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He killed women because he hadn't had sex in nineteen years

popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

LA Fitness Center Shooting In Pennsylvania Leaves 4 Dead


Neighbors described 48-year-old George Sodini, who worked in a law firm's finance department, as anti-social, and the Web page in his name showcased a resume setting forth his credentials as an unhappy loner. It listed his date of death – Aug. 4, 2009 – and his status of "Never married."

He complained of not having a girlfriend since 1984, not having a date since May 2008 and not having sex for 19 years.

"Women just don't like me. There are 30 million desirable women in the US (my estimate) and I cannot find one," he wrote. The page ended with the words "Death Lives!

What a sick bastard.



  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    Originally posted by popinjay

    LA Fitness Center Shooting In Pennsylvania Leaves 4 Dead


    Neighbors described 48-year-old George Sodini, who worked in a law firm's finance department, as anti-social, and the Web page in his name showcased a resume setting forth his credentials as an unhappy loner. It listed his date of death – Aug. 4, 2009 – and his status of "Never married."
    He complained of not having a girlfriend since 1984, not having a date since May 2008 and not having sex for 19 years.
    "Women just don't like me. There are 30 million desirable women in the US (my estimate) and I cannot find one," he wrote. The page ended with the words "Death Lives!


    What a sick bastard.

    That is what escorts are for!  Joking aside, this guy probably had a few screws loose anyway.   Glad he put a bullet to his own brain.   He deserved worse.  My heart goes out to the families of the women that were killed by this sick deranged person.


  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    Well at least someone in the world has/had the right idea


  • FaxxerFaxxer Member Posts: 3,247

    I think the 2nd ammendment would have been in play here had not it been so castrated.

  • sephersepher Member Posts: 3,561
    Originally posted by Faxxer

    I think the 2nd ammendment would have been in play here had not it been so castrated.


    Because who wouldn't want to do Latin impact aerobics with guns in hand.

    What is wrong with you? Please pick your battles better. I doubt that you even read the article. This wasn't a home invasion nor a public park. It was a freakin' aerobics classroom.

  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    ...meanwhile, at the opposite end of the spectrum...

    Here's a story about a guy who had his wang glued to his stomach by four women because he was having TOO much sex. If there's anything this country desperately needs, is balance. /sigh

    Women Take Revenge On Philanderer By Gluing His Penis To His Stomach

    One of the women:


    The wife isn't identified because that would automatically reveal who the victim was, so the authorities are only allowed to name the "jilted".

    This lady seems to have a whimsical expression of "Oh well, shit happens. Then I glue wangs."

  • FaxxerFaxxer Member Posts: 3,247
    Originally posted by sepher

    Originally posted by Faxxer

    I think the 2nd ammendment would have been in play here had not it been so castrated.


    Because who wouldn't want to do Latin impact aerobics with guns in hand.

    What is wrong with you? Please pick your battles better. I doubt that you even read the article. This wasn't a home invasion nor a public park. It was a freakin' aerobics classroom.


    This was no battle, it was a bloodbath remember?

    This guy had NO opposition whatsoever, not a single person put up a fight.

    I have friends that conceal and carry and let's just give an example here...

    It was a STRIP MALL with other shops nearby.  LOTS OF PEOPLE around...

    if my friend had seen screaming people running from a building, he'd have been the first one running IN....LONG BEFORE a cop showed up.....isn't that worth it to maybe have the chance to have ONE LESS DEAD body on the floor?

    The guy shot himself after he did ALL he wanted to do....What's wrong with me? 

  • clwoodsclwoods Member Posts: 625
    Originally posted by Faxxer

    Originally posted by sepher

    Originally posted by Faxxer

    I think the 2nd ammendment would have been in play here had not it been so castrated.


    Because who wouldn't want to do Latin impact aerobics with guns in hand.

    What is wrong with you? Please pick your battles better. I doubt that you even read the article. This wasn't a home invasion nor a public park. It was a freakin' aerobics classroom.


