by depressing your on/off button on the pc. Now depress the on/off button again so that the power switch is in the "off" position.
One more thing, a friend of mine who used to work for NEC/Packard Bell said the fastest memory your board supports is PC2100 so you need to order the one 512mb stick ofPC2100, product ref # A000061200. Also, my friend said the maximum amount of memory your board supports is 768mb, not 1gb. Apparently there were problems with the board when 1gb is used, but NEC/Packard Bell has never changed the info on there sights or put out a update on this matter. That means you need to keep your current stick of ram in your pc and install the new 512mb stick of PC2100 in the empty DIMM slot next to it as the installation guide recommends. The 768mb of ram will give you a performance boost in loading programs as well as the speed of certain applications
To install a video card with an agp slot, read this installation guide. The video card I linked to in my last post is ideal for your system. Getting anything more than that Geforce4 MX440 card will just be "bottlenecked" by your cpu. The video card will really improve your computer's performance in games and watching videos on your pc.
Hope that info helps. I leave to visit family for the xmas holidays Thursday, and I won't be back till Monday, Dec. 27th so if you have any more questions after today I won't be able to answer them till I get back. Murt and the others are very knowledgeable so they might be able to help you out too.
EDIT: The one 512mb of PC2100 ram and the Geforce4 MX440 is going to cost you less than 100 GBP or just over once you add in shipping and any tax.
ok then thnx Rabid but where can i get the Geforce4 MX440? from packard bell UK site aswell?
i went on the 2 sites about installing the RAM and the Video card. the video card was stright forward, but im not sure bout the RAM cuz theres DIMM installation I, and DIMM installation II, so which 1 should i follow? thnx
and thnx for the help. so buying the video card, and more RAM my pc will load faster for games, and certain programs?
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and o yeh im a bit curious also, cuz didnt u lot say that its my processor that effects the speed of my loading? but now im just getting RAM and graphics card? would that speed up my loading speed by alot? or none at all?
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The link to the video card was in one of my post, but here it is again, no biggie: nVidia Geforce4 MX440 128mb, AGP 4X. It cost right at 34 GBP and it is the Dabs online dealer in the UK.
As far as the memory installation guide. You follow both. They just broke it down into two parts.
The processor does effect performance and speed, but the amount and what type of RAM you have does as well. The first upgrade I recommend to anyone who has a slow running pc or their pc is loading programs slow is to upgrade the amount of memory they have. You will notice a huge difference with that extra 512mb ram. Yes, it will be faster. The Windows XP o/s itself uses alot of your sytems RAM so when you start trying to play games and run other applications, you can run out of memory quickly slowing down your pc to a crawl. With the 256mb of ram you currently have and adding the additional 512mb of ram, you will have 768mb ram which should be more than enough for the programs you work and play with.
The next upgrade I recommend to someone, especially if they play games, is their video card. That MX440 will be an big improvement over the onboard graphics on that board. In addition, anytime you are running graphics and video it will take advantage of the 128mb of extra memory on the video card and the GPU on the video card. Your games should look and play better. Frame rates should be faster per second as well. I hope that explains things a bit.
Your system is getting dated, but for what you use it for it is still plenty powerful enough. With the upgrade in ram and the addition of the video card, especially at a cost of just around 100 GBP, it will really help boost its speed and performance.
ok that cleared up alot thnx Rabid, i learnt alot from these few days from knowing wat each part does, and how they effect performance on your/our computers.
and im just curious wat online games do u play if u play any at all.
so it'll only cost me £100 to upgrade my PC now [Hmmmm i wonder how long will it take for them to ship/deliver the parts to me, guna be fun/exciting trying to upgrade my PC for the first time. hopefully i wont mess it up lol i better print out the pages u showed me and go through word by word.
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It'll cost around 100 GBP. I don't know how much the taxes and shipping cost in the UK so you have to add that in, but I think you'll be happy with the upgrades and the performance it gives you.
Online games I play. Let's see. I'm not playing mmorpgs much right now. I played EQ for 3 years after it was first released back in the day. I beta tested Saga of Ryzom, and I played the E3 alpha of Guild Wars which I'm looking forward to actually playing when it is released. I did play Pristontale for a while too, and a scifi mmorpg called DarkSpace for a while as well. I mainly play America's Army right now.
