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I saw that alot of people are happy with Atlantica Online and it is the top rated game on, so I thougt I'd give it a try. I made an account and started downloading it - 2 hours left until it is completed.
As I signed up on the website, I realised they have an item mall, which is kindof disappointing as I don't want this game to be the kind of game where the people who pay more are better, it's unfair. Is the item mall just customisation andxp bonuses, or is it for overpowered items, etc?
Could some people tell me what Atlantica Online is like? I would like to know more about the battles and PvP, and also how big/open the world is, etc.
On a side note, I really enjoy PvP alot and am wondering if there is any sort of open world pvp, or if it's only organised pvp.
If you like turn based games you will like Atlantica. The graphics and tutorial are nice. This type of gameplay is not for everyone (was not my cup of tea). But to each his own.
Combat is essentially an updated, visual version of the combat in the very first PC RPGs. Wizardry, Bard's Tale, Might and Magic.
You have a group of characters, arranged in rows. Fighting monsters also arranged in rows. The different is, instead of inputing , you click on who you want to attack.
Personally, I find combat a lot of fun.
PvP is pretty much just organized. The only form of non-voluntary PvP is essentially having the leader of a nation (a group of guilds) gank some member of a rival nation. Which is fairly rare, since it really is just ganking (as leaders of nations tend to be top players, and they go after low levels), it's frowned up by the population of the game as a whole.
The world isn't really open. You can wander where you want, but there's a fairly linear quest storyline.
The cash shop is actually pretty bad and my main problem with the game. There's a lot of nickel and dime-ing for basic stuff (like rooms for characters you aren't using). Exp boosts. But the worst part are the gambling boxes. You have a tiny chance to win the uber item of the month (which doesn't affect PvP, but does have some pretty big in game effects in terms of PvE). So CS users do have a pretty big advantage in game. And they also tend to sell CS items, which means they can afford better equipment than most people (which does have an effect in PvP).
R.I.P. City of Heroes and my 17 characters there
but now i hate what they are going to do in a musician!!
they are going to decrease the ravaging even though there is a upcoming anti musician merc hwarang!!
i hate them!!!
bad move!!
There's a lot to do in Atlantica online... Free league is my favorite!
Controlling 9 mercs including your main is very cool unlike other games which is a hack and slash.. you'll just controlling one job...It depends on you what to choose... it's a strategic game so, you must know and think of your line up that is very effective specially in can choose different build like AOE build, Stun build or both...^^
*** Atlantica Online***Reanemeiko*** Mycenae
('@') Oink!
the bad move is that they made the musician a spammer of ravaging melody. They should have made it like the meteor strike of the witch, in which it will took them a lot of AP before they cast another. It's a good thing they made the hwarang and I am looking forward to it.
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Yeah// I'm looking forward to that new merc also.... an anti musician lol
*** Atlantica Online***Reanemeiko*** Mycenae
('@') Oink!
I'm just getting ready to download this game and play it for the first time. My question is about the item store and nickle and diming? Not sure I understand, does Atlantica place real world value on items in the game like entropia or second life? Is this another game that people can buy their way into the best gear and mounts? I am a total noob and have not played, but keep hearing great things and am just curious about this aspect. I noticed people in my guild in wow suddenly wearing the best seemingly overnight and use to get a little ticked about that.
daahh you can still play this game even if you dont use their item mall and oh btw you can still defeat your opponent in FL by using your own strategy or tactics and also with the help of your mercenaries ^^
Luminary: Rise of the GoonZu player
Its a good f2p game to kill some hours with.. And to complain about the cash shop is not in my book a valid complain
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I haven't use the item mall till now.. hehehe I can still play the game even if you don't use it.. you can by some of the things in the item mall just in the market like mounts,scrolls and even the fashio if someone sell it... ^^
In FL Monk is very important, and never let your monk to be stun or atleast combo 1...
*** Atlantica Online***Reanemeiko*** Mycenae
('@') Oink!
there are some players who dont use monk in FL they really dont know whats the important of having a monk in a line...^^
Luminary: Rise of the GoonZu player
I played the game from closed beta to release.
To me it felt like Final Fantasy 4-7 in an MMO form, not anything like FFXI Online. It is a fun game with a unique crafting and upgrading system, I enjoyed the game for awhile and might go back. I actually found the pvp challenging and spent alot of time trying to upgrade my gear to at least not get smoked by an archer-main.
What I didn't like about the game is that the questlines are a bit linear, "go here talk to so and so, he will tell you to kill ten rats and come back with elixer to give to another so and so to kill ten cats etc..." Typical MMO questline, but it was interested to move around an actual realistic worldmap. I didn't have to wiki where london was, I knew.
All and all, if you are a true rpg gamer that enjoy turn based play, then you will love Atlantica Online, I highly recommend it.
i will never get tired of playing the game!!
cause there's alot to do in game..
and i always love to play at FL!!
