WotlK is easy. Like I said in another thread I leveled two characters up to 80, got basically all heroic drops I was interested in, badge items and cleared Naxx in a group of 9 where the MT had a pally plate chest - all of this between release and Christmas.
Now - this does not mean WotLK is bad. It means that Blizzard has started to care more for the casual player and the hard-core single/ co-op player. That is all.
However, to state that WotLK has anything 'hard' in it is simply wrong. We have to see what Ulduar brings but it seems Blizzard has moved the base-line for the game alot which is alienating alot of the more competetive players (very small consumer base). Whether loosing flag carriers will hurt the game or not I do not know.
The point that I was trying to make is the comparison between a marathon and walking in sports. You could fight Kel'Thuzad naked in vanilla WoW also to push the envelope. WotLK has done two things: Lowered the base line for all bosses (making them very easy) and then created achievements where you gimp yourself in various ways to do the same fight (walking instead of running). For some of these modes the loot table changes which is of course nice.
The problem is still that saying 'I have killed Kel'Thuzad' which had a real value in vanilla WoW now means nothing. And the fact that you can gimp your set-up in various ways to make it harder is really an artificial way to enable harder modes in the game - you could do that before as well (only auto-attack/no gear slotted). All my old raiding friends feel the same - no statistical sample of significance but i think it means something. When we entered Kel'Thuzad's chamber early autumn 2006 we knew we belonged to a selected few that had seen those textures live on our screens. It meant something. Now it means hardly anything.
And do not get me wrong here - I think that Blizzard is doing a thought through business decision. But it is a double edged sword since stars are important for a phenomena even if you play in a lower league. Personally I do not play games as much as I did due to wife and kids, but when I play a game I love to browse the forums where those that invest more talks about the accomplishments - it inspires me (and makes me wish that I have more time ).
More spoonfeeding means more players. That's the bottom line to why WoW keeps getting easy. Sadly it's become so easy any accomplishment in the game is trivial.
If you put aside the fact that Blizzard sold powerleveling and dk starts at 55, you'll still find all the instances got retardedly easy. Compared to classic WoW when some forms of CC and group coordination were actually required to complete an instance. Now it's just a dps bombing with a couple heals. Nobody even bothers with CC cause it's just not necessary. Lowest common denominator is victorious once again in the dumbing down of the game.
The questing content doesn't seem much different. It's just like they were going to release Wrath and then decided to go back and nerf everything possible so the mouthbreathers could keep up.
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
That's the thing, they don't want it hard for themselves, they want hard to be the only choice, so only those with enough time to spend can feel acomplished. Rest of us with other priorities should be second class citizens in "their" world.
Now............... its clear to me that this guys using wasd movement and clicking everything with the mouse. It's also clear to alot of the comments on the video. The level of hesitation in his play I would I think lead to certain death, but in this case it leads to a 2500 arena rating................................ .
That just makes me sad.
Oh and some bosses in Ulduar are already down in PTR, if this is any indication of the entire instance...
WotlK is easy. Like I said in another thread I leveled two characters up to 80, got basically all heroic drops I was interested in, badge items and cleared Naxx in a group of 9 where the MT had a pally plate chest - all of this between release and Christmas.
Now - this does not mean WotLK is bad. It means that Blizzard has started to care more for the casual player and the hard-core single/ co-op player. That is all.
However, to state that WotLK has anything 'hard' in it is simply wrong. We have to see what Ulduar brings but it seems Blizzard has moved the base-line for the game alot which is alienating alot of the more competetive players (very small consumer base). Whether loosing flag carriers will hurt the game or not I do not know.
The point that I was trying to make is the comparison between a marathon and walking in sports. You could fight Kel'Thuzad naked in vanilla WoW also to push the envelope. WotLK has done two things: Lowered the base line for all bosses (making them very easy) and then created achievements where you gimp yourself in various ways to do the same fight (walking instead of running). For some of these modes the loot table changes which is of course nice.
The problem is still that saying 'I have killed Kel'Thuzad' which had a real value in vanilla WoW now means nothing. And the fact that you can gimp your set-up in various ways to make it harder is really an artificial way to enable harder modes in the game - you could do that before as well (only auto-attack/no gear slotted). All my old raiding friends feel the same - no statistical sample of significance but i think it means something. When we entered Kel'Thuzad's chamber early autumn 2006 we knew we belonged to a selected few that had seen those textures live on our screens. It meant something. Now it means hardly anything.
And do not get me wrong here - I think that Blizzard is doing a thought through business decision. But it is a double edged sword since stars are important for a phenomena even if you play in a lower league. Personally I do not play games as much as I did due to wife and kids, but when I play a game I love to browse the forums where those that invest more talks about the accomplishments - it inspires me (and makes me wish that I have more time
More spoonfeeding means more players. That's the bottom line to why WoW keeps getting easy. Sadly it's become so easy any accomplishment in the game is trivial.
If you put aside the fact that Blizzard sold powerleveling and dk starts at 55, you'll still find all the instances got retardedly easy. Compared to classic WoW when some forms of CC and group coordination were actually required to complete an instance. Now it's just a dps bombing with a couple heals. Nobody even bothers with CC cause it's just not necessary. Lowest common denominator is victorious once again in the dumbing down of the game.
The questing content doesn't seem much different. It's just like they were going to release Wrath and then decided to go back and nerf everything possible so the mouthbreathers could keep up.
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served
the only limit is yourself, if you want it Super duper mega hardcore, than make it that way..
take off all your gear, get a raid and let them be afk, then you solo it all by yourself.. hard enough for ya?
That's the thing, they don't want it hard for themselves, they want hard to be the only choice, so only those with enough time to spend can feel acomplished. Rest of us with other priorities should be second class citizens in "their" world.
This is a 2500 Paladin team.
Now............... its clear to me that this guys using wasd movement and clicking everything with the mouse. It's also clear to alot of the comments on the video. The level of hesitation in his play I would I think lead to certain death, but in this case it leads to a 2500 arena rating................................ .
That just makes me sad.
Oh and some bosses in Ulduar are already down in PTR, if this is any indication of the entire instance...
yep you can 10 man it.