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8 million subscribers: 11 January, 2007:
"World of Warcraft has also achieved new regional subscriber milestones, with more than 2 million players in North America, more than 1.5 million players in Europe, and more than 3.5 million players in China. "
8.5 million subscribers: March 7, 2007:
"The Burning Crusade™ sold through approximately 3.5 million copies within one month following its mid-January launch in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia.* This includes nearly 1.6 million sold in Europe, and more than 1.9 million sold in regions that play on North American realms, including more than 100,000 copies in Australasia. World of Warcraft's worldwide subscriber base now numbers more than 8.5 million and is continuing to grow as new and returning players join existing players in the game. "
9 million subscribers 24 July, 2007 - soon available in China:
"World of Warcraft is available in seven different languages and, in addition to North America and Europe, is played in mainland China, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau."
10 million subsrcibers 22 January, 2008
"World of Warcraft now hosts more than 2 million subscribers in Europe, more than 2.5 million in North America, and approximately 5.5 million in Asia. "
December 23rd, 2008 - WoW now availavle in Latin America and Russia
11.5 million subscribers
"the expansion has now gone on to sell more than 4 million copies in its first month"
Looks awesome doesn't it? Look at January 2007 and one year later, combined EU and US has gained 1 million in one year. I doubt current subscribers in EU/US have changed that much. All the growth was in China, 3 million because the game is new there! Similarly the growth to 11.5 million is because WoW is now availble in two new territories namely Latin America and Russia.
The rise in players is because WoW is now available in new countries, not because EU and US have suddenly peaked. They are introducing players from new markets, so it is no surprise that the subscriber base has grown!
Take at look at the subscriber definition too:
" Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. "
According to Human Rights in China (dot) Org
"Unlike American MMORPGs,which generally use credit card payment systems,Chinese MMORPGs use pre-paid money cards to validate accounts.
A money card with a value of 30 yuan purchases 60 hours of play time,which is credited to an account
through the Internet.Registering a card to create an account requires providing the identification number of a government issued ID card.In addition,it is possible to connect only to game servers physically located inside China;servers from the United States,Korea and Japan were found to be inaccessible"
30 Chinese yuan = £3 = $4.4
To count as a subscriber costs less than $5 and there are AT LEAST 5.5 million using that method!
Bottom line: WoW's popularity is waning in the EU and US (were it started) and the main growth is the introdution of new players in new countries who never had a chance to play it before. Where's the press release saying 12 million already?! Hmm? Are Blizzard making the game super easy now, because they want all of those 11.5 million subscribers to convert to TBC and Lich King players, you bet they do! That means 11.5 million people to buy their next epansion...
You just dribbled and scored an own goal there.
Why do people care so much for numbers?
It doesn;t matter if Wow had 100k or 100 million subs last time I checked you could only play with 3-5k at a time on each server.
Let people enjoy the game, do you think disproving the 11.5 million number will make people love WoW less?
Do you need to do this to make your MMO choice feel validated?
Play the game you enjoy, as long as your server has a nice population leave the big numbers to the investors.
I play Eve it has 250k subscriptions wth 50k players playing on one server, more then 40k more then any server wow has. do you think that makes me feel better when I play? or that makes me feel like my MMO is superior server community wise?
All this number talk is stupid.
The only thing you should care about is the server you play on and if the developers are actively supporting your game through bug fixes and content.
This shit needs to end where all MMO fans.
God damn forum warriors make me sick.
Enjoy your game WoW fans, I'll enjoy mine.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
I don't believe he is trying to explain why you should join the game. I think he is simply putting it like this...
Many people dislike World of Warcraft for their own specific reasons. Some are smaller reasons, like they don't like to pay $15 a month to play, and others think "they have left their roots" by changing the game too much and quit. Others just don't want to conform to the crowd that rushes WoW client base, or openly admit they play it.
