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My beta experience.



  • ThoomThoom Member Posts: 436

    Originally posted by Coldmeat

    Robot Monkey Jesus is not pleased with the level of stupid in this thread
    I mean implying that people that like and/or play World of Warcraft are acne bespeckled teens!! The height of originality and wittiness.
    Both games are flawed, though, of the two, EQ2 is suffering the most flaws, and seem to be trying to compound that by releasing the game too early, no matter how confident Smedley is.
    Both games have fans with the IQ, and personality of a rabid badger. Nothing new there. The only upside of their bickering on various forums means I don't have to deal with them in game.
    So feel free to go back to your dick waving
    My apologies, post edited

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410

    Sweet Gay Jesus is Vineyards line


  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    Guys, we need to be alittle bit more "cautious" with religious phrases. Otherwise this topic will go from bad to worse.

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • ThoomThoom Member Posts: 436
    Sigh, sorry coldmeat, I suspected my memories are slipping time for testingimage

  • xcaliburxcalibur Member Posts: 571

    Originally posted by Coldmeat
    Both games have fans with the IQ, and personality of a rabid badger. Nothing new there. The only upside of their bickering on various forums means I don't have to deal with them in game.

    Perhaps, but only in EQ2 can you turn your party into rabid badgers!


  • KunarickKunarick Member UncommonPosts: 348

    I just felt something should be pointed out.  Coldmeat is talking about how immature everyone is, and that he is mature, and then he goes and uses a statement like:

    "So feel free to go back to your dick waving"

    .......yeah i'm afraid that just destroys your entire argument.


    "You sir, are a moron"

  • AeryithAeryith Member Posts: 162
    coldmeat said nothing about his maturity. go back and read that post again. image

    EQ2 Mantra: Get more RAM. Get more RAM.


  • styles74styles74 Member Posts: 222


    I agree with Coldmeat almost invariably.  The guy knows his stuff.  Just because the guy decides to throw vulgarities in his last statement on a post neither invalidates his argument nor speaks to his maturity level. 



    Work is the curse of the drinking classes.

    Oscar Wilde

    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.

    - John Wooden

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by styles74

    I agree with Coldmeat almost invariably.  The guy knows his stuff.  Just because the guy decides to throw vulgarities in his last statement on a post neither invalidates his argument nor speaks to his maturity level. 

    Considering that I have found a lot of blatant inaccuracies and misleading info in most of his posts you will have to excuse me if I disagree. He is entitled to his opinions but posting things like NPC's disapperaring as a bug when no one else on the beta boards are reporting any such thing strikes me as deceptive and misleading.

    I miss DAoC

  • styles74styles74 Member Posts: 222


    You are absolutley entitled to your opinion, Jackdog.

    I am not trying to be argumentative here, but I have personally reported a NPC dissapearing.  I was in the middle of a purchase with the Troll Armsdealer (center of town, name escapes me atm) in Big Bend and suddenly the window closed and the npc vanished.  I am not sure of the post you are referring to, but actually this does happen.... fortunately enough it seems rather infrequent.

    only happened to me once.... and at the time, it looked like half the npc's in the center of town went down at the same time.




    Work is the curse of the drinking classes.

    Oscar Wilde

    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.

    - John Wooden

  • AeryithAeryith Member Posts: 162
    i love reading coldmeat's posts. they're straight forward and most make me laugh my arse off. he don't b.s. and don't whine about things. and about those disappearing npcs... i've had mobs disappear on me too, but that was when i first started playing about a month ago and i haven't seen any disappear on me lately. image

    EQ2 Mantra: Get more RAM. Get more RAM.


  • Apex-AlphaApex-Alpha Member Posts: 16

    I have been playing both EQ2 Beta since Aug. The game has nice Graphics, Huge world, NPCs that talk etc... Bad= Crafting sucks (WOW is much better), No PVP, game is still really buggy, And its the same Old Deliver this kill that Questing witch iam not doging its just not for me.

    One thing iam sick of hearing is WOW is for Kids. Iam a 29 year old gamer and played WOW stress test up to level 15. And when I hear these EQ 2 fanboys say WOW is for kids I think first off how old are you to say such a statment about somthing you know nothing about? And if you ask me WOW is a better game (My opinion) I dont think EQ2 is a bad game I just think SOE has a hard time giving us gamers what we want and Blizzard has done it in the past and I think they have pulled it off once again.

  • metalfoxusmetalfoxus Member Posts: 805
    umm... no. EQ2 has the best crafting in a game... ever. If you just like your "Drag and drop = done" crafting then fine.

