My understanding of the vague information concerning europe is that europeans will be permitted access to US servers after the european release.
Which kills the purpose really because again they are holding europe back till feb 2005 either way.
I think europeans don't really mind having to import honestly as many of us have found importing the games to be even cheaper by the time you convert the currency(at least for UK) then if it was bought here.Espically if you know where to buy from(i usually buy from canada).
I done this with CoH,DAoC,SWG,some EQ expansions and few other games i can't remember.
You buy you insert disc you put in a mastercard/visa information and you are set.But here they have said it will reject foriegn CC.
There is workarounds and seen some forums even offer the information but should i go around messing with my CC details just for a game?Nah.
Originally posted by Siolenas Point out one good game or movie that had undead as something mor e then just to kill and I will take back my words.
Ok fine I really was not trying to get into anything like this but here goes.
Games :
FFX : Auron was undead
SoulReaver: Azriel was Undead
Blade: Blade is Half Human/Half Vampire making him half undead
Interview With A Vampire: A whole movie that showed vampires as more then mindless undead
There ya go 4 examples of undead being used in movies and games and not just as mindless things to kill. Really if you don't like the undead don't play them but at least Blizzard did something besides the boring normal Human, dwarf, elf races.
You seem to miss my post regarding vampires. Blade - Half vampire means he is still part human. Hrm Soulreaver - Last time I checked all of them were vampires., but not Zombies.
and to your comment about the 30 year old game on Paper. That would like saying why have WoW based off of any of the Warcraft series. According you to, Cant them come up with any new?
Not if this means anything to you. The one good thing about WoW is their name policy, but according to there rules what could you actually name the undead that doesnt resemble a walking corpse.
LOL!!! You don't know jack about the soulreaver series apparently the whole vampire thing was small compared to the underworld... you REALLY need to know what your talking about if we are to take you seriously.
Since DnD I seriously doubt your gonna see ANYTHING that hasn't been done to death. Innovation is just something that been done on paper for years finally becoming pixles.. woot! wait.. no whoop de doo is more in order.
Sorry pretty much since Tolkien, little can be said about 'fantasy' that is truly 'original' game or not.
There is many 'flavors' but if you think that either EQ2 or WoW or Guild Wars is innovative your pretty gullible(?) cannot spell heh.
"love how they make an announcement saying open beta will be coming soon, then turn around and say it won't be here for a while.. its like poetry, only it sucks.. " -About Blizzard and their concept of 'soon'
When we are playing videogames, we are all kids (and thats the beauty of it!! ) Weeeee, i cant wait for WoW! *jumps up and down like 5-year old, wanting a lollipop*
Originally posted by Apex-Alpha I have played both WOW & EQ2 Beta. Me and my Wife both agree to play WOW. EQ2 has nice graphics and a Huge and detailed world. I didnt like EQ2 crafting, No PVP, ( Game is not done) Same Old deliver this kill that quests witch some pepole like Iam not knocking it. Iam a 29 year Old gamer and I think WOW is a great game all around. Crafting is fun, PVP is great, And no grind. So to you Fanboys yapping about WOW for Kids I think your going to see differnt in time. See ya in WOW :P
Originally posted by Siolenas OMG - Your saying playing a brainless lichcontroled race is considered innovative. Give me a break. Infact, all their races are from their game, WHich I will add is a strong point of the game. The undead in any game or movie has never been something that has intellegence. Even to the point in Warcraft there were mindless being being manipulated. I do like the rest of the races though, and I have played WoW, both the stress test, and beta. I think it has great potential. Seperating servers for PvE and PvP is crap. Thats the weak way around with balancing the system for the better. Perhaps 90% want it SOMETIMES, but they do not want to be around and part of it 90% of the time in the game. Funny how you can make numbers look the way you want. Even I enjoy PK every once in a while, but not when I want to play the game and have to worry about people killing you for fun. TO strengthen my statement, Take a look at Leniage 2. People go around threatning PK to everyone that gets in your way. That envirmoent not only hurt that game but damn near burried it as well. To the person who wrote about the fishing pole and different bair. Hrm Another ripoff of FFXI. WoW is nothing but a degraded graphical version of FFXI. Point Made.
Ok then FFXI ripoff UO, And so on and so on.... I startd this thread because I was set on playing EQ2. I got the chance to play WOW Stress beta and thought to myself this is a great game. I read post after post about WOW being a game for kids and I thought to myself they must one, have not played the game or just EQ2 Fanboys? So then I get my EQ2 beta, Fun at first but the game is lacking I feel. Point is I have played both games and think WOW is a better product, SOE droped the ball. EQ2 might be a better game in a year or so but iam sick of SOE doing this.