I Don't think that Chinchilla is attempting to become an evangelist, and convert you to WoWism, but he would like to make the point clear that there is a huge player base that enjoys the game. Many people like to play it for their specific reasons and with the game always changing and always updating, they are trying to stay on the ball by improving their game in any way fit, while attempting to read out some requests that the player base has. Sure, we don't have guild halls (which i really want) or player owned structures (I.E., swg, which i really want too), but they do give us a game with a great uptime percentage and a HUGE player base to interact with, with a heavy back story to fund its progression.
Now, call me crazy, but if i went and passed out a few trail - recruit a friend offers to people, i think some people would actually upgrade to the full game, if not permanantly but at least for the free month it gives to see what the later has to offer. Sure, i have A LOT of RL friends who will never come back...they said they are completely done with the game, and they have their reasons, what with playing for 4 years and all, but every now and then, i see their character log on, and run around Ironforge or Org, depending whcih server I'm on.
Which leads me to a conclusion. With the huge amounts of accounts, players, and active accounts, i think there are alot of players. This i know. Alot of accounts, this i know for certain. But, maybe, and just maybe, Blizzard is not taking into account the playerbase that has 2 accounts (for alts and what not), banned accounts, inactive accounts, etc. Are they going a little overboard with thier numbers? Maybe...but then again, it hasn't been a rush for subscribers or money until Activision took over...since then, over 2/3 of bliz's funds goes straight to activision...
LOL. ONLY 5 million in Europe and US. ONLY 5 million. And who's the closest competitor in the US and Europe? They have more than a million? Nope. Probably about 1/2 a million. So yeah, WoW is ONLY 10 times more popular than the next leading MMO in the US and Europe.
Thanks for the update chicken little. Now go back to the hen house.
OMG, that has to be the most solid nomination for the most pointless post of 2009 so far.
So the point was????? Wow is still popular, although not growing as fast as it once was in it's original launch countries??? Wow is crazily popular in China??? Wow is still the largest subscriber western MMO on the market??? Vivendi actually did the smart thing by licensing Wow out to The9???
Either way, there is a portion of my life i will never get back again.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The OP misses the most important issue of all...
Other companies, SOE, Mythic, Funcom... whoever... would shout from the rooftops the EXACT SAME NUMBERS had they actually got this many people playing, even those in China. (And by the way, Chinese earn less 'dollars' so a straight comparison on price is not valid).
An irrefutable statement that the OP's post is a best poorly argued.
What's the point in trying to downplay the success of WoW? Even if you hate it or think it's the worst MMORPG ever, debating the 11 million sub mark is utterly pointless and an indicator of negative emotional investment toward the game.
Chill !
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
I think the fact that it's becoming the only argument for WoW has gotten old.
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served
As this man put it, if subscription numbers matter that much to you, then you have a problem.
Play the game that gives you the best experience, nothing more needs to be said really, and all this subscription number competition has been getting ridiculous ever since every company and their dad wanted to beat wow in subscription numbers. Case in fact: Eve has a fraction of WoW's population but is a leader in it's genre, and one of the most immersive/complete mmo experience to date.
The rules of Debate are really simple; once you have to stoop to insults instead of facts, logic, or reason to try and win your argument, you've lost.
This is why Blizzard is working on a new Fantasy Based MMO. They annouced last week or so.
They know its time to release something a little better for the US and EU market.
I am guessing that China will also get tired of WoW in 5 years and then move to whatever they ship to the new US and EU markets 2 years from now.
You see the pattern in every MMO that has sustained more than a short period of time. They all change, just like the bands we listen too. Ever notice how their music gets more mainstream each release? Trying to keep up with the labels demands to simply please people rather than create what they want to create.
I like Blizzard, even if I no longer enjoy WOW. I know I did at one time, and they saved me from SOE and what they did to EQ. Now Blizz is doing the same with WoW.
It's almost a genious marketing plan, drive users to the next MMO by chaning the one they are 'stuck' in... ;-)
hey guys are there a 11.5 million subscribers to WoW? Cause I haven't heard that used as an argument for WoW yet.
