We know NCSOFT doesn't want us to play Chinese version but its only benefiting them in long run. I love this game and can't get enough of it. And if we didn't play Chinese version we would have never known how much this game rocks.
Thanks NCSOFT.
PS; small thing but i hope you add option to change eye color in US/EU version. I was surprised to see this simple but common option missing.
The hairy backs should be on the options on character creation, because come on, if i ever play this game i wouldnt like to play a hairy back dude or gal, not even chicks like hairy backs.
This is the best mmorpg I have played since DAOC ty ncsoft.
Sorry m8, I tried Aion.....and it is NO WAY near what DAOC was in terms of fun. It's just Lineage III with wings. =(
No, you didn't try Aion, your comments have been the same generic shit (something that can be said by someone who hasn't even done a bit of research) for a while already about this game.
This is the best mmorpg I have played since DAOC ty ncsoft.
Sorry m8, I tried Aion.....and it is NO WAY near what DAOC was in terms of fun. It's just Lineage III with wings. =(
No, you didn't try Aion, your comments have been the same for a while already about this game.
My thoughts exactly lol, I came to realize ppl that just say this is L2 with wings are just dont care about the game and are board warriors, I know this because one of my best friends ALWAYS Hated L2, I offered him an account, adena, gear, leveling help with buffers he just plain hated it, when I talked with him about Aion the response was the same "L2 with wings" and "I will never play Aion" , after our guild stopped playing WoW out of boredom we all decided to play Aion CN OB, and after a couple of days he did admitely say "this is the best mmo I have played so far", this is not to say everyone will like it, but it might have the soul of L2 (and i hope it does politics wise) but its a complete very polished re-work.
NCSoft did a really great job in trying to create a game with more westernized mechanics and game play. It may not see the level of success as World of Warcraft, but it certainly blows the other recent MMOs out of the water (AoC, WAR, etc).
The game is amazingly polished, its very stable and the graphics are quite awesome. If NCSoft spends a good amount of promotion in the US, AION could possibly be the 2nd most popular MMO on the market.
Aion is simply amazing and i would pay for it no matter what,its just awsome and it will simply be the greatest mmo ever and its engine omg godly polished, i can play this max on my pc without getting it slow at all. Ncsoft is heading in the right direction,keep up the excelent work.
Can't pay for membership? Have to play free stupid grind games? NOT ANYMORE! go to www.bux.to and add Ppast as referrer!
The graphics are just ok to me. Not great by any stretch. The character models are nice but the animation is stiff. The quests are the same thing as any other mmo, the classes are uninspired, the music is god awful. The game is polished. That doesnt a good game make. Aion is nothing but the same thing as every other of the thousands of fantasy mmo's out. The same games reskinned over and over and over again. Hard to be excited about a game that we have all played a thousand times over already.
Allow me to disagree with you, while I agree that they used the same formula, they made it right, the animations are far from stiff in my opinion this game has the best animation out there, the character feels alive just by leaving it there idle, the animations are fluid and are interactive with the environment that surrounds the character, if its raining the character will respond to it, if your in the desert he can feel really hot or just pickup a bit of sand from the ground, it is simply amazing, gfx wise again in my opinion it looks really amazing and im glad to see NC kept their standards as far as gfx are concerned L2 was one of the best graphically pleasent games out even after 2-3 years after release and Aion is following the same pattern, the classes are your standard classes really, but bear in mind they branch out and I do love the branching system they use, its alot better than just choosing 1 out of 20 classes and then realizing you made the wrong choice, and allows you to try a bit of everything of the same "general" class before you make a commitment to a specific one.
The graphics are just ok to me. Not great by any stretch. The character models are nice but the animation is stiff. The quests are the same thing as any other mmo, the classes are uninspired, the music is god awful. The game is polished. That doesnt a good game make. Aion is nothing but the same thing as every other of the thousands of fantasy mmo's out. The same games reskinned over and over and over again. Hard to be excited about a game that we have all played a thousand times over already.
Then why we will get excited about any new game? lets take for example a FPS, we wont play again any new FPS because in the end you just move forward shotting stuff, people should learn to see the difference between good or bad games, a game dont need to be revolutionary to be a good game.
About GFX, take in mind that there will be massive battles, so they try to make a good balance between frames and gfx, imo they did a great job:
The graphics are just ok to me. Not great by any stretch. The character models are nice but the animation is stiff. The quests are the same thing as any other mmo, the classes are uninspired, the music is god awful. The game is polished. That doesnt a good game make. Aion is nothing but the same thing as every other of the thousands of fantasy mmo's out. The same games reskinned over and over and over again. Hard to be excited about a game that we have all played a thousand times over already.
