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We only hear complaints about WoW because...

brusebruse Member Posts: 20

Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.
I'm getting a little annoyed with the people around here, always bashing the game that opened the eyes of millions of people to MMORPG's - yes it's linear and yes it's rather care bear, but this game made the MMO market grow extensively.

You should be thankful

Somewhere deep down you all know I'm right.

Take my word for it, do not trust me!



  • redhands123redhands123 Member Posts: 179

    Because at some point we all liked it and at some point within the last 4 years or so we got bored with it and are now sick of it WoWs old news buddy. GET WITH THE TIMES!


  • brusebruse Member Posts: 20

    hehe I hear you man, but I don't play WoW and I sure as hell prefer a less linear game!

    What annoys me is the complaints! It's like biting the hand that feeds ya

    Take my word for it, do not trust me!

  • karat76karat76 Member UncommonPosts: 1,000

     I just went back to it out of boredom. Gives me something to do until I find something I can get into. Only thing I don't do is raid because there is nothing in the game I hate as much as the raiding community.

  • kithekithe Member UncommonPosts: 111

     Just because it has grown a lot and "opened" peoples eyes to the MMO genre doesn't make it a good game in any aspect. I agree that it has it's bright sides, otherwise I wouldn't still have an active sub, but I would more see it as a cancer.

    It grows fast taking up alot of space on the market, so much acctually that it's making it damn near impossible for a company to come out with a new MMO that is not along the lines of WoW. Every new MMO that is being made is compared to WoW, I even seen sci-fi MMO's getting compared to WoW which is madness. You want me to be thankful for blizzard having this immense power over the MMO market and then screwing with it so royally? 

    Blizzard keeps saying they can't please everybody. This is probably true... But they are at the same time the most likely gaming company to be able to come close. With the insane income from WoW the world over they could easily put up a few vanilla server in each region, they could without any major problem make bigger expansions but instead they choose to listen to the smallest amount of players they have... The elite cast. The ones clearing every instance within weeks of it's release, the players that get 2000+ rating in 2 weeks or less... Well what about the rest then?

    If there is anything with this game that truly annoys me it's the people saying blizzard is doing a good job and that we should be happy with it. If anything blizzard is doing a terrible job and we should let them know it. 

  • brusebruse Member Posts: 20

    That's what you fail to see, people stay subscribed because they like it and that will ALWAYS be proof enough.

    As always, and as stated above, people wont make themselfs heard unless they are mofoing pissed for some reason - that's what we have come to; we complain or shut the heck up.

    I don't like everything about wow thus I do not play the game, but the vast majority obviously does seeing as how they still after all these years are the king and queen of MMORPG's.


    Take my word for it, do not trust me!

  • ThradarThradar Member Posts: 949
    Originally posted by bruse

    Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.


    I'm getting a little annoyed with the people around here, always bashing the game that opened the eyes of millions of people to MMORPG's - yes it's linear and yes it's rather care bear, but this game made the MMO market grow extensively.

    How did it make the MMO market grow?  WOW grew, but most WOW players who were new to MMOs won't give another MMO the time of day...I've tried to get people to try other games.

    How is this growing the MMO market?

  • SkuddSkudd Member Posts: 129

    Are you expecting people here to praise the game when they dont even rate it in the top 20 of MMO titles? When i last checked, Metacritic rated WoW and both its expansions higher than any other MMO out in the market, but the people here clearly know better.

    Originally posted by kithe

    Just because it has grown a lot and "opened" peoples eyes to the MMO genre doesn't make it a good game in any aspect. I agree that it has it's bright sides, otherwise I wouldn't still have an active sub, but I would more see it as a cancer.

    It grows fast taking up alot of space on the market, so much acctually that it's making it damn near impossible for a company to come out with a new MMO that is not along the lines of WoW. Every new MMO that is being made is compared to WoW, I even seen sci-fi MMO's getting compared to WoW which is madness. You want me to be thankful for blizzard having this immense power over the MMO market and then screwing with it so royally? 

    Oh and be ready to get more of this kind of stuff. Apparently its Blizzards fault that other devs are too retarded not to think out of the box and bring something new and original to the table. Its also blizzards fault that idiots wanna compare everything under the sun to their game (which apparantly sux, but is still strangely successful) cause when i last checked Blizz never made any of the said comparisons.

    Before long you'll be hearing stuff like this...