  • GindolmerGindolmer Member Posts: 94

    Originally posted by Apex-Alpha

    I have been playing both EQ2 Beta since Aug. The game has nice Graphics, Huge world, NPCs that talk etc... Bad= Crafting sucks (WOW is much better), No PVP, game is still really buggy, And its the same Old Deliver this kill that Questing witch iam not doging its just not for me.
    One thing iam sick of hearing is WOW is for Kids. Iam a 29 year old gamer and played WOW stress test up to level 15. And when I hear these EQ 2 fanboys say WOW is for kids I think first off how old are you to say such a statment about somthing you know nothing about? And if you ask me WOW is a better game (My opinion) I dont think EQ2 is a bad game I just think SOE has a hard time giving us gamers what we want and Blizzard has done it in the past and I think they have pulled it off once again.

    Ok look. The reason that so many of us think that all of you die-hard WoW fans are children is because you repeatedly come to what could be a constructive EQ2 forum to post the same garbage time and again. Look, I don't care that you all think certain aspects of WoW are so much better than the way they have been implemented in EQ2 from all of your undoubtedly endless supplies of EQ2 knowledge from your alleged beta accounts. I have heard the same trash so many times... too much lag (i have a kickass computer), crafting sucks (whatever, i'll see), and most of all that there is no content past 20. Well I have a question for all of you people that think that there is absolutely no content past 20.... is it MAYBE possible that you haven't quite gotten around to DOING ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN THE GAME??? Yes, I am obviously appearing as an "eq2 fanboy" right now... but seriously STOP COMING TO OUR FORUM AND POSTING WHY YOU THINK WOW IS BETTER. I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edit: And for good measure... i freakin hate warcraft games. Personally, WC3 bored me shitless. So maybe its also possible for blizzard to, i don't know, NOT be the absolute definition of the perfect development company. /end thread


    System: AMD Athlon 64 3200+, ATI Radeon 9800Pro 256Mb @ 445/405, 1gb Corsair pc3200 RAM, 80gb 7200rpm HD, Liquid cooling.

  • LhexLhex Member UncommonPosts: 262
    I just read through most the posts in this thread and I just realized how much time I have wasted. image

    Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by Aeryith
    and about those disappearing npcs... i've had mobs disappear on me too, but that was when i first started playing about a month ago and i haven't seen any disappear on me lately. image

    Thats exactly what I mean about deceptive and misleading. Thank you for helping me make my point. The fact is this is not a released game yet. A week ago last Saturday evening the lag was horrendous on Beta 1, by Sunday evening the Devs had tweaked something and the game ran smooth as butter. Publishing a post on the beta forums about the lag would be one thing, posting one here would have served no purpose at all except to trash the game.

    A post here saying that NPC's were disappearing a month ago is simply reporting old news, Coldmeat posted it as if it is still a commonplace occurrence, which is misleading. A quick browse of the beta boards found no one else posting about NPC disappearance problems. It may have well happened a month ago, but that was not what he implied. Hence my feelings that his posts are mostly unsubstantial and misleading and should be taken with a large grain of salt.

    Now if he wants to post about current bugs or design features such as waypoints need work on their pathfinding, or the quest window needs ways of sorting quests better I will back him up 100%. I am not exactly ecstatic about the friends window either on the fact that it does not list whether the friend is online or not. See I can be critical of the game also. There are several features that need work and improvement, but to compare it with SWG, AO, or HZ is ludicrous.

    I miss DAoC

  • styles74styles74 Member Posts: 222


    Fantastic suggestions in the last paragraph Jackdog.  Question... when you ask a guard to do a "find npc" did they remove the way point from them entirely and now they are just designed to point?  I cant even get a trail at all from the guards now... and this may be intended.  just wondering if you knew anything on that.  And as far as your point for Coldmeat.. its hard to argue against.  I am sure that your appeal to post updated and relevant material hits home for any person browsing these posts.

    lets just put the npc disappearing to rest.  It did happen to me, only once though and it was approx 1 week ago.  and in total terms it really wasn't that big a deal, if they implemented your suggestions i could certainly deal with the infrequent mob poofs.


    Work is the curse of the drinking classes.

    Oscar Wilde

    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.

    - John Wooden

  • KunarickKunarick Member UncommonPosts: 348

    Originally posted by metalfoxus
    umm... no. EQ2 has the best crafting in a game... ever. If you just like your "Drag and drop = done" crafting then fine.

    its people like you who shouldn't be allowed to post just because you don't have any idea image


    wait i'm confused, which are you saying has the drag and drop?  Were you meaning WoW or Eq2, i starting off by thinking you were talking about eq2, which in that case it isn't true, but to be honest i have no idea what WoW's crafting is like image


    "You sir, are a moron"

  • sakersaker Member RarePosts: 1,458

    Original poster was completely correct and, fanbois are full of crap thats all there is to be said. I desperately wantted EQ2 to be a great (or at least good) game, but it's not. It's seirously broken, and just plain not enjoyable. Maybe after 6 months to a year it will be. Right now haven't seen anything so broken so close to launch since AO's original launch.

