I'm looking for a referral key. Played this game a while back but lost my account info so I need a new trial key. My e-mail address is [email protected].
I'm looking for a referral key. Played this game a while back but lost my account info so I need a new trial key. My e-mail address is [email protected].
Please send me a refer key to [email protected] (decided to resurrect and old account that I had previously forgotten the password to, but resolved through customer support)
Much appreciated
Current mmorpg: Everquest 2 Current RPG: The Last Remnant (PC) Current console games: Tekken 6 (PS3) Current PC games: Super Street Fighter IV: AE2012
I would love a trial key. ^^
[email protected]
I'd like an invite please.
[email protected]
EDIT: Got one....
Can I get an invite please? oO
[email protected]
Edit: Was bored and bought game from online instead. I wont be needing an invite anymore.
I would like an invite as well if possible
Thank you!
- Got it
Awww shat, didn't notice this thread. My bad>.<
Please send me an invite to: [email protected]
Much appreciated!
Current mmorpg: Everquest 2
Current RPG: The Last Remnant (PC)
Current console games: Tekken 6 (PS3)
Current PC games: Super Street Fighter IV: AE2012
Sent to tehcadde and futuristic. Enjoy
Cheers mate!
would love to get a refer a friend invite!
I'm looking for a referral key. Played this game a while back but lost my account info so I need a new trial key. My e-mail address is [email protected].
Sent via PM.
Please send me a refer key to [email protected]
Current mmorpg: Everquest 2
Current RPG: The Last Remnant (PC)
Current console games: Tekken 6 (PS3)
Current PC games: Super Street Fighter IV: AE2012
Bumping this thread.
Please send me a refer key to [email protected] (decided to resurrect and old account that I had previously forgotten the password to, but resolved through customer support)
Much appreciated
Current mmorpg: Everquest 2
Current RPG: The Last Remnant (PC)
Current console games: Tekken 6 (PS3)
Current PC games: Super Street Fighter IV: AE2012
Futuristic you allready got a key from me and used it. Why keep asking for more keys?
Yeah.................. Did you read the post above?
I resurrected an old account that I'd rather play on.
Current mmorpg: Everquest 2
Current RPG: The Last Remnant (PC)
Current console games: Tekken 6 (PS3)
Current PC games: Super Street Fighter IV: AE2012
yea I did and you say a refeer key what you want it a friend key.
Thank you SwampDragons, i received the key
Invite recieved, thanks to the person that sent it ^_^
Invite recieved thanks
1. [email protected]
Looking to try this game before buying it, thanks in advance!!
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
thanks again.
Cant Bring myself to try WOW but would love to try Lineage 2 if someone would be kind enough to help me out.
I appreciate it
[email protected]
TYVM I really appreciate the help. I recieved the code.
** EDIT **

I've received a key and are ready to play, thanks
shameless bump