    My cat choked on a furball yesterday! god damn blizzard! WoW almost killed my cat! >.<



    "It is my opinion, that my opinions are always right"

  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,074

    Originally posted by Thradar
    Originally posted by bruse Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.
    I'm getting a little annoyed with the people around here, always bashing the game that opened the eyes of millions of people to MMORPG's - yes it's linear and yes it's rather care bear, but this game made the MMO market grow extensively.
    How did it make the MMO market grow?  WOW grew, but most WOW players who were new to MMOs won't give another MMO the time of day...I've tried to get people to try other games.
    How is this growing the MMO market?

    Do you honestly think new MMOs like AoC and Warhammer would have sold a million copies in the first month if it wasnt for WoW expanding the market?
    Before WoW an MMO selling a million copies was only a pipe dream over the entire life span of the game.

    You hear a lot of complaints because EVERYONE that played for a month 4 years ago feels they are obligated to complain without end.
    I mean, do these people actually look at the clock and say "its 3pm, time to troll WoW forums"? They punch in and take over for the previous WoW troll as his shift ends and give each other a "afternoon Fred" "afternoon Steve".

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    Originally posted by bruse

    Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.


    You could say the same of any other game after it has released, but it isn't true for any game.  Playing a game hardly precludes someone from posting on forums about that game.

    I have a number of complaints about WoW, but linear and carebear are not among them.

  • Z3R01Z3R01 Member UncommonPosts: 2,426
    Originally posted by bruse

    Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.


    I'm getting a little annoyed with the people around here, always bashing the game that opened the eyes of millions of people to MMORPG's - yes it's linear and yes it's rather care bear, but this game made the MMO market grow extensively.
    You should be thankful
    Somewhere deep down you all know I'm right.


    Yep, because thats what I wanted.

    Millions of Fps players and Console players along with the annoying immature Diablo 2 community in every freaking MMO turning the communities to shit.

    You're right Thanks Blizzard!!!!!!!

    Playing: Nothing

    Looking forward to: Nothing 

  • TorikTorik Member UncommonPosts: 2,342
    Originally posted by Z3R01

    Originally posted by bruse

    Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.


    I'm getting a little annoyed with the people around here, always bashing the game that opened the eyes of millions of people to MMORPG's - yes it's linear and yes it's rather care bear, but this game made the MMO market grow extensively.
    You should be thankful
    Somewhere deep down you all know I'm right.


    Yep, because thats what I wanted.

    Millions of Fps players and Console players along with the annoying immature Diablo 2 community in every freaking MMO turning the communities to shit.

    You're right Thanks Blizzard!!!!!!!

    As the saying goes "Hell is other people".

    The way I see it 'old timers' simply got too lazy to properly police their communities.  They expected game mechanics to police the game communities by themselves and failed to realize that if you want to be selective about people you interact with you actually have to to some selecting on your own.  I have played WoW for a long time and I never really had a problem with the mythical 'great immature masses'.  I simply ignore the jerks in public chats and I am selective about the poeple I group/guild with.  As such I experience levels of 'immaturity' similar to what I see when I go see a movie.

  • qombiqombi Member UncommonPosts: 1,170

    I am going to give my honest opinion here. I did start with Everquest so this will come from the perspective of a person that WoW was not their first MMORPG.

    The orginal WoW game was a great game. I would have rather had quest as optional instead of give xp but that is how they designed it. Still overall the original game no matter what others will say was a lot of fun. The dungeons were exciting and well designed, raids were the best I have ever experienced. PvP was a great fun little side activity in South Shore. I give the original game a A +

    Now after saying that the two expansions that have been added to the game has ruined World of Warcraft. It is no longer the game it was. It is pvp focused, extremely fast as dumbed down to the point it is trivial and not fun. Gear looks very silly and original class concepts have changed so much it is horrible. Yes WoW in the beginning was easy, but the raid game and dungeon crawls were just as challenging or more than the original EQ group dungeons. It makes me feel like a traitor a little to admit that because of how much I love EQ but it is true. The original WoW dungeons were a blast. The solo I didn't care for but the raid game was exceptional. MC, BWL, AQ, Nax, Onyxia ... wonderful raids.

    The current WoW game though in my opinion is not worth playing ..there is no more challenge.

  • Z3R01Z3R01 Member UncommonPosts: 2,426
    Originally posted by Torik

    Originally posted by Z3R01

    Originally posted by bruse

    Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.


