I have to go with Vanguard, it was supposed to be the WoW killer I know that term is used a lot but thats what we all thought it was, we thought it would return us to the glory days of EQ. Exploration, fun, grouping, etc. it was supposed to be THE pve game.I think it turned out to be the biggest flop in mmo history.
Yep Vanguard. Anyone who followed the hype of this game and bought or beta'd it got screwed hardcore.
I would also like to add Earth & Beyond this game was the complete total opposite of what it was hyped and meant to be, although I had fun playing it, im glad it died
I can't speak of Vanguards launch, but I sure am enjoying it now.
It's got that old school feel, together with nice huge seamless areas, good graphics and music.
I played it when it was a year old and had some technical problems then, but it plays fine now. I really don't see any problems with it at this point, except most of the fansites are outdated, and it could use a little more support.
But the game is beautiful, and I'm usually pretty critical of MMO's.
Vanguard took two years to become acceptable, so people say ooh you should try vanguard now etc etc. No i dont want to try vanguard now I tried it after it came out and a year after it was out, it was garbage. In the mmorpg world first impression is everything and very very rare for a mmorpg to get a second chance.
Vanguard is now the biggest suprise for me, as I never expected it to be that great. Recommending it to anyone seeking for amazing PVE.
The biggest let down was undoubtly Warhammer Online. I was expecting great PvP game, and got a boring WoW clone.
I think two MMOs share the title of biggest let down....no big surprise here they both have one thing in common...SOE.
1st. When I first entered the Vanguard beta I thought it was the best game I'd ever tried. Then a few months before launch, they started watering it down and drifting away from the original "vision". Two years after launch it still hitches and has some of the same bugs it had back in beta so long ago.
2nd. Star Wars Galaxies showed me that MMO's had something to offer other than end game raiding. I played a Doctor/Combat Medic with a Bio-engineer/Creature Handler alt and absolutly loved everything about the game until they decided to start deleting classes. One day the game was great, the next day my classes no longer existed.
WAR - The launched game did not live up the hype. Chalk it up to bugs, sluggish/warping gameplay, and a lack fo population... but this game should come with a 'don't believe the hype' t-shirt or bumpersticker. The positive: I enjoyed keep seiges quite a bit.
AoC - Though, i didn't have nearly as high of hopes for this game as other lemmings did. And yes, I included myself in that 'lemmings' reference... because I did go out and buy the game and gave it a whirl. I also tried the game again 6 months and 9 months after launch.
SWG - CU and NGE. I wasn't completely satisfied with SWG as it was preCU, but when SOE refused to see how sh*t the CU and NGE were, well... that was even more disappointing than the gameplay itself.
DDO - The legendary pencil and paper game has never panned out to be the incredible game that I expected. While I did enjoy certain parts of DDO, I just never got the same feeling from the game that I did when I played the pencil/paper version with my friends.
LoTRO - Lack of PvP at launch hurt the game, imho. The game and the classes just never pulled me in. I don't know, but I just could not really sink myself into this game and really immerse.
Darkfall - I believed it was vaporware. I was wrong. But the dream of what Darkfall was supposed to be was far and away better than the reality that Darkfall ended up being.
Tabula Rasa - it was my hope as the next Sci-Fi game when SWG flopped with the CU/NGE. Should've been titled Tabula Nada... cause it just didn't have much of anything to hold my interest.
WoW - While the game is highly succesfull from a financial standpoint, it still does little to really speak to the people that want 'something more'. They address 85% of their playerbase and that's enough for them to keep the wheels turning. I just hate feeling like a number... I hate being like everybody else that rolled my class.
I think EQ 2 flopped because SOE were the biggest name in mmorpgs then, they had nothing to worry about so they could release a half assed game, players would play it and over time they would repair, fix it make it better. They and no one else expected WoW to just dominate everything.
WAR for me was the single largest let down in an MMO. I bought it days before the preorder headstart, got into the headstart, played for less than a day and decided it was utter crap. Went back in February or March, can't remember exactly, and it was still utter crap. Hopefully the WH40K MMO will not be the piece of shit WAR is...
