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Ghost Online as of today is a pretty fun game... Yeah it's like maplestory people will say but it has its differences....
The community is getting better, I don't as much hackers anymore... GM Zelia has been working hard just as the other GM's had to keep Ghost Online away from hackers....
The economy is doing bad, that is the only down side currently... People don't set up enough shops and desperate for some gen(gen is the currency used in the game)....
Latest releases...
Dragon City Buffer Issue
Dragon City
Cash Shop
Current bugs and issues
Lag/Disconnect Issues
Windowed Mode Issues
Economy is Bad
2 channels open (Max cap. is like 100 or something like that...)
Not many players....
Next Update: Rumored to be Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, 2008
All in All... My experience playing this game was pretty fun! I still play! You should try this game!!
This game sucks, its like they tried to do a Maplestory remake, and cash in on some of that fame, but they totally failed.
biggest fail ever....
2 channels of 100 people? it's like a modded MS private server.....
wooot for 2 channels 100 ppl can play in each channel?
extend it to 1000

it would be worthless if the player population is sucks to play
and money is hard to get coz there would be few shops........

n0 gen (money onthe game)
few people
game sucks!!
Ghost online is trully a fun game, a good one! I've played maplestory for years and truth is, I wish I learned about Ghost Online sooner! The graphics are great, as well as the story line. The jobs are cool as well. It's very simple to pick up, and a worth wild experence.
Personaly I don't care if there's a lot of people or a few, I perfer fewer people. On maplestory I say it's way TOO Crowded, hence why I play in the morning on that. On this game I can play any time of the day and not feel over run.
I'd give this game 7.8/10 since it can have improvements, as can anygame, but at the same time it gives a player such an experence and a feel of magic all at once. And if anyone wants to know.. I give Maplestory a 5.9/10 for it's over crowded feeling and hard leveling. Also for all it's quest that give you 'quest items' when you have barly little space to hold it all... It can take forever to be able to get rid of all those quest items so you can hold drops instead, and why only be able to store four items?
There's my opinion, one from a person who plays both, with a passion.
Hahaha look how old this thread is...
it's alive...
Currently restarting World of Warcraft
notice the fan-bois have 1 post each.
notice the fan-bois have 1 post each.
The only reason I joined this place was to bring this game alive, to be able to add stuff, information, pictures, guilds, anything I can to this game, and maybe a couple others, this game mostly. That's why I joined, so of course I'd have one post and it be bringing this thread to people's attention.
I think the game is shutdown now or the usa version atelast
notice the fan-bois have 1 post each.
The only reason I joined this place was to bring this game alive, to be able to add stuff, information, pictures, guilds, anything I can to this game, and maybe a couple others, this game mostly. That's why I joined, so of course I'd have one post and it be bringing this thread to people's attention.
well at least you are honest.
I play the USA version of the game so I don't believe so, and I do see other players on the game, just hardly in the morning, but later in the day there are more people.
Right now I'm writting an informal guild to Ghost Online, as best I can, it'll take a long time to do, who knows? But I'm taking notes, working things together. I'm going to do anything to get this game more out there, because it IS a good game and it really must get back on it's feet, it just needs a push.
Ghost Online is definately a nice (fast) change of pace from some of the other MMORPGs roaming the internet today, and I definately recomend this to anyone who finds the grind of other MMOs slow, or have nothing left to do, leaving a bored "What to do next," feeling. The main thing to keep in mind, though, is that this game is still in beta, and there are several glitches and little content, but after looking at different versions of this game released in other parts of the world, there are many, many, MANY more things to come in this game.
Holy crap! The irony of this being from a game called ghost.
Talk about raised from the dead...
Necro at it's best.
The game play holds this game together nicely. It is incredibly fast paced, and you will find yourself running all over the place, anxious to fight the monsters that are in the way, the quickness of the game really adds to its excitement, and I appreciate that.
As mentioned above, it is a two dimensional side scrolling MMORPG with 3 classes, Warriors, Assassins, and Taoists. For the most part, you?ll fight plenty of monsters, and of course there are slow spawning boss monsters, and tons of places to explore. It?s really a vast game; I would even dare to say that in the near future it will be more vast than Maple Story.
I have to give this category a 10/10, it?s just so amazing, and you?ll find yourself hooked very quickly.