Champions Online Aion Free Realms Star Trek Online DC Universe and just about every other MMORPG coming out in 2009/2010 None of these games will bring anything new or truly innovative to the table. All "been there, done that".
All those games have already failed based on information readily available about their design.
The only MMOGs slated for 2009 that appear to have some good qualities are Mortal Online and Earthrise.
Im looking forward to a few games in the next couple years.
Earthrise (i'm a sucker for a good sci-fi mmo), MO,Fallen Earth, TOR (i'm a Bioware fanboi sorry), looking forward to the unannounced Bethesda MMO and on the Xpac front the Eve ambulation project and hopefully the AO graphics revamp.
Champions Online Aion Free Realms Star Trek Online DC Universe and just about every other MMORPG coming out in 2009/2010 None of these games will bring anything new or truly innovative to the table. All "been there, done that".
Because you do not like the direction of a game does not mean it will be a failure. It may fail for you because you do not like it that is different then a failure in the market place. I will predict the one of the games on your list of failures will be a huge success and have millions of players. Free Realms will be a giant. I have been in the beta for a few days and it is fantastic and unlike any mmo out there. With that said, it is not designed for most of the mmo players that post here at I have said this in other posts, we here are not the average player and we represent mostly more serious older mmo fans.There is a much larger customer base for mmos then what we represent on these forums.
I think STO is probably going to be a failure but the rest of the games you mention I think will succeed on different levels with Free Realms being a huge hit with families and it's target audience "tweens".
APB will be the MMO of this year. New, original and deep. Champions online, there's no way this game will fail because I am in the beta so I know what im telling you. Champs wont fail. Not even near.
You think SWG will get millions of subs? I do not think so.
He was referring to SWTOR not SGW... SGW will never see release in it's current form. It wouldn't surprise me if it get shelved for now and be reincarnated later and rewritten from the ground up.
Champions Online Aion Free Realms Star Trek Online DC Universe and just about every other MMORPG coming out in 2009/2010 None of these games will bring anything new or truly innovative to the table. All "been there, done that".
Because you do not like the direction of a game does not mean it will be a failure. It may fail for you because you do not like it that is different then a failure in the market place. I will predict the one of the games on your list of failures will be a huge success and have millions of players. Free Realms will be a giant. I have been in the beta for a few days and it is fantastic and unlike any mmo out there. With that said, it is not designed for most of the mmo players that post here at I have said this in other posts, we here are not the average player and we represent mostly more serious older mmo fans.There is a much larger customer base for mmos then what we represent on these forums.
I think STO is probably going to be a failure but the rest of the games you mention I think will succeed on different levels with Free Realms being a huge hit with families and it's target audience "tweens".
Using your own words, STO will fail for you. There are enough Star Trek fans and MMO fans of sci-fi that will play the game that will more than make up the cost of keeping it running. TOR is a failure for me. I'm a long time SW fan (seen each of the original trilogy movies over 300 times each and still watch them if they are on tv) and a fan of Bioware. That said, I don't like the direction they are taking TOR. It's not what I envision when talking about living in the SW universe. Meh, oh well. I'm sure they won't miss one less box sale and monthly subscription and I have other games that I'm interested in.
Of those games listed I don't see Champions Online, DC Universe and STO having much issue holding 100K plus subscribers each, which generally pays the bills + profit. COX has proven a niche for superhero themed games and I'm sure those players interested in it are ready for something new. STO is an established IP. You only have to take a look at how bad SOE treated their established IP game and that it is still up and running to see that if Cryptic takes note from that fiasco (which who in this indutry didn't) and just builds on the groundwork of the game they put down, they'll be alright. Aion should do ok in the Asian "theatre of operations" but I'm not sure how well it will go over in the west. Sure, there is interest, but how much who knows. Free Realms looks to do what most people generally expect out of a low subscription fee/microtransaction game from the west: just enough to pay the bills and a little profit to warrant not closing it down.
*Disclaimer: The above is my opinion. I don't have an agenda against any of the games mentioned.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Champions Online Aion Free Realms Star Trek Online DC Universe and just about every other MMORPG coming out in 2009/2010 None of these games will bring anything new or truly innovative to the table. All "been there, done that".
What a dumb fing post. Just a statement about games that havent been released yet or given a chance. Can you please elaborate on what exactely each game isnt bringing? After all your omnipotence is astounding.....
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR. Playing EVE Online and AOC. Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
Champions Online Aion Free Realms Star Trek Online DC Universe and just about every other MMORPG coming out in 2009/2010 None of these games will bring anything new or truly innovative to the table. All "been there, done that".
I played Champions @ GenCon, that game is not fail my friend.
I reserve judgement on any game that has not come out and that I have not tried.
Just cause a not-yet-released game does not strike your fancy does not automatically make it a doomed failure. Games with bad launches aren't automatically failurs either..just look at has a horrendous launch and yet is considered to top game today (though personally I dont like WoW..tried it for a month..didnt like it but thats just me)
A true gamer does not judge a game until they have personally tried it.
And no game will be a "WoW-killer", so just stop talking about it.
