I have played both WOW & EQ2 Beta. Me and my Wife both agree to play WOW. EQ2 has nice graphics and a Huge and detailed world. I didnt like EQ2 crafting, No PVP, ( Game is not done) Same Old deliver this kill that quests witch some pepole like Iam not knocking it. Iam a 29 year Old gamer and I think WOW is a great game all around. Crafting is fun, PVP is great, And no grind. So to you Fanboys yapping about WOW for Kids I think your going to see differnt in time. See ya in WOW :P
WoW fanboys are just as bad if not worse then the EQ2 fanboys...
what's the purpose of this thread aside from just starting a needless flame war anyways?
Games Played - Too many to list~
Games Currently Playing - City of Heroes
Favorite Game So Far - Lineage 1 ^^
Waiting For - EQ2 and WoW (OB is gonna be hell T_T l33t d3wdz everwhere >_<;;)

WoW may not be for kids, but it WILL attract more kids.
Ever hear of "bnet kiddies"?
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
-- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977
WoW is for kids.
WoW is for kids.

System: AMD Athlon 64 3200+, ATI Radeon 9800Pro 256Mb @ 445/405, 1gb Corsair pc3200 RAM, 80gb 7200rpm HD, Liquid cooling.
Which FF Character Are You?
Just stop bringing it up, you will just make an argument. Go play what you want to play.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild- http://www.imperium-arcanum.com