The game is not just grinding and leveling up your character... in pvp you can beat 10 gap.. it's about thinking a strategy to beat your opponent.. it doesn't mean that your high level you were strong already... still depends on how you really know the cycle of the game..
*** Atlantica Online***Reanemeiko*** Mycenae
('@') Oink!
Reanemeiko, Nephilim an elitegamer: are you the same freak? Because all of you use 2-3 fullstops and the ^^ after it.
Please just use one account, then the threads are more objective.
Now that I am Level 50 I am a bit pissed because of these "Enchant Boxes". While the Beginner boxes drop fairly often, you now are forced to grind 1-2 kinds of mobs, who have a "very low" chance of dropping these boxes to upgrade the items.
I guess, the enchant stones are part of the Item Shop, too?
Nope where just playing in one cafe' is it a problem? we don't have our own pc... ;(
*** Atlantica Online***Reanemeiko*** Mycenae
('@') Oink!
Take a look at the item mall for yourself! Yes, mounts can be obtained through the item mall, but it's random chance that you even get one
You get mercenary room licenses (places to store mercs you're not currently using in formation), extra inventory licenses, potions that give you a bonus to xp, a few other things. None of them really have an impact on pvp. You can buy very powerful scrolls in the item mall, but they're not able to be used in a pvp fight. So no, you don't have to use the item mall to be a good player. It just makes things more convenient for pve, for the most part.
The only thing that really sets this game apart is the combat, some like it.
I really didnt like the random stat increase pots, paired with stats that are class specific (roll str on a ranged and its a point wasted, ect) , you really cant do much about it so its a pretty random way to raise your character.
Also the pathed world felt very oldschool, in a bad way. You basically have the world to roam, as long as you follow the predetermined paths, no large or open world here.
The combat can be fun, but quickly becomes a chore, especially if your trying to move from point a to point b, you touch a mob and bam, fight sequence.
Not sure if this has changed, but to store mercs you need to pay monthly, on top of other item mall things. This means a free player wont have the liberty to really swap out many diffrent mercs.
All in all its not a terrible game, it has its niche, dont let the rating here fool you though, its an average game after you get over the new game smell.
I got burnt out around 80ish, but it was fun for a while. Though you can just do free league and use the battle points for the 7day merc licenses. Once you use the license you can just let the merc sit in the slot until you need to use them later. Then you can use another 7day license to swap a merc into the slot. It can be done for "Free", it just takes additional time. The mounts are just lame, don't expect to grab one before you hit 90-100 unless you want a starter mount.
My biggest beef is the lack of teleportation licenses post 60. That's basically their cash cow. Those and the xp licenses once you hit 100+. Once you hit the levels where there are no mercs to recruit, it becomes a straight grindfest to level out of that tier.
maybe in the future they will add merceary quest in level 100+ i hope they will. about the telepottation license if you really wat it why dont you re do the quest of uptanism i thik he will give you 2 teleportation license and 2 auto battle license for 1 day.. mounts yeah you ca hardly get 1 when you are ot usig the item mall but in game you can have it just needed more gold to afford one.. have you done all the quest?? just wondering.. im still a mid level level 89..
See my point though: five different accounts with same join-date and same writing style, and each of them glorifies the game to heaven - it looks pretty much like "Viral Marketing".
bump bump bump... Good thread! anyway, what's the topic now? ive seen that it was already diverted. Players? Critics? Where you at guys? AO, not perfect of course... its good enough for me though. Herodes! Hi! lol! Its been a while since ive been here... Any spoilers? Hey, ive tried Rohan, and i didn't like it that much... it was... alright...
just wanted to share. 
It's true that the pvp is mostly organized by it's significantly better than world pvp. The main thing about pvp is it's very calculated. What makes the world pvp stupid is it's basically a gank with the defender at an initial disadvantage. If you attack someone and lose you must suck really bad. Also, stat balancing doesn't happen in world pvp so someone with +10 weapons can 1 shot your mercs. The organized pvp is the main focus because for all intensive purposes, it's fair. Stats get balanced and enhanced weapons don't have their full effect. I have a friend who is lvl 102 with no mercs over lvl 100 and he is div 1 and beats lvl 110+ often. What's also great is the performance of your party is entirely up to you. No complaining about crappy partners or getting double teamed. It's a straight up duel, and losing is entirely your own fault. With that being said, you can hit div 1 without having crazy enhanced items while casually playing solo.
Oh, and as a side note this isn't a pve game at all. There are a few people who don't pvp and they must be farmers or ridiculously bored. The games pve content isn't exciting at all and very linear. You don't need to know how to do anything because there is the auto run function and fighting monsters never gets complicated. So if you are into pve i wouldn't waste considerable time on AO.
i believe that when you join the free leauge regardless of how much the plus of the armor the maximum effect of it is +3 so it will be ok. pvp is more about the strategy of the player not only the level of it or the armors they have of course it will be a plus if they acquire those but a good strategist will be the winner of it i believe. ive seen many players advance their division above their level and someone are in lower division with a high level.