The day ppl stop talking about it is the day it'll happen, stuff like this tends to usually happen when ppl least expect it. Trust me WoW will die out either from age or other games. People are just so hyped up these days to see it happen, they lose they're patience and are left with an impression that WoW is supposedly something
As for me, I predict WoW will start to die out around late 2010 early 2011.
Champions Online Aion Free Realms Star Trek Online DC Universe and just about every other MMORPG coming out in 2009/2010 None of these games will bring anything new or truly innovative to the table. All "been there, done that".
Aion has already more then 1 million players how can it be a failure?
Champions Online Aion Free Realms Star Trek Online DC Universe and just about every other MMORPG coming out in 2009/2010 None of these games will bring anything new or truly innovative to the table. All "been there, done that".
I played Champions @ GenCon, that game is not fail my friend.
I hope it's not. I enjoyed Coh until there was nothing left to do. Does not hurt that I enjoy most things related to hero type themes.
I dont think these game need to be largely innovative really, just a new thing here or there mixed with the mmo stuff we know people like and have been very successful.
AION has been going strong for almost a year now. How can you call it a failure? It's probably not my style of a game but it's still something to look at.
Star Trek Online might actually be good, no one can really judge a product that is not out yet.
As for innovation, how about you share your ideas on what could innovate the genre. You obviously know more then most here so enlight me. Seriously, people want innovation but when you give them innovation, they spit at it and demand for the old ways.
Why would WoW suddenly drop 5 million players next year? I'm not getting your point?
I don't know how Aion will do in the US and Europe, but it's doing pretty well in Asia and there seemed to be loads of people running around the Chinese beta test. Free Realms might do okay since it's a very pretty mini-game MMO geared towards the 8 - 12 year old crowd. I don't even understand why people are calling it a WoW clone. Maybe because it's colourful and rather cartoonish looking? When the family pricing is introduced, I think it could be a big hit. Quite a lot of people I know with kids are looking forward to it. As for the others, who knows? I wouldn't think they'd do particularly well if you are comparing them to WoW numbers. But do they really need to be that big to be successful?
PS Champions Online looks JUST like CoH to me. Seriously. Not that I won't give it a go, I enjoyed CoH/V. Just sayin'.
Why would WoW suddenly drop 5 million players next year? I'm not getting your point? I don't know how Aion will do in the US and Europe, but it's doing pretty well in Asia and there seemed to be loads of people running around the Chinese beta test. Free Realms might do okay since it's a very pretty mini-game MMO geared towards the 8 - 12 year old crowd. I don't even understand why people are calling it a WoW clone. Maybe because it's colourful and rather cartoonish looking? When the family pricing is introduced, I think it could be a big hit. Quite a lot of people I know with kids are looking forward to it. As for the others, who knows? I wouldn't think they'd do particularly well if you are comparing them to WoW numbers. But do they really need to be that big to be successful? PS Champions Online looks JUST like CoH to me. Seriously. Not that I won't give it a go, I enjoyed CoH/V. Just sayin'.
He is saying WoW will lose 5m subs to Aion in china.
All those games have already failed based on information readily available about their design.
The only MMOGs slated for 2009 that appear to have some good qualities are Mortal Online and Earthrise.
Im looking forward to a few games in the next couple years.
Earthrise (i'm a sucker for a good sci-fi mmo), MO,Fallen Earth, TOR (i'm a Bioware fanboi sorry), looking forward to the unannounced Bethesda MMO and on the Xpac front the Eve ambulation project and hopefully the AO graphics revamp.
Playing: EvE, Ryzom
Because you do not like the direction of a game does not mean it will be a failure. It may fail for you because you do not like it that is different then a failure in the market place. I will predict the one of the games on your list of failures will be a huge success and have millions of players. Free Realms will be a giant. I have been in the beta for a few days and it is fantastic and unlike any mmo out there. With that said, it is not designed for most of the mmo players that post here at I have said this in other posts, we here are not the average player and we represent mostly more serious older mmo fans.There is a much larger customer base for mmos then what we represent on these forums.
I think STO is probably going to be a failure but the rest of the games you mention I think will succeed on different levels with Free Realms being a huge hit with families and it's target audience "tweens".
APB will be the MMO of this year. New, original and deep. Champions online, there's no way this game will fail because I am in the beta so I know what im telling you. Champs wont fail. Not even near.
STO and StargateWorlds are going to fail for sure imo. Not to sure about the other games.
One game that will be a huge success and i think will rival WoW, is SW:TOR. Has a lot going for it, especially with BioWare developing it
You think SWG will get millions of subs? I do not think so.
You think SWG will get millions of subs? I do not think so.
its no swg kthxbyegg
You think SWG will get millions of subs? I do not think so.
He was referring to SWTOR not SGW... SGW will never see release in it's current form. It wouldn't surprise me if it get shelved for now and be reincarnated later and rewritten from the ground up.
