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Warning, long post, but with pictures. =D
It all started with a flash video I made with the help of my 2 room mates, which won me 3 beta accounts.
Kept one account, gave one to my brother and one to Nylian. Didn't give Roy one (even though it was his artwork in the video) because his comp can't run WoW. So having 2 beta accounts in this household was enough.
We all logged in at the same time, Nylian made "Hafyyd" a shaman, my bro made "Dansota" a druid, and I made "Hyrieos" a warrior.
I steadily worked my way up in levels, spending a lot of time in the barrens runnig with the beasts there.
Eventualy I visisted SFK, curious what it was like. I was about level 30 at the time, so when we reached the final boss, and I got turned into the were wolf, my group didn't last too long. I still killed him and finished the quest tho.
I then decided to take a detour to STV, to see a location I had wanted to see since the first time I watched a video of WoW.
After some hard times in HB, I moved on to Arathi, finaly I got to see a mountain giant which was my favorite unit in WC3. The way the screen shook when he walked left me in awe for a bit.
As I worked through Arathi, I did a few SM runs, where I got to try out an elixer of giants which saved my life against the final 2 bosses, and won the battle for us.(At least I lived. ^.^')
Also, from my time in Arathi I learned that PvP was less like this and more like this. Filthy filthy little gnomes.
And of course, what adventure would be complete without a trip to teldrasil. Although, after a long trip like that, it's nice to unwind.
Then it was off to do some more site seeing, before starting BRD. It was in BRD, that I realized, hord really doesn't have enough women.
Had some good times, had some great time, and most of all, got to start Silent Reign, and be present for the picking of the tabard.
Of course, all good things must come to an end.
Hyrieos won't be returning to WoW. Going to go with an easier to remember, easier to spell name.
Oh, and Alliance is gay
"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
hehe im in EU Closed beta and im hoping its gonna last till release (if thats tomorrow or in 2 months i dont care) so long as i dont have timeout from WoW.
Im lvl 31 undead rogue and enjoying it at the moment ive been pn a few raids to darkshire and been moving around thousand needles/arathi/desolace atm.
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, EverQuest 2 World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
can i have your account :x
i kinda want to play it lol
Closed beta is over... That's the only reason I'm not playing atm. =P'
I already pre-ordered my collectors edition.

"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius