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They're dumbing down warcraft way too much, and i think i'm getting bored with it, what game would folks recommend for a 'similar' place to go. Play a bit of LOTRO, spurts of time, and recently unearthed EQ2 and really happy with it. I have a few friends that are also ready to move on from warcraft so we're all looking for suggestions. If it helps or matters we're older types, 50ish. SO any suggestions would be appreciated.
Yall should try the Chronicles of Spellborn imo....Free till lvl 10 or so, so no loss at all. Free to d/l. Seemed like a mature community...
Uhh... what?

I am looking for the same thing bro. If anyone has any suggestions that would be appreciated. I have played every game that has been put out in a box. I am currently beta testing Fallen Earth and Aion.
What kind of things are you and your friends looking for in your next MMO?
Current: None
Played: WoW, CoX, SWG, LotRO, EVE, AoC, VG, CO, Ryzom, DF, WAR
Tried: Lineage2, Dofus, EQ2, CoS, FE, UO, Wurm, Wakfu
Future: The Repopulation, ArcheAge, Black Desert, EQN
Don't play Spellborn unless you want twitch combat. Can't imagine why that would be recommended for you. I am 43, currently playing LoTRO, dabbling with CoX again, until Champions arrives. Trying the Aion beta, but it is nothing special.
We are all gonna pimp our faves, but really Lotro is the most accessible to ex-WoW players. CoX has no loot to speak of, WAR is all about the PvP. Maybe Age of Conan? Beautiful world, need a good computer. I haven't played since launch, but people say it has improved. My only gripe with it was not enough content. I hear that's changed.
Similar? Try Runes of Magic. It's a F2P game, arguably one of the better examples. Lots of ex-WOW players there.
I started playing Runes of Magic today just to have something to fart around on once in awhile, explore, do some quests, kick back.
It's basically free WoW. LOL! And probably one I will stick with for quite awhile, but I won't be spending a dime on it. And there were a buttload of people playing in the first zone. So many were in the first major city that it looked like a see of names.
My main mmo is LotRO...with TOR in the wings.
I would say try LotRO though it has easily been over a year since I played it. I liked the game and the community was good but the Mrs. did not like it so back to WoW we went. No game is worth that much wife aggro.
Hey, maybe you guys can also help me.
Iam also looking for a game like WoW, but - Free to Play.
I rly want this F2P game after warcraft because of the amazing races, the best example of a f2p mmorpg with a wide variety of races would be Dark and Light, but the servers are now down and won't be starting again.
i too finally quit wow after 4 years of intermitant play mostly because the community had really gone downhil and i did nt like the directions blizzard were taking it in . i ve set my sights on aion but i m playing age of conan as a stopgap . a game i did nt like upon release but have been plesantly supised by how much its improved . it may never be my regular mmo but i ll happily return to again and again in the years to come . i ve also found warhammer a bit of fun as a pvp experiance but its really only worth playing for short bursts . really a two week sub would be more apporiate for me because thats about when i get few up with it lol