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The team from Quest Online has provided us with these four exclusive screenshots of their upcoming MMORPG, Alganon.
Check out the Exclusive Screenshots
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Comments looks alrite...nothing really surprising me or amazing me.
Interesting new graphic style. Cant wait to see more!
Looking good so far.
This looks very interesting.
Thought it was WoW's Crossroads for a second.
Yeah very simmilar art style.
We just updated our sky & environment system after these were distributed. Look soon for more interesting screenshots showing off new areas!
You can find more here:
Mathew "Berek" Anderson
Petroglyph Community Manager
Panzer General: Allied Assault
Star Wars: Empires at War
Universe at War
I don't really see anything special here. Yet another generic MMO afraid to try something new.
Don't forget to research the meat & potatoes, not just the sparklies! We want you to be in a familiar setting, yet have lots of new content and features around you. The Library, Studies, Dual Role systems are just a few of these features:
We also have that you may want to signup to if you want to give the game a try when Public Beta is release. Signing up locks in your login name and automatically gives you an early access public beta chance:
Also keep in mind that Alganon is about balancing your gameplay time, thus another bonus to the Studies system. We aren't looking to "steal" your time away from other games like WAR or WOW, but to compliment it. Take a break for awhile and come play Alganon, then go back to your other games, then come to Alganon again, etc.
Mathew "Berek" Anderson
Petroglyph Community Manager
Panzer General: Allied Assault
Star Wars: Empires at War
Universe at War
Are you kidding me? This is almost a complete copy of the World of Warcraft artstyle. I don't see this going anywhere sorry. "resembles" WoW
as do WAR
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."