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What now ?

ArzhAngelArzhAngel Member Posts: 427

Hello all...

So since that there are no MMORPG´s out there worth playing at all, and that the " new " severes did not happen to DAOC , and that Doven Cluster are the one that has the most players but are a TOA sever, and im more for the classic ones. Im kind of confussed were to play, and if this Doven cluster still bring unballanced game play between a new comer and a "alt " busted whit the best crafted armor and a buff boot in the low lvls bg´s ? . Plus that its more or less the sure dead to inter Main RVR, if not completly busted whit TOA / Master Lvls. ?

Or if the game welcome newcomers to the game, the bgs and the main rvr system ?



  • sevitothsevitoth Member UncommonPosts: 375

    A lot of people are rerolling on the Devon cluster, because the other two clusters are slowly dying out. Because of this, there are plenty of new players on the cluster leveling up. Now would be the best time to go back, while people are still leveling up.  You can also find lots of guilds that are noob friendly because of all the new players.


    Leveling up in DAOC is so quick nowadays that you really aren't at that much of a disadvantage. You can easily level a character to 50 in a month of casual play. Plus, there are always raids running MLs and Arties every weekend.  DAOC is almost too easy nowadays.






    Currently Playing: DAOC Uthgard

    Previously Played: UO, DAOC, Shadowbane, AC2, SWG, Horizons, COX, WOW, EQ2, LOTRO, AOC, WAR, Vanguard, Rift, SWTOR, ESO, GW2.

  • NeblessNebless Member RarePosts: 1,879

    I just finished the trial on the Morgan server, Dev cluster as a Midgrad and there were usually 3 or 4 new toons running around the starter area, plus chatter on the chat channel so I'm sure you'd find others to play with.

    Only advice I can say is print out the sticky's at the top of this forum as they were really useful.


    SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter

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