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If World of Warcraft was an athlete.

It would be the eternal secound, no matter what it ventured in to and did, it would end up in secound place. Because it does not want to be the best, it just likes to compete. And everyone likes it (myself I hate it, but it's a good game i must admit). But, if you played 10 diffrent matches with World of Warcraft and 9 other people. Each of those people would win one match,  and World of Warcraft would come out with the overall best score but no victories.

This is why World of Warcraft will never come first the the MMORPG game ranking, and this is why it will allways be beat by those who focus their efforts on perfecting what they are good at.



  • RecantRecant Member UncommonPosts: 1,586

    That WoW is rated below so many other MMORPGs is a symptom of hysterical negativity towards a well known and mainstream title, not an indication of it's quality.  To measure such a thing as quality (which can only be marginally indicative anyway) you have to consider all opinions and reviews and not just a tiny community such as this one.

    As the poster above mentioned, 600 votes in a site as fiercely devoted to hating WoW such as ths one is indicative of absolutely nothing at all.  600?  Pah.  There are more game developers in the world playing WoW than that.

    So to compare WoW to an athlete?  WoW has already won every medal out there except for the gold medal for 'Pleasing people that cannot be pleased'.  Nothing else comes even remotely close to the fluidty and well designed control.  Blizzard were already considered masters of their craft before WoW and their reptuation has only grown with WoW, meaning their next MMORPG will be the most anticipated game in the world ever.

    For people who post topics like this one, attempting to downplay the deserved success of the game, I'm afraid you simply have your head in the sand. 

    While you will find a huge negativty towards WoW on this site, I would argue that that negativity would exist without WoW and that WoW is simply the biggest target for vitriol nonsense.  

    It is with small pity that I have witnessed a vicious circle of huge anticipation, followed by major disappointment and hostile negativity towards the games that gamers are actually playing.  These people are doomed to be perpetually miserable while deluding themselves that WoW is some kind of cheap throw-away crap while they discuss their "dream mmorpg" which will of course, dissapoint them again if it were ever released.

    If I were to speculate, I would say most of the unhappy critics of WoW have never seen past the first few levels of the game (allowing hysteria from this site to deliver negative preconceptions), are pretending to have seen all the game has to offer ("my main is in full T7 gear I know what I'm talking about when I say this game is rubbish!" (several layers of irony there)) or are simply burned out after loving it for so long and have possibly allowed themselves to play it too much in unhealthy binges.

    I come from an EQ background so it took several attempts for me to 'get' WoW and lose the pretentious attitude festered by 'veterans' (I used to think that long levels made things 'more difficult too').  I believe that because I finally overcome my own preconceptions of the game and actually just "went with it", that I have a unique perspective on the genre and haven't allowed other people to influence my opinions of it.

    After all I was willing to cancel and try out Vanguard when that came out.  It is unfortunate that all the other games aren't as good, but they haven't had a developer like Blizzard behind them who were actual game developers, not cowboy outfits and server programmers like SOE whose prior game experience before MMORPGs were things like Tanarus and web mini-games.

    When Bioware and Bethesda, experienced game developers come on board then we will finally see some quality.  Until then there's only one choice for the majority of gamers (and no choice the bitter minority who will never have a choice).

    Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...

  • ShadoedShadoed Member UncommonPosts: 1,459

    Originally posted by Hufftoth
    It would be the eternal secound, no matter what it ventured in to and did, it would end up in secound place. Because it does not want to be the best, it just likes to compete. And everyone likes it (myself I hate it, but it's a good game i must admit). But, if you played 10 diffrent matches with World of Warcraft and 9 other people. Each of those people would win one match,  and World of Warcraft would come out with the overall best score but no victories.
    This is why World of Warcraft will never come first the the MMORPG game ranking, and this is why it will allways be beat by those who focus their efforts on perfecting what they are good at.

    Hehe, you got it wrong, WOW wouldn't be entered into single events.

    WOW would be the gold medal modern decathalete. All the others would maybe win by a nose in their individual specialist events but WOW would take the gold with points gained doing well in all events across the board.

    It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 

  • sanders01sanders01 Member Posts: 1,357

    lol "secound", second

    and steroids. Only word needed to describe WoW as an athlete.


    Currently restarting World of Warcraft :/

  • RecantRecant Member UncommonPosts: 1,586
    Originally posted by Quizzical

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 


    If WoW was cheaper than other MMORPGs you might have a point. 

    If it wasn't critically acclaimed you might have a point.

    If it wasn't played by game developers who lavish praise on the game, you might have a point.

    As it stands, you have no point :p  This is what happens when you regurgitate arguments from this Anti-WoW forum without thinking for yourself.

    Because you have done this, you've betrayed your prejudice or simply a lack of ability to make a reasoned argument.  Either way, this isn't the attitude demonstrated by someone who knows their subject matter.

