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quick question.

eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

I am just wondering about the expansions... I know there is 15 in all, but I thought they came out with a new one that added mercs.  Is that just a content update or do I have to pay?  What is the new expansions name? 


  • MardyMardy Member Posts: 2,213

    Yes mercs came out with the latest expansion, it's called Seeds of Destruction.  You can purchase ti through SOE, and they'll flag your account to include SoD plus all previous expansions.

    Pretty darn good deal if you've been gone for a long time, like me, I was gone for 5 years and missed tons of expansions.  Getting Seeds of Destruction flagged my account for all expansions.


  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

     Thanks Mardy.  I am going to do it now.

  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

     Is there anyway to just get the new expansion seeds of destruction?  I have the first 15 games (including the base).  I really do not want to pay 40 dollars for them all, when I have all of them except SoD.

  • MardyMardy Member Posts: 2,213

    It's cheaper if you get it from steam:

    Save $9, not much but if you are looking for savings heh.  And no, they don't have a separate package/price for SoD.


  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

     Man, this is crazy :S.  Well, I am going to give in and get it.  DANG YOU SOE!!! lol

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