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World of Warcraft ranked #21 here - a question...



  • MalvolentiaMalvolentia Member Posts: 253
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by gringemore

    yet I still like/ would prefer to play ANY on that list over wow. All about preference, save your rhetoric I'm just answering the question as it pertains to ME.

    11.500.000 show your taste is quite off.

    I wouldn't  get you near a Beta test in MILES  if I were a game developper.

     But that is exaclty the problem with this "industry" and certainly this website.

    Hyping up products which can hardly be described as decent games leads to .... more Wow playing people.

    It is exactly this kind of surrealistc attitude(with games like TR, AoC, War etcc...) that reinforces Blizzard as the number one.




    hey are there 11.5 million people playing this game cause I haven't ever heard that before?


    Seriously I wonder what the fanbois are gonna do when the game population starts sliding to defend their lil precious

    WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"

    McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served

  • MalvolentiaMalvolentia Member Posts: 253
    Originally posted by ValiumSummer

    The reason WoW is ranked so low here is because this is a site that attracts brooding malcontents.    The WoW subscribers (10 million plus) are too busy enjoying thier game.   
    This is a place to bitch at Sony for ruining SWG,  EA for ruining Ultima Online, and Blizzard for ruining the entire mmorpg genre.
    This is a place where opinions are stated as facts and you just aren't cool unless your posts are riddled with  "meh" or "epic fail" .
    That is my theory anyways.


    kind of like every forums on the internet

    why are you here then  btw?

    WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"

    McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Malvolentia

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by gringemore

    yet I still like/ would prefer to play ANY on that list over wow. All about preference, save your rhetoric I'm just answering the question as it pertains to ME.

    11.500.000 show your taste is quite off.

    I wouldn't  get you near a Beta test in MILES  if I were a game developper.

     But that is exaclty the problem with this "industry" and certainly this website.

    Hyping up products which can hardly be described as decent games leads to .... more Wow playing people.

    It is exactly this kind of surrealistc attitude(with games like TR, AoC, War etcc...) that reinforces Blizzard as the number one.




    hey are there 11.5 million people playing this game cause I haven't ever heard that before?


    Seriously I wonder what the fanbois are gonna do when the game population starts sliding to defend their lil precious

    People will be to busy hating the next game that becomes more popular to be interested in what happens to wow. 


  • redhands123redhands123 Member Posts: 179

    Now Im going to post 20 games I liked better than WoW when I THIS IS NOT IN ANY SPECIFIC ORDER.


    1. Age of Conan

    2.Star Wars Galaxies

    3.Warhammer Age of Reckoning

    4.City of Heroes/Villains

    5.Dark Age of Camelot

    6.EVE online


    8.Everquest 2


    Welp thats all i could come up with. But the reason that its 20 and no one can come up with twenty is because of the fact that theyre are MANY different people on this site and most of them like WoW but its not there favorite and there are also people on this site that flat out hate WoW with a passion.


  • gringemoregringemore Member Posts: 182
    Originally posted by redhands123

    Now Im going to post 20 games I liked better than WoW when I THIS IS NOT IN ANY SPECIFIC ORDER.
    1. Age of Conan
    2.Star Wars Galaxies
    3.Warhammer Age of Reckoning
    4.City of Heroes/Villains
    5.Dark Age of Camelot
    6.EVE online
    8.Everquest 2
    Welp thats all i could come up with. But the reason that its 20 and no one can come up with twenty is because of the fact that theyre are MANY different people on this site and most of them like WoW but its not there favorite and there are also people on this site that flat out hate WoW with a passion.

    I dont hate wow I just dont like wow. I made an honest list earlier in this thread and it was more than 20.


  • redhands123redhands123 Member Posts: 179
    Originally posted by gringemore

    Originally posted by redhands123

    Now Im going to post 20 games I liked better than WoW when I THIS IS NOT IN ANY SPECIFIC ORDER.
    1. Age of Conan
    2.Star Wars Galaxies
    3.Warhammer Age of Reckoning
    4.City of Heroes/Villains
    5.Dark Age of Camelot
    6.EVE online
    8.Everquest 2
    Welp thats all i could come up with. But the reason that its 20 and no one can come up with twenty is because of the fact that theyre are MANY different people on this site and most of them like WoW but its not there favorite and there are also people on this site that flat out hate WoW with a passion.

    I dont hate wow I just dont like wow. I made an honest list earlier in this thread and it was more than 20.


    Oh really? I wish I wasnt so lazy I would read it. HAHAHA!


  • gringemoregringemore Member Posts: 182
    Originally posted by gringemore

    Originally posted by Recant

    So I checked the ratings on this site and according to the list, World of Warcraft is rated at around number 21 of all released MMORPGs.  Ouch.   Okay, so I play WoW, but my intention behind this post is not to tell you that you're wrong or voting badly, but merely to ask the following:
    Do you honestly believe that there are 20 better  MMORPGs than WoW (or at least closely comparable)?  
    If you are at all willing to answer, perhaps you would be inclined estimate how the following might rank WoW as well, I assume there are none around to ask directly:
    a) Professional opinion -(what other game developers might think.)

    b) Pseudo-professional opinion -(what games journalists might think.)

    c) A typical PC-gamer's opinion - (what a person who might enjoy games such as Half-Life, Fallout 3, Red Alert 3, etc might think)

    d) The 'Veteran' - what someone that has played more than a couple of MMORPGs for signfiicant periods of time might think.  Actually I think that includes most of us.

    There's no rhetoric behind that question, if you really believe that that there are 20, or even 50 better MMORPGs, then that's fine with me. 

    This isnt in the order of my favorite to least favorite , just in my opinion better than WoW



    Everquest 2

    City of Heroes

    City of villains

    Dark age of Camelot

    Asherons Call

    Asherons call 2


    Ultima Online


    Lineage 2

    Warhammer Online




    Final Fantasy



    Anarchy Online


    Tabula Rasa

    Auto Assault


    heyyy what do ya know ,I found it! but I forgot a pretty important one DDO.


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