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I just wanted to point out for those of you who didnt know the HL2 demo is out, (i just founf out lol) and im very happy with it, it runs VERY smooth on my Radoen 9200 () also for me the DL wasnt bad at all I have cable. So if you are buying or want to buy this game I say give the demo a try!
Hola!, I do not speak spanish but i can say hello.... is that a crime?
I recommend anyone who hasn't bought the game and is interested in FPS games to try the demo out. It's an awesome game and is also one of the most enjoyable games I've played in a long time. By the way gizma, which level did they use for the demo? Im curious which one Valve decided to use for it.
---------------------------- Desolation Guild Website ---------------------------

Beta: Guild Wars
Playing: EQII & WOW
(yeah, both... deal with it)
Playing: WOW & GW
Ya which level did they use? The original Hlaf-life demo I played wasnt even a level from the game, so if they made up an entirely new level jsut for the demo i'd download it!
Cool, thanks for the heads up.
55% atm.
Hola!, I do not speak spanish but i can say hello.... is that a crime?
You must play the demo! If you like it buy the game. Then get the map known as buildingblocks_final and the mod called jbmod. The map spawns crates and lots of other things and the jbmod lets you weld things together! i made a catapult and a house.
you will probably hate me for this but i thatught HL 1 and 2 were pretty crap. Unreal Tornament all the way baby!
*Starts to crawl into bomb shelter to avoid attack from of members*
We call the village idiot Mr. President
We call the village idiot Mr. President
the unreal tournament series sucked, except for the first one that was pretty good.. the rest, very disappointing..
New source engine makes everythink looks like real and the interaction with surrounding space is awsom graphic is insane and the optimization of the code makes that the game runs smoothly on most parts of computers even on the older ones
OK, Chapter 1 was the train station and wandering around City 17. And I think Chapter 6 was Ravenholm, right? Ravenholm was one of my favorite levels of the game but it might give some people the wrong impression of the game. The pacing and the game mechanics of that level were different from every other chapter in the game. (but then again all the chapters were pretty different from each other)
---------------------------- Desolation Guild Website ---------------------------

Beta: Guild Wars
Playing: EQII & WOW
(yeah, both... deal with it)
Playing: WOW & GW
Hola!, I do not speak spanish but i can say hello.... is that a crime?
Yeah, it was real fun with all the sawblades all over the place. I also loved the atmosphere of the entire level; I think I was more tense and freaked out in that single level then most of Doom 3. But anyways, try it out you guys!
---------------------------- Desolation Guild Website ---------------------------

Beta: Guild Wars
Playing: EQII & WOW
(yeah, both... deal with it)
Playing: WOW & GW
I don't like ravenholm, I hate those speedheadcrabzombies, they are so fast. And the nerve toxin crabbies are annoying. But it's fun to split normal headcrabzombs with the spinning blades.
"Dumm ist nur der, der Dummes tut" ~ (Forest Gump)
"Dumm ist nur der, der Dummes tut" ~ (Forest Gump)
He he... I really like the part with the headcrab zombies going berserk everywhere. It was pretty awesome having them leaping 20-30 feet from building to building and climbing walls while holding them off with that shotgun. The graveyard scene was pretty fun too. I also liked the priest minor character that they added into the level, made it much more interesting.
---------------------------- Desolation Guild Website ---------------------------

Beta: Guild Wars
Playing: EQII & WOW
(yeah, both... deal with it)
Playing: WOW & GW
I downloaded it and tryed installing, but it gets stuck in the begining and won install. Grrr, took 30 minutes to install too. Anyone else had this problem?
EQ2 Qeynos Guild-