    I think you get my point :p

    Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...

  • ShadoedShadoed Member UncommonPosts: 1,459

    Originally posted by Quizzical
    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 

    The game that is the best game is the one that you as a person enjoy playing, subs are just a measure of a games popularity but that doesn't mean that it will be right for everyone.

    Wow is a great all round game to me 'personally' and i enjoy it, the minute i stop enjoying it i will quit and most likely go back to Eve or look for something new to enjoy.

    It does always amuse me how much time some people will put into saying how poor wow is when their time would be better spent just enjoying what they do like to play and let wow players get on with their own thing too.

    It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.

  • Pappy13Pappy13 Member Posts: 2,138

    First of all the event would have to be the Mega Marathon because it's been running for 4 straight years and hasn't reached the finish line yet.

    Secondly, it would have lead the race from the start.

    You know what the most important thing is for a runner when they are in first place?  Not to look back and see how close the competition is, just keep running as hard as you can and hope they can't catch you.

    I'd say Blizzard is doing a pretty damn good job.


  • Pappy13Pappy13 Member Posts: 2,138
    Originally posted by jason_webb


    Originally posted by Hufftoth

    It would be the eternal secound, no matter what it ventured in to and did, it would end up in secound place. Because it does not want to be the best, it just likes to compete. And everyone likes it (myself I hate it, but it's a good game i must admit). But, if you played 10 diffrent matches with World of Warcraft and 9 other people. Each of those people would win one match,  and World of Warcraft would come out with the overall best score but no victories.

    This is why World of Warcraft will never come first the the MMORPG game ranking, and this is why it will allways be beat by those who focus their efforts on perfecting what they are good at.


    Hehe, you got it wrong, WOW wouldn't be entered into single events.

    WOW would be the gold medal modern decathalete. All the others would maybe win by a nose in their individual specialist events but WOW would take the gold with points gained doing well in all events across the board.


    Good point Jason.  Perhaps that's what the original poster was trying to say, but didn't say it quite as eloquently as you have done.  WoW may not win any of the individual events, but when you tally up the total score of all the events, WoW is way out in the lead.


  • brostynbrostyn Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,092
    Originally posted by Quizzical

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 


    OK, you're comparing fast food to other types of restaurants. You could actually make the argument that McDonald's is the best out of the fast food hamburger chains. Just like WoW is the best out of the MMO category. Hey, personally, I don't agree with either. However, we have been outvoted. Like it or not, you must accept that WoW is enjoyed by more players, than all other MMOs combined.

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Hufftoth

    It would be the eternal secound, no matter what it ventured in to and did, it would end up in secound place. Because it does not want to be the best, it just likes to compete. And everyone likes it (myself I hate it, but it's a good game i must admit). But, if you played 10 diffrent matches with World of Warcraft and 9 other people. Each of those people would win one match,  and World of Warcraft would come out with the overall best score but no victories.
    This is why World of Warcraft will never come first the the MMORPG game ranking, and this is why it will allways be beat by those who focus their efforts on perfecting what they are good at.


    I'm sorry, but who has "perfected" what they are good at in comparison? 

    What you are saying is that there are 9 other games that do one thing good, which is just a way of saying 9 other games do everything worse except maybe one thing.  In a head to head comparison with most games, the best any game can do is be better at one or two things and then wow sweeps the rest of the categories.  Wow sets out to be the best at variety and playstyle options and it achieves that in spades.  Other games try to be good at one things and most struggle with one basic feature. 


    Consider this, all of these games are in a competition already.  They are competing over us for our subscription dollars. 

  • Pappy13Pappy13 Member Posts: 2,138
    Originally posted by Quizzical

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 

     Who serves the best food doesn't make them the best restaurant.

    If you're only talking fast food and you consider all things like customer service, cost, quality of the food, convenience, menu choices etc then McDonalds IS the best.  No they don't have the best food, but no one goes to McDonalds to get the best food.  They go to McDonalds because they know what they are going to get.  Economical food served quickly.  They get you in an out with no hassles and it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.  That just happens to be what the majority of people want.  Why hate on McDonalds for giving the people what they want?  You want steak you go someplace else, that doesn't make that someplace else a better restaurant, just a different kind of restaurant.


  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Quizzical

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 


    Do you compare chess to mmos?  No, then why would you compare fast food to other types of restaurants?


    It could be argued that mcdonalds is the best of the fast food chains however, but I'm sure you would somehow bring up hairspray as an example of why nike makes the best shoes.

  • MalvolentiaMalvolentia Member Posts: 253

    It'd be that cute girl that's fun to look at, but has no athletic ability

    WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"

    McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served

  • MalvolentiaMalvolentia Member Posts: 253
    Originally posted by Daffid011

    Originally posted by Quizzical

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 


    Do you compare chess to mmos?  No, then why would you compare fast food to other types of restaurants?


