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Getting Really Tired of This.. Times are Changing

kazmokazmo Member Posts: 715


Pregnant woman and grandfather tazed in their backyard during a baptism party for a child. "Oh, a noise complaint. Let's go taze a pregnant woman and taze a grandfather 3 times with 3 tazers at the exact same time. Way to go, High-Five! We nailed that one!"

I'm getting so tired of this, really tired of it. The cops are no longer trained to be cops, they are effectively being trained to intimidate and control. It is starting to get insane, at this point. A few years ago, you would see stuff like this on the news every now and then, but now it is every single day that I read a story about someone getting tazed for no reason or simply being killed by excessive force.

It's no longer a racial issue. It's just out of control, period. I've been watching videos and reading stories of how it is near impossible to hold a protest anymore, unless you're willing to risk serious repercussions by the authorities.

I was watching a video of a 10-15 person protest at the National Mall in DC. It was incredibly mild. There would be one person shouting a slogan out maybe ever few minutes.. and they were just walking around on some steps. Then along comes a cop, telling them they need to leave because they don't have a proper permit (Permits.. not going to get into that here). They told her that it was kind of ridiculous because they were in an area that is historical for protest etc. Then, get this.. a SWAT sergeant comes over to tell them to leave, or else he'll arrest them. Yeah, SWAT. They weren't called out, they just patrol there now, in an Armored APC that I wished I could have had in Iraq. It was like it was ripped straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Anyway.. I'm just ranting. I can't believe it's getting so out of control, and people are just like.. eh, what ya gonna do. My town police just got authorized to use tasers. This town is so incredibly small and extremely non-violent. It is so rare that we have some sort of violent outbreak that requires the police to intervene with force. Now, I get to watch my town spiral down into a cesspool, now that the cops are walking around with tasers. No, I'm not exaggerating or joking.. I know in my heart, that people are going to get tazed and it's going to turn this place into a fear-festering shithole, where everyone overreacts just out of sheer-panic from being hassled around.

Way to go.. Two Thumbs Up.



  • goneglockingoneglockin Member UncommonPosts: 706

    I eagerly await the zombie apocalypse and end of civilization.  It would improve my station in life.

    If, for some remote reason, the zombie apocalypse does not happen...  Just keep your head down and stay out of trouble. When things come to a head, where people are rioting and taking over the police station- join in.  No sense being a martyr or rabble rouser till then.  Gets you no where and you're forgotten in a week or two anyhow, on your own.

    I'm tired of it too but I'm tired of wasting my time.

    I've encountered over zealous police during the 2001 cinci riots.  I watched them drag away a kid keeping a beat on a drum with his back turned and then kick the shit out of him and spray mace directly down his throat while a jack boot held his head to the concrete.

    Ever hear a screaming mace gurgle?  Fuck me.

    Until people are shooting any cop who still shows up to work after a national upheaval; I'm not getting involved.  Non-violent protests and getting the shit beat out of you is absolutely pointless. 

    I'm half joking and I'm half not.  Unless it's the day where everyone picks sides, either to defend the system or stand up for the people- and it's open season; then it's all pointless noise and bullshit.  People had to die to get fair labor contracts and suitable working conditions from private enterprise... I don't see how non-violent protests are going to do anything to affect the power of the state.

    Turn off your TV. Who listens to the radio anymore? And if you're still a daily paper reader- start buying books to read instead.  Tune it all out and live your life. 

    Unless zombies or national uproar and revolt comes, you aren't really missing anything... and you'll know when either of those come without the aid of a tv, radio or paper.

    Hope you got your things together. Hope you are quite prepared to die. Looks like we're in for nasty weather. ... There's a bad moon on the rise.

  • clwoodsclwoods Member Posts: 625

    I'm not sure what the deal is now, but cops use tasers on anything that moves now.

  • kazmokazmo Member Posts: 715
    Originally posted by clwoods

    I'm not sure what the deal is now, but cops use tasers on anything that moves now.


    People think that the police use tasers to stop violence, without having to resort to pulling out their sidearm, but that is not true. They most often use it to make someone comply. The law states you can ask why you're being arrested and what for, either during or before you are arrested.

