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A theory on the WoW bashing and hatred!

KhrymsonKhrymson Member UncommonPosts: 3,090

Personally the major issue I see why so many and even myself at times have bashed and complained about WoW is because it did greatly change the MMO market and introduced MMOs to 10s-of-millions of new players. We all at one time greatly enjoyed WoW and many still do...myself included.

However, since WoWs success every old and new MMO alike have been changing to or borrowing the WoW formula as best they can to try and get the same success. In result all gamers no matter what MMO you're playing are feeling burnt-out and annoyed because their game still feels a little like WoW.

Therefor, everyone blames Blizzard and World of Warcraft for this feeling and bashes it as if it were the problem. The real problem are the other MMO developers that havn't yet gone out on the risky adventure that Blizzard did to begin with which changed the MMO market and try to make something new.

Yes Blizzard took many ideas from former MMOs but streamlined them into a well-oiled machine that the masses could understand and enjoy. What the other developers need to do; instead of the same ole crap and boring us, take what Blizzard has and streamline it even more and make something new and different beyond that.

Course they better hurry up, because I believe that that is exactly what Blizzard is doing right now with their next MMO and once again they will have done what no other developer will risk doing and they will succeed again.



  • RecantRecant Member UncommonPosts: 1,586

    If WoW really was the mediocre, soulless and bland MMORPG that most people around here claim it to be, there would be a disinterested silence instead of the defeaning roar of jealousy and anger.

    When the people-that-cannot-be-pleased are silenced with regards to WoW, then Blizzard might be in trouble.

    Until then, the rest of us enjoy the game every day and find claims of WoW's inferiority to other more 'mature' MMORPGs amusing at best.

    Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Beyond accessibilty I really do think Blizzard's success was largely due to making a playable MMO.  Yes there were bugs and some issues, but by-and-large WoW was fairly polished since day one.  Compare that do previous games, like SWG. 

    I think the community was just releaved to see a studio toss out the notion of 'potential' for once.  And, it continually amazes me other studios somehow missed that concept; thinking they could churn out crapping themeparks one after another without realizing it was the polish gamers were looking for.

    As to the hate ... it's pretty moronic imo.  Blizzard has done more for the genre than any other studio. 


    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • Darkfall01Darkfall01 Member Posts: 29

    People hate WOW for the same reason they hate microsoft, the Yankees, and Jeff Gordan.

    Success breeds jealousy.

    I do think WOW has changed the industry though.  ' Crap' is no longer acceptable and people won't pay $15 per month waiting for an update that is coming in 3 months.

    Games have to be playable and fun from day one, and it needs to still be fun (ie.. content) at the end of the free 30 days.  Both AOC and Warhammer suffered heavily because players ran out of things to do well within the first 30 days.  In the old days of UO, you just 'found fun' things to do... but because of WOW, the bar for 'content' has been greatly raised.

  • goldenr1goldenr1 Member Posts: 113

    I sat in a room at a party the other day.  9/10 guys there either played or were playing WoW.  Those that played stated, "I hate it (insert excuse or reason here)" and those that were playing it said, "I hate it (insert reason)."  I found that funny.

    A dyslexic man walked into a bra.

  • KhrymsonKhrymson Member UncommonPosts: 3,090
    Originally posted by goldenr1

    I sat in a room at a party the other day.  9/10 guys there either played or were playing WoW.  Those that played stated, "I hate it (insert excuse or reason here)" and those that were playing it said, "I hate it (insert reason)."  I found that funny.


    Yeah, I know what ya mean...I too in the past have said bad things about WoW after I quit{and while I played}, but its mainly cause whatever I moved onto didn't have the content or was entertaining me.  Ultimately I really do like WoW and always will no matter what I've said and/or will say if/when I quit again.

    Blizzard rules and yeah they take a really long time to release their games but thats good cause they usually work very well and are content rich.  Sure WoW had its issues because all MMOs do, but it still ran well during beta/launch months.

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  • MwajiMwaji Member Posts: 229
    Originally posted by templarga

    WOW is always going to get more bashing and hate because its the easiest game for trolls to attack. Every time they post, if you read between the lines, their post can be summarized as "WOW sucks because the game isn't for me". Now of course, this does not mean WOW sucks (well, it does for them) or that it is anywhere near the bottom of the bad games (only the true trolls believe that).
    Nor would I say WOW is the BEST MMO either since that is purely personal opinion. However, what WOW does, it does brillantly. There is no doubt that there is no better casual, approachable, playable MMO on the market right now.
    Whenever I have left WOW in the past for another game, I automatically compare it to WOW. That may not be fair but its the truth. Many games do a lot of good things (I love the environment in WAR, classes in AOC, combat in AOC, lore/story of LOTRO) but none of them come close to having the complete package for me. It is as simple as this: No game (for me) is as fun as WOW is and until there is, I will continue to play WOW - bashing or not.