Just read the print out and read the installation guides and get familiar with what you are supposed to do. Take time to look at the inner workings of your pc and study how everything is hooked up. I really learned how to put a pc together by just opening up my cases on my old pcs and studying how they were put together. You'll do fine. I have every confidence in you. Next you'll be either ready to build one before you know it.
Yeah Zao upgrading your computer youself is a very rewarding experience. I'm glad Rabid could help you out with some links. Adding RAM and a video card is very easy. You'll be suprised how fast you can get it done. Good Luck
lol i hope its not as hard as everyone think it is, but then again i need to know how to open the case first then i can be able to see wat parts go where and match certain bits to the pictures. that u showed me. and thnx aswell Saigon.
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ok rabid and saigon i kinda need ur help ASAP now i told my parents to get me the parts and everything and when they went to the place they asked for the part then a guy said to them that they should try the FX5700 (I THINK ITS THAT) and he claims that its 6 times faster? im not sure wat that means. so can u clarify that up a bit plz.
comparing between them which 1 should i get?
plz answer ASAP
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well the money part isnt the issue, but i looked on it its a AGP 8X but i checked my motherboard is only supports 4X so im not sure would it work or not for my motherboard.
Originally posted by Zaoldyeck ok rabid and saigon i kinda need ur help ASAP now i told my parents to get me the parts and everything and when they went to the place they asked for the part then a guy said to them that they should try the FX5700 (I THINK ITS THAT) and he claims that its 6 times faster? im not sure wat that means. so can u clarify that up a bit plz. comparing between them which 1 should i get? plz answer ASAPIf You Notice This Notice, Then You Must Have Notice That This Notice Is Not Worth Noticing.Playing-Pristontale[Archer] Testing-None Quit-Runescape,Helbreath.
I believe Rabid checked out your MB's system specs and determined that the 5700 line wouldn't be supported on your MB. Yes the FX5700 would be faster if you could use it.
The guy who suggested the 6600/6600GT wasn't aware of your MB specs or he would have known your board didn't support it.
Originally posted by Zaoldyeck well the money part isnt the issue, but i looked on it its a AGP 8X but i checked my motherboard is only supports 4X so im not sure would it work or not for my motherboard. can any1 shed some light here? plzPlaying-Pristontale[Archer] Testing-None Quit-Runescape,Helbreath.
"Don't blame me, I voted for Badnarik." http://www.lp.org Still waiting for my next mmorpg... A definition of 'munchkin', origin forgotten: "A player who, when told that the game will involve political intrigue in 15th-century Italy, insists on playing a Ninja." -isomeme
WARNING: Spelling and grammatical errors intentionally left in document to test for Anal Retentive Trolls.
"The key to wasting time is distraction. Without distractions it's too obvious to your brain that you're not doing anything with it, and you start to feel uncomfortable." - Paul Graham http://paulgraham.com/hs.html
ok im still kinda confused Vau can u plz clarify it a little bit easier, well Rabid did sort out my MB specs, but i checked my AGP slot is 4X, so im not sure will a 8X be good or bad........but if vau u can answer it, plz can u clarify it for me plz. cuz im still kinda confused.
cuz the price isnt a issue for me atm, bcuz sum1 offered me a bargain for it, so its cheap and i mean cheap
yeah i wasn't aware of his motherboard specs. Make sure your motherboard supports DDR ram also, because i once got the wrong ram for my motherboard (nforce) and it was quite a hassle. Val, the 6600 also came out with the AGP form also
well on my memory information it gives......DDR-SDRAM 256MB so i guess it supports its, and heres the 2nd thing if my motherboard has a AGP SLOT OF 4X will it be able to hold like wat a AGP 8X?
i think thats the case, and yeh the graphics card is like 128MB or something like that and the other RAM im getting is 500MB
heres the 2 things, that im getting. plz give me ur opinion.
1.GeForce 4MX440SE 128 MB AGP VO (but i mite get the GeForce FX5700 128MB, dont know which ones better.)
2.(product for Packard Bell IMEDIA 5043) memory module 512MB DDR PC2100.
both of them will cost around £120 [including fitting in, and installing] so i guess its an alrite price.
but i really need ppl to answer the question im really curious about.
1.will my motherboard (supports 4X) support an 8X graphics card.