    I'm getting a little annoyed with the people around here, always bashing the game that opened the eyes of millions of people to MMORPG's - yes it's linear and yes it's rather care bear, but this game made the MMO market grow extensively.
    You should be thankful
    Somewhere deep down you all know I'm right.


    Yep, because thats what I wanted.

    Millions of Fps players and Console players along with the annoying immature Diablo 2 community in every freaking MMO turning the communities to shit.

    You're right Thanks Blizzard!!!!!!!

    As the saying goes "Hell is other people".

    The way I see it 'old timers' simply got too lazy to properly police their communities.  They expected game mechanics to police the game communities by themselves and failed to realize that if you want to be selective about people you interact with you actually have to to some selecting on your own.  I have played WoW for a long time and I never really had a problem with the mythical 'great immature masses'.  I simply ignore the jerks in public chats and I am selective about the poeple I group/guild with.  As such I experience levels of 'immaturity' similar to what I see when I go see a movie.


    I actually think WoW is a good MMO if it wasn't for the majority of the people playing it.

    If I could grab everyone I knew through every MMO I ever played (would be about 500+ people) put them all on one pvp server without the idiots that play now. I would be standing here right now telling everyone WoW is the greatest MMO ever created.

    But I can't and WoW is MMO highschool.



    Playing: Nothing

    Looking forward to: Nothing 

  • Death1942Death1942 Member UncommonPosts: 2,587
    Originally posted by bruse

    hehe I hear you man, but I don't play WoW and I sure as hell prefer a less linear game!
    What annoys me is the complaints! It's like biting the hand that feeds ya


    you take a look at any games forums, whether it is an MMO or not and you will see the same sort of complaints and bashes.  It part of life:


    internet connection  + angry/misinformed/jerk person + anonymous nature of the net = flames, complaints and bashing of games


    Sure, i can come up with a list of reasons for why i dislike some of the games in the market, but i don't go out and beat my chest, filling forums with hate threads and trying to drive people away from the game. 

    MMO wish list:

    -Changeable worlds
    -Solid non level based game
    -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads

  • MalvolentiaMalvolentia Member Posts: 253

    WoW is a thing of the past.  Wrath destroyed any game balance that was left

    WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"

    McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served

  • charlesfcharlesf Member Posts: 52

    Hey Blizz doesnt care whether u like WOW or not...Blizz got a few billions from the game....

    MMO's are about making money, rather than satisfying indivdual choice.....

    WOW is at the end of its cycle...blizz will come up with a new mmo....they will copy all the good from AoC, warhammer, DF....learn from their mistakes....and make a game again for the masses.....u dont have to play it.....u r just another 'seed' a billion!!!

  • KarmatronKarmatron Member Posts: 34

    WoW is a bit of fun, the community lets it down and it's all gone towards harcore PvP play. I just really hate the community though, All they do is troll each other and whinge about how unbalanced their class is. I'd like to see one forum page on the official forum that doesn't have at least 10 "OMG blizzard nerfed X all they care about iz money". Blizzard is doing a great job maintaining the game and releasing updates and expansions, No matter how much they change the game.

    The OP is right though.... Most of the players that you see in the game love the game, while all you see out of the game is people bashing it.

  • ValkaernValkaern Member UncommonPosts: 497
    Originally posted by Torik

    Originally posted by Z3R01

    Originally posted by bruse

    Because people who love the game are busy PLAYING.


    I'm getting a little annoyed with the people around here, always bashing the game that opened the eyes of millions of people to MMORPG's - yes it's linear and yes it's rather care bear, but this game made the MMO market grow extensively.
    You should be thankful
    Somewhere deep down you all know I'm right.


    Yep, because thats what I wanted.

    Millions of Fps players and Console players along with the annoying immature Diablo 2 community in every freaking MMO turning the communities to shit.

    You're right Thanks Blizzard!!!!!!!

    As the saying goes "Hell is other people".

    The way I see it 'old timers' simply got too lazy to properly police their communities.  They expected game mechanics to police the game communities by themselves and failed to realize that if you want to be selective about people you interact with you actually have to to some selecting on your own.  I have played WoW for a long time and I never really had a problem with the mythical 'great immature masses'.  I simply ignore the jerks in public chats and I am selective about the poeple I group/guild with.  As such I experience levels of 'immaturity' similar to what I see when I go see a movie.

    I highly doubt, and I'm sure if you take a second to think about it, that the state of WoWs community is due to old timers getting too lazy to police their community. That's beyond absurd.