Allow me to disagree with you, while I agree that they used the same formula, they made it right, the animations are far from stiff in my opinion this game has the best animation out there, the character feels alive just by leaving it there idle, the animations are fluid and are interactive with the environment that surrounds the character, if its raining the character will respond to it, if your in the desert he can feel really hot or just pickup a bit of sand from the ground, it is simply amazing, gfx wise again in my opinion it looks really amazing and im glad to see NC kept their standards as far as gfx are concerned L2 was one of the best graphically pleasent games out even after 2-3 years after release and Aion is following the same pattern, the classes are your standard classes really, but bear in mind they branch out and I do love the branching system they use, its alot better than just choosing 1 out of 20 classes and then realizing you made the wrong choice, and allows you to try a bit of everything of the same "general" class before you make a commitment to a specific one.
I respect your personal opinion but I disagree. The idle animations are nifty I guess you could say but after spending a considerable time in the game it just isnt that great to me. Other games do what Aion does only better. The way I look at it is what does this game offer to me that another Fantasy mmo does not? Afraid to say it offers nothing new to draw me away from another mmo that I already play =/ That, I think, will be the factor in people actually paying to play this. With thousands of other choices out there to play why play this one.
I respect your opinion too, but considering the amount of ppl that actually played and enjoyed it, I dont think you should generalize that much by saying ppl will have only your opinion or that they will feel the same way you do and not try/play Aion, with the amount of feedback and ppl playing it already I think its more than likely that Aion will succeed, Also you mention to the other poster AoC and other games, well other games dont have nearly 2million subs Aion does in Korean and CN combined. WoW (I assume its the game your talking about that has been around in 5 years) dominates the Asian market too with 5.5mil - 6mil subs, and still Aion managed to pull 2mil while other AoC , WAR and every other release after WoW combined didnt even manage 1mil, but i guess if you decide to ignore the facts then the outcome you predicted is inevitable, only time will tell.
What did WoW to move the genre forward from Everquest? more accesible? more polished? more easy? but in the end is just the same template that we had in '99.
We currently are still playing the same template that Everquest did, so i wont blame Aion for that, in any case i will blame all the industry for lack of innovative ideas.
What did WoW to move the genre forward from Everquest? more accesible? more polished? more easy? but in the end is just the same template that we had in '99. We currently are still playing the same template that Everquest did, so i wont blame Aion for that, in any case i will blame all the industry for lack of innovative ideas.
Don't blame design and concept...blame marketing. No one is going to fund a game that does not have the basic "MMO" principals that WoW has.
And while there are similarities, we are not playing the same template from Everquest. The basics are there, but many changes and a improvements have come about.
I think that its not about being defensive or anything, but the points you are offering at the moment, blueturtle, are very subjective, vague at best and even invalid from a technical point of view (refering to the animations one, name a MMO with better animations here and I'll show you how it doesn't get to the Aion's level). One could not say wether you've really played or not, all your arguments are based around genre standards that could be applied to almost every single fantasy+level based MMOs of the last decade, you say that other games do that better, mind developing that argument? how are aion quests worse than, let's say, wow quests?.
Feel free to go into detail and then your opinion might hold some more water.
You are getting really passionate about this arent you lol Having 2 million subs in asia is fine I never said it would not be a success. Not once did I say that. In the western market though? I dont think it will be. I am ignoring no facts and stating none as well. This is a forum. Forums are for expressing ideas and opinions, thats what I am doing. War and AoC were made by non asians ,Aion is made by asians so the fact that asians are liking it over WAR or AoC is a surprise to noone. If Aion pulls half a million subs in Europe or the US I will be really surprised. The budget on this game was huge and with the 2 million number you said that plus thousands of other people around the world it seems it is already a hit thats no question. But in the western market I think it will fail. People get excited on forums for it but that doesnt mean those same said people will sub to the game.Just my opinion sir I am intitled to it
Yes, nor would i dare to say you arent entitled to an opinion or a certain view of whats going to happen, I just love a good discussion as long as we keep it on track there is nothing wrong in discussing each others opinions.
At the end of the day what I think is wrong with your argument is you separate western and asian MMOs by saying made by asians ofc they are gonna love it, and then you also said that AoC and WAR doesnt appeal to them because its western but like i said on my previous post WoW which is a western MMO is the most successfull MMO is asia which pretty much on its own makes the argument invalid, proving that being western or asian doesnt really come into the equation, then you also mention how Aion is using the same formula as WoW and other fantasy mmo's well if ppl like WoW and the other fantasy mmo's and Aion is using the same formula by your own words, how is it possible to exclude the NA/EU market from Aion target audience?