"You sir, are a moron"
I dont think WOW was designed for kids but with pvp and the bnet kiddies they will have a collection of players that will make a sub-par community.
BTW WOW cant be for kids.. They would get sued by Trix
Destroy Yourself , See Who Gives A FUC|{
I agree. WoW has the same Fast paces group oriented PvP that UO had. I love it.
I agree that WoW isn't for kids nor do I think it was designed that way. Still as a result of it being a Warcraft game and from Blizzard it will most likely attract a lot more younger players or as some say immature players then any other MMORPG. EQ2 will have its fair share of immature and younger players as well but I don't think it will get the amount that WoW will. This has nothing do with WoW being seen as a kiddy game which I don't think it is, just that you do have to take into account where a good portion of the community will come from. Listing Battle.net is not wrong to be honest. I'm sure WoW will get a lot of players from past Blizzard games and that includes the bad ones, the ones that tend to cheat a lot as well(though they won't be able to unless Blizzards server setup is as bad as Lineage 2's or Shadowbanes when it came out). Sad to say but PvP tends to bring out the worse in people as well. I don't hate PvP, I loved my time in Dark Age of Camelot (till Trials of Atlantis came out and my old guild decided to go to the Coop server), I loved fighting in the battlegrounds and the limited time I spent on the frontier. Even that game wasn't without its jerks, immature players, etc though. In the ending I don't think WoW is a kiddy game or can be see as that but it most likey will attract more kiddish players(any age though cause I've meet people that were in their late 20s or 30s that acted worse then some teens). The chance is just higher I think.
I'm not an EQ2 fanboy or anything like that. Just gettin EQ2 first and then WoW at a later date since I didn't want to spend the money on both at the same time since I don't have time to play both equally.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild- http://www.imperium-arcanum.com
Guild Wars will be for the kids, being it is free and much more diabloe 3/dungeon siege like, which most kids like.
Both games will have people who act kid like though. Can't wait to see how many kiddie EQ 2 Inquistors there will be using that "fluff skill", as an example.
This is just the Big flame all EQ 2 fans like to use. Whenever a discussion goes where it goes against them, they bring up either A.) Graphics B.) WoW is for kids. WoW is looking like the better game by far, however when your a fan (just like in sports) you do whatever you can to make your team look better. Only the most mature on both sides of the game actually debate where it matters: gameplay.
I also believe that if you were to be techincal, a kid is probably at the age of 12 and under. 13+ is a teenager, and 20+ is an adult, depending on the persons maturity. And from what one of the Blizzard developers stated, this game has an ESRB rating of Teen which equals 13+. I love how the immature people are the ones to say that WoW is for kids, give me a break. First move out of your house, get a real job and take on some responsibilities before you post. I know for a fact half of those that say what they do are young themselves, because any adult wouldn't be wasting time saying what game is for kids and what game is not.
Why cant you just let them go play EQ2 if they want to? Whats it to you if they play a completely, in every aspect, inferior game? I hate EQ2, I hate the concept, I hate the fact that theres no pvp, I hate the kind of 40 year old gamers that play it, I hated EQ1, I hate SoE... I hate everything about EQ2. But it doesnt matter to me if people play it... if it makes them happy... let em. I would like to see their money go to Blizzard rather than SoE, because blizzard actually makes decent games... but still... I've got no problem with letting their ignorance lead them to EQ2.
Well, IMHO, I'd do the opposite. EQ 2 looks like it may be very rough the first month or so from reading the results of the current patch. They have 1 week to some how fix lots of issues and honestly doubt they can get it all the way stable by then. Let SOE iron out its bugs over the first few months and then it may be much more enjoyable. WoW currently is pretty damn stable and very fun, and you can play through it a good amount a feel satisfy in a short amount of time. Don't get me wrong though, WoW will have tons of replayability and endgame, but the ride there is very enjoyable, especially if you know a lot of Warcraft lore.
True EQ 2 is coming out first but I wouldn't consider that a good thing right now.
Well, IMHO, I'd do the opposite. EQ 2 looks like it may be very rough the first month or so from reading the results of the current patch. They have 1 week to some how fix lots of issues and honestly doubt they can get it all the way stable by then. Let SOE iron out its bugs over the first few months and then it may be much more enjoyable. WoW currently is pretty damn stable and very fun, and you can play through it a good amount a feel satisfy in a short amount of time. Don't get me wrong though, WoW will have tons of replayability and endgame, but the ride there is very enjoyable, especially if you know a lot of Warcraft lore.
True EQ 2 is coming out first but I wouldn't consider that a good thing right now.
That's a good point but since I preordered(can't cancel now) and I really won't be able to play until winter break starts once college finals are done a month will have passed anyway. From what it seems that a lot of the lower level stuff is okay but some of the high level content still needs to be done. The way I see it as this. I'll play EQ2 when I have long breaks (my winter break is a month long) and during the summer (that least till I finally get a job when I graduate) and then play WoW the other times since I won't need a group as much when compared with EQ2. So I guess each game will be played seasonal in a way. Still not sure the last patch will be the last one. Either way, I've played all the Warcraft games just that I happen to be interested in the world of Norrath a lot more then Azeroth. Was kinda disappointed when I first heard about WoW to be honest since I rather have had another RTS but still WoW looks good and was at the top of my list of MMORPG to play after UXO was canceled and TR was pushed back. Then I started reading up on EQ2 more so I'm going for that first. Depending how money is during December I could still pick up WoW if it comes out before I get a chance to finally sign up on EQ2.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild- http://www.imperium-arcanum.com
Why did you pre-order if you cant play right away?? Sounds really stupid to me.
Well I saw it like this. I can preorder it now and not have to pay for shipping since finding it in stores might be a problem and I'd most likely end up ordering online or paying more in terms of gas if I had to drive out to the store when I didn't have anyting else to get at the time. Also I got the character creation cd, an ingame item which I thought was nice, special offers for different companies if I want to upgrade different parts of my computer. I knew I really wanted Everquest 2 and if I had waited till I could play I would have missed out on these things. So preordering didn't seem stupid to me. I would still be paying the same price most likely (maybe more if I waited till later to order it due to shipping on top of the tax) so why not preorder and get more the price?
If I had gotten WoW first, I most likely wouldn't have gotten to play it right away as well I think. Finals around that time and then I would have waited till the break. So if WoW had something extra for the price it would have been sold at, at a later date when I could have finally played it, I would have preordered it as well to get the extra material even if I wasn't going to play right away.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild- http://www.imperium-arcanum.com
All I heard from your whole post I is I hate blah blah blah. Get your facts strait before you make a post on how blizzard makes games. Sure as long as they stay offline or doesnt include any personalization, like Warcraft games have their great, but as soon as Diablo 2 came out and they made that online, it tooks years to reach the point of oblvion and balance.
Secodly, You judge a game saying Blizzard knows how to make games. THis is THEIR FIRST MMO. Expect it to have all the faults the The origingal EQ had!!!.
You rate your game because it has PvP. That only targets about 5% of the gaming community. Lets took a look at the very bland classes and race selection. No real customization, no depth, just plain old warcraft style. Infact, if you want to write about a bad idea. Take a look at the undead being a playable race. They have no intelect, to personality, no commonsense, pretty much a midnless being.
In closing. Do you homework before you make a post to the world. Each game has their pro's and Con's so don't give a reason why SOE sucks just because you hate them. SOE started the MMO revolution that now Blizzard is modeling WoW Online after. WoW has no real innovation, its more or less a clone of EQ or FFXI. At least EQ2 is orignal concept with repsects to Heiarchy of classes and skills instead of making a bland, easy to play game like WoW. Also, lets take gameplay without regards to graphics. Complete innovative. Each battle truely feels epic, not just a high action packed swing and kill style that UO and WoW will have.
You say you have played beta for EQ2 but you bring up no negative facts on the game only that you state that hate the company and the origianl. If you want to sound intelligent, post some facts, if you want to start a fight, please keep it to yourselves.
PvP only represents 5% of the community?!? Sounds like you need to get YOUR facts straight Siolenas.