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linkrealms....finally something decent for the sandbox crowd



  • WizGamerWizGamer Member UncommonPosts: 403
    Originally posted by donjn

    Originally posted by WizGamer

    Originally posted by donjn

    I have been playing Link Realms for a week.
    It could be the best MMO I have ever played.

    Which is entirely ironic because the game (according to the devs) is barely complete. It's like 50% complete. They are still going to add pets (the smartest ones in the genre w/ growth, equipment, mating, breeding, etc) and player-created dungeons and quests.

    I know, I know.

    Call me a fool, but this game has that "it" quality that so many are lacking. I don't even think the DEVs realize what they have stumbled upon.

    If this project is handled right, they could see 50k subscriptions, which would kind of kill the whole idea of separate realms. I can't image 50,000 units of content., one for each player.

    This game is built for a small audience of about 1,000. If this thing gets too big, it will pose issues perhaps.


    I agree, just like how Second Life should have been built. You really need to post something about this on their forums because I don't know if the game can handle 50k users. It seems like it would ruin the mood and community.

  • Ramones274Ramones274 Member Posts: 366

    I never seem to be able to get an account!?


    Ugh. This game looks bloody amazing.

    There are two kinds of people in this world. People who pick their nose.. and liars.

  • Tr0nc3kTr0nc3k Member Posts: 30

    It does, right? :)

    It's a little known fact that the art style and how everything fits together goes a much longer way than just pure raw 3D power with shallow gameplay.


  • Ramones274Ramones274 Member Posts: 366

    Are the accounts still being release about the same time everyday?

    There are two kinds of people in this world. People who pick their nose.. and liars.

  • ArcheusCrossArcheusCross Member Posts: 793

    Well, if the status isn't open just go an sign up on the forums and post that you would like to create an account. It couldn't hurt.


    "Do not fret! Your captain is about to enter Valhalla!" - General Beatrix of Alexandria

    "The acquisition of knowledge is of use to the intellect, for nothing can be loved or hated without first being known." - Leo da Vinci

  • Ramones274Ramones274 Member Posts: 366

    I did that..

    and I recieved a private message, they opened up registration for me.

    These Devs kick some major ass.

    There are two kinds of people in this world. People who pick their nose.. and liars.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521

    The first page of this thread was like an infomercial xD

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • LougarouLougarou Member Posts: 278

    If you're patient enough, like a challenge and don't mind old school isometric games graphics (I personally love them), you'll not find a better mmorpg. I don't know how I didn't notice such an improbably good game for a year, easily the best F2P mmo ever created, even in early beta. Link Realms really brings the RPG element back to MMO. Community is very mature and helpful.

  • GorakkhGorakkh Member Posts: 694

    I just hope they add mounts to the game eventually , It's really the only thing I find a little lacking. Also spears/lance and daggers would be cool too but I really want mounts in the game more than those little details.

  • Tr0nc3kTr0nc3k Member Posts: 30

     I hear there will be pets.

    But dunno about mounts. You can level up sorcery and get teleport so getting around is very easy and fast.

  • b0rderline99b0rderline99 Member Posts: 1,441
    Originally posted by Tr0nc3k

     I hear there will be pets.

    But dunno about mounts. You can level up sorcery and get teleport so getting around is very easy and fast.

    i think one of the videos shows a mount, so they are probably working on them

  • tigris67tigris67 Member UncommonPosts: 1,762
    Originally posted by b0rderline99

    Originally posted by Tr0nc3k

     I hear there will be pets.

    But dunno about mounts. You can level up sorcery and get teleport so getting around is very easy and fast.

    i think one of the videos shows a mount, so they are probably working on them

    That Ant-eater thing in the video seriously just looks like an NPC model. I really doubt its any type of character model, considering the guy riding it is some stylized froglike npc, not a player character. Just adding my 2 c.

    Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
    MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls

  • Cristina1Cristina1 Member UncommonPosts: 372

    I dunno, Ive played it for about a week and I find it very boring, at least in the state it is in now. Instead of walls of text which i hate here is a brief breakdown in no particular order:

    (Now I understand that the game is still in BETA and that stuff will be added/changed, here is my view on its CURRENT state, NOT the games potential)

    Graphics: top down view, you can zoom in/out, definetly better than in UO. Very nice animations for this sort of game.

    Sound: bad, no music

    Resource harvesting: not in game yet

    Crafting: only tailoring for now

    PvP: only in specific zones and dungeons, havent tried it yet as the community is too nice (not a bad thing) so no jerks who pk you or you them, no alignment system

    Game world: Its all instanced. after the starting area you get player zones and dungeon zones, they are square shaped like pieces on chess board and rather small. You have loading from one square to another, there is no illusion of one seamless world. In each game square you have ONLY 4 exits (sometimes less) two at the sides and one at the top and bottom, you cant leave the square any other way! Very restrictive! Each player can buy a game square and build on it, although currently this system is undeveloped and really there is NO POINT going away from starting area and dungeons as there are no monsters wondering about on player lots....


    Dungeons: yes there are dungeons, but too few of them currently, get very boring after 3rd try..

    Skills: pretty much like in UO, not all implement yet

    Auction: none yet

    Player Vendors: none, players CAN place vendors but they are just standard ones, e.g. Farmer vendor who only sells vegetables and stuff..

    Fishing: none, and there isnt really any water to fish in anyway

    Lore/Story: none, its sort of middle ages but for some reason there are satellite aerials on peoples houses and video arcade machines as furniture?!

    Quests: none, but there were neither in UO , so for me doesnt matter

    Map: no minimap yet! and with awkward movement through the game "squares" its frustrating to go somewhere...

    Guilds: Dont know, but I think this system not in yet

    Character Creation: limited, like in UO I suppose

    Mounts/pets: none yet

    Cities: none, no cohesive cities as such, its just bank buildings scattered about , a few shops and mostly just farm grounds where stuff grows

    Combat: Same as UO, nothing revolutinary here, you can run away from monsters easier though which is a good thing

    Population: VERY VERY LOW, and Ive played at all sort of hours, I havent seen more than 25 people online in whole world, so I dont know why developers were saying that they will have limited beta spots due to their server being overloaded....

    Community (current): Nice and polite, very helpful with everything

    Developers: Seem like nice people who do engage with other players, patch the game frequently. Although as its an indie game the development team is tiny, meaning progress is very slow even though this is not fully 3D game.

    Overall IN ITS CURRENT STATE i give LinkRealms 3/10 its POTENTIAL 7/10 - not more mainly due to heavily instanced world and the damn restrictions on movement from the game squares.

    that is all.

    Edit: Okay, it seems Ive used the word instances wrong, yest Link Realms has no instances as such but it does have loading going between game "squares". The only reason I called this an instance was because devs  of  the Pirates of the Burning Sea MMO referred to stuff being instaced when you enter a shop for example which has loafing, other players not in your grouop can enter as well. They confused me thats all.


  • b0rderline99b0rderline99 Member Posts: 1,441
    Originally posted by Cristina1

