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DAoC making a comeback

XantalXantal Member Posts: 32

Classic is dead, Killibury is dead, everyone has moved to the Devon cluster.

Population on weeknights/weekends are around 2300-2700 so to anyone that enjoyed a full frontiers of pvp, i would highly reccommend reactivating, tons of action.



  • CzzarreCzzarre Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,742

    Ive been tempted to head back to DAOC for a while. I can just hear those pults reigning down from the towers. 

    However, IM currently working in a beta. Ah well,



  • MurdusMurdus Member UncommonPosts: 698

    Would you suggest new players to join?

    Everyone always talks about how amazing the classic MMOs were, DAoC being one of them, and I never got the chance to play them because I was too young, so it would be nice to see what all the fuss is about.

  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988
    Originally posted by Czzarre


    NO U!!

    But yeah, im enjoying DAoC atm, population is stable, everythings good :3

  • CzzarreCzzarre Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,742
    Originally posted by Murdus

    Would you suggest new players to join?
    Everyone always talks about how amazing the classic MMOs were, DAoC being one of them, and I never got the chance to play them because I was too young, so it would be nice to see what all the fuss is about.


    Its free for 10-14 days. Give it a go and try it out

  • NegativeJoeNegativeJoe Member UncommonPosts: 224

    daoc has a pretty steep learning curve. you can't really just pop on the 10 day trial as a totaly new player and enjoy it. you won't get hooked unless you got a vet showing you the ropes most likely.

    now you might be like me, and look every little thing up online, so its not that bad usualy..but in this case, theres no new guides. theres no simple walktrhough telling you all the ways you can level. thers no new toa guide that i can find and im totally lost in that.

    for instance a brand new player will do the tutorial zone, then go where they are ported and wonder what to do for hours.
    an experineced player will either head straight to the bg's, td's, or a friends vamp/bd/necro for a quick 2 day powerlvl to lvl 50.

    new players really won't enjoy bg's nearly as much as they should either, being that they don't even know what spellcrafting is, let alone pimp their lvl 24's out for thid.

    i just went back myself, i remember alot of stuff so it is kind of cool only..i've never played a second on a toa server. quit before it came out, and didn't go back until classic. this time back, i go devon cuz thats where its at, just hit 40 on my friar(im a hib at heart, first alb toon actually), ported toa cuz i heard you can start in there at 40 and i was totally lost..i did join a random guild but the vets in it would rather make jokes than answer noob questions :/

    ::::26:: ::::26:: ::::26::

  • Timberwolf0Timberwolf0 Member Posts: 424

    Happy to see a good old game making a comeback. I'd play, but I'm addicted to chronicles of spellborn right now.

    Die MIDDIES!

  • arcdevilarcdevil Member Posts: 864

    guess the fact that WAR absolutly sucks and everybody jumps the sinking ship has nothing to do with this

  • beeker255beeker255 Member UncommonPosts: 351

    About to ding 50 on my new middie for devon. DAOC on devon is alive and kicking so I am going to enjoy the population while its here :) I don't see WAR changing the way I want ...probably ever I just didn't like the combat at all compared to DAOC. Anyways anyone on the fence hop off join in this may be the last hurrah so lets ride it out together!


    Xymak on Galahad

  • NegativeJoeNegativeJoe Member UncommonPosts: 224

    don't call it a comeback!

    its really just the other clusters all going to one.

    unfortunatly, it will never attract new players. and even old ones that miss it (like myself) will realize that its fun to hop on and relive some of the glory days, for a few weeks.

    but you have to be hardcore about going back if you do, which i really wasn't. i wanted to play casualy and have some fun. which i am, but these toa clusters make it necessary to ahve 2 accounts. new players that don't know this just get totally destroyed, and they aren't going to know enough yet, or buck up for a 2nd box/account without getting hooked on the game first. immagine a brand new player, hearing how fun thid is, heading out at lvl 20 for the first time in his random armor, uncapped stats, no resists, no buffbot, only people that will group him are 2 others just like him. rolled over and over in his first real rvr action. hows that going to attract anyone? classic needs to make the comeback for this game to have any chance at a revival, and i don't see it.

    definatly not a comeback, just one last hurrah.