    Years ago, MMOs were still pretty much the domain of hobbyists, a small subculture of people that generally were pretty pleased to be in the company of others that shared their interests. The vast majority of players didn't use online games as an outlet for their teen angst. Until WoW came along, having a bad reputation had conseqeunces in most games - In WoW immature behavior is acceptable, insults encouraged and epeen stroking in public is as common as "l2play" appearing in general chat.

      I'm not saying it was all rainbows and sunshine, but it was a vastly different climate in any MMO 9-10 years ago. Of course people will lament that.

      Subscribe to a few games, log in, read the 1st 10 lines in general chat for each one.  I'm fairly certain most people would bet on WoW coming in first place for the most offensive, idiotic and childish comments made in public chat. There's a reason for that, it's community earned it's reputation. I'm sure there are a lot of nice people quietly playing WoW, but they're certainly not the vocal majority.

     WoW bringing in more players and opening up the genre to the mainstream masses was certainly not a good thing for me no matter how it's argued. The whole MMO landscapes been trodden on and changed for the worse. Not only have previous games been subjected to mass dumbed-down wow-ification in game play terms but we've also had to endure years of  WoW clones. 


    So, in regard to the original post, no, I can assure you I'm not thankful for how WoW changed MMOs and would love to see an alternate universe in which one mainstream money making machine didn't halt the evolution of the genre.


  • HensenLirosHensenLiros Member Posts: 461

    Sorry, but the MMO market was better when it was smaller. Bigger market doesn't mean better market, you know? Who cares that we have 16 million mmo players more than we had before when we hear shit like "DAoC is a WoW clone" once in a while?

    Ultima Online 98~04
    Dark Age of Camelot 03~07
    Final Fantasy XI 04~06
    Guild Wars 05~08
    World of Warcraft 04~05
    Unsuccessful Tries: DFO/EQ2/DRaja/Rag/Req/RYL/9D/Cabal/KO/PSU/RF/GE/TO/TR/DDO/EVE/LoTRO/L2/RZ/SWG/VG

  • faxnadufaxnadu Member UncommonPosts: 940
    Originally posted by karat76

     I just went back to it out of boredom. Gives me something to do until I find something I can get into. Only thing I don't do is raid because there is nothing in the game I hate as much as the raiding community.



  • NetspookNetspook Member UncommonPosts: 1,583
    Originally posted by HensenLiros

    Sorry, but the MMO market was better when it was smaller. Bigger market doesn't mean better market, you know? Who cares that we have 16 million mmo players more than we had before when we hear shit like "DAoC is a WoW clone" once in a while?


    Yeah, I often hear about how "the good old days" were, mostly referring to pre-WoW. The funny part is that almost no one who claims this, is still playing "the good old games", even though almost every one of them are still up and running.

  • TheHavokTheHavok Member UncommonPosts: 2,423
    Originally posted by Netspook

    Originally posted by HensenLiros

    Sorry, but the MMO market was better when it was smaller. Bigger market doesn't mean better market, you know? Who cares that we have 16 million mmo players more than we had before when we hear shit like "DAoC is a WoW clone" once in a while?


    Yeah, I often hear about how "the good old days" were, mostly referring to pre-WoW. The funny part is that almost no one who claims this, is still playing "the good old games", even though almost every one of them are still up and running.


    I agree.  Although I must admit that a lot of the older players left their games because they say that the parent company "ruined" it in some way.  I've heard this plenty of times for UO, EQ1, and DAoC (although I heard DAoC fixed this by adding classic servers). 

    Nevertheless, innovation and a growing genre is a good thing.  The people that think otherwise are just too stubborn to start sharing their hobby. 


  • HensenLirosHensenLiros Member Posts: 461
    Originally posted by Netspook

    Originally posted by HensenLiros

    Sorry, but the MMO market was better when it was smaller. Bigger market doesn't mean better market, you know? Who cares that we have 16 million mmo players more than we had before when we hear shit like "DAoC is a WoW clone" once in a while?


    Yeah, I often hear about how "the good old days" were, mostly referring to pre-WoW. The funny part is that almost no one who claims this, is still playing "the good old games", even though almost every one of them are still up and running.


    Maybe because they're not viable anymore?

    Ultima Online is now completely item-based and the pvp scene is dead on most servers due to Trammel.

    On DAoC you can run for 2 hours on New Frontiers and not find a single person to kill.