    It could be argued that mcdonalds is the best of the fast food chains however, but I'm sure you would somehow bring up hairspray as an example of why nike makes the best shoes.


    I think his point is that what's popular isn't always the best.  McDonald's is probably more popular then anything else out there, but for some it's food is awful. 

    I'm willing to bet 10-20% of the accounts on WoW are 1 person playing multiple accounts or multiboxing.  Also have to include the farmer issue and accounts overseas just lookin to bank off of gold.

    WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"

    McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564

    Let's ask this a different way.

    Suppose that Blizzard had never bothered to advertise WoW.  They put exactly the same development into it, and the content was exactly the same, but no advertisements.

    Surely you can agree that the playerbase would be a lot smaller.  It might well still be quite big, of course.  Maybe they'd have 1 million active subscriptions, or maybe they'd have 3 million, or whatever.  But it would be a lot smaller.

    Would that make the game any better or worse than it is today? 

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,065
    Originally posted by Hufftoth

    It would be the eternal secound, no matter what it ventured in to and did, it would end up in secound place. Because it does not want to be the best, it just likes to compete. And everyone likes it (myself I hate it, but it's a good game i must admit). But, if you played 10 diffrent matches with World of Warcraft and 9 other people. Each of those people would win one match,  and World of Warcraft would come out with the overall best score but no victories.
    This is why World of Warcraft will never come first the the MMORPG game ranking, and this is why it will allways be beat by those who focus their efforts on perfecting what they are good at.


              Maybe the best analogy would be a decathlon......Yeah WoW might not win an event (I think it would though) but it would finish best after adding all ten together.......WoW can appeal to a large variety of player which is rare in most MMOs........They made the game so that the hardcore gamer could enjoy it as much as the very casual gamer.......They made it so the guy with a 10 year old PC could still play their game while most other games were going for cutting edge technology and cutting their market down considerably as a result........I'm sure WoW could have designed its game with technology similar to EQ2 but would they have had anywhere near the fanbase they do now?? I seriously doubt they would have had half........You have to give credit to them for identifying their target market and for the changes they have made to accomodate that.

  • AbrahmmAbrahmm Member Posts: 2,448
    Originally posted by Malvolentia

    Originally posted by Daffid011

    Originally posted by Quizzical

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 


    Do you compare chess to mmos?  No, then why would you compare fast food to other types of restaurants?


    It could be argued that mcdonalds is the best of the fast food chains however, but I'm sure you would somehow bring up hairspray as an example of why nike makes the best shoes.


    I think his point is that what's popular isn't always the best.  McDonald's is probably more popular then anything else out there, but for some it's food is awful. 

    Yes, this is the point he was making, and it's a very valid point. WoW is a good game, polished, and very refined. But having the most subs doesn't make it the best game. Not by a long shot.

    I am amused by the fans on this site that seem to be pushing the idea that because WoW is the most popular it is the best. And trying to defer any analogy comparing McDonald's to other restaurants with things like price. Fine we can compare something of equal price. Look at the Backstreet Boys in their prime. Their records cost the same as any other record, and they were really popular. Does that make them the best? Not by a long shot, they pretty much sucked. Look at all the reality TV shows that are on. American Idol is ridiculously popular, does that make it the best TV show on television? That would be a ridiculous claim.

    I usually look at it this way. Most people are idiots. Things that are designed for mass consumption are usually dumbed down for the average person. Dumbing stuff down has the side effect of taking away some of what makes it good. WoW dumbed down many things to make it accessible to mass consumption. This made it very popular, but took away some of what makes MMORPG's good.

    I think WoW is a good game, and if you think it's the best game, good for you. I disagree.

    Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
    Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
    Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
    Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
    Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.

  • MalvolentiaMalvolentia Member Posts: 253

    Good point Abraham.  I'm starting to look at those games that are extremely popular as working it against it in quality.  Look at Eve Online.  I personally don't like that game, but it has a small cult following cause for a space game it's excellent.

    WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"

    McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served

  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    if WOW was an athlete he would be on trial for using performance enhancing subscriptions ?

  • TheHavokTheHavok Member UncommonPosts: 2,423
    Originally posted by Quizzical

    That WoW has the most players doesn't mean it is the best game.  If you had to pick which restaurant serves the best food, would you say McDonald's?  They do sell the most, after all. 


    Wow Quizzical, what a clever analogy, I have NEVER heard that one before.


    Anyways, if WoW was an athelete, it would be the most popular athlete in (this is a little bit of a guess) the 3rd/4th most popular video game genre in the world.

    My reasoning is this:MMORPG is a genre that is not as popular as single player console games, first person shooters, and probably RTS games.  And the most popular sports in the world are, in order: Soccer, Cricket, field hockey, tennis, then volleyball.