What did WoW to move the genre forward from Everquest? more accesible? more polished? more easy? but in the end is just the same template that we had in '99. We currently are still playing the same template that Everquest did, so i wont blame Aion for that, in any case i will blame all the industry for lack of innovative ideas.
I agree but WOW is 5 years old. Aion is brand new. Thats my whole point when will the genre move forward beyond what EQ already made and (according to some) WOW perfected? Hard to get excited about the same game over and over again. Reskinned or not we have all already played Aion in one version or another for years
Blue my friend its sounds as if you may have reached your MMO limit for the time being. I think your waiting for the games we actually jack our selves into, the ones where we can feel, smell and taste all of its digital goodness. This whole genre at this point in time is the epitome of reskinned... but why is that bad? The formula works does it need to change right now? To make some people happy i guess it does. I see valid points from each side of the spectrum in this thread but godam it guys its only 2009 lets give Aion the chance it deserves. Stop reading into hype, stop prejudging every godamn thing thats new (or reskinned) just ... stop.
Now this is my kind of thread.
Don't stop.
Sebastian Streiffert
Community Representative - Aion
Follow my twitter! aion_ayase
* In order to cover my back, things I write are of course subject to change.
We know NCSOFT doesn't want us to play Chinese version but its only benefiting them in long run. I love this game and can't get enough of it. And if we didn't play Chinese version we would have never known how much this game rocks.
Thanks NCSOFT.
PS; small thing but i hope you add option to change eye color in US/EU version. I was surprised to see this simple but common option missing.
The hairy backs should be on the options on character creation, because come on, if i ever play this game i wouldnt like to play a hairy back dude or gal, not even chicks like hairy backs.
Sorry m8, I tried Aion.....and it is NO WAY near what DAOC was in terms of fun. It's just Lineage III with wings. =(
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Sorry m8, I tried Aion.....and it is NO WAY near what DAOC was in terms of fun. It's just Lineage III with wings. =(
Agreed. I'll give it a chance, but @ lvl 15, I'm already finding it hard to stay excited.
Sorry m8, I tried Aion.....and it is NO WAY near what DAOC was in terms of fun. It's just Lineage III with wings. =(
No, you didn't try Aion, your comments have been the same generic shit (something that can be said by someone who hasn't even done a bit of research) for a while already about this game.
Sorry m8, I tried Aion.....and it is NO WAY near what DAOC was in terms of fun. It's just Lineage III with wings. =(
No, you didn't try Aion, your comments have been the same for a while already about this game.
My thoughts exactly lol, I came to realize ppl that just say this is L2 with wings are just dont care about the game and are board warriors, I know this because one of my best friends ALWAYS Hated L2, I offered him an account, adena, gear, leveling help with buffers he just plain hated it, when I talked with him about Aion the response was the same "L2 with wings" and "I will never play Aion" , after our guild stopped playing WoW out of boredom we all decided to play Aion CN OB, and after a couple of days he did admitely say "this is the best mmo I have played so far", this is not to say everyone will like it, but it might have the soul of L2 (and i hope it does politics wise) but its a complete very polished re-work.
Lineage III with wings? Perfect! Count me in!
cannot wait for EU release while they are playing in the east please be quick

NCSoft did a really great job in trying to create a game with more westernized mechanics and game play. It may not see the level of success as World of Warcraft, but it certainly blows the other recent MMOs out of the water (AoC, WAR, etc).
The game is amazingly polished, its very stable and the graphics are quite awesome. If NCSoft spends a good amount of promotion in the US, AION could possibly be the 2nd most popular MMO on the market.
Aion is simply amazing and i would pay for it no matter what,its just awsome and it will simply be the greatest mmo ever and its engine omg godly polished, i can play this max on my pc without getting it slow at all. Ncsoft is heading in the right direction,keep up the excelent work.
Can't pay for membership? Have to play free stupid grind games?
NOT ANYMORE! go to www.bux.to and add Ppast as referrer!
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Allow me to disagree with you, while I agree that they used the same formula, they made it right, the animations are far from stiff in my opinion this game has the best animation out there, the character feels alive just by leaving it there idle, the animations are fluid and are interactive with the environment that surrounds the character, if its raining the character will respond to it, if your in the desert he can feel really hot or just pickup a bit of sand from the ground, it is simply amazing, gfx wise again in my opinion it looks really amazing and im glad to see NC kept their standards as far as gfx are concerned L2 was one of the best graphically pleasent games out even after 2-3 years after release and Aion is following the same pattern, the classes are your standard classes really, but bear in mind they branch out and I do love the branching system they use, its alot better than just choosing 1 out of 20 classes and then realizing you made the wrong choice, and allows you to try a bit of everything of the same "general" class before you make a commitment to a specific one.