Over 1 billion burgers served....
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served
I think the fact that it's becoming the only argument for WoW has gotten old.
I think the argument that 11.5 million playing is the only argument has gotten old. 11.5 million people playing is only 1 of the arguments. Here's a few more.
It's easy to play and yet hard to master.
It works on low end PC's so just about everyone can play it.
It appeals to both casual and hard core gamers.
It appeals to both PvE and PvP players.
It works. There are relatively few bugs for such a wide variety of things to do.
It has a highly customizable interface so that you can customize it to your own taste.
It's supported well. There are frequent updates. There's a customer service department for problems. There's in game support. It has it's own forums where you can discuss the game, ask for help or just BS with others. It has it's own site with tons of information about the game as well as several excellent fan sites devoted to it where just about everything there is to know about the game can be found.
It's fun. Fishing tournaments. Holiday content. The Faire. World Events. Dancing. /Silly. These things allow you to take a break from the day to day content and just have a bit of fun.
I think the fact that it's becoming the only argument for WoW has gotten old.
I think the argument that 11.5 million playing is the only argument has gotten old. 11.5 million people playing is only 1 of the arguments. Here's a few more.
It's easy to play and yet hard to master.
It works on low end PC's so just about everyone can play it.
It appeals to both casual and hard core gamers.
It appeals to both PvE and PvP players.
It works. There are relatively few bugs for such a wide variety of things to do.
It has a highly customizable interface so that you can customize it to your own taste.
It's supported well. There are frequent updates. There's a customer service department for problems. There's in game support. It has it's own forums where you can discuss the game, ask for help or just BS with others. It has it's own site with tons of information about the game as well as several excellent fan sites devoted to it where just about everything there is to know about the game can be found.
It's fun. Fishing tournaments. Holiday content. The Faire. World Events. Dancing. /Silly. These things allow you to take a break from the day to day content and just have a bit of fun.
I think a lot of your points here are things that are in the past when WoW was a legendary game. The game is ridiculously easy now so mastering it has become meaningless. You have Ret and 25 level Death Knights running around destroying players that have had their character for 4 years. It's a joke. It does have pretty good graphics for how low a pc you can play it on and no hacks/bugs. Those are +
But I'm not gonna argue that it's fun in a lot of aspects and I guess enough people find it fun to keep investing more time in it. After the PvP got flushed along with spoonfed instancing I felt it was time to move on.
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served
Technically since you have to have a lvl 55 toon to create a Death Knight, someone with a lvl 80 Death Knight has actually leveled up at least 79 times just like the guy with the 4 year old toon did so that doesn't mean much.
The fact that Death Knights and Ret Pallys are running around destroying players is simply the flavor of the month. Before that it was Warlocks and before that it was Mages and before that it was something else, I've lost track. The joke of it is that next month someone else will be here on these forums claiming that some other build is running around destroying everyone and making a joke of the game.
Technically since you have to have a lvl 55 toon to create a Death Knight, someone with a lvl 80 Death Knight has actually leveled up at least 79 times just like the guy with the 4 year old toon did so that doesn't mean much.
The fact that Death Knights and Ret Pallys are running around destroying players is simply the flavor of the month. Before that it was Warlocks and before that it was Mages and before that it was something else, I've lost track. The joke of it is that next month someone else will be here on these forums claiming that some other build is running around destroying everyone and making a joke of the game.
You're right that the game isn't balanced at all. It's just much worse now. Players that have never played WoW can step onto Death Knight or Ret and ruin anyone. You're right that fotm classes have always existed. It's just the gap has grown unbearable.
WoW has never been real balanced, it's just so far in the gutter now I don't see how they can save. hence why I made the decision to leave it.
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served
WoW PvP is riddled with a few major problems at the moment (I will only focus on the PvP aspects):
Support class DPS was boosted so that leveling/ grinding/ 5-man group composition would be viable with basically any class without a sweat. The other result was then to up the DPS of the pure DPS classes to compensate. The impact of this on PvP however is the TTK (time to kill) is extremely low at the moment.
