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EvasiaEvasia Member Posts: 2,827


I know alreadya topic but this has link to  youtube when you wanne read this topic.

Its was awesome yesterday seeing all clans declare WAR on TUMBS UP for a united FRONT!

Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.



  • OrthedosOrthedos Member Posts: 1,771
    Originally posted by Evasia
    I know alreadya topic but this has link to  youtube when you wanne read this topic.
    Its was awesome yesterday seeing all clans declare WAR on TUMBS UP for a united FRONT!


    Oh yeah big deal, a handful immature cry babies going up in arms, but not in real world.  They go up in arms in a game, a game no one cares.

    I think President Obama need to call in the armed forces b/c the entire DFo server declared war on EG.

    I think EG and all staff will tremble and will run for shelter in EQ2.

    I think everyone will stand in awe admiring the big guys and their memorable deeds in the game world of DF.  After all, never ever has a game world in which everyone go out declaring war on a magazine.  They have nothing better to do in game, beating each other silly is just getting old.  Now they have to beat a reviewer silly.  After declaring war on a magazine, what next?  Wait for EG to build a city and then laid seige to it? Yay, gang Zit and loot him, Yay!  What next?

    Except that, the reviewer don't give an ass about these cry babies.  Cry some more.  You all look like the greatest hero in mankind.

    I have to stop typing so many times to recover from laughing.  What is the average age of DFo gamers? 10? 2?

    Let me predict this.  This next NPC Tasos implement will be named Zit in a ruin called EG, and everyone killing it will be given a medal of loyalty to Tasos.  Everyone go declare war on EG !!! That is the special event of DF for the decade, no more patches till 2019.

    Hahahahaha, I need to stop typing, I am catching my breath from laughing.

  • mackdawg19mackdawg19 Member UncommonPosts: 842

    Ok, what does this mean. They declared War. Is this not something you do in this game when you want to kill someone you hate or rival against? I guess showing that everyone was playing follow the leader means something here.

  • sanedorsanedor Member Posts: 485
    Originally posted by Orthedos

    Originally posted by Evasia
    I know alreadya topic but this has link to  youtube when you wanne read this topic.
    Its was awesome yesterday seeing all clans declare WAR on TUMBS UP for a united FRONT!


    Oh yeah big deal, a handful immature cry babies going up in arms, but not in real world.  They go up in arms in a game, a game no one cares.

    I think President Obama need to call in the armed forces b/c the entire DFo server declared war on EG.

    I think EG and all staff will tremble and will run for shelter in EQ2.

    I think everyone will stand in awe admiring the big guys and their memorable deeds in the game world of DF.  After all, never ever has a game world in which everyone go out declaring war on a magazine.  They have nothing better to do in game, beating each other silly is just getting old.  Now they have to beat a reviewer silly.  After declaring war on a magazine, what next?  Wait for EG to build a city and then laid seige to it? Yay, gang Zit and loot him, Yay!  What next?

    Except that, the reviewer don't give an ass about these cry babies.  Cry some more.  You all look like the greatest hero in mankind.

    I have to stop typing so many times to recover from laughing.  What is the average age of DFo gamers? 10? 2?

    Let me predict this.  This next NPC Tasos implement will be named Zit in a ruin called EG, and everyone killing it will be given a medal of loyalty to Tasos.  Everyone go declare war on EG !!! That is the special event of DF for the decade, no more patches till 2019.

    Hahahahaha, I need to stop typing, I am catching my breath from laughing.

    I must agree, when i saw all the WAR crap i thought , wow must be the special Ed < short bus > guilds..


    Want to say sorry to any short bus riders , i know even they would not play this dead game..

  • OrthedosOrthedos Member Posts: 1,771
    Originally posted by mackdawg19

    Ok, what does this mean. They declared War. Is this not something you do in this game when you want to kill someone you hate or rival against? I guess showing that everyone was playing follow the leader means something here.

    Hahahaha, indeed.


    In this game you declare war againat a player a clan.  Now they declare war against a magazine.

    Tomorrow, Tasos will run for the president of Greece, he and all DF players will declare war against the other presidental candidates.  Tasos lost his cat, someone stole it.  Everyone declare war against the cat thief.

    Tasos grow too fat, everyone declare war against Tasos' belly.

    If you need something done, declare war in DF.  Anything.

  • IGaveUpIGaveUp Member Posts: 273
    Originally posted by Orthedos 
    Let me predict this.  This next NPC Tasos implement will be named Zit in a ruin called EG


    OMGz, that is funny.  I think I've just found a name for the evil overlord :-)




  • HexcaliberHexcaliber Member UncommonPosts: 171

    One word, IDIOTS; the df community and Tasos deserve each other.

    My Colour Is Vomit green, I puke on the tards with stupid colour sigs. My symbol is ,,!, O ,!,, My enemies are any prat with a colour sig, a meaningless personality test, or a pointless list of games and classes.