Please dont blame WoW or any other game for another companies lack of creativity.
wait a minute did you just say wow was creative in any way shape or form
im sorry but blizzard couldn't innovate their way out of a wet paper bag
WoW took a game took what was out there and improved upon what they saw what needed to be fit, they made a fun and successful game. In a way yes you can say WoW is creative they have many fans, many books, a lot of lure even if it may have borrowed an idea from another game which in reality everything was borrowed from something.
But you cant just say because WoW went one way, its WoWs fault for a company following in its footsteps.
Please dont blame WoW or any other game for another companies lack of creativity.
I'm not WoW is the game that lacks creativity.
Taken game mechanic refined and dumbed done the general pop status.
I blame wow for filling this Genres community with people with no patience, wanting everything handed to them, players that would rather a MMO have a instanced CTF mechanic then Open pvp battles over territory with political struggle as an undertone.
The day WoW let all the Console and Fps kiddies into the MMO genre. From that day on MMOs have been about Casual play and instant gradification instead of Depth,complexity and challenge. We were over run by players that wanted Everything Now! The players that enjoyed Big open game worlds, Rp and Challenge were forgotten that day.
I call this the romper room era.
um. those kids arent kids anymore, even if you were 15 when wow launched ur 20 + now,
console retards are still on theirs console, boasting how great console games are,
haha, i got flamed few days, when i made remark how 20gb sacred 2 ( not counting huge patches, which makes over 1.2gb with content and physixs, ) becomes 6gb release for xbox360, and then console retards, came flaming me that they compresed all that.. 20gb into 6 gb , i wonder how can such compresed file even run on that ancient console..
Please dont blame WoW or any other game for another companies lack of creativity.
I'm not WoW is the game that lacks creativity.
Taken game mechanic refined and dumbed done the general pop status.
I blame wow for filling this Genres community with people with no patience, wanting everything handed to them, players that would rather a MMO have a instanced CTF mechanic then Open pvp battles over territory with political struggle as an undertone.
The genre de-evolved that day, you all know it.
WoW does not lack creativity. WOTLK was a very great expansion with lots of creativity, story and lore
Please dont blame WoW or any other game for another companies lack of creativity.
wait a minute did you just say wow was creative in any way shape or form
im sorry but blizzard couldn't innovate their way out of a wet paper bag
WoW took a game took what was out there and improved upon what they saw what needed to be fit, they made a fun and successful game. In a way yes you can say WoW is creative they have many fans, many books, a lot of lure even if it may have borrowed an idea from another game which in reality everything was borrowed from something.
But you cant just say because WoW went one way, its WoWs fault for a company following in its footsteps.
true wow did steal alot from many other games but made those stolen ideas good and stable that is true...HOWEVER blizzard has never been able to make something original....where do you think warcraft came from? lotr and warhammer tyvm....but at the same time everytime I play wow it feels like utter shit and cheaply made..to me...im oldschool I miss pre-trammel uo lol
The day WoW let all the Console and Fps kiddies into the MMO genre. From that day on MMOs have been about Casual play and instant gradification instead of Depth,complexity and challenge. We were over run by players that wanted Everything Now! The players that enjoyed Big open game worlds, Rp and Challenge were forgotten that day.
I call this the romper room era.
Unfortunately I agree with your assesment. Vanguard was my last hope of a true MMO, but that did not work out as expected. Ever since then I have pretty much gone off MMOs and only play them very casually as there seems to be no real reason to sink the amount of time into one as I did in EQ1 anymore.
Please dont blame WoW or any other game for another companies lack of creativity.
I'm not WoW is the game that lacks creativity.
Taken game mechanic refined and dumbed done the general pop status.
I blame wow for filling this Genres community with people with no patience, wanting everything handed to them, players that would rather a MMO have a instanced CTF mechanic then Open pvp battles over territory with political struggle as an undertone.
The genre de-evolved that day, you all know it.
WoW does not lack creativity. WOTLK was a very great expansion with lots of creativity, story and lore
I'm sorry but WoW added nothing but simplicity to the genre.
MMOs have always had stories and Lore.
If anything WoW de-evolved the story and lore mechanics of an MMO by taking away players abilities to add to that lore and make it their own.
Im sorry but I have laid quiet long enough, WoW is the plague of the genre.
Yep Vanguard. Anyone who followed the hype of this game and bought or beta'd it got screwed hardcore.