    Keep that in mind and watch any of the hundreds of tasering videos and watch how it's usually right when someone asks what they're being arrested for. As soon as that happens, bam.. taser. While the person is on the ground, writhing and screaming in pain and fear, they are basically told to shut the fuck up and be quiet. Even while they're being cuffed, they ask what they're being arrested for, and what do they get in return? No answer, that's what. They get another threat to be tasered.

    That's illegal... and most cops don't realize it's illegal. Their training has changed dramatically. The training method now is to keep both parties confused and prone to panic in that "hot zone" when nobody knows what the fuck is going on. The cop panics, because he thinks the tazer is the next step, but it's not. Then the receiving party panics (rightfully so) and on we go around the vicious circle.

    The cops are being further conditioned to be more afraid of "them", the people, to be put in a state of mind that the people are the enemy. It's traditional military conditioning, and it's happening with cops on a low-level, but that level is getting higher.

    Tasers are a necessary thing, I definitely agree with them, but there is a time and a place for them. They're not for pregnant women, senior citizens and people asking questions.

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    They tased a pregnant women?

    i agree, cop's are going way overboard with those damn things.

  • devilisciousdeviliscious Member UncommonPosts: 4,359

    Whatever happened to nonviolent resolution training?

  • snipergsniperg Member Posts: 863
    Originally posted by deviliscious

    Whatever happened to nonviolent resolution training?


    Probably go tazed along the way.

    A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.

  • AstropuyoAstropuyo Member RarePosts: 2,182

    What is crazy is the fact you, them, myself just accept it. Not because we like it but because we can't fight it.

    There is no way legally to fight the law.

    Things will only get worse, today it is gassing,tazing,beating.

    Tomorrow it will be ... well I don't even know these days.

    The fact that tazing people is seen as a non-violent means is only worse.

    It very much is a STFU method, I've seen it at protests myself first hand. I've had comrades zapped the crap out of them for holding signs and refusing to put them down BAM ZAP.

    Reason? Signs can be used as a weapon. YES PEOPLE Signs are weapons.


    It really sucks these days, alot of it we can thank to those who protest in the WTO fashion, it only takes one time to make things change. Unfortunately this doesn't just apply to protesters anymore. Whats even more funny is we'll keep taking it because as I said there is nothing we can do legally.

    It's a terrible state of affairs, but it is the states affair.

  • HYPERI0NHYPERI0N Member Posts: 3,515
    Originally posted by clwoods

    I'm not sure what the deal is now, but cops use tasers on anything that moves now.


    Its the meds they take that make them think the Zombie Apocolypse is already here.

    Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981

  • AstropuyoAstropuyo Member RarePosts: 2,182
    Originally posted by HYPERI0N

    Originally posted by clwoods

    I'm not sure what the deal is now, but cops use tasers on anything that moves now.


    Its the meds they take that make them think the Zombie Apocolypse is already here.


    You mean it isn't?

    Hmm, whats murder in the state of FL get you these days?

  • TechleoTechleo Member Posts: 1,984

     Doesn't always end badly though! We had a cop do that recently. He was beating up a homeless man telling him he was trash and tazed him. So a passerbye stopped and Tazed the cop. He then proceeds to do a citizens arrest on the cop. Calls the cops on the cop. At which point the cops go to arrest him for a citizens arrest. The catch is, his wife had gone down the street to the local tv station with her cellphone recording of it and the cops dropped everything, fired the cop, all because she blackmailed them. Lovely world we live in aye?

  • streeastreea Member UncommonPosts: 654

    Is it just me, or does pointing a gun at someone seem less violent than tasering them at this point?

  • DewmDewm Member UncommonPosts: 1,337
    Originally posted by Techleo

     Doesn't always end badly though! We had a cop do that recently. He was beating up a homeless man telling him he was trash and tazed him. So a passerbye stopped and Tazed the cop. He then proceeds to do a citizens arrest on the cop. Calls the cops on the cop. At which point the cops go to arrest him for a citizens arrest. The catch is, his wife had gone down the street to the local tv station with her cellphone recording of it and the cops dropped everything, fired the cop, all because she blackmailed them. Lovely world we live in aye?