    Is this another " wow is good you all just don't know it " post Templarga? I think the point you miss in your statement I highlighted is that most of the people on the WoW forums played the game for years, and are having a bad reaction to WOTLK being so easy or just boring. This is a typical smart alec remark from  you. We are entitled to have a negative opinion and we can also remark on that opinion.  Just because you prefer wow in the EZ mode state it is in now so you and your wife and faceroll through the game, doesn't mean we have to be happy with it.


  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564

    None of the games I've played that I really liked, whether before or after playing WoW, were all that close to WoW.  WoW does what it tries to do very well.  The problem is that what it tries to do, making a system where level and gear dominate and player skill is less important, isn't terribly interesting.

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  • BelegStrongbowBelegStrongbow Member UncommonPosts: 296

    ALl i can say is,  Thats why Blizzard is the best game developer. Period

  • AbrahmmAbrahmm Member Posts: 2,448

    WoW is a good game. I hate it for what it has done to the MMORPG genre. Every game and it's mother are trying their best to be just like WoW.

    Just yesterday, the game I was most looking forward to, Jumpgate Evolution, revealed it's trying it's best to be WoW in space...

    Very sad.

    Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
    Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
    Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
    Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
    Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.

  • MalvolentiaMalvolentia Member Posts: 253

    WoW was once a legendary game.  It's complete crap now.  Every other MMO being produced now is trying copy WoW and get it's numbers

    WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"

    McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served

  • tryklontryklon Member UncommonPosts: 1,370

    Blizzard IS maybe the best game company out there, no question about it, they do great games and i cant wait for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, but WoW cannot be considered a good game anymore.

    Dont think im a hatter, i am not, check by my xfire, i play wow for 4 years now, since launch, and i still have an active account, to play with some friends, but lately i have been wandering alot in other games (LoTRO, AoC, GW, etc), just because the game is not fun anymore, blizzard seem to have forgot how to "evolve" this game, I dont remenber seeing a true inovation in this game, and imo WoTLK was the nail in the coffin.

    The game is stupid easy now, almost every fight is a copy past of older fights, they seem to have forgot alot of things, for example rogues dont have locks to train their lockpicking skill, there arent chests to open anymore, the game became an AOE tanking and DPSing 5 heroics a day to get emblems and clean naxx in 4 hours. Why dont we see real inovation? new boss fights, new game functions, different classes instead of transforming them all into something alike with each other, etc. Maybe SC2 and Diablo 3 are the real projects now, what do they care, those 11 millions keep paying, right?

  • SignusMSignusM Member Posts: 2,225
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by tryklon

    Blizzard IS maybe the best game company out there, no question about it, they do great games and i cant wait for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, but WoW cannot be considered a good game anymore.
    Dont think im a hatter, i am not, check by my xfire, i play wow for 4 years now, since launch, and i still have an active account, to play with some friends, but lately i have been wandering alot in other games (LoTRO, AoC, GW, etc), just because the game is not fun anymore, blizzard seem to have forgot how to "evolve" this game, I dont remenber seeing a true inovation in this game, and imo WoTLK was the nail in the coffin.
    The game is stupid easy now, almost every fight is a copy past of older fights, they seem to have forgot alot of things, for example rogues dont have locks to train their lockpicking skill, there arent chests to open anymore, the game became an AOE tanking and DPSing 5 heroics a day to get emblems and clean naxx in 4 hours. Why dont we see real inovation? new boss fights, new game functions, different classes instead of transforming them all into something alike with each other, etc. Maybe SC2 and Diablo 3 are the real projects now, what do they care, those 11 millions keep paying, right?



    Phasing technology being demonstrated - massive 100/100 pvp fights over destructable Keep/towers EVERY night on EVERY server - Achievements in EVERY part of the game (easy to hard).

    Scalable Boss fights (first ever I think) with 8(!) different difficutlies on ONE Boss (Sart 10 - Sart 25 each with zero, one, two or 3 defenders).

    Detailed rating systems on both PvP and Pve Raid content (tx to the above)

    Finally you can ride all those cool motorized things like catapults and tanks we ALL saw in WC3 and lay the buildings in ruin.

    3.1 will bring DUAL specs and a building Colloseum with the whole server... A new hard mode 14 level boss Raid with again scalable (I call it graded) bosses, now even with 10(!) different difficulties and vehicule combat.

    And What is the competition doing in between... struggling with elements Blizzard already conquered 4 years ago.



    It is easy to say "stupid", it is hard to say "well lots of very good things added".