    SWG you can start up as a Jedi, and sandbox classes went to trash.

    Seriously who would play shit like that? I still play on Ultima Online freeshards (which are somewhat like the old UO days) and MANY people do the same as me. Has the idea that games can change ever went through your pity mind? People don't play the "good old games" anymore because they don't exist, only transfigurated and putridly different games with the same name.

    Ultima Online 98~04
    Dark Age of Camelot 03~07
    Final Fantasy XI 04~06
    Guild Wars 05~08
    World of Warcraft 04~05
    Unsuccessful Tries: DFO/EQ2/DRaja/Rag/Req/RYL/9D/Cabal/KO/PSU/RF/GE/TO/TR/DDO/EVE/LoTRO/L2/RZ/SWG/VG

  • HensenLirosHensenLiros Member Posts: 461
    Originally posted by TheHavok

    Originally posted by Netspook

    Originally posted by HensenLiros

    Sorry, but the MMO market was better when it was smaller. Bigger market doesn't mean better market, you know? Who cares that we have 16 million mmo players more than we had before when we hear shit like "DAoC is a WoW clone" once in a while?


    Yeah, I often hear about how "the good old days" were, mostly referring to pre-WoW. The funny part is that almost no one who claims this, is still playing "the good old games", even though almost every one of them are still up and running.


    I agree.  Although I must admit that a lot of the older players left their games because they say that the parent company "ruined" it in some way.  I've heard this plenty of times for UO, EQ1, and DAoC (although I heard DAoC fixed this by adding classic servers). 

    Nevertheless, innovation and a growing genre is a good thing.  The people that think otherwise are just too stubborn to start sharing their hobby. 


    That's true, Havok, many people is purely stubborn in this case. The problem is that after the MMO scene got "mainstreamed", the goals most companies had just changed.  They noticed that WoW was an absolute hit and started following its steps without trying to innovate a lot (because that would mean risk, finantial risk). Innovation is good, and it's actually what we need the most now. The problem is that now every freaking company wants to make a game to steal WoW's subscribers and make a shitload of money. Man, even the Warhammer developers felt they were on a competition with Blizzard, and as wrong as it may had been, most just expected it to be a modernized version of DAoC.

    A lot of people still play OSI nowadays, and that's because it fits their playstyle: mostly gear-based and enforced PvM. But every game is following this direction, with few exceptions (Darkfall, Mortal Online, etc). The problem with WoW is that it just made the idea that the companies had to follow a pattern in order to be successfull, like if every console company started making action games online because they sell better than RPG, FPS, Puzzle, Sports or everything else.

    Ultima Online 98~04
    Dark Age of Camelot 03~07
    Final Fantasy XI 04~06
    Guild Wars 05~08
    World of Warcraft 04~05
    Unsuccessful Tries: DFO/EQ2/DRaja/Rag/Req/RYL/9D/Cabal/KO/PSU/RF/GE/TO/TR/DDO/EVE/LoTRO/L2/RZ/SWG/VG

  • safwdsafwd Member Posts: 879
    Originally posted by Netspook

    Originally posted by HensenLiros

    Sorry, but the MMO market was better when it was smaller. Bigger market doesn't mean better market, you know? Who cares that we have 16 million mmo players more than we had before when we hear shit like "DAoC is a WoW clone" once in a while?


    Yeah, I often hear about how "the good old days" were, mostly referring to pre-WoW. The funny part is that almost no one who claims this, is still playing "the good old games", even though almost every one of them are still up and running.


    That would be because (at least in my case) the "good old games" are no longer the same "good old games" as they were before WoW. And yes, alot of that can be put at the feet of WoW also. Just like the new games that have to try to be just like WoW to get a piece of that 10 Million pie the older games have become more WoW like to get a piece of that pie.

    Besides that, even the best game in the world is going to get a little old after you have played it for 5 plus years.

    I will be one of the first to say that i hate WoW for what its popularity has done to the MMO genre, but it really isnt WoWs fault. I agree with Gombi to a lesser scale that original WoW was a pretty good game. Sure it was easy as hell and it breed stupid gameplay but it was fun and i actually liked the graphics for the most part. But its popularity made every other dev out there (almost) unimaginative and lazy.

    You cant recreate the popularity of WoW, WoW was the MMO perfect storm. It is easy to get into and not difficult to master, it plays on nearly anything, it brought in a huge existing fanbase and it appealed to the asian market.

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