    I dunno, Ive played it for about a week and I find it very boring, at least in the state it is in now. Instead of walls of text which i hate here is a brief breakdown in no particular order:
    (Now I understand that the game is still in BETA and that stuff will be added/changed, here is my view on its CURRENT state, NOT the games potential)
    Graphics: top down view, you can zoom in/out, definetly better than in UO. Very nice animations for this sort of game.
    Sound: bad, no music
    Resource harvesting: not in game yet
    Crafting: only tailoring for now
    PvP: only in specific zones and dungeons, havent tried it yet as the community is too nice (not a bad thing) so no jerks who pk you or you them, no alignment system
    Game world: Its all instanced. after the starting area you get player zones and dungeon zones, they are square shaped like pieces on chess board and rather small. You have loading from one square to another, there is no illusion of one seamless world. In each game square you have ONLY 4 exits (sometimes less) two at the sides and one at the top and bottom, you cant leave the square any other way! Very restrictive! Each player can buy a game square and build on it, although currently this system is undeveloped and really there is NO POINT going away from starting area and dungeons as there are no monsters wondering about on player lots....
    Dungeons: yes there are dungeons, but too few of them currently, get very boring after 3rd try..
    Skills: pretty much like in UO, not all implement yet
    Auction: none yet
    Player Vendors: none, players CAN place vendors but they are just standard ones, e.g. Farmer vendor who only sells vegetables and stuff..
    Fishing: none, and there isnt really any water to fish in anyway
    Lore/Story: none, its sort of middle ages but for some reason there are satellite aerials on peoples houses and video arcade machines as furniture?!
    Quests: none, but there were neither in UO , so for me doesnt matter
    Map: no minimap yet! and with awkward movement through the game "squares" its frustrating to go somewhere...
    Guilds: Dont know, but I think this system not in yet
    Character Creation: limited, like in UO I suppose
    Mounts/pets: none yet
    Cities: none, no cohesive cities as such, its just bank buildings scattered about , a few shops and mostly just farm grounds where stuff grows
    Combat: Same as UO, nothing revolutinary here, you can run away from monsters easier though which is a good thing
    Population: VERY VERY LOW, and Ive played at all sort of hours, I havent seen more than 25 people online in whole world, so I dont know why developers were saying that they will have limited beta spots due to their server being overloaded....
    Community (current): Nice and polite, very helpful with everything
    Developers: Seem like nice people who do engage with other players, patch the game frequently. Although as its an indie game the development team is tiny, meaning progress is very slow even though this is not fully 3D game.
    Overall IN ITS CURRENT STATE i give LinkRealms 3/10 its POTENTIAL 7/10 - not more mainly due to heavily instanced world and the damn restrictions on movement from the game squares.
    that is all.


    just for clarification, it has zones but its not instanced

  • PatchDayPatchDay Member Posts: 1,641

    Man that review was messed up. Instances- there are none.

    Monsters - of course there are mobs in player owned lands didnt you walk around at all? I got a mob growing that I train on + gnomes that popup now and then trying to kill me or whatever they up too

    some players got mobs trapped in their dungeon


    why is it 'newbies' (people with no ingame skills leveled up)  are the ones that try to write game reviews? It gets annoying I see this some problem here on EVE forums and DF side.


  • warskullwarskull Member Posts: 19
    Originally posted by Cristina1

    I dunno, Ive played it for about a week and I find it very boring, at least in the state it is in now. Instead of walls of text which i hate here is a brief breakdown in no particular order:
    (Now I understand that the game is still in BETA and that stuff will be added/changed, here is my view on its CURRENT state, NOT the games potential)
    Graphics: top down view, you can zoom in/out, definetly better than in UO. Very nice animations for this sort of game.
    Sound: bad, no music
    Resource harvesting: not in game yet
    Crafting: only tailoring for now
    PvP: only in specific zones and dungeons, havent tried it yet as the community is too nice (not a bad thing) so no jerks who pk you or you them, no alignment system
    Game world: Its all instanced. after the starting area you get player zones and dungeon zones, they are square shaped like pieces on chess board and rather small. You have loading from one square to another, there is no illusion of one seamless world. In each game square you have ONLY 4 exits (sometimes less) two at the sides and one at the top and bottom, you cant leave the square any other way! Very restrictive! Each player can buy a game square and build on it, although currently this system is undeveloped and really there is NO POINT going away from starting area and dungeons as there are no monsters wondering about on player lots....
    Dungeons: yes there are dungeons, but too few of them currently, get very boring after 3rd try..
    Skills: pretty much like in UO, not all implement yet
    Auction: none yet
    Player Vendors: none, players CAN place vendors but they are just standard ones, e.g. Farmer vendor who only sells vegetables and stuff..
    Fishing: none, and there isnt really any water to fish in anyway
    Lore/Story: none, its sort of middle ages but for some reason there are satellite aerials on peoples houses and video arcade machines as furniture?!
    Quests: none, but there were neither in UO , so for me doesnt matter
    Map: no minimap yet! and with awkward movement through the game "squares" its frustrating to go somewhere...
    Guilds: Dont know, but I think this system not in yet
    Character Creation: limited, like in UO I suppose
    Mounts/pets: none yet
    Cities: none, no cohesive cities as such, its just bank buildings scattered about , a few shops and mostly just farm grounds where stuff grows
    Combat: Same as UO, nothing revolutinary here, you can run away from monsters easier though which is a good thing
    Population: VERY VERY LOW, and Ive played at all sort of hours, I havent seen more than 25 people online in whole world, so I dont know why developers were saying that they will have limited beta spots due to their server being overloaded....
    Community (current): Nice and polite, very helpful with everything
    Developers: Seem like nice people who do engage with other players, patch the game frequently. Although as its an indie game the development team is tiny, meaning progress is very slow even though this is not fully 3D game.
    Overall IN ITS CURRENT STATE i give LinkRealms 3/10 its POTENTIAL 7/10 - not more mainly due to heavily instanced world and the damn restrictions on movement from the game squares.
    that is all.