    So... im thinking that WoW would be the most popular athlete in field hockey or tennis.

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Originally posted by Malvolentia

    Good point Abraham.  I'm starting to look at those games that are extremely popular as working it against it in quality.  Look at Eve Online.  I personally don't like that game, but it has a small cult following cause for a space game it's excellent.


    You are yet again confusing your personal preferences with quality.  They are two seperate things.

    According to your logic here, anything you do not like is a must lack quality.  The one thing that is almost universally accepted is that wow is the highest quality mmo on the market.  You may not like the playstyle, the art or any of the subjective issues, but you would be very hard pressed to find an objective review that shows the game lacking in some substantial mechanic, performance or similar issue.  The game is just solid and well put together.  Regardless of how much the gameplay interests you.

    There is a reason why people started using the term 'polished' in reference to mmos when wow released. 


    So if a game isn't popular it somehow represents something of quality?  Look at the history of mmos and you will see that the biggest factor in most games failing to attract bigger populations is their lack of quality.  Rushed and unfinished releases that are a mess. 

    You guys can sit around chattering about popular doesn't always equal quality or whatever, but examining the facts you sure seem to be incorrect in your conclusions.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564

    The number of people who play a game and the quality of the game are positively correlated, but it's quite far from being a perfect correlation.  Some games simply target larger demographics than others.  Some are marketed better than others.

    If you want a definite quality issue to ding WoW on, try server stability.  When I quit, I checked my billing records and had about a month worth of free days tacked on mostly one at a time as compensation for server downtime.  WoW's servers with their ~93% uptime (and often not working properly even when they are up) are by far the worst I've seen in any online game.

    Or is having servers that work only a personal preference unrelated to quality?

  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945

    Blizzard gives out free time for the slighest outage, because they can afford to and it is good customer service.  How many other games give out free time for the slightest interruption?  That doesn't mean the servers were down for a month. 

    Saying they are the worst servers is pure hyperbole.  93% uptime, care to share your source?  I've heard some whoppers before, but come on.


    Wow has about 25 times the number of servers as the next biggest game.  If the problem was as bad as you put it, it would be front page news all the time. 



  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    Originally posted by Daffid011

    Blizzard gives out free time for the slighest outage, because they can afford to and it is good customer service...
    Saying they are the worst servers is pure hyperbole.  93% uptime, care to share your source?  I've heard some whoppers before, but come on.


    For a slight outage, Blizzard wouldn't credit anything.  For a few hours during prime time, they'd credit you a day of free time.  They did once credit me three days and once five days, but those were each more than a full day of downtime.  Even when the servers were up, they often lagged quite a bit.

    Does WoW have the worst servers ever?  Probably not, but they do have, by far, the worst I've seen for downtime.  In terms of lag while servers are up, they probably weren't as bad as Chain of Command was before the turn of the millennium.  For lag, WoW only has the second worst game servers I've ever seen.



    Inability to run servers properly isn't the only problem with the game.  In most places, there aren't many bugs, but an escort quest had perhaps a 50/50 chance of being bugged in one way or another.  Some were things you could work around, but some were issues like having to escort an NPC from point A to point B, and the NPC won't move.  That's small potatoes, I guess.

    Perhaps a bigger problem was that the UI was a disaster.  The game shipped with a UI that was basically non-functional, making it so that in order to play well, going elsewhere and downloading UI mods was all but mandatory.  Once you'd get the right UI mods, it would work pretty nicely, of course--until the next patch came.  That was pretty much guaranteed to break all the UI mods, so you'd have to go get updated versions of them.  Or at least you'd have to get updated versions of the ones that had updated versions, as some weren't maintained, so you'd have to abandon those and find something else.  If you could get the UI working again within an hour or so after a patch, that was doing reasonably well.  I've never seen any other game break the UI every patch like that, and expect players to fix it themselves.

    Speaking of patches, WoW has the worst patching system I've ever seen, for any online game.  The servers go down for several hours to apply the patch, which isn't terribly remarkable, although most games do apply patches to their servers quite a bit faster.  At least it's during off-peak times, though it doesn't necessarily finish during off-peak times if the patch takes longer than expected.  Then when the servers come back up, players can theoretically download the patch from the servers.  But perhaps it's only theoretical, because it's really, really, really slow--slow enough that someone on dialup would have good reason to complain that it's unusually slow.

    Instead, players who want to get a decent download rate (or for that matter, one tenth of a decent download rate) have to go elsewhere to get the patches.  Players are thus pushed to go to external sites to download and run executable files on their computers.  That's remarkably horrible from a security perspective, as it practically invites malware.

  • Valgar1Valgar1 Member UncommonPosts: 324

    Hands down Barry Bonds.

    Holds all the records but is hated

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