Originally posted by Apex-Alpha I have played both WOW & EQ2 Beta. Me and my Wife both agree to play WOW. EQ2 has nice graphics and a Huge and detailed world. I didnt like EQ2 crafting, No PVP, ( Game is not done) Same Old deliver this kill that quests witch some pepole like Iam not knocking it. Iam a 29 year Old gamer and I think WOW is a great game all around. Crafting is fun, PVP is great, And no grind. So to you Fanboys yapping about WOW for Kids I think your going to see differnt in time. See ya in WOW :P
Guess what , WOW is for kids.
To post - WOW is for kids and no points I have to think to myself? How Old are you?
Are these games not all made for everyone.....hmmmmmm oh maybe everyone 13+ as per the ratings but that does not include kids if you consider kids to start at 12...but then again.....hmmmm....very confused...
Originally posted by Apex-Alpha I have played both WOW & EQ2 Beta. Me and my Wife both agree to play WOW. EQ2 has nice graphics and a Huge and detailed world. I didnt like EQ2 crafting, No PVP, ( Game is not done) Same Old deliver this kill that quests witch some pepole like Iam not knocking it. Iam a 29 year Old gamer and I think WOW is a great game all around. Crafting is fun, PVP is great, And no grind. So to you Fanboys yapping about WOW for Kids I think your going to see differnt in time. See ya in WOW :P
I dont say it will have kids in it i say it will have immature people in it mainly because of BNet, maturity doesnt come with age so there will be kids and adults in both games.. And will find alot of immaturity in both but WoW will most likely attract more of the immature crowd courtesy of BNet, BNet changes people
People are going to continue to flame as long as you give them the opportunity to do so by creating one of these threads.
All in all, WoW is going to be loved by some, hated by others, just like people feel the same about EQ2 and all the other MMORPGs on the market.
As for WoW being flooded with "BNet Kiddies", whatever that means, you have to figure that BNet is not pay-to-play, and the monthly fee WoW players will incur will filter out a lot of that problem around the first month.
I don't envy Blizzard's position right now. They are stepping on hallowed territory, and all eyes are upon them, whether it's to seem them succeed or fail. As someone that's beein in the game industry in the past, and worked on an MMORPG, my sympathies go out to them in this "Crunch Time" period where they have to put all the finishing details into the game. As of the last stretch of the Closed Beta, I was impressed with what I saw so far, and I'm looking forward to the next Stress Test and the new content they are going to add.
Honestly, I think WoW is shaping up to be a fantastic game, and I'm not a kid, unless you consider "kid at heart" in the same category. I already have my Collector's Edition pre-ordered, and my partner will be playing as well. Let the critics slam it all they want. As long as you're enjoying yourself, let them flame all they want. At this point, I think there's enough interest in WoW to guarantee it's success no matter what others say.
Originally posted by BartDaCat <sigh...> Another one of these threads. People are going to continue to flame as long as you give them the opportunity to do so by creating one of these threads. All in all, WoW is going to be loved by some, hated by others, just like people feel the same about EQ2 and all the other MMORPGs on the market. As for WoW being flooded with "BNet Kiddies", whatever that means, you have to figure that BNet is not pay-to-play, and the monthly fee WoW players will incur will filter out a lot of that problem around the first month. I don't envy Blizzard's position right now. They are stepping on hallowed territory, and all eyes are upon them, whether it's to seem them succeed or fail. As someone that's beein in the game industry in the past, and worked on an MMORPG, my sympathies go out to them in this "Crunch Time" period where they have to put all the finishing details into the game. As of the last stretch of the Closed Beta, I was impressed with what I saw so far, and I'm looking forward to the next Stress Test and the new content they are going to add. Honestly, I think WoW is shaping up to be a fantastic game, and I'm not a kid, unless you consider "kid at heart" in the same category. I already have my Collector's Edition pre-ordered, and my partner will be playing as well. Let the critics slam it all they want. As long as you're enjoying yourself, let them flame all they want. At this point, I think there's enough interest in WoW to guarantee it's success no matter what others say.
I agree with you 100%
Threads like these, they will never end. As long as people keep shooting back and forth saying their game is better. I had the chance to play WoW Stress Test and I had a blast. I never encounterd anyone, not one person who acted like a complete idiot/ very immature. I wouldn't use the bnet forums as a good source of how the gaming community will be.
For one thing, not all WoW Supporters even post there. They have their own fansites that they choose to use. If you look at other WoW sites, I am sure the maturiy level is a lot better.
Also, take into account that when the people on the bnet forums eventually get into the game, they will have to be on their best behavior. Think about it. Character reputation is a huge thing in games. Word goes around fast if someone is not up to par. They will be blacklisted so fast, their gaimng experience will go down hill fast. I think when they troll the bnet forums, they are safe from fear hiding behind their avatars and people will never know who they really are. Once ingame, it will be a completely different story. If you happen to enjoy the game, than by all means play it. Don't worry about some lil punk kids ruining your gaming experience. It will most likely not be the case.