    Even though i might agreed to what you have wrote, everything you have stated could be fixed easily, but for an indie team it will take time.

    I think you dont understand what instanced zones are, instanced means once a player joins a different zone, no one could join unless he/she is with other party members and the dungeons in linkrealm is free for everyone to enter, so its not instanced.

    And last i heard guild/mount/pet are all under development, and fishing already has a post up for discussion.

    And i understand why you might be bored, there are too less players at the moment, since its still in beta testing. Sandbox games  with no quest and minimal contact with npcs are really dependant on player interactions, eventually more players will be allowed in, and guilds are up, maybe there will be a few wars going.

    But you have to remember your in a beta, your meant to be helping the game develope, if those problems concern you then you can post it onto the LR forum instead of here, which has no effect what so ever since the devs dont read it.




  • Tr0nc3kTr0nc3k Member Posts: 30

    I'm pretty sure devs read this forum as well, but it's probably best if beta testers, which Cristina1 seems to be, rather post on the official beta forum.

    I for one like it very much, because there is just something about the game that feels right. Even the so called "boring" tasks like cooking, which I always hated in other MMO's, I kinda like doing here.

    It's hard to explain, but there is something different about it.

  • sacredcow4sacredcow4 Member UncommonPosts: 249

    Please everyone posting on this forum who is in beta remember that there is an NDA. Actual game details are only supposed to be discussed on the official beta forums.  I'm Bmannion on the linkrealm forums.  Take it up with me there.

    That being said.  I am in beta.  The game is great fun.  When I have 15 minutes to spare I log on and have lots of things I can do in that time.  If I have 6 hours to spare I'm as equally as entertained.  Kudos to the devs for that.  I thought my fun in mmorpgs died with UO.

    I've been in beta for a bit now, and since the NDA has been broken on a few areas I'll do my best to clear them up accurately, instead of giving you the "sorry NDA ruse"  I can only hope the Dev's see it from my perspective also.



    Resource Harvesting.  You said there was none.  This is false.  You can harvest materials from animals, farms, the ground, everywhere.  You can milk cows, sheer sheep, get eggs from chicken nests... Just as a few examples.  There is a lot of harvesting, with a lot more in development.

    Crafting.  You said only tailoring?  What about shamanism and cooking?  Cooking is extremely in depth.  I know blacksmithing is in the works and other crafting professions.  When I log on for a 10 minute period that is what I do... I craft.  I love their crafting system.  It is the first that doesn't feel like a grind to craft.  It's enjoyable and rewarding.

    The game world.  Nothing is instanced.  There are realms you zone into.  I know they have a ton of plans to add content into player realms.  Another part of the game that is in development.  Lets use my realm for example.  When I claimed it there was nothing.  Afterwards I have a castle with a two story pvp arena, and underneath my fortress a hidden farm area for functionality.  I get random mob spawns and such occasionally. 

    Dungeons.  The dungeons are very challenging, and I didn't step foot into the first group one until almost four weeks of playing.  The feeling of being in a dungeon was finally ressurected for me.  It is dangerous, it is rewarding, and it is challenging.  It isn't a linear, pull this, kill that trash, do this boss.  There are puzzles, humor, and interesting encounters, and many choices the players are given about which path to choose on how to complete it.  I just overheard they are adding another dungeon soon.

    Lore and Story.  Well... in my opinion the devs made the right choice by first making a fun game with great gameplay.  Story and lore has always been icing on the cake for me.  But even if you put delicious icing on a cake made of shit... the cake will still taste like shit.  This cake is damned good, and whatever flavor of icing they put on it will only enhance that taste.

    Map.  You are right.  No mini-map.  Luckily we have guides, me being one, running around in game to point new people in the right directions.  This is another thing in-development.  The starting area is also well set up and pretty simple.  I figured out where everything was the first time it was shown to me.  So lack of a minimap isn't a huge hinderance at this stage of the game.

    Guilds.  In development.  That is what beta is for :)

    Low Population.  This is not because of servers being overloaded.  It is because of a few reasons... One being no tutorial system in place yet.  New players rely on guides to show them the ins and outs.  Another being no way to have a large customer support team.  With 25 players logged in at any given time it is easy to manage.  More players being added would take away from testing imo and add work for the devs they could be spending on the "in development" items.

    Any questions, Feel free to PM me or post on the linkrealms forums, I usually answer questions I can.


     I've been here a while...
  • donjndonjn Member UncommonPosts: 816
    Originally posted by sacredcow4

    Please everyone posting on this forum who is in beta remember that there is an NDA. Actual game details are only supposed to be discussed on the official beta forums.  I'm Bmannion on the linkrealm forums.  Take it up with me there.

    I am in Beta.  Can you show me where the NDA is? Usually it is a document that is an "agreement" that I have to agree to.

    There was no such agreement. Therefore this is an open beta.

  • sacredcow4sacredcow4 Member UncommonPosts: 249

    When you created your account you had to accept the NDA before it would let you type in your info.  I don't think it is a very strict NDA.  But lets try to be respectful to the people putting in the time to make this game.  Before posting, it is easy to contact the devs.  Just ask.

     I've been here a while...
  • Tr0nc3kTr0nc3k Member Posts: 30

     Yup, when you created the acc you signed the NDA.


  • aemo42aemo42 Member Posts: 12

    I would love to get into this Beta, when I try it tells me that I need an existing Beta member to give me an account creation code - Is there anyone out there who is in the beta and would be willing to do this?

  • KordeshKordesh Member Posts: 1,715
    Originally posted by aemo42

    I would love to get into this Beta, when I try it tells me that I need an existing Beta member to give me an account creation code - Is there anyone out there who is in the beta and would be willing to do this?

    You and everyone else /=. We really need to get a referral thread going to try and get some more codes out. This game looks too interesting to taunt us so.

    Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.

    EAT ME!

  • renstarensta Member RarePosts: 728

    if you would show me this game a year a-year ago, i would say:what the hell is this crap!

    but after a few years (about4-5) i started to understand what is a real "fun" game, graphic dont make the game the gameplay does!

    and this gameplay LOOKS awesome! i really liked runescape(exept the membership crap) but still i playd it alot, and if this will be better................. hurray i found a new game to play!



    Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics.
    Add Multi-Quote

  • GorakkhGorakkh Member Posts: 694

    I have an account and I would be more than happy to invite all of you guys but I do not see any option to give out invites. I have a feeling that It's only GMs and guides that can invite. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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