    Are all those supposed to be new things? Just about all those features were in games from 2001. Achievements, you  mean like badges from CoH or titles from LotRO? haha

    "massive" 100vs100 battles? That's pathetic. In 2001 Dark Age of Camelot had 600 man relic raids on keeps that actually MATTERED in the game world, not to mention every siege engine you could think of. 


    WoW was, and never will be, anything unique. Its just a parasite leeching off of games that did the features first and better. But people play it because its colorful and easy, like the Wii. 



    "WoW was once a legendary game. It's complete crap now. Every other MMO being produced now is trying copy WoW and get it's numbers"


    WoW was NEVER a legendary game unless maybe it was your first MMO and you don't know any better. 

    It hasn't had a single unique idea or feature in its entire lifespan, and every "new feature" they add to the game is just a watered down version of the features other MMOs invent. 

    Also, understand this, WoW is the exact same game now that it was 4-5 years ago, which is pathetic considering it has the largest MMO dev team in the world, and they can't even be bothered to innovate. 

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360
    Originally posted by SignusM 


    Dude, don't bring your bitterness from the DF forums over here lol. 

    I'll grant that Blizzard didn't innovate anything, but they did make one of the more polished game this genre has seen.  After playing one train wrek after another, even though they were great games conceptually, I didn't mind so much that there was less 'openness'.    WoW is what it is:  a well made themepark.

    As for some of the comments on hating Blizzard for what it's done to the genre, that's a bit misdirected.  Put blame on the studios who routinely tried to copy Blizzard's success without understanding why.  With few exceptions we've had nothing but crapticular releases and everyone wants to blame the 500 lb gorilla in the room? 

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • Frostbite05Frostbite05 Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,880
    Originally posted by SignusM

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by tryklon

    Blizzard IS maybe the best game company out there, no question about it, they do great games and i cant wait for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, but WoW cannot be considered a good game anymore.
    Dont think im a hatter, i am not, check by my xfire, i play wow for 4 years now, since launch, and i still have an active account, to play with some friends, but lately i have been wandering alot in other games (LoTRO, AoC, GW, etc), just because the game is not fun anymore, blizzard seem to have forgot how to "evolve" this game, I dont remenber seeing a true inovation in this game, and imo WoTLK was the nail in the coffin.
    The game is stupid easy now, almost every fight is a copy past of older fights, they seem to have forgot alot of things, for example rogues dont have locks to train their lockpicking skill, there arent chests to open anymore, the game became an AOE tanking and DPSing 5 heroics a day to get emblems and clean naxx in 4 hours. Why dont we see real inovation? new boss fights, new game functions, different classes instead of transforming them all into something alike with each other, etc. Maybe SC2 and Diablo 3 are the real projects now, what do they care, those 11 millions keep paying, right?



    Phasing technology being demonstrated - massive 100/100 pvp fights over destructable Keep/towers EVERY night on EVERY server - Achievements in EVERY part of the game (easy to hard).

    Scalable Boss fights (first ever I think) with 8(!) different difficutlies on ONE Boss (Sart 10 - Sart 25 each with zero, one, two or 3 defenders).

    Detailed rating systems on both PvP and Pve Raid content (tx to the above)

    Finally you can ride all those cool motorized things like catapults and tanks we ALL saw in WC3 and lay the buildings in ruin.

    3.1 will bring DUAL specs and a building Colloseum with the whole server... A new hard mode 14 level boss Raid with again scalable (I call it graded) bosses, now even with 10(!) different difficulties and vehicule combat.

    And What is the competition doing in between... struggling with elements Blizzard already conquered 4 years ago.



    It is easy to say "stupid", it is hard to say "well lots of very good things added".

    Are all those supposed to be new things? Just about all those features were in games from 2001. Achievements, you  mean like badges from CoH or titles from LotRO? haha

    "massive" 100vs100 battles? That's pathetic. In 2001 Dark Age of Camelot had 600 man relic raids on keeps that actually MATTERED in the game world, not to mention every siege engine you could think of. 


    WoW was, and never will be, anything unique. Its just a parasite leeching off of games that did the features first and better. But people play it because its colorful and easy, like the Wii. 



    "WoW was once a legendary game. It's complete crap now. Every other MMO being produced now is trying copy WoW and get it's numbers"


    WoW was NEVER a legendary game unless maybe it was your first MMO and you don't know any better. 

    It hasn't had a single unique idea or feature in its entire lifespan, and every "new feature" they add to the game is just a watered down version of the features other MMOs invent. 

    Also, understand this, WoW is the exact same game now that it was 4-5 years ago, which is pathetic considering it has the largest MMO dev team in the world, and they can't even be bothered to innovate. 


    Ha say whatever you want as long as it helps you sleep at night. I'll give you this Blizz hasn't done anything original they just perfected every concept that they have implemented into their game.

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