Because you do not like the direction of a game does not mean it will be a failure. It may fail for you because you do not like it that is different then a failure in the market place. I will predict the one of the games on your list of failures will be a huge success and have millions of players. Free Realms will be a giant. I have been in the beta for a few days and it is fantastic and unlike any mmo out there. With that said, it is not designed for most of the mmo players that post here at I have said this in other posts, we here are not the average player and we represent mostly more serious older mmo fans.There is a much larger customer base for mmos then what we represent on these forums.
I think STO is probably going to be a failure but the rest of the games you mention I think will succeed on different levels with Free Realms being a huge hit with families and it's target audience "tweens".
Using your own words, STO will fail for you. There are enough Star Trek fans and MMO fans of sci-fi that will play the game that will more than make up the cost of keeping it running. TOR is a failure for me. I'm a long time SW fan (seen each of the original trilogy movies over 300 times each and still watch them if they are on tv) and a fan of Bioware. That said, I don't like the direction they are taking TOR. It's not what I envision when talking about living in the SW universe. Meh, oh well. I'm sure they won't miss one less box sale and monthly subscription and I have other games that I'm interested in.
Of those games listed I don't see Champions Online, DC Universe and STO having much issue holding 100K plus subscribers each, which generally pays the bills + profit. COX has proven a niche for superhero themed games and I'm sure those players interested in it are ready for something new. STO is an established IP. You only have to take a look at how bad SOE treated their established IP game and that it is still up and running to see that if Cryptic takes note from that fiasco (which who in this indutry didn't) and just builds on the groundwork of the game they put down, they'll be alright. Aion should do ok in the Asian "theatre of operations" but I'm not sure how well it will go over in the west. Sure, there is interest, but how much who knows. Free Realms looks to do what most people generally expect out of a low subscription fee/microtransaction game from the west: just enough to pay the bills and a little profit to warrant not closing it down.
*Disclaimer: The above is my opinion. I don't have an agenda against any of the games mentioned.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
What a dumb fing post. Just a statement about games that havent been released yet or given a chance. Can you please elaborate on what exactely each game isnt bringing? After all your omnipotence is astounding.....
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
I played Champions @ GenCon, that game is not fail my friend.
I reserve judgement on any game that has not come out and that I have not tried.
Just cause a not-yet-released game does not strike your fancy does not automatically make it a doomed failure. Games with bad launches aren't automatically failurs either..just look at has a horrendous launch and yet is considered to top game today (though personally I dont like WoW..tried it for a month..didnt like it but thats just me)
A true gamer does not judge a game until they have personally tried it.
i actually think 2009 is gonna be a great year for mmorpgs
DC Online looks very very good
SW:TOR is gonna be amazing (i hope)
Champions looks good
Free Realms is actually not bad at all
Aion - can't comment on haven't been following it
and side note: Hopefully EVE Ambulation will be at this winter as well
2009 looks very very good
The day ppl stop talking about it is the day it'll happen, stuff like this tends to usually happen when ppl least expect it. Trust me WoW will die out either from age or other games. People are just so hyped up these days to see it happen, they lose they're patience and are left with an impression that WoW is supposedly something
As for me, I predict WoW will start to die out around late 2010 early 2011.
Aion has already more then 1 million players how can it be a failure?
I played Champions @ GenCon, that game is not fail my friend.
I hope it's not. I enjoyed Coh until there was nothing left to do. Does not hurt that I enjoy most things related to hero type themes.
I doubt Champions will be a failure. It'll probably be a modest success.
Aion is already a success, too.
The others are wildcards, they could go either way.
star wars cant fail
they gots glowy sticks
I dont think these game need to be largely innovative really, just a new thing here or there mixed with the mmo stuff we know people like and have been very successful.
AION has been going strong for almost a year now. How can you call it a failure? It's probably not my style of a game but it's still something to look at.
Star Trek Online might actually be good, no one can really judge a product that is not out yet.
As for innovation, how about you share your ideas on what could innovate the genre. You obviously know more then most here so enlight me. Seriously, people want innovation but when you give them innovation, they spit at it and demand for the old ways.
2009 is going to be what people expected 2008 to be. That's my bet.
And that's all it is, a bet.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw
"Those who see only failure have looked deeply within themselves."
Why would WoW suddenly drop 5 million players next year? I'm not getting your point?
I don't know how Aion will do in the US and Europe, but it's doing pretty well in Asia and there seemed to be loads of people running around the Chinese beta test. Free Realms might do okay since it's a very pretty mini-game MMO geared towards the 8 - 12 year old crowd. I don't even understand why people are calling it a WoW clone. Maybe because it's colourful and rather cartoonish looking? When the family pricing is introduced, I think it could be a big hit. Quite a lot of people I know with kids are looking forward to it. As for the others, who knows? I wouldn't think they'd do particularly well if you are comparing them to WoW numbers. But do they really need to be that big to be successful?
PS Champions Online looks JUST like CoH to me. Seriously. Not that I won't give it a go, I enjoyed CoH/V. Just sayin'.
Yeah, the OP seems to have a bad case of "I don't like it therefore it will fail"-itis.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
He is saying WoW will lose 5m subs to Aion in china.
Sooner or Later