    Regards Hexcaliber

  • egotripegotrip Member Posts: 875
    Originally posted by Orthedos

    Originally posted by mackdawg19

    Ok, what does this mean. They declared War. Is this not something you do in this game when you want to kill someone you hate or rival against? I guess showing that everyone was playing follow the leader means something here.

    Hahahaha, indeed.


    In this game you declare war againat a player a clan.  Now they declare war against a magazine.

    Tomorrow, Tasos will run for the president of Greece, he and all DF players will declare war against the other presidental candidates.  Tasos lost his cat, someone stole it.  Everyone declare war against the cat thief.

    Tasos grow too fat, everyone declare war against Tasos' belly.

    If you need something done, declare war in DF.  Anything.

    Sorry this will not work, the prime minister of Greece is a WoW fan

    Iiii-iiiiiit's.... me!!! *Hooray*

  • GaladournGaladourn Member RarePosts: 1,813

    The more I observe DF players' behavior, the more I believe they need medical treatment for paranoia...

  • terr89terr89 Member Posts: 12

    You know, Tasos is like Uwe Boll. He released a dreadful game and now he's crying about bad reviews. As for the "Declaring War" crap- it just shows what kind of people play this game and i'm glad i'm not a part of this anymore.

  • Greek_MattGreek_Matt Member Posts: 354

     So how long before dares to do an official Darkfall review of their own I wonder? And I mean a real independent review, not another of these endless mind-numbing fanblogs from Paragus And how many independent gaming media reviewers will the DF playerbase have to 'declare war' on before even they finally begin to realize that it's not some big conspiracy, just that they're in love with a shit game...?


  • GaladournGaladourn Member RarePosts: 1,813
    Originally posted by Greek_Matt

     So how long before dares to do an official Darkfall review of their own I wonder? And I mean a real independent review, not another of these endless mind-numbing fanblogs from Paragus And how many independent gaming media reviewers will the DF playerbase have to 'declare war' on before even they finally begin to realize that it's not some big conspiracy, just that they're in love with a shit game...?


    A few months after AV has pulled the plug on DF, perhaps...but such zealotry isn't easy to cure...

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029

    It'll just add another low score

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • jimsmith08jimsmith08 Member Posts: 1,039
    Originally posted by Galadourn

    The more I observe DF players' behavior, the more I believe they need medical treatment for paranoia...


    ..and some fresh air and sunshine too by the looks of it.

     TUMBS UP!

  • GaladournGaladourn Member RarePosts: 1,813

    that too.


    I mean how more paranoid can one get, boasting about being a "small niche market" and at the same time complaining mainstream media are not praising the end product...

  • pwnzorellOrpwnzorellOr Member Posts: 216

    I have to admit, as much as i dislike this game and everything around it, i sooooo love the fanbois and the DF forums ... PRICELESS! :D

    Ok, back to the business, my beloved Aventurine crusaders, BURN THE INFIDELS!

    jedi mind - heavenly divine, steadily shine in '99!

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    Originally posted by Orthedos

    Originally posted by Evasia
    I know alreadya topic but this has link to  youtube when you wanne read this topic.
    Its was awesome yesterday seeing all clans declare WAR on TUMBS UP for a united FRONT!


    Oh yeah big deal, a handful immature cry babies going up in arms, but not in real world.  They go up in arms in a game, a game no one cares.

    I think President Obama need to call in the armed forces b/c the entire DFo server declared war on EG.

    I think EG and all staff will tremble and will run for shelter in EQ2.

    I think everyone will stand in awe admiring the big guys and their memorable deeds in the game world of DF.  After all, never ever has a game world in which everyone go out declaring war on a magazine.  They have nothing better to do in game, beating each other silly is just getting old.  Now they have to beat a reviewer silly.  After declaring war on a magazine, what next?  Wait for EG to build a city and then laid seige to it? Yay, gang Zit and loot him, Yay!  What next?

    Except that, the reviewer don't give an ass about these cry babies.  Cry some more.  You all look like the greatest hero in mankind.

    I have to stop typing so many times to recover from laughing.  What is the average age of DFo gamers? 10? 2?

    Let me predict this.  This next NPC Tasos implement will be named Zit in a ruin called EG, and everyone killing it will be given a medal of loyalty to Tasos.  Everyone go declare war on EG !!! That is the special event of DF for the decade, no more patches till 2019.

    Hahahahaha, I need to stop typing, I am catching my breath from laughing.


    ROFL! Now that was worth reading. I laugh with you. Just like many others are laughing with you now too.

    Well said.

  • gruminatorgruminator Member Posts: 141

    i remember some time ago i saw a movie-clip with a big angry mob shouting stuff and burning flags.

    one of the guys managed to set fire to his own cloth.

    thats how i picture these darkfall fans.