2.which ones better the MX440 [4X] OR THE FX5700 [8X]? and will they both be compatabile with my PC?
Do not get the MX 440, you will lag in alot of games. My dads and moms PC use those, and when I run any new games they lag pretty bad. I would recomend gettings some kingston or Corsair pc 2100 ram, you dont have to get a heatsink but try to get something with a little big lower CAS latency. And please install it yourself, its not hard at all, between the card and the memory to install will take under 30 minutes. Its a matter of inserting the video card in your case, and places the ram module in your DIMM socket, very easy, just read the manual. I would recomend the 5700, alot better card. Im not sure if a 4X can support a 8X, but I wouldnt think it can.
CPU is pretty much an alias for a processor. RAM and CPU you should still continue to upgrade, but unless you're gonna play other games such as everquest2 or something in the future, you shouldn't have to upgrade your graphics card..
ok i kinda get wat Rabid is trying to say now, is it.....
bcuz he found out that i have a certain type of motherboard so i dont have to spend a new motherboard, CPU, RAM, processor......but now only a graphics card and RAM? but i prob gone wrong somewhere in that explanation myself.
but thnx saigon for the help really apreciated, and rabid also made the point that newegg is only for USA and i live in UK so im not sure would it help much.
but thnx for the help ^^ u can always try tell me the parts to get and i get the parts in UK/ENGLAND
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ok i kinda got the idea of it now.
thnx saigon but rabid told me that newegg is USA company and i live in UK so im not sure myself.
but if u tell me those parts i can look for it in UK/ENGLAND thnx ^^
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Well Rabid said your AGP slot, which is a slot on your motherboard for a video card, is 4x. The typical AGP slot is 8x. All this means is that your slot won't allow, as I understand it, any of the typical AGP video cards. I could be wrong though. If I am wrong heres a suggestion for an AGP card in your range: ATI Radeon 9600. It sells for about $100.00 U.S. Now, your motherboard also has PCI slots, which is another place you can put video cards, it's just older than AGP slots. A suggestion for a PCI video card in your range is: Nvidia GeforceFX 5200. This also sells for around $100.00 U.S. . I'm pretty certain you would be able to handle the 5200 video card I suggested.
As far as RAM goes, the Mushkin 512mb I mentioned in my previous post would be a nice upgrade. If you do these 2 upgrades you will see a big performance increase over what you have now. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Morning Zaoldyeck. Just got back on from playing an online AA match, and I can't stay on long this morning. Yes, you are beginning to get it. I realize that I and others are throwing a lot of information and a lot of terms around, and it can be a great deal to take in. Basically you have a couple of options to choose from either of which you can try and do yourself or get a pc shop locally to do for you. Either option will offer an improvement over your current PC's performance.
OPTION 1: Keep your existing motherboard and CPU. Upgrade the ram to 768mb of PC2100 and add an inexpensive video card. All a video card is an interchangeable hardware component, a circuit board that plugs into a slot on the motherboard which handles the graphics processing and display of images. Your current computer uses onboard graphics on the motherboard instead of a video card to handle graphics processing and video. Even an inexpensive video card would boost your performance and speed when playing games and watching video over your current onboard graphics.
Saigon the AGP slot on his motherboard is 3.3volt AGP 4X/2x. The 9600 would not work in that slot as it is keyed for agp 1.5volt, but an nVidia Geforce FX5200 will. I would suggest the GeForce 4 MX440 for your paticular computer Zaoldyeck.
OPTION 2: Purchase a new motherboard, CPU, and new ram as saigon suggested:
Processor: AMD Athlon xp 2700+
Motherboard: Abit AN7 with nforce 2 chipset
RAM: 512mb should do you fine: Mushkin 512mb
You would basically have a new pc going with option 2. I would still suggest purchasing an inexpensive video card even if you go with option 2 as it will help with playing the games you play and watching videos on your pc.
You seemed to be confused by terms we are using which I also was when I first got into messing around with computrers. CPU is an acronym for Central Processing Unit. The CPU can also be referred to simply as the "processor", and it is pretty much the brain of your computer. It processes everything from basic instructions to complex functions. Any time something needs to be computed, it gets sent to the CPU. The two major processor companies are Intel and AMD, and the processor and motherboard have to be paired together. An Intel processor will not work with an AMD board and vice-a-versa. In addition, motherboards have specific socket sizes which will only allow processors with that same type of socket interface.