I would also like to add Earth & Beyond this game was the complete total opposite of what it was hyped and meant to be, although I had fun playing it, im glad it died
I can't speak of Vanguards launch, but I sure am enjoying it now.
It's got that old school feel, together with nice huge seamless areas, good graphics and music.
I played it when it was a year old and had some technical problems then, but it plays fine now. I really don't see any problems with it at this point, except most of the fansites are outdated, and it could use a little more support.
But the game is beautiful, and I'm usually pretty critical of MMO's.
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun."
Vanguard is now the biggest suprise for me, as I never expected it to be that great. Recommending it to anyone seeking for amazing PVE.
The biggest let down was undoubtly Warhammer Online. I was expecting great PvP game, and got a boring WoW clone.
I think two MMOs share the title of biggest let down....no big surprise here they both have one thing in common...SOE.
1st. When I first entered the Vanguard beta I thought it was the best game I'd ever tried. Then a few months before launch, they started watering it down and drifting away from the original "vision". Two years after launch it still hitches and has some of the same bugs it had back in beta so long ago.
2nd. Star Wars Galaxies showed me that MMO's had something to offer other than end game raiding. I played a Doctor/Combat Medic with a Bio-engineer/Creature Handler alt and absolutly loved everything about the game until they decided to start deleting classes. One day the game was great, the next day my classes no longer existed.
My opinion of the biggest letdowns in mmo history?
Hard to pin that on just one game as there are so many factors to think about.
In my opinion:
Biggest letdown of a game that never made it to release: Marvel Universe... *sniffle*
Biggest letdown of a release: Horizons or Vanguard. Both were bad for completely different reasons.
Biggest letdown of a game that could have been: Star Wars Galaxies. *cry*
Biggest letdown of expectations: Everquest 2
Biggest letdown by cancellation post release: AC2
Biggest Flop - Definately Dark and Light
Biggest Let Down - SWG NGE
For me it was Warhammer. I've never been that hyped for a game and it didn't meet my expectations.
WAR - The launched game did not live up the hype. Chalk it up to bugs, sluggish/warping gameplay, and a lack fo population... but this game should come with a 'don't believe the hype' t-shirt or bumpersticker. The positive: I enjoyed keep seiges quite a bit.
AoC - Though, i didn't have nearly as high of hopes for this game as other lemmings did. And yes, I included myself in that 'lemmings' reference... because I did go out and buy the game and gave it a whirl. I also tried the game again 6 months and 9 months after launch.
SWG - CU and NGE. I wasn't completely satisfied with SWG as it was preCU, but when SOE refused to see how sh*t the CU and NGE were, well... that was even more disappointing than the gameplay itself.
DDO - The legendary pencil and paper game has never panned out to be the incredible game that I expected. While I did enjoy certain parts of DDO, I just never got the same feeling from the game that I did when I played the pencil/paper version with my friends.
LoTRO - Lack of PvP at launch hurt the game, imho. The game and the classes just never pulled me in. I don't know, but I just could not really sink myself into this game and really immerse.
Darkfall - I believed it was vaporware. I was wrong. But the dream of what Darkfall was supposed to be was far and away better than the reality that Darkfall ended up being.
Tabula Rasa - it was my hope as the next Sci-Fi game when SWG flopped with the CU/NGE. Should've been titled Tabula Nada... cause it just didn't have much of anything to hold my interest.
WoW - While the game is highly succesfull from a financial standpoint, it still does little to really speak to the people that want 'something more'. They address 85% of their playerbase and that's enough for them to keep the wheels turning. I just hate feeling like a number... I hate being like everybody else that rolled my class.
Everquest- in the way it completely changed.
AC2- in that with such a solid graphics engine and other stuff it should have done much better than it did.
Earth and Beyond- for being different and the letdown was it being cancelled.
Everquest2- as an original EQ fan that was a massive letdown.
Dark and Light was far worse than DF
I think EQ 2 flopped because SOE were the biggest name in mmorpgs then, they had nothing to worry about so they could release a half assed game, players would play it and over time they would repair, fix it make it better. They and no one else expected WoW to just dominate everything.
save our future.
The day WoW let all the Console and Fps kiddies into the MMO genre.
From that day on MMOs have been about Casual play and instant gradification instead of Depth,complexity and challenge.