The second effect is that support classes outshine the pure classes since the DPS gap is not high enough to take away effects of extra healing/cleansing/high-mitigation moves.
2vs2 has never been balanced due to class disparity. 5vs5 has been however. With the very low TTK even 5vs5 is riddled with problems now since the first team to trigger the gun will make it into a 5vs4.
I honestly think that WoW PvP is a mess at the moment. The is the price that Blizzard was willing to pay in getting easier leveling and easier group composition for 5/10/25-man content (once again - Blizzard is not dumb this was a majority vs minority pleasure decision).
I know you (Zorndorf) do not like WAR but PvPing there (regardless if one likes the graphics, lore or the aim of the PvP end-game - these are all different topics) one realizes fast how different good PvP should be in terms of TTK, CC and utility abilities. This example is extreme however since leveling a Runepriest (pure flex healer) is just pure painful in WAR - but it benefits the PvP (end-game). Does it attract the same followership? Obviously not
So Blizzard is once again right in prioritizing the single player/co-op player and 5-man instance runner over the high end PvP player from a business point of view.
The original post is all full of Who Cares...
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
Technically since you have to have a lvl 55 toon to create a Death Knight, someone with a lvl 80 Death Knight has actually leveled up at least 79 times just like the guy with the 4 year old toon did so that doesn't mean much.
The fact that Death Knights and Ret Pallys are running around destroying players is simply the flavor of the month. Before that it was Warlocks and before that it was Mages and before that it was something else, I've lost track. The joke of it is that next month someone else will be here on these forums claiming that some other build is running around destroying everyone and making a joke of the game.
You're right that the game isn't balanced at all. It's just much worse now. Players that have never played WoW can step onto Death Knight or Ret and ruin anyone. You're right that fotm classes have always existed. It's just the gap has grown unbearable.
WoW has never been real balanced, it's just so far in the gutter now I don't see how they can save. hence why I made the decision to leave it.
PMSL, he wasn;t making your point for you, he was just pointing out that someone, somewhere will always complain that one or another class is completely outbalanced.
Anyway, everyone knows that MMO's are notorious for imbalance and i do challenge you to give an example of an MMO anywhere, where the players have not complained once about something in the game causing an imbalance, it is a mute argumant for any MMO.
As for anyone being able to step into a DK and destroy anyone, even my mage would beg to differ on that score in BG's. I have taken on DK's 1-to-1 and won, and some i have lost against, it depends on the knowledge of the player behind the toon. For the most part, anyone that owns a DK will have had some experience of the game already as you need a L55 to be able to create one, but either way you will still need to knw how to use your talents and abilities to best effect to go up against more experienced players.
As for things being 'in the past' for WOW i personally think you are way off base as i have seen a marked rise in PvP interest since Wrath and especially the introduction of Wintergrasp. I, myself have started raiding for the first time since playing the game (since release) as there seems to be a lot more grouping interest developing from the raid groups within wintergrasp. There is nothing quite like trying to stop the sdvance of several siege machines through a breach in the walls with another 100+ people around you, it is a whole new experience in the game that i am enjoying far more than i have done with any PvP in the past.
I am pretty well wasting my breath as you (Mal) will disagree with any positive commentary about WOW regardless of whether it makes sense or not, but at the end of the day as long as i am enjoying my game time what the hell does it matter.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I can prove your theory FAILS.... It is a softener for the losses in Wow PvP.
Using 4 letter words and one liners is easy. Constructive posts is another factor you don't grasp.
PvP in Wow is the MOST balanced possible....Why ?
Just by the mere existence of Arena data.
Arena is a golden data-mine treasure to balance classes. The thousands of fights on high rated players, allows Blizzard to monitor balance in the interaction of classes and they are tuning MUCH faster than any other mmorpg maker.
Hence the PvP balancing patches are FASTER than the critics can type.