A basic defintion and explanation of the motherboard is that it is the main circuit board of a computer. The motherboard contains the connectors for attaching additional boards or cards like video cards, network cards, sound cards ect. Typically, the motherboard contains the CPU, BIOS, memory(RAM), mass storage interfaces(Hard drives), serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and all the controllers required to control standard peripheral devices, such as the display screen(Your monitor), keyboard, cd and dvd rom drives and other devices. Collectively, all these chips that reside on the motherboard are known as the motherboard's chipset. On most PCs, it is possible to add memory chips directly to the motherboard. You may also be able to upgrade to a faster processor by replacing the CPU chip. To add additional core features, you may need to replace the motherboard entirely.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM is made up of small memory chips that are connected to the motherboard of your computer. Everytime you open a program, it gets loaded from the hard drive into the RAM. This is because reading data from the RAM is much faster than reading data from the hard drive. Running programs from the RAM of the computer allows them to function without any lag time. The more RAM your computer has, the more data can be loaded from the hard drive into the RAM, which can help speed up your computer. In fact, adding RAM can be more beneficial to your computer's performance than upgrading the CPU.
Hope that helps in explaining the parts to you to some degree. I'll be on later and give you a list of some UK dealers that sell both the parts that saigon suggested if you want to go with Option 2 and also carry the parts if you go with Option 1.
Ok Zaoldyeck. After confering with some guys and gals from the UK and the fact that you are very new when it comes to pc parts, they and I both agreed that the best thing for you to do right now is keep your current motherboard and CPU and upgrade your RAM and install a video card.
Since you have an NEC/Packard Bell dealer specific designed motherboard, the Columbia GX (GA-8SIML) Ver 1.0, it would be best to purchase your RAM from the UK NEC/Packard Bell Dealer. The fastest memory you can use with your board is PC2100. You can order it here at Packard Bell-UK. You can get one 512mb stick of PC2100, Product Ref # A000061200. It cost 64 GBP per stick. All you do is install the new stick of memory in the empty DIMM slot next your 256mb stick of ram already in your board. Double check to make sure you get the right memory from the dealer before installation, and of course you do this with the computer off and the power cord unplugged. Usually there two clips locking the memory into the DIMM slot(this is the name for the slot that the memory is plugged into to). One clip on each end of the slot. You unlock the clips by gently pressing down on them at the same time. NOTE: The DIMM or memory slots on your motherboard are probably labeled DDR1 and DDR2. The video card we all agreed upon would be best for your system is the nVidia Geforce4 MX440 128mb, AGP 4X. It cost right at 34 GBP. Installing it is quite easy as you just plug it into your motherboards AGP slot. Again, make sure your pc is off. You plug your monitor into the video card's VGA port, turn on the computer and then follow the instructions. The video card will come with an installation disk. This is the simplest upgrade for you and the least expensive, but you should a noticeble gain in performance. Hope that helps, and btw, two good UK online dealers are KelKoo Computing and Dabs. Below is a picture of the layout of your specific motherboard.
edit: I changed the memory recommendations after talking to a friend of mine that used to work for NEC/Packard Bell. The fastest memory your board supports is PC2100 DDR266 and up to 768mb of ram, not 1gb.
ok i just got home and read both ur posts, and i think i decided to go with the latest posts option. on keeping motherboard, and CPU just get more RAM and get a video graphics card. and can u list those 2 items and the sites to be able to attain them plz.
and secondly would that fix most my problems such as loading programs faster etc?
and if its not too much hassle, can u private message me kinda like a step to step on wat to do. with those parts [in your own and free time of course] but if u dont feel like it i'll just read some information and pictures to try figure out some possible ways to try and fit it together. thnx for all the help
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and i'll like to know wat difference would it make if i buy 1 or 2 of the 512 MIB part? [would it make alot of difference]
and thnx Rabid. are all those sites u gave me in the UK?
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I sent you a PM, but in case it didn't go through, here is what I sent you.