Then why we will get excited about any new game? lets take for example a FPS, we wont play again any new FPS because in the end you just move forward shotting stuff, people should learn to see the difference between good or bad games, a game dont need to be revolutionary to be a good game.
About GFX, take in mind that there will be massive battles, so they try to make a good balance between frames and gfx, imo they did a great job:
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Allow me to disagree with you, while I agree that they used the same formula, they made it right, the animations are far from stiff in my opinion this game has the best animation out there, the character feels alive just by leaving it there idle, the animations are fluid and are interactive with the environment that surrounds the character, if its raining the character will respond to it, if your in the desert he can feel really hot or just pickup a bit of sand from the ground, it is simply amazing, gfx wise again in my opinion it looks really amazing and im glad to see NC kept their standards as far as gfx are concerned L2 was one of the best graphically pleasent games out even after 2-3 years after release and Aion is following the same pattern, the classes are your standard classes really, but bear in mind they branch out and I do love the branching system they use, its alot better than just choosing 1 out of 20 classes and then realizing you made the wrong choice, and allows you to try a bit of everything of the same "general" class before you make a commitment to a specific one.
I respect your personal opinion but I disagree. The idle animations are nifty I guess you could say but after spending a considerable time in the game it just isnt that great to me. Other games do what Aion does only better. The way I look at it is what does this game offer to me that another Fantasy mmo does not? Afraid to say it offers nothing new to draw me away from another mmo that I already play =/ That, I think, will be the factor in people actually paying to play this. With thousands of other choices out there to play why play this one.
I respect your opinion too, but considering the amount of ppl that actually played and enjoyed it, I dont think you should generalize that much by saying ppl will have only your opinion or that they will feel the same way you do and not try/play Aion, with the amount of feedback and ppl playing it already I think its more than likely that Aion will succeed, Also you mention to the other poster AoC and other games, well other games dont have nearly 2million subs Aion does in Korean and CN combined. WoW (I assume its the game your talking about that has been around in 5 years) dominates the Asian market too with 5.5mil - 6mil subs, and still Aion managed to pull 2mil while other AoC , WAR and every other release after WoW combined didnt even manage 1mil, but i guess if you decide to ignore the facts then the outcome you predicted is inevitable, only time will tell.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
What did WoW to move the genre forward from Everquest? more accesible? more polished? more easy? but in the end is just the same template that we had in '99.
We currently are still playing the same template that Everquest did, so i wont blame Aion for that, in any case i will blame all the industry for lack of innovative ideas.
Don't blame design and concept...blame marketing. No one is going to fund a game that does not have the basic "MMO" principals that WoW has.
And while there are similarities, we are not playing the same template from Everquest. The basics are there, but many changes and a improvements have come about.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
I think that its not about being defensive or anything, but the points you are offering at the moment, blueturtle, are very subjective, vague at best and even invalid from a technical point of view (refering to the animations one, name a MMO with better animations here and I'll show you how it doesn't get to the Aion's level). One could not say wether you've really played or not, all your arguments are based around genre standards that could be applied to almost every single fantasy+level based MMOs of the last decade, you say that other games do that better, mind developing that argument? how are aion quests worse than, let's say, wow quests?.
Feel free to go into detail and then your opinion might hold some more water.
Yes, nor would i dare to say you arent entitled to an opinion or a certain view of whats going to happen, I just love a good discussion as long as we keep it on track there is nothing wrong in discussing each others opinions.
At the end of the day what I think is wrong with your argument is you separate western and asian MMOs by saying made by asians ofc they are gonna love it, and then you also said that AoC and WAR doesnt appeal to them because its western but like i said on my previous post WoW which is a western MMO is the most successfull MMO is asia which pretty much on its own makes the argument invalid, proving that being western or asian doesnt really come into the equation, then you also mention how Aion is using the same formula as WoW and other fantasy mmo's well if ppl like WoW and the other fantasy mmo's and Aion is using the same formula by your own words, how is it possible to exclude the NA/EU market from Aion target audience?
I agree but WOW is 5 years old. Aion is brand new. Thats my whole point when will the genre move forward beyond what EQ already made and (according to some) WOW perfected? Hard to get excited about the same game over and over again. Reskinned or not we have all already played Aion in one version or another for years
Blue my friend its sounds as if you may have reached your MMO limit for the time being. I think your waiting for the games we actually jack our selves into, the ones where we can feel, smell and taste all of its digital goodness. This whole genre at this point in time is the epitome of reskinned... but why is that bad? The formula works does it need to change right now? To make some people happy i guess it does. I see valid points from each side of the spectrum in this thread but godam it guys its only 2009 lets give Aion the chance it deserves. Stop reading into hype, stop prejudging every godamn thing thats new (or reskinned) just ... stop.
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