    This was no battle, it was a bloodbath remember?

    This guy had NO opposition whatsoever, not a single person put up a fight.

    I have friends that conceal and carry and let's just give an example here...

    It was a STRIP MALL with other shops nearby.  LOTS OF PEOPLE around...

    if my friend had seen screaming people running from a building, he'd have been the first one running IN....LONG BEFORE a cop showed up.....isn't that worth it to maybe have the chance to have ONE LESS DEAD body on the floor?

    The guy shot himself after he did ALL he wanted to do....What's wrong with me? 

    Yea, America needs more vigilantes.


  • DailyBuzzDailyBuzz Member Posts: 2,306
    Originally posted by Faxxer

    if my friend had seen screaming people running from a building, he'd have been the first one running IN....LONG BEFORE a cop showed up.....isn't that worth it to maybe have the chance to have ONE LESS DEAD body on the floor?

    ...and then the person who ran into the locker room to grab their gun comes out and shoots your friend, who's standing there with a gun.

    If I see anyone, not in a uniform, waving a gun in a public establishment, they're getting a broken elbow or I'm getting shot (or both).

  • TrizicTrizic Member Posts: 76
    Originally posted by Faxxer

    This was no battle, it was a bloodbath remember?
    This guy had NO opposition whatsoever, not a single person put up a fight.
    I have friends that conceal and carry and let's just give an example here...
    It was a STRIP MALL with other shops nearby.  LOTS OF PEOPLE around...
    if my friend had seen screaming people running from a building, he'd have been the first one running IN....LONG BEFORE a cop showed up.....isn't that worth it to maybe have the chance to have ONE LESS DEAD body on the floor?
    The guy shot himself after he did ALL he wanted to do....What's wrong with me? 

    How much you want to bet the gun he shot everyone with were purchased legally to?

    "A stupid idea to you is the memory of a lifetime for me"

  • seabass2003seabass2003 Member Posts: 4,144

     Bah, this bastard stole my idea. Now WTF do I do? I guess I need to come up with another plan. I will write about this in my journal.

    Ok, that was a joke so on to more serious things about this. Possibly two things if not more could have changed this. 

    1. Is, as another poster pointed out, citizens rights to carry firearms. Although in this regard I doubt would have helped because I don't know too many people who workout with a loaded gun tucked into their belt. Also as far as someone else running in who was carrying, according to the article it went down way to fast. He pulled out two guns blasted away as fast as he could pull the trigger and then shot himself.

    2. Would be the legalizing of prostitution. Some of you will say, well that wouldn't help because he wanted emotional attachment. Well, he possibly could have had some release by going to a lady of the evening. It's not like you start banging when you walk in the door. I am sure there must be some sort of small talk while getting undressed. Maybe the small talk turns into him just talking to this lady. Possibly he reveals to her what he plans to do and she tells authorities. A numerous amount of outcomes could be from this.

    Alas, we will never know. Peace to those who died and those who were involved.

    In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    Still didn't beat Cho's highscore

  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    I don't think guns have a place with Spandex and middle-aged women's aerobic classes.


    That's just my personal opinion though. Second amendment doesn't apply here I don't think.

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988
    Originally posted by popinjay

    I don't think guns have a place with Spandex and middle-aged women's aerobic classes.


    That's just my personal opinion though. Second amendment doesn't apply here I don't think.



  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Ya gotta watch out for those accounting type guys, they spend all day in the basement of the office building in front of a computer, entering invoices. Their idea of a social conversation involves a discourse on debits and credits.

    Then the wonder why girls walk away from them, and they can't get dates.......

    Even WOW players have more of a life than accountants.





  • dynamo122dynamo122 Member Posts: 162

    He appears to be a handsome man. (hope that didn't seem to gay)

    I think his lack of sex was his own doing. Perhaps he had his standards set to high?

    NOTE TO VIRGINS: If you set your standards too high, YOU WON'T GET LAID. (not often atleast)

  • FaxxerFaxxer Member Posts: 3,247
    Originally posted by Wolfenpride

    Originally posted by popinjay

    I don't think guns have a place with Spandex and middle-aged women's aerobic classes.