Hello Zaoldyeck and good morning from across the pond here in the states. For starters the easiest thing to do is read over this memory installation guide. Always remember to make sure your pc is turned off and unplugged. In addition to the memory installation guide, after you have turned off your pc and unplugged it and before you remove the cover and start installing memory, discharge the power supply(also referred to as PSU) by depressing your on/off button on the pc. Now depress the on/off button again so that the power switch is in the "off" position.
One more thing, a friend of mine who used to work for NEC/Packard Bell said the fastest memory your board supports is PC2100 so you need to order the one 512mb stick of PC2100, product ref # A000061200. Also, my friend said the maximum amount of memory your board supports is 768mb, not 1gb. Apparently there were problems with the board when 1gb is used, but NEC/Packard Bell has never changed the info on there sights or put out a update on this matter. That means you need to keep your current stick of ram in your pc and install the new 512mb stick of PC2100 in the empty DIMM slot next to it as the installation guide recommends. The 768mb of ram will give you a performance boost in loading programs as well as the speed of certain applications
To install a video card with an agp slot, read this installation guide. The video card I linked to in my last post is ideal for your system. Getting anything more than that Geforce4 MX440 card will just be "bottlenecked" by your cpu. The video card will really improve your computer's performance in games and watching videos on your pc.
Hope that info helps. I leave to visit family for the xmas holidays Thursday, and I won't be back till Monday, Dec. 27th so if you have any more questions after today I won't be able to answer them till I get back. Murt and the others are very knowledgeable so they might be able to help you out too.
EDIT: The one 512mb of PC2100 ram and the Geforce4 MX440 is going to cost you less than 100 GBP or just over once you add in shipping and any tax.
i just found a deal for a Base PC for £200 here are the specs
no mniter though!
We call the village idiot Mr. President
We call the village idiot Mr. President
ok then thnx Rabid but where can i get the Geforce4 MX440? from packard bell UK site aswell?
i went on the 2 sites about installing the RAM and the Video card. the video card was stright forward, but im not sure bout the RAM cuz theres DIMM installation I, and DIMM installation II, so which 1 should i follow? thnx
and thnx for the help. so buying the video card, and more RAM my pc will load faster for games, and certain programs?

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If You Notice This Notice, Then You Must Have Notice That This Notice Is Not Worth Noticing.
The link to the video card was in one of my post, but here it is again, no biggie: nVidia Geforce4 MX440 128mb, AGP 4X. It cost right at 34 GBP and it is the Dabs online dealer in the UK.
As far as the memory installation guide. You follow both. They just broke it down into two parts.
The processor does effect performance and speed, but the amount and what type of RAM you have does as well. The first upgrade I recommend to anyone who has a slow running pc or their pc is loading programs slow is to upgrade the amount of memory they have. You will notice a huge difference with that extra 512mb ram. Yes, it will be faster. The Windows XP o/s itself uses alot of your sytems RAM so when you start trying to play games and run other applications, you can run out of memory quickly slowing down your pc to a crawl. With the 256mb of ram you currently have and adding the additional 512mb of ram, you will have 768mb ram which should be more than enough for the programs you work and play with.
The next upgrade I recommend to someone, especially if they play games, is their video card. That MX440 will be an big improvement over the onboard graphics on that board. In addition, anytime you are running graphics and video it will take advantage of the 128mb of extra memory on the video card and the GPU on the video card. Your games should look and play better. Frame rates should be faster per second as well. I hope that explains things a bit.
Your system is getting dated, but for what you use it for it is still plenty powerful enough. With the upgrade in ram and the addition of the video card, especially at a cost of just around 100 GBP, it will really help boost its speed and performance.
ok that cleared up alot thnx Rabid, i learnt alot from these few days from knowing wat each part does, and how they effect performance on your/our computers.
and im just curious wat online games do u play if u play any at all.
so it'll only cost me £100 to upgrade my PC now
[Hmmmm i wonder how long will it take for them to ship/deliver the parts to me, guna be fun/exciting trying to upgrade my PC for the first time. hopefully i wont mess it up lol i better print out the pages u showed me and go through word by word.
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It'll cost around 100 GBP. I don't know how much the taxes and shipping cost in the UK so you have to add that in, but I think you'll be happy with the upgrades and the performance it gives you.
