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Richard Garriott Would Love to Continue With Ultima Game - GameDaily

sempiternalsempiternal Member UncommonPosts: 1,082


BIZ: If Electronic Arts wanted you to return and author a single-player Ultima for the consoles, would you do that?

Garriott: Conceptually? Sure. The property Ultima is still very near and dear to my heart. I think that if, by hook or by crook, I had access to that property, either in solo-player or multiplayer, I would absolutely love to continue to play in the Ultima universe.


Exclusive: Richard Garriott Talks Games After Space


  • StellosStellos Member UncommonPosts: 1,491

    Sounds like RG is a busy man these days.  But I would absolutely love to play a new Ultima.  Of course I'd prefer an MMO, but I doubt that will ever happen so I'd be happy to settle for a console Ultima.  I'm sure there will be another Ultima in some sort of form in the next 10-15 years.  I don't think we've seen the last of it with UO.  I just hope it's in MMO form:)

  • ColdrenColdren Member UncommonPosts: 495

    One can only dream.. I'd love to see him do a new UO or even Ultima.

    Despite all the bugs, I really liked, what was it.. Ultima 9? I wish i still had the CD.

  • King-KongKing-Kong Member Posts: 95

    he did say multiplayer too...

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476

    EA would be wise to think about this and maybe talk to him.

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  • Rayx0rRayx0r Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,902
    Originally posted by Coldren

    One can only dream.. I'd love to see him do a new UO or even Ultima.

    Despite all the bugs, I really liked, what was it.. Ultima 9? I wish i still had the CD.


    I actually still have the CD to UIX.  However, I cant appreciate it the game at all.  For starters, it wasnt complete. The voice acting was the worst in any game Ive ever played.

    although I cant say much, my favorite Ultima was Ultima 8.  I really enjoyed Ultima 7 series, but U8 was my first Ultima which I got for free by purchasing a soundcard back shortly after it was released.  Many people hated U8 and called it the downfall of the Ultima series.  After playing U7, I can see why they would say that.


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  • vaultbrainvaultbrain Member Posts: 122
    Originally posted by Elsabolts

    EA would be wise to think about this and maybe talk to him.


    Oh hell no. EA should stay AWAY from Garriot and any Ultima projects he may have in mind. I mean, by the gods, after what they did to UO, I cant believe anyone would want EA even so much as sending Garriot a fax message in regards to anything remotely Ultima. Personally, I hope Garriot locks the EA UO devs in his haunted mansion, turns of all the safeties, and throws away the key, leaving them to die in there.

    But if Garriot did another Ultima or a real UO2, I would play it in a heartbeat, assuming the single player Ulitma was as good as the previous ones or if the UO2 was as good as the way UO used to be back in T2A.

    Anyway, for Garriot to be able to do anything with Ultima, he is going to have to buy it off of EA. I hope he does this and gets Ultima away from those game butchers.

  • csthaocsthao Member UncommonPosts: 1,123
    Originally posted by Elsabolts

    EA would be wise to think about this and maybe talk to him.


    EA would definitely not let him make a new UO. The reason being, EA is only keeping UO up still, is because it's still the longest running mmo to date (I think). And if a new UO(2) would to come out, UO would definitely close its doors (I'm assuming) thus giving the title to EQ in a few years (which I'm pretty sure EQ would still be running) 

  • BrianshoBriansho Member UncommonPosts: 3,586

    He should have stuck with it and expanded the lore the true Ultima way. The travesty of Trammel/AOS could have been avoided.

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  • Angie-PvPAngie-PvP Member Posts: 87

    In all fairness, Richard Garriott is a dope, he let UO go. I also think given more time, Richard Garriott would have destroyed UO as bad as EA Games has done. Anything that Richard Garriott has done after UO to this day has failed. I doubt that RG even knows that so many people want want classic UO back. His next mmo, if he makes one will be trash. RG needs to retire and leave the mmo making to developers who have a clue.



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