Originally posted by Realmreaver Originally posted by jimothypetroOriginally posted by RealmreaverOriginally posted by jimothypetro WoW may not be for kids, but it WILL attract more kids.Ever hear of "bnet kiddies"?----------------------------------"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977Funny concidering that most kids would go play EQ2 cause it's the latest in high tech graphics and it has hot looking elves and Inkies and... and.... !!!! That is what kids want.That is about the only thing EQ2 has going for it.Kids won't play WoW cause they rather pretend to be playing an 'adult' game so others think that is whom they are.Kids will play WoW cause they have no choice or they actually want to have fun. /smirk "love how they make an announcement saying open beta will be coming soon, then turn around and say it won't be here for a while.. its like poetry, only it sucks.. " -About Blizzard and their concept of 'soon'Heh.. and you base that on what? Absolutely nothing? I don't know about you, but when I was a "kiddie", I spent most of my TV-time watching cartoons on Nickelodeon(sp). And girls have "coodies", so why would you want hot elves in it? ---------------------------------- "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977 LOL wow you just dated yourself. I'd try to argue my point but you pretty much defended me with that statement and you lost all validation."love how they make an announcement saying open beta will be coming soon, then turn around and say it won't be here for a while.. its like poetry, only it sucks.. " -About Blizzard and their concept of 'soon'
Hmm.. how exactly did iI "date myself"?
My response about the "girls have coodies" was obviously sarcasm, and if you didn't catch that I truly feel sorry for you.
Please, I'd love to see you argue your point about how kids would rather play a high-tech graphic game than a game that looks like a cartoon.
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." -- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." -- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
Speaking of EQII Immature Fanboys, HERE IS ONE! You put no input in your posts and repeat the same exact thing. The immature people like you are the ones who ruin MMORPGs. My hopes are that your dad doesnt let you use his credit card so I dont have to see you in any MMORPG.
Games Played:DoAC, EQ, CoH, Lineage 2, Planetside, and Shadowbane. Games Playing:None:( Waiting For:WoW, EQII
I have been playing EQ2 beta for awhile now and have played the WoW stress test and diablo 2 and you really can see a difference in the fan base. In WoW people will be talking about how they are going to give you an abortion because kerry told them they could (Actual quote from the stress test) and no one makes an attempt to get immersed in the storyline and fantasy setting. In EQ2 the world is so detailed and immersive that people act mature and can really feel that they are the character and will have consequences for there actions.
Now I plan to play WoW when it comes out over EQ2 but the fanbase for WoW is certainly younger. or less mature, as EQ2s because of the kind of game that WoW is and the background of the makers.
My understanding of the vague information concerning europe is that europeans will be permitted access to US servers after the european release.
Which kills the purpose really because again they are holding europe back till feb 2005 either way.
I think europeans don't really mind having to import honestly as many of us have found importing the games to be even cheaper by the time you convert the currency(at least for UK) then if it was bought here.Espically if you know where to buy from(i usually buy from canada).
I done this with CoH,DAoC,SWG,some EQ expansions and few other games i can't remember.
You buy you insert disc you put in a mastercard/visa information and you are set.But here they have said it will reject foriegn CC.
There is workarounds and seen some forums even offer the information but should i go around messing with my CC details just for a game?Nah.
Blizzard really needs to rethink europe.
Ok fine I really was not trying to get into anything like this but here goes.
Games :
FFX : Auron was undead
SoulReaver: Azriel was Undead
Blade: Blade is Half Human/Half Vampire making him half undead
Interview With A Vampire: A whole movie that showed vampires as more then mindless undead
There ya go 4 examples of undead being used in movies and games and not just as mindless things to kill. Really if you don't like the undead don't play them but at least Blizzard did something besides the boring normal Human, dwarf, elf races.
You seem to miss my post regarding vampires. Blade - Half vampire means he is still part human. Hrm Soulreaver - Last time I checked all of them were vampires., but not Zombies.
and to your comment about the 30 year old game on Paper. That would like saying why have WoW based off of any of the Warcraft series. According you to, Cant them come up with any new?
Not if this means anything to you. The one good thing about WoW is their name policy, but according to there rules what could you actually name the undead that doesnt resemble a walking corpse.
LOL!!! You don't know jack about the soulreaver series apparently the whole vampire thing was small compared to the underworld... you REALLY need to know what your talking about if we are to take you seriously.
Since DnD I seriously doubt your gonna see ANYTHING that hasn't been done to death. Innovation is just something that been done on paper for years finally becoming pixles.. woot! wait.. no whoop de doo is more in order.
Sorry pretty much since Tolkien, little can be said about 'fantasy' that is truly 'original' game or not.