Online games I play. Let's see. I'm not playing mmorpgs much right now. I played EQ for 3 years after it was first released back in the day. I beta tested Saga of Ryzom, and I played the E3 alpha of Guild Wars which I'm looking forward to actually playing when it is released. I did play Pristontale for a while too, and a scifi mmorpg called DarkSpace for a while as well. I mainly play America's Army right now.
Just read the print out and read the installation guides and get familiar with what you are supposed to do. Take time to look at the inner workings of your pc and study how everything is hooked up. I really learned how to put a pc together by just opening up my cases on my old pcs and studying how they were put together. You'll do fine. I have every confidence in you. Next you'll be either ready to build one before you know it.

Yeah Zao upgrading your computer youself is a very rewarding experience. I'm glad Rabid could help you out with some links. Adding RAM and a video card is very easy. You'll be suprised how fast you can get it done. Good Luck
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ok rabid and saigon i kinda need ur help ASAP now i told my parents to get me the parts and everything and when they went to the place they asked for the part then a guy said to them that they should try the FX5700 (I THINK ITS THAT) and he claims that its 6 times faster? im not sure wat that means. so can u clarify that up a bit plz.
comparing between them which 1 should i get?
plz answer ASAP
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how much does the 5700FX cost though? If you have the money to spend, i'd get the 6600GT or the 6600 (geforce) which costs about 150-200 dollars
well the money part isnt the issue, but i looked on it its a AGP 8X but i checked my motherboard is only supports 4X so im not sure would it work or not for my motherboard.
can any1 shed some light here? plz
I believe Rabid checked out your MB's system specs and determined that the 5700 line wouldn't be supported on your MB. Yes the FX5700 would be faster if you could use it.
The guy who suggested the 6600/6600GT wasn't aware of your MB specs or he would have known your board didn't support it.
Here is some help for your AGP slot question.
"Don't blame me, I voted for Badnarik."
Still waiting for my next mmorpg...
A definition of 'munchkin', origin forgotten: "A player who, when told that the game will involve political intrigue in 15th-century Italy, insists on playing a Ninja." -isomeme
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"The key to wasting time is distraction. Without distractions it's too obvious to your brain that you're not doing anything with it, and you start to feel uncomfortable." - Paul Graham http://paulgraham.com/hs.html
ok im still kinda confused Vau can u plz clarify it a little bit easier, well Rabid did sort out my MB specs, but i checked my AGP slot is 4X, so im not sure will a 8X be good or bad........but if vau u can answer it, plz can u clarify it for me plz. cuz im still kinda confused.
cuz the price isnt a issue for me atm, bcuz sum1 offered me a bargain for it, so its cheap and i mean cheap
thnx Vau.
yeah i wasn't aware of his motherboard specs. Make sure your motherboard supports DDR ram also, because i once got the wrong ram for my motherboard (nforce) and it was quite a hassle. Val, the 6600 also came out with the AGP form also
well on my memory information it gives......DDR-SDRAM 256MB so i guess it supports its, and heres the 2nd thing if my motherboard has a AGP SLOT OF 4X will it be able to hold like wat a AGP 8X?
i think thats the case, and yeh the graphics card is like 128MB or something like that and the other RAM im getting is 500MB
heres the 2 things, that im getting. plz give me ur opinion.
1.GeForce 4MX440SE 128 MB AGP VO (but i mite get the GeForce FX5700 128MB, dont know which ones better.)
2.(product for Packard Bell IMEDIA 5043) memory module 512MB DDR PC2100.
both of them will cost around £120 [including fitting in, and installing] so i guess its an alrite price.
but i really need ppl to answer the question im really curious about.
1.will my motherboard (supports 4X) support an 8X graphics card.
2.which ones better the MX440 [4X] OR THE FX5700 [8X]? and will they both be compatabile with my PC?
thnx for answering my queries
Do not get the MX 440, you will lag in alot of games. My dads and moms PC use those, and when I run any new games they lag pretty bad. I would recomend gettings some kingston or Corsair pc 2100 ram, you dont have to get a heatsink but try to get something with a little big lower CAS latency. And please install it yourself, its not hard at all, between the card and the memory to install will take under 30 minutes. Its a matter of inserting the video card in your case, and places the ram module in your DIMM socket, very easy, just read the manual. I would recomend the 5700, alot better card. Im not sure if a 4X can support a 8X, but I wouldnt think it can.
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