Another advantage is that with the data monitoring Blizzard themselves can perfectly see what happens in class interaction in a "closed" controlled setting like Arena. Mostly 3vs3 and 5vs5 are ideal developping tools.
You could see it as the perfect constant open Beta for the PvP in World of Warcraft.
Even going further: the results of the highest rated matches can be viewed by the WHOLE world, giving even more pressure to the balancing tools Blizzard has.
So your opinion is a free speech based on "thin air". That tric can work for ANY other mmorpg. ...
Except (and this is the real laugh) for Wow because the Arena data show the truth always and ever.
That's why stating "pvp sucks" in Wow is ignoring overwhelming proof of he Arena data. And EVERY class is represented in the top 100 teams worldwide. Some more than others (Paladins do have multi roles as healers AND dps). So it is perfectly normal they are more represented than pure dps classes.
But in a complete unbalanced game like you describe ---> there wouldn't be all classes represented in the top 100.
You tease (just for the fun of it), I come up with FACTS you can not deny.: Arena data are invaluable for class tuning in PvP.
You can NOT attack .... data.
. A pity no other new launched mmorpg's have these tools 
Again a clear winner.
The way Ghostcrawler describes it, the PvP class balance of Wow is pure maths really and at the same time a mathematical art. Having 10 classes with 61 deep talent points interact with one another on such a well defined and controllable scale like arena is a pure GOLD mine for a designer.
The very best players KNOW all 10 classes and hundreds of spells and interrupts by heart. The interaction of it is a masterpiece in modern game design; of course the PERFECT balance will never be achieved, but EVERY other new mmmorpg should have access to such data tools, now ... they don't have them....
In all your blind fanboism you really haven't ever come forth with anything solid besides lolz 11.5 million.
First of all, is Arenas 1v1? No, it isn't. Therefore arenas only shows balance between certain team makeups. Like right now for instance, Unholy DKs and Holy Paladins are the most represented classes. By themselves would the result be the same or partnered with a different class? Using arenas as a measuring stick is partly responsible for the miserable mess WoW is in now bringing it into a conversation like this is just shooting yourself in the foot. Your data is completely flawed. You're also not even accounting for the gear that is going to scale horribly with certain classes.
You can get by now by rolling your face on the keyboard for death knights. Seriously, besides an interrupt what do you need to plan out? just pick your rune and go with it.
Here's a link for arenas It's pretty clear the game is paladin and death knight with a few godly players making it in with other classes. 68/100 teams had a paladin or death knight and you want to call that balance? There's 10 classes in the game.........A lot of the teams were of course the fotm duo.
Bottom line in WoW is it isn't about your skill. Something the leet kiddies should understand. It's about the balance or lack there of. Right now it's death knights and paladins. Last season it was druid and warrior. and next season who knows? But if you aren't playing the right fotm class you're handicapped against em and probably getting rolled over unless you can compensate in gear.....
Using arenas is probably the best way to point out how flawed the balance of the game is.
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served
"But 11.5 million people surely can't be wrong?"
I guess <Mod edit>
has never heard of the bandwagon effect, this is when people can't separate their level of interest from other people's desire. Just because people are told time and again that WoW is the best, biggest doesn't make it right for the person being told that.
"It's coming soon or when it's ready" are also what Blizzard PR con people with, they are too slow to deliver on their promises and by the time they actually do everyone magically forgets how long they had to wait.
Dual specs (Coming soon...)
Once you hit 80, it's rinse and repeat all the way.
Oh and "Tx to Arena we have a perfect development tool to always balance the class interaction of team play in a far better way."
Using the arena to balance 'class interaction'......<Mod edit>
Great post, exactly! The little SOE scum can crawl back to their STUPID games with the "great thief" and count their puny player base while we laugh. They TRY to make fun of WoW while their games are heading for cancellation or unplayable for lack of players.
So what you are saying is that the vast majority of WOW players are all mindless zombies who don't know better and just keep paying their subs month after month because everyone else tells them to???