    That's just my personal opinion though. Second amendment doesn't apply here I don't think.




    ok you know what?  It's NOT cool that you guys did this...i had coke coming out my nose and spit it all over my desk area on this.


    I'll tell ya what...

    regarding the 2nd ammendment...

    I won't mention it again in this long as I don't hear a leftist politician using this as an example of why we need less guns in the hands of citizens...ok? deal?


  • jakojakojakojako Member Posts: 332
    Originally posted by popinjay

    LA Fitness Center Shooting In Pennsylvania Leaves 4 Dead


    You have unlocked the All 4 Dead achievement!

    ...Nothing? Nobody gets the referance?


  • John.A.ZoidJohn.A.Zoid Member Posts: 1,531

    Small dick and has no confidence to get laid cause women will laugh at him.

  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    Originally posted by dynamo122
    He appears to be a handsome man. (hope that didn't seem to gay)
    I think his lack of sex was his own doing.

    Maybe in that other picture. He probably walked around day to day looking more like this updated pic:


  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767
    Originally posted by clwoods

    Yea, America needs more vigilantes.



       No, America needs better vigilantes.

    Who needs guns anyway? 

    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • kazmokazmo Member Posts: 715

    That's a seriously dishonest title my friend. He killed women because he was torn and psychotic, obviously delusional, which is why women didn't have sex with him.

    I suppose The Jonas Brothers are going to go on a killing spree soon, as they are abstinent, haven't you heard? Watch out.

  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    Originally posted by aeroplane22
    That's a seriously dishonest title my friend. He killed women because he was torn and psychotic, obviously delusional, which is why women didn't have sex with him.I suppose The Jonas Brothers are going to go on a killing spree soon, as they are abstinent, haven't you heard? Watch out.

    Who are the Jonas Brothers?

  • cloudacvcloudacv Member UncommonPosts: 210
    Originally posted by popinjay


    Originally posted by aeroplane22

    That's a seriously dishonest title my friend. He killed women because he was torn and psychotic, obviously delusional, which is why women didn't have sex with him.
    I suppose The Jonas Brothers are going to go on a killing spree soon, as they are abstinent, haven't you heard? Watch out.


    Who are the Jonas Brothers?


    a group of gay dudes

  • GazenthiaGazenthia Member Posts: 1,186
    Originally posted by seabass2003

    2. Would be the legalizing of prostitution. Some of you will say, well that wouldn't help because he wanted emotional attachment. Well, he possibly could have had some release by going to a lady of the evening.

    Uh... it wouldn't help because it had nothing to do with sex or emotional attachment. It really ticks me off that this is being spread around, and people think its true.

    He was a sociopath. Nobody had anything to do with him because they picked up on that, because people like that are liable to do what?




    It requires a certain kind of person to do this and if it wasn't alleged lack of whatever, it would have been something else.

    And to faxxer, I am all for gun rights and advocate that women in particular should be armed. However they would have been to far away from their weapons here, and it was at a strip mall wasn't it? Not a real one, only if someone with a weapon had been standing just outside the gym could a difference have been made.

    Sadly, I see storm clouds on the horizon. A faint stench of Vanguard is in the air.-Kien

  • AstropuyoAstropuyo Member RarePosts: 2,178

    Allow me to end this once and for all.


    The reason this guy didn't get a broad to bed with him in 19 years is simple.



    We've all had those bizarre oddball dates, for guys it's the needy chick, for women it's the "rapist look" or "I have issues with mother" types.


    Those types are turn offs.


    Anyhow he didn't shoot a bunch of people up for no reason. He like most gunmen to pussy to fight people with arms chose the most exposed place he could think of, he had anger issues and was without a shadow of a doubt psychotic.

    By all means though just looking from the opposite sex side of things, I wouldn't date that guy, even his "best" picture has "rapist eyes" all over it.

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