We were over run by players that wanted Everything Now! The players that enjoyed Big open game worlds, Rp and Challenge were forgotten that day.
I call this the romper room era.
Playing: EvE, Ryzom
Please dont blame WoW or any other game for another companies lack of creativity.
save our future.
Darkfall Online.
wait a minute did you just say wow was creative in any way shape or form
im sorry but blizzard couldn't innovate their way out of a wet paper bag
Star Wars Galaxies
WAR for me was the single largest let down in an MMO. I bought it days before the preorder headstart, got into the headstart, played for less than a day and decided it was utter crap. Went back in February or March, can't remember exactly, and it was still utter crap. Hopefully the WH40K MMO will not be the piece of shit WAR is...
wait a minute did you just say wow was creative in any way shape or form
im sorry but blizzard couldn't innovate their way out of a wet paper bag
WoW took a game took what was out there and improved upon what they saw what needed to be fit, they made a fun and successful game. In a way yes you can say WoW is creative they have many fans, many books, a lot of lure even if it may have borrowed an idea from another game which in reality everything was borrowed from something.
But you cant just say because WoW went one way, its WoWs fault for a company following in its footsteps.
save our future.
I'm not WoW is the game that lacks creativity.
Taken game mechanic refined and dumbed done the general pop status.
I blame wow for filling this Genres community with people with no patience, wanting everything handed to them, players that would rather a MMO have a instanced CTF mechanic then Open pvp battles over territory with political struggle as an undertone.
The genre de-evolved that day, you all know it.
Playing: EvE, Ryzom
um. those kids arent kids anymore, even if you were 15 when wow launched ur 20 + now,
console retards are still on theirs console, boasting how great console games are,
haha, i got flamed few days, when i made remark how 20gb sacred 2 ( not counting huge patches, which makes over 1.2gb with content and physixs, ) becomes 6gb release for xbox360, and then console retards, came flaming me that they compresed all that.. 20gb into 6 gb
, i wonder how can such compresed file even run on that ancient console..
I'm not WoW is the game that lacks creativity.
Taken game mechanic refined and dumbed done the general pop status.
I blame wow for filling this Genres community with people with no patience, wanting everything handed to them, players that would rather a MMO have a instanced CTF mechanic then Open pvp battles over territory with political struggle as an undertone.
The genre de-evolved that day, you all know it.
WoW does not lack creativity. WOTLK was a very great expansion with lots of creativity, story and lore
save our future.
wait a minute did you just say wow was creative in any way shape or form
im sorry but blizzard couldn't innovate their way out of a wet paper bag
WoW took a game took what was out there and improved upon what they saw what needed to be fit, they made a fun and successful game. In a way yes you can say WoW is creative they have many fans, many books, a lot of lure even if it may have borrowed an idea from another game which in reality everything was borrowed from something.
But you cant just say because WoW went one way, its WoWs fault for a company following in its footsteps.
true wow did steal alot from many other games but made those stolen ideas good and stable that is true...HOWEVER blizzard has never been able to make something original....where do you think warcraft came from? lotr and warhammer tyvm....but at the same time everytime I play wow it feels like utter shit and cheaply made..to me...im oldschool I miss pre-trammel uo lol
Unfortunately I agree with your assesment. Vanguard was my last hope of a true MMO, but that did not work out as expected. Ever since then I have pretty much gone off MMOs and only play them very casually as there seems to be no real reason to sink the amount of time into one as I did in EQ1 anymore.
I'm not WoW is the game that lacks creativity.
Taken game mechanic refined and dumbed done the general pop status.
I blame wow for filling this Genres community with people with no patience, wanting everything handed to them, players that would rather a MMO have a instanced CTF mechanic then Open pvp battles over territory with political struggle as an undertone.
The genre de-evolved that day, you all know it.
WoW does not lack creativity. WOTLK was a very great expansion with lots of creativity, story and lore
I'm sorry but WoW added nothing but simplicity to the genre.
MMOs have always had stories and Lore.
If anything WoW de-evolved the story and lore mechanics of an MMO by taking away players abilities to add to that lore and make it their own.
Im sorry but I have laid quiet long enough, WoW is the plague of the genre.
Playing: EvE, Ryzom