  • KrayzjoelKrayzjoel Member Posts: 906

    I can understand that the Darkfall community being upet over a review , but this is just getting plain stupid. Now they're gonna look like a bunch of crybabies to the MMO world. Someone please fire Tasos b4 this get out of hand!!!

    Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
    Playing EVE Online and AOC.
    Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD

  • egg20001ukegg20001uk Member Posts: 124

    Isn't it ironic that all of the vocal "Hardcore" fans are getting their knickers in a twist over a bad review.

    How very Carebear :D

  • bleyzwunbleyzwun Member UncommonPosts: 1,087

    lol... i highly doubt that eorogamer cares.

  • RoinRoin Member RarePosts: 3,444
    Originally posted by egotrip

    Originally posted by Orthedos

    Originally posted by mackdawg19

    Ok, what does this mean. They declared War. Is this not something you do in this game when you want to kill someone you hate or rival against? I guess showing that everyone was playing follow the leader means something here.

    Hahahaha, indeed.


    In this game you declare war againat a player a clan.  Now they declare war against a magazine.

    Tomorrow, Tasos will run for the president of Greece, he and all DF players will declare war against the other presidental candidates.  Tasos lost his cat, someone stole it.  Everyone declare war against the cat thief.

    Tasos grow too fat, everyone declare war against Tasos' belly.

    If you need something done, declare war in DF.  Anything.

    Sorry this will not work, the prime minister of Greece is a WoW fan


    Ego I think that is probably one of the funniest youtube links I've seen posted lately.

    In War - Victory.
    In Peace - Vigilance.
    In Death - Sacrifice.

  • spikenogspikenog Member Posts: 283

     All this BS for an honest review.

    So sad.

  • RuynRuyn Member Posts: 1,052

    Regardless of all the haters opinions, the Darkfall community did make a statement.  Yesterday people stopped killing each other for a second and stood together, as a community.  It shall forever henceforth be known as the day Darkfall stood still.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Originally posted by Greek_Matt

     So how long before dares to do an official Darkfall review of their own I wonder? And I mean a real independent review, not another of these endless mind-numbing fanblogs from Paragus And how many independent gaming media reviewers will the DF playerbase have to 'declare war' on before even they finally begin to realize that it's not some big conspiracy, just that they're in love with a shit game...?


    I agree, this site needs to review the game...

    But it is possible that a lot of the guys dont want to make one after this, DF fans seems more rabiat fanatics than Al quada. I still dont have an opinion about the game but my opion about the fanbase have dropped a lot the last few days.

    I play EQ2 and Guildwars, both have gotten some really bad reviews... Do I care and declare war on the webbpages that did them? No. I like the games I like and if the reviews the get are bad I just say my opnion differs, nothing more.

    Hopefully this is just a few morons shouting out but it still make the DF fans (and devs) sounds like jerks to the rest of the MMO community.

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Originally posted by Evasia
    I know alreadya topic but this has link to  youtube when you wanne read this topic.
    Its was awesome yesterday seeing all clans declare WAR on TUMBS UP for a united FRONT!


    ... You know, I can appreciate the sense of comraderie and all in this whole "declaring war on eurogamer" thing.

    But looking at it beyond that... It's really a bit ridiculous.

    As has been said... A bunch of people in an obscure MMO decide to declare a fantasy war, in a fantasy game against a gaming website because they - boo-hoo - said mean things about your pet game.

    I mean seriously.

    I'm sure there's tons of self-congratulatory back-patting going on at how you "came together as a community" and all, but really... All it does is makes you all look like a bunch of whiney e-thugs who take "attacks" on "your game" way too personally; with Tasos as the head e-thug leading the charge.

    Is this how you're going to react to any negative review?

    If the reviewer played a month and *did* do all those things some have insisted (through their own self-appointed authority) they must do before they can review the game, and it's still rated it low, would you say "well, okay... I disagree, but that's fair I guess"?

    I *highly* doubt it. Several of you attack those who *are* playing the game and/or have been playing since its release if they say something negative; as though a reviewer is going to fare any better?

    And please... It has nothing to do with how much or little they played or how much they understood this or that feature. The rabid fans of this game can not handle any criticism about anything to do with DF, no matter what the circumstances, no matter who says it, no matter how they say it, no matter how much proof there is to back it up. Anyone who dares criticize DF is promptly pounced on, ripped apart and flamed to a crisp, regardless.

    FFS... Grow a pair and deal with it. And while you're at it, tell Tasos to do the same. I mean, you are all supposed to be "hardcore" right? How about developing a thicker skin and actually act like it?

    DF is going to get a lot of flack. It happens to *all* MMOs... including WoW. It's fine to disagree or even pick apart a review that you disagree with... but this whole e-crusade thing is pointless and ridiculous.

    I have to say... at this point, you guys have *surpassed* the Shadowbane community in your rabid defense of this game. You're nigh on hysterical at this point.



    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


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