    Feel free to flame, maters not at all to me, I don't subscribe to topics, and don't look back at threads, I'll never see it so couldn't care less what mindless fanbois whine

  • GindolmerGindolmer Member Posts: 94

    Originally posted by saker

    Original poster was completely correct and, fanbois are full of crap thats all there is to be said. I desperately wantted EQ2 to be a great (or at least good) game, but it's not. It's seirously broken, and just plain not enjoyable. Maybe after 6 months to a year it will be. Right now haven't seen anything so broken so close to launch since AO's original launch.
    Feel free to flame, maters not at all to me, I don't subscribe to topics, and don't look back at threads, I'll never see it so couldn't care less what mindless fanbois whine

    what a coincidence...


    System: AMD Athlon 64 3200+, ATI Radeon 9800Pro 256Mb @ 445/405, 1gb Corsair pc3200 RAM, 80gb 7200rpm HD, Liquid cooling.

  • xcaliburxcalibur Member Posts: 571
    Yeah, so those disappearing npc's....they are supposed to do that.  Some npc's only come out at certain times of the day.  Blort in big bend is one of them.
  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by styles74

     Question... when you ask a guard to do a "find npc" did they remove the way point from them entirely and now they are just designed to point?  I cant even get a trail at all from the guards now...

    Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't get a trail, if you don't look in the waypoints window and scroll down past the places. Generaly there is the name of the person, click that and a trail will appear. 

    For the quests log I made up a quick Excell workbook, faily simple took me about an hour. Just make a worksheet for each zone and with cells for the original quest zone, NPC,quest name, task description, and completed/uncompleted. Spilt the window and when you arein S. Qeynos for example and pick up a quest for killing x mobs or whatever in Antonica pull in the work sheet for S Qeynos and make a quick entry, have the Antonica work sheet on the bottom and copy and paste.

    Do this for all the quests then if you are in Antonica you will see all the quests you have for that area and what you need to kill or accomplish. As you complete each quest go back to the originating zone worksheet and check the completed box. Then the next time you are back in S Qeynos pull up the S.Qeynos work sheet and you will see all the completed quests for the NPC's in that area and just have to back to the NPCs. Saves time.

    I may redo this as a Access database this week if I have time and if they do not implement something similar in the client I will write one in VBasic or C++ and post it ona EQII site.


    I miss DAoC

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Originally posted by r1tual

    Thought I would put my opinion out there on my 2 months in beta.  I won a beta account on this site through a contest a loong time ago.
    Im not going to get into specifics and try to keep this short.
    The game sucks.
    The game is buggy.  Most bugs that are reported are fixed.  Except the major ones.  And there are so many to report that I dont see them fixing 20% of them before the game goes live.
    The game lags.  Most zones are unplayable.  Even today.
    Half of the promised content is not even finished yet,  1 week from release.  Trust me. 
    The content they did add is sort of "watered" down content that you all are expecting.  For example the factional system.  They say there is a faction system.  You might be expecting to be able to work your way through a particular faction.  There is nothing of the sort.   It is eye candy and doing missions does not give you any factional gain etc.
    Graphics are nice.
    Male mage class avatars are girly g a y men who run around like a fairy.  The spell animations are very FEMININE.  If your a guy and have normal genetic background,  dont play a mage.
    Combat is no different or special from any other game.  It is target,  click on spell,  click on another spell.  You dont have to move.  You just click buttons.  The anti kill stealer "locked" combat is something a little new,  but doesnt make combat anything really special.  Not enough substance.  GUARANTEE you will be dissapointed with heroic oppurtunities,  I was.
    Alot of missions.  Should always be able to find a mission.  Finding the NPC again after you complete a mission is very aggravating.  No map system makes this game like a headless chicken run.
    MAP SUCKS.  90% of the zones dont have maps.  And it is very crude and worthless.  80% of the beta community wanted a fog of war type map,  and to show NPC locations etc.  We got nothing.
    Player housing is just an instanced zone.  Sort of like if you had your own little server for your house. 
    Every zone is like a new server.  Diminish'es the MMO experience when you know that only 50 people or so are in the world you are in.  They should of called this Everquest Shard 2.
    Nothing more to say.  I could