    ::::26:: ::::26:: ::::26::

  • PlaidpantsPlaidpants Member UncommonPosts: 267
    Originally posted by NegativeJoe

    don't call it a comeback!
    its really just the other clusters all going to one.
    unfortunatly, it will never attract new players. and even old ones that miss it (like myself) will realize that its fun to hop on and relive some of the glory days, for a few weeks.
    but you have to be hardcore about going back if you do, which i really wasn't. i wanted to play casualy and have some fun. which i am, but these toa clusters make it necessary to ahve 2 accounts. new players that don't know this just get totally destroyed, and they aren't going to know enough yet, or buck up for a 2nd box/account without getting hooked on the game first. immagine a brand new player, hearing how fun thid is, heading out at lvl 20 for the first time in his random armor, uncapped stats, no resists, no buffbot, only people that will group him are 2 others just like him. rolled over and over in his first real rvr action. hows that going to attract anyone? classic needs to make the comeback for this game to have any chance at a revival, and i don't see it.
    definatly not a comeback, just one last hurrah.


    Lol - true. Could have done themselves a favor and just all rerolled on the classic cluster if they wanted to potentially attract new people - yes - people would still have SCed armor and crap - but it wouldn't be as ridiculous with multiple accounts needed.

  • lightingbirdlightingbird Member Posts: 103

    NegativeJoe nailed it 100%

    I'm a long time DAOC player.. long time.  I haven't played in a long time.   I really enjoyed the game on my scout on the classic server.  Although, what really killed the game for me was two things.  Super hib groups and people that play overpowered classes.  Made it very frustrating and eventually killed my whole guild, my friend, and finally me. 


    If the game made a comeback, I would hope they did something about the overpowered classes.  Vamps for example.  I'm not about to go into a rant but either way, I really loved this game and find it very hard to find replacement mainly because of the RVR system.  Theres simply still nothing like it.  Warhammer was crap, age of conan was pointless, and darkfall is just as pointless. 

    Oh well, maybe one day someone will get it right. 


  • GilcroixGilcroix Member UncommonPosts: 263
    Originally posted by Plaidpants

    Originally posted by NegativeJoe

    don't call it a comeback!
    its really just the other clusters all going to one.
    unfortunatly, it will never attract new players. and even old ones that miss it (like myself) will realize that its fun to hop on and relive some of the glory days, for a few weeks.
    but you have to be hardcore about going back if you do, which i really wasn't. i wanted to play casualy and have some fun. which i am, but these toa clusters make it necessary to ahve 2 accounts. new players that don't know this just get totally destroyed, and they aren't going to know enough yet, or buck up for a 2nd box/account without getting hooked on the game first. immagine a brand new player, hearing how fun thid is, heading out at lvl 20 for the first time in his random armor, uncapped stats, no resists, no buffbot, only people that will group him are 2 others just like him. rolled over and over in his first real rvr action. hows that going to attract anyone? classic needs to make the comeback for this game to have any chance at a revival, and i don't see it.
    definatly not a comeback, just one last hurrah.


    Lol - true. Could have done themselves a favor and just all rerolled on the classic cluster if they wanted to potentially attract new people - yes - people would still have SCed armor and crap - but it wouldn't be as ridiculous with multiple accounts needed.

    I spent about 3 yrs away and recently returned. I tried to start over on classic. You still constantly get rolled when starting new. It just takes a few seconds longer.  People on classic just use potions instead of buffbots. Potions aren't as good of course but still give older/richer players a decided advantage. They really should have kept potions out of NF and BG's, if they wanted to attract new players to classic.

    I'm back on my old server with my buffbot now.

  • NegativeJoeNegativeJoe Member UncommonPosts: 224

    thats true, potions are abundant on classic. but its nothing that you can't catch up to in a week or 2.
    within 2 weeks this go around, first time in alb/devon so started from scratch. had
    a 50 friar(farming class comes first as alwasy),
    LGM tailor, ~700 spellcrafting(all you really need ..more or less)
    house with vault, and CM
    Very first day i got 100 gold for helping someone create a guild, only handout i got.
    once you know what to do, you can catch up on the classic server easy. if i was on classic, i could now make a scout, outfit/template him, and buy him potions to be on an even ground and have some fun in thid.
    on toa though.. well a picture is worth 1000 wods

    ::::26:: ::::26:: ::::26::

  • beeker255beeker255 Member UncommonPosts: 351

    Still going strong and having a blast. Joined a nice guild the game is got me hooked again don't know how long it will last but I am having lots of fun right now so thats all good :)

  • PlaidpantsPlaidpants Member UncommonPosts: 267

    I'd like to play but I don't know the first thing about non-classic servers anymore. I never got into ToA really - just stopped and did alts after that.

  • lightingbirdlightingbird Member Posts: 103

    Yea I loved the game.  TOA was cool but the casters killed it for me but mainly the bot users.  I really hated how people paid double to get that winning edge.  I loved classics but constant certain classes and nerfing my favorite class to nothing killed it for me.


  • ArchidArchid Member UncommonPosts: 210

    Can EU-players join US-servers? In europe there's only players in germany... I myself play now and then on english servers where there are 10+ players most.. :D Just wondering...

    the best way to kill a troll is to FLAME ON! ...or with acid...

  • EffectEffect Member UncommonPosts: 949

    So how active is the Devon server set most days? Not RvR but the main cities and surrounding areas? Can you see people coming and going or crafting in areas or simply hanging out?

  • SayocSayoc Member Posts: 13

    action is great.   you just cant beat this game for the best pvp mmo action .. of any current market game.

    Im hoping it stays until at least SWTOR :)



  • SayocSayoc Member Posts: 13

    another great reason to play .... people like ^ are leaving :)



  • EffectEffect Member UncommonPosts: 949

    Is Mythic stilling holding events or campaigns?

  • lightingbirdlightingbird Member Posts: 103

    I'd like to come back but I refuse to use a bot or ask for buffs.  Not to mention coming from the top archer on the classic server to just a rr5 one isn't all that excited.  At least my scout on tristan is fully tempted and ml10.  But still...


  • luciusETRURluciusETRUR Member Posts: 442
    Originally posted by NegativeJoe

    daoc has a pretty steep learning curve. you can't really just pop on the 10 day trial as a totaly new player and enjoy it. you won't get hooked unless you got a vet showing you the ropes most likely.
    now you might be like me, and look every little thing up online, so its not that bad usualy..but in this case, theres no new guides. theres no simple walktrhough telling you all the ways you can level. thers no new toa guide that i can find and im totally lost in that.
    for instance a brand new player will do the tutorial zone, then go where they are ported and wonder what to do for hours.

    an experineced player will either head straight to the bg's, td's, or a friends vamp/bd/necro for a quick 2 day powerlvl to lvl 50.
    new players really won't enjoy bg's nearly as much as they should either, being that they don't even know what spellcrafting is, let alone pimp their lvl 24's out for thid.

    i just went back myself, i remember alot of stuff so it is kind of cool only..i've never played a second on a toa server. quit before it came out, and didn't go back until classic. this time back, i go devon cuz thats where its at, just hit 40 on my friar(im a hib at heart, first alb toon actually), ported toa cuz i heard you can start in there at 40 and i was totally lost..i did join a random guild but the vets in it would rather make jokes than answer noob questions :/


    This is so true. I tried playing three years ago, knew no one and got frustrated because the game explains NOTHING. So many retarded commands and the fact that theres virtually no help from the interface. It just irritated me. Then I moved out to Dallas and met a guy who plays DAoC and now I am enjoying the game beyond my dreams. I did not try very hard to learn the game, to note, but still it was very confusing and that's what made me not care.

    The game has awesome lore, but beyond that, it has some of the most fun low-level PvP I have ever experienced, right now I'm only level 24, but I'll say, I don't really want to play any other MMOs right now, other than maybe EQ to play with some of my friends. :)

  • ZalaberZalaber Member Posts: 104

     im looking to come back and i hear there's a pretty steady population on the devon cluster, but im almost always a hib, and alb and mid always dominated because hib barely had any players compared to the other two realms, is this still true in the devon cluster?

  • luciusETRURluciusETRUR Member Posts: 442

    I don't think so, granted I'm low-level, but Hibernia does pretty well in Thid.

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