There is many 'flavors' but if you think that either EQ2 or WoW or Guild Wars is innovative your pretty gullible(?) cannot spell heh.
"love how they make an announcement saying open beta will be coming soon, then turn around and say it won't be here for a while.. its like poetry, only it sucks.. " -About Blizzard and their concept of 'soon'
Realmreaver formally of EQ, SWG, FFXI and WoW.
Malis/Pirotess of PSO.
Some named of Diablo 1 and 2
Grendel Kinguard of GW.
i have played both and wow is more for kids then eq2 thats one for sure..
When we are playing videogames, we are all kids (and thats the beauty of it!!
) Weeeee, i cant wait for WoW! *jumps up and down like 5-year old, wanting a lollipop*
no sig
no sig
Namehater- Hate my name? ya me too, to bad all the good ones were taken!
Namehater- Hate my name? ya me too, to bad all the good ones were taken!
Guess what , WOW is for kids.
Guess what , WOW is for kids.
To post - WOW is for kids and no points I have to think to myself? How Old are you?
Are these games not all made for everyone.....hmmmmmm oh maybe everyone 13+ as per the ratings but that does not include kids if you consider kids to start at 12...but then again.....hmmmm....very confused...
I dont say it will have kids in it i say it will have immature people in it mainly because of BNet, maturity doesnt come with age so there will be kids and adults in both games.. And will find alot of immaturity in both but WoW will most likely attract more of the immature crowd courtesy of BNet, BNet changes people

"Stare at the Sun im bored..."

"Stare at the Sun im bored..."
Another one of these threads.
People are going to continue to flame as long as you give them the opportunity to do so by creating one of these threads.
All in all, WoW is going to be loved by some, hated by others, just like people feel the same about EQ2 and all the other MMORPGs on the market.
As for WoW being flooded with "BNet Kiddies", whatever that means, you have to figure that BNet is not pay-to-play, and the monthly fee WoW players will incur will filter out a lot of that problem around the first month.
I don't envy Blizzard's position right now. They are stepping on hallowed territory, and all eyes are upon them, whether it's to seem them succeed or fail. As someone that's beein in the game industry in the past, and worked on an MMORPG, my sympathies go out to them in this "Crunch Time" period where they have to put all the finishing details into the game. As of the last stretch of the Closed Beta, I was impressed with what I saw so far, and I'm looking forward to the next Stress Test and the new content they are going to add.
Honestly, I think WoW is shaping up to be a fantastic game, and I'm not a kid, unless you consider "kid at heart" in the same category. I already have my Collector's Edition pre-ordered, and my partner will be playing as well. Let the critics slam it all they want. As long as you're enjoying yourself, let them flame all they want. At this point, I think there's enough interest in WoW to guarantee it's success no matter what others say.
I agree with you 100%
Threads like these, they will never end. As long as people keep shooting back and forth saying their game is better. I had the chance to play WoW Stress Test and I had a blast. I never encounterd anyone, not one person who acted like a complete idiot/ very immature. I wouldn't use the bnet forums as a good source of how the gaming community will be.
For one thing, not all WoW Supporters even post there. They have their own fansites that they choose to use. If you look at other WoW sites, I am sure the maturiy level is a lot better.
Also, take into account that when the people on the bnet forums eventually get into the game, they will have to be on their best behavior. Think about it. Character reputation is a huge thing in games. Word goes around fast if someone is not up to par. They will be blacklisted so fast, their gaimng experience will go down hill fast. I think when they troll the bnet forums, they are safe from fear hiding behind their avatars and people will never know who they really are. Once ingame, it will be a completely different story. If you happen to enjoy the game, than by all means play it. Don't worry about some lil punk kids ruining your gaming experience. It will most likely not be the case.
Hmm.. how exactly did iI "date myself"?
My response about the "girls have coodies" was obviously sarcasm, and if you didn't catch that I truly feel sorry for you.
Please, I'd love to see you argue your point about how kids would rather play a high-tech graphic game than a game that looks like a cartoon.
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
Games Played:DoAC, EQ, CoH, Lineage 2, Planetside, and Shadowbane.

Games Playing:None:(
Waiting For:WoW, EQII
I have been playing EQ2 beta for awhile now and have played the WoW stress test and diablo 2 and you really can see a difference in the fan base. In WoW people will be talking about how they are going to give you an abortion because kerry told them they could (Actual quote from the stress test) and no one makes an attempt to get immersed in the storyline and fantasy setting. In EQ2 the world is so detailed and immersive that people act mature and can really feel that they are the character and will have consequences for there actions.
Now I plan to play WoW when it comes out over EQ2 but the fanbase for WoW is certainly younger. or less mature, as EQ2s because of the kind of game that WoW is and the background of the makers.