Would also be very interested to see where "Blizzard promised" certain patches or expansions and didn't deliver on the time they said they would (ok i will give you the BC delay)??? As far as i can remember Blizzard has always said 'coming soon' or 'in development' or 'in testing' which is open to interpretation by whoever reads it and is very different from saing "wil be released on xx date". The other thing is that the whole rumour mill goes into overdrive when new things are announced on forums and people start to speculate about release dates rather than waiting for Blizzard to announce an official date and that is a whole other story. Duel Specs for example has only just been announced as a 'work in progress' so where have they broken promises with that???
3v3 or 5v5 is a great way to compare character interaction, or as close as you can get to a good interaction without the melee of 20, 30, 100 other players throwing the curves off.
.....and as for lack of credability, PMSL!!!
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
ha bandwagon or not WoW is on top because it caters to so many different types to players from pvpers-to elitist pve'ers.
I am glad you noted this OP's post.I have said on MANY occasions,this is ALL WOW fans ever talk about ,not the game but numbers.This proves once again that their players are playing ONLY because others are.This is called a snowball effect,the game builds off of it's own numbers hype.
Something else that is funny,is that i doubt anyone that posts these numbers has ever read BLIZZARDS statement on what a SUBSCRIBER is?
Just a little fact about what i found about 8 months ago when i went into the noob zones.I played 5 days,saw 5 players in total playing in the zones that is not many by any games standards.There was a bunch in the main city hovered around some player that got his supposed new mount,drooling all over his mount."Oh i love your mount" "that is such a cool mount ,i want one".just a couple of the stuff they said.
Now back to the numbers,you do realize that ALL the free gamers in WOW are counted as subs?you do realize that cancelled subs are counted as subs?game cards are counted as subs,in reality,if you join a noob zone ,you will see the numbers are extremely boosted and not even close to reality.FACTUAL players still under account as of right now are probably a lot closer to half of that MAYBE 5 million,maybe less.
Guess what game is first advertised on all the RMT sites?yep WOW,so guess what game has a bazillion farmers?yep WOW.i would say that is not even argueable?that would make the actual player numbers even worse yet,because ,like this poster stated,ALL that matters is the players you will interact with.
You do also realize ,bigshots in large firms get bonuses?BTW Blizzard employees were caught years ago for manipulating the accounting books[i believe they went to jail],i would say they were most likely the big guys that get their bonuses on ratings..NUMBERS.There is so much that could be said about posting numbers it is not funny,they are best left to the marketing firms,so the ycan boost the numbers of their portfolio.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Not many games or people use xfire.Just to show you how ridiculous XFIRE is ,look at your own wow.
12 million subs 7 million minutes? you do the math,each sub has played 30 secs today ? RLFMAO.If even 500k of their subs played that still only equates to 15 minutes of play time ,again not use or post XFIRE to show ANY kind of facts .
Another note SRO i know for a fact has a bazillion players and they are mainly KOREAN/surrounding countries,i would say ZERO of them use XFIRE.Again Xfire is a joke,shows nothing ,means nothing.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
LOL read what this guys said in RED above and then read what he said in ORANGE above. LOL hes saying WoW players dont read the definition of a subscriber yet he obviously hasn't either.
Read the Blizzard subscriber definition below which clearly states and I have highlighted it so you cant miss it in Pink
World of Warcraft’s Subscriber Definition
World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees’ territories are defined along the same rules.
The only thing iffy about Blizzards Subscriber definition is what I have highlighted in green but you need to understand how that system works in china before discounting it. also understand that $1 is worth far more in China, that the government monitors and restricts play time and so on.
He also says total wow population is about 5million.. yes I agree if hes means EU/US and not total.. see below why;
WOTLK sold 2.8million copies of WOTLK on release day (only avaliable in EU/US) its safe to say thats creeped upto 4.0 million and more by now. As TBC sold 3.5 million in its first month (2.4million on day 1 again only avaliable in EU/US at the time)