Known races:Elves,Orcs,Humans,Dwarves...etc. Iam dont mid not all of the known races but it would be great if more than one Elven race exists.
Acceptable graphics and not Anime.
A PvP.
The game i put as a perfect example would be Dark and Light.
Please help me 
Usually free MMOs (-> payed by microtransactions) come from asia, and they all use Anime as graphic style.
It's quite interesting that you've pointed out an enormous gap in the market. If there was a casual f2p fantasy mmo like WoW then I'd play it into the ground.
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I'm not really big on PvP so I can't tell you if these games have good PvP or not. But, they do have high fantasy characters, descent graphics, and some sort of PvP.
Archlord they have human, orcs, and moon elves
Shaiya probably more what youre looking for, good elves, bad elves, human, orcs
Requiem the pvp here is like instanced battlegrounds
None of the free rangrangs ever have Dwarves. I don't know why. Also the combat and character controls are so clunky I dont see how anything other then PvE would be fun in these cashshop games. RoM has only human characters but it has a full pvp server or casual servers and it looks like WoW with updated models. Also its geared for Western MMOers with not much of a grind. Mostly questing. Its F2P also
Well i really don't mind the PvP
Just need some races,
Regnum Online is a free RvR MMO with a good selection of races.
Yea thats the only issue with Runes 1 race =/ But its got a Boobie slider bar when making your toon!
Rohan was fun for a minute for me
Try Justice X Warrior 2 or Shattered Dimension Online, f2p mmorpg from chinese region but translated into English.
Try these and take your pick;
Requeim bloodmare: Sci-fi/horror F2P PvE PvP (Item shop)
RF Online: Sci-Fi F2P PvE RvR PvP (Item shop)
Ryzom: Sci-Fi F2P PvE PvP (No item shop)
Atlantica Online: Fantasy F2P PvE PvP (item shop)
Mabinogi: Fantasy F2P pet's PvE RvR (item shop & payed service)
Rune's of magic: Fantasy F2P PvE PvP (item shop)
Sword of the new world: Fantasy F2P PvE PvP (Item shop)
4Story : Fantasy F2P PvE PvP (item shop)
Ether Saga Online: Fantasy F2P Pet's PvE ? (item shop)
hope these help, enjoy!