    Moral of the story?

    Cary a tazer, your wife, and a vid cam whenever you go out.



    But yeah i'm getting really really tired of it also. and I would say we do somthing, but they are probably monitoring this site and would jail me for it...

    Please check out my channel. I do gaming reviews, gaming related reviews & lets plays. Thanks!

  • kiddyno071kiddyno071 Member Posts: 1,330

    Hum… how do I explain this without sounding like I support police brutality…

    Well for one the Fox News story that was posted on You Tube appeared to be fairly one sided (you should have linked the vid with the 14 yo girl tasered instead a much better example of excessive police force) and I don’t think was very helpful other then I could say a drunken guy and a pregnant woman were tasered at a party. I would want to know more about what actually happened leading up to the incident and the roles that everyone played; before I would even think of taking an opinion on this one event. I was glad to hear that there would be an investigation into the incident, as I think there should be when need for the use of force is not always clear, especially in this case with a pregnant woman being tasered. Is that even safe for the baby and did the police even know?

    That being said I have to disagree with the OP and many in that I don’t think we are dealing with a rampant problem of police brutality. While I would not hesitate to agree that there are some bad apples out there that should not be wearing a uniform, but to point the finger at a profession that is on the front lines defending our laws, families and communities seems unfair. Seriously, if you think about all of the law enforcement agencies across the country and sheer number of officers I think that it is less of a problem then folks want to make it.

    Now let me explain why I feel that way, its like plane crashes… how many planes fly in any given 24 hour period in this country? How many of those flights are news worthy? Only the ones that crash or nearly crash. It is the same principle I apply to law enforcement we seldom see the good they are doing but we don’t hesitate to quickly condemn them as a whole for the actions of the few.

    BTW I loved the irony of the Fox story when they comment on the grandfather being tasered in front of all those children, but fail to further comment on prior to the police arriving that he was “highly intoxicated” in front of those same children, great role model there gramps! 


    edit:  Oh and for you die hard critics, I am sure they are hiring...

  • kiddyno071kiddyno071 Member Posts: 1,330
    Originally posted by Dewm

    Originally posted by Techleo

     Doesn't always end badly though! We had a cop do that recently. He was beating up a homeless man telling him he was trash and tazed him. So a passerbye stopped and Tazed the cop. He then proceeds to do a citizens arrest on the cop. Calls the cops on the cop. At which point the cops go to arrest him for a citizens arrest. The catch is, his wife had gone down the street to the local tv station with her cellphone recording of it and the cops dropped everything, fired the cop, all because she blackmailed them. Lovely world we live in aye?


    Moral of the story?

    Cary a tazer, your wife, and a vid cam whenever you go out. 



    But yeah i'm getting really really tired of it also. and I would say we do somthing, but they are probably monitoring this site and would jail me for it...


    Moral of the story?  Or don't do anything that brings you to the attention of  police and if a police officer tells you to do something or your are going to get tased - do it;  worry about who is right or wrong later.  

    edit: to be PC

  • TrizicTrizic Member Posts: 76
    Originally posted by kiddyno071

    Moral of the story?  Or don't do anything that brings you to the attention of  police and if a police officer tells you to do something or your are going to get tased - do it;  worry about who is right or wrong later.  
    edit: to be PC

    No sorry, If I do that i give into the police state, not what i want. Police are here to protect and serve, soon as they do something as bad as the thugs they are supposed to protect the citizens from they loose the privileges of that badge IMMEDIATLY and any citizen vigilantism is completely justified.



    "A stupid idea to you is the memory of a lifetime for me"

  • kiddyno071kiddyno071 Member Posts: 1,330
    Originally posted by Trizic

    Originally posted by kiddyno071

    Moral of the story?  Or don't do anything that brings you to the attention of  police and if a police officer tells you to do something or your are going to get tased - do it;  worry about who is right or wrong later.  
    edit: to be PC

    No sorry, If I do that i give into the police state, not what i want. Police are here to protect and serve, soon as they do something as bad as the thugs they are supposed to protect the citizens from they loose the privileges of that badge IMMEDIATLY and any citizen vigilantism is completely justified.



    My bad!  I should have been clearer in my post...  I will now clarify for you.  What I meant was if you are not doing anything illegal then you should not find yourself, in theory, confronted by the police.  Hence you should not find yourself in a position where you are about to get tasered.  Additionally, even if a police officer is in the wrong chosing to confront them in the moment seems to be poor timing and if anything more likely to fuel said bad cops behavior.  I like to think that if I saw the police acting in a manner that was illegal or at least questionable then I would intervene or take action in a manner that holds those responsible and calls in to question their behavior . 

    But I do not and will not, however, support vigilantism as this leads to a breakdown in social order.  As a civilian citizen, much like a bad cop, you are not empowered with the right to be judge and jury, bottom line. 

  • TrizicTrizic Member Posts: 76
    Originally posted by kiddyno071

    Originally posted by Trizic

    Originally posted by kiddyno071

    Moral of the story?  Or don't do anything that brings you to the attention of  police and if a police officer tells you to do something or your are going to get tased - do it;  worry about who is right or wrong later.  
    edit: to be PC

    No sorry, If I do that i give into the police state, not what i want. Police are here to protect and serve, soon as they do something as bad as the thugs they are supposed to protect the citizens from they loose the privileges of that badge IMMEDIATLY and any citizen vigilantism is completely justified.



    My bad!  I should have been clearer in my post...  I will now clarify for you.  What I meant was if you are not doing anything illegal then you should not find yourself, in theory, confronted by the police.  Hence you should not find yourself in a position where you are about to get tasered.  Additionally, even if a police officer is in the wrong chosing to confront them in the moment seems to be poor timing and if anything more likely to fuel said bad cops behavior.  I like to think that if I saw the police acting in a manner that was illegal or at least questionable then I would intervene or take action in a manner that holds those responsible and calls in to question their behavior . 

    But I do not and will not, however, support vigilantism as this leads to a breakdown in social order.  As a civilian citizen, much like a bad cop, you are not empowered with the right to be judge and jury, bottom line. 


    I do agree with you on practically every point. My only problem is how can you expect a person to trust the system when they are being abused by it? When a figure who your grown up with being told is to protect you, serve you, all of a sudden begins to harm you, I could completely understand certain actions that person would undertake. What are you going to ask them to do, go to the police? The main problem is even the non-corrupt cops will sometimes try to cover up for the corrupt ones. This is for reason such as; they work with them, they don't want to seem like "the rat" at work, they don't want to have to worry about ever finding themselves in a similar situation facing job lose and prosecution.

    When the police are no long serving but abusing the citizens the social order has already broken. If its just isolated incidents of abuse then we will only have isolated incidents of vigilantism, if the vigilantism for some reason turns out to be an actual problem it only shows we already had a much bigger one...

    "A stupid idea to you is the memory of a lifetime for me"

  • kiddyno071kiddyno071 Member Posts: 1,330
    Originally posted by Trizic

    Originally posted by kiddyno071

    Originally posted by Trizic

    Originally posted by kiddyno071

    Moral of the story?  Or don't do anything that brings you to the attention of  police and if a police officer tells you to do something or your are going to get tased - do it;  worry about who is right or wrong later.  
    edit: to be PC

    No sorry, If I do that i give into the police state, not what i want. Police are here to protect and serve, soon as they do something as bad as the thugs they are supposed to protect the citizens from they loose the privileges of that badge IMMEDIATLY and any citizen vigilantism is completely justified.



    My bad!  I should have been clearer in my post...  I will now clarify for you.  What I meant was if you are not doing anything illegal then you should not find yourself, in theory, confronted by the police.  Hence you should not find yourself in a position where you are about to get tasered.  Additionally, even if a police officer is in the wrong chosing to confront them in the moment seems to be poor timing and if anything more likely to fuel said bad cops behavior.  I like to think that if I saw the police acting in a manner that was illegal or at least questionable then I would intervene or take action in a manner that holds those responsible and calls in to question their behavior . 

    But I do not and will not, however, support vigilantism as this leads to a breakdown in social order.  As a civilian citizen, much like a bad cop, you are not empowered with the right to be judge and jury, bottom line. 


    I do agree with you on practically every point. My only problem is how can you expect a person to trust the system when they are being abused by it? When a figure who your grown up with being told is to protect you, serve you, all of a sudden begins to harm you, I could completely understand certain actions that person would undertake. What are you going to ask them to do, go to the police? The main problem is even the non-corrupt cops will sometimes try to cover up for the corrupt ones. This is for reason such as; they work with them, they don't want to seem like "the rat" at work, they don't want to have to worry about ever finding themselves in a similar situation facing job lose and prosecution.

    When the police are no long serving but abusing the citizens the social order has already broken. If its just isolated incidents of abuse then we will only have isolated incidents of vigilantism, if the vigilantism for some reason turns out to be an actual problem it only shows we already had a much bigger one...

    When you open the door for private citizens to take the law into their own hands incidents of your sytle of vigilantism will get out of hand.... as private citizens where would we draw the line?  Whos to say not only when and who should intervene, but what level of force is allowed?  How about a situation where police officers are executing a legal arrest with reasonible force, whats to stop "joe private citizen" and his five friends who are friends or related to said alledged criminal from stepping in citing "police brutality" and in effect preventing the police from carrying out their sworn duty?  I don;t know about you, but thats a reality or community I do not want to live in.

    Again I would cite that the actions of the few, when examined against the sheer number of law enforcement officers across the country abusing their authority is rather small, it just gets media attention.  I will go back to my initial comparision, if thats the case then we all better not get into planes because they crash and the airlines cover up their poorly trained pilots and put planes in the air that they shouldn't... now this is just a foolish idea, but it doesn't mean that some of this is true.  The same could be said about bankers, stock brokers, insurance companies, politicians, etc. 

    Now I am a strong believer of checks and balances needing to be in place to hold law enforcement accountable for their actions and even holding them to a higher standard given their role/duty, but allowing the general public to in turn respond in an unlawful manner... no way. 

  • MandarrMandarr Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 300

    From the video you can clearly see the grandfather was going to use his ID card to do harm to the officers present.  They had no choice but to take him down ASAP.  And since they had extra charges ready, they took down the pregnant mother too for good measure.  You have to be carefull with those pregnant mothers.  They're known for jumping on the backs of officers who've jumped the shark.  I suspect they learned their lesson though.  Next time I'm sure they'll turn down the music and be as quiet as a church mouse when they have a baptism party. 

    This all of course would've never gone down to begin with if Obama wasn't the president.  Damn you Obama, you socialist dictator!  How dare you attempt to do the right thing with your policies!  But I'm sure you'll just invite these guys over for a beer.  Make it a kegger this time though, but don't let the noise get out of control or they'll have to tazer that old guy again.

    This website is a safe haven for trolls and haters. I'm done with this pathetic site.

  • kazmokazmo Member Posts: 715

    I didn't post this video because I though it was "the most disturbing" out of the many. It wasn't necessarily the straw that broke the camel's back either. It's just that, I wasn't in the mood that day, to hear about a pregnant woman being tazed by a group of cops because they were supposedly 'diffusing a situation' or something.

    If I wanted to play the game where I wanted to post hundreds of videos to disturb people with police brutality via tazers, well I could do that all day. That's not what I'm doing here though. This is more of an observation to how some douche-bag, stupid-ass can ever bring himself to a level where he thinks it necessary to taze a relatively calm and docile pregnant woman. There really isn't any further level than that one can ascend to, outside of just straight-up executing her, or beating her to within an inch of her life.

    I find it refreshing that there are many more people these days expressing their distaste and hatred for the ever-increasing brutality. However, it's mind-boggling that others could somehow justify this or any other act. Like the grandmother over 70 years old can be tazed by a 250lb+ highway patrol officer, because she was afraid of him and trying to get back into her car. How about the 14 year old girl who got projectile-dart tazered into her skull. The darts penetrated the skull and tazed her brain tissue, permanently brain damaging her and leaving and incredibly grotesque scar that encompasses most of her head.

    How can people defend this? What is wrong with you? I've heard of "The end justifies the means." , but what are the means and what is the end, at this point? Some people really need to look deep within themselves and try to envision the greater picture here. If you think its really bad but it is something to accept for the "greater good", then what do you expect from life, and those around you?

    You get what you give. If we as a country continue to treat every citizen like an animal, like cattle, then we as a humanity will eventually dissolve. If this continues, future younger generations will never understand basic morality and rights. They will only know punishment and ridicule.

    Treat someone like a human being, always. Even the most heinous individual deserves such a right, otherwise you transform yourself into a person no better than the individual you scold.

  • kiddyno071kiddyno071 Member Posts: 1,330

    My earlier posts were meant to not just support a system where police are held accountable, but not having everyone throwing the baby out with the bathwater, cops are misusing tasers, when in actuality only "some" cops are. Support of law enforcement and the tough jobs that they do everyday is not a blanket support of those officers that choose to misuse their authority.  Likewise, it would be unfair to condemn police officers for the actions of the few; FYI Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in Sept '04 that there were 731,903 sworn state/local law enforcement officers and their numbers have been growning progressively with successive years.     

    I think OP the problem, as I see it, with you original post is that you let us all know how you are feeling about your belief that the police are out of control with their decision to use tasers, but offer no constructive solutions... it would have been helpful if you had gone a step further and offered some potential suggestions beyond the protocols currently in place in law enforcement agencies across the country to deal with reported police misuse of authority(tasers).  

    Then again I could have missed the whole point of your post and all you wanted to do was create a thread where folks can bitch about rampant police brutaility and misuse of tasers...      

    The May 2009report is worth a look.

  • kazmokazmo Member Posts: 715
    Originally posted by kiddyno071

    My earlier posts were meant to not just support a system where police are held accountable, but not having everyone throwing the baby out with the bathwater, cops are misusing tasers, when in actuality only "some" cops are. Support of law enforcement and the tough jobs that they do everyday is not a blanket support of those officers that choose to misuse their authority.  Likewise, it would be unfair to condemn police officers for the actions of the few; FYI Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in Sept '04 that there were 731,903 sworn state/local law enforcement officers and their numbers have been growning progressively with successive years.     
    I think OP the problem, as I see it, with you original post is that you let us all know how you are feeling about your belief that the police are out of control with their decision to use tasers, but offer no constructive solutions... it would have been helpful if you had gone a step further and offered some potential suggestions beyond the protocols currently in place in law enforcement agencies across the country to deal with reported police misuse of authority(tasers).  
    Then again I could have missed the whole point of your post and all you wanted to do was create a thread where folks can bitch about rampant police brutaility and misuse of tasers...      
    The May 2009report is worth a look.


    Well, if you're going to deconstruct this whole thread into "where folks can bitch" and "provide no solutions", maybe you ought to direct that statement inward as well. Considering tasers don't seem to be curtailing crime or preventing much of anything, why do you "bitch" about people questioning their methods? Do you have an alternative solution? 

    More control and authoritarian measures is not the answer. If you had an ounce of logic, you would realize this. When I say "you", I mean all authoritarians in general.

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    If there ever were time for a revolution.... well... it was a while ago: People are little more than sheep in a pasture at the moment.

    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • MunkiMunki Member CommonPosts: 2,128

     From what I could find there is 

    581,888 law enforcement officers in the United states.

    Assuming you get a tazer story atmost once a week (probably more likely to be bi-weekly)

    over the course of a year, you get 52 cases.

    So you're looking at 0.0089% of police are involved in this highly publicized taser abuse.

    Its a terrible world we're now living in when less than a hundredth of a percent of the police force is overracting.

    after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...

  • Squirt5Squirt5 Member Posts: 201
    Originally posted by Munki

     From what I could find there is 
    581,888 law enforcement officers in the United states.
    Assuming you get a tazer story atmost once a week (probably more likely to be bi-weekly)
    over the course of a year, you get 52 cases.
    So you're looking at 0.0089% of police are involved in this highly publicized taser abuse.

    Its a terrible world we're now living in when less than a hundredth of a percent of the police force is overracting.

    Hi, bullshit.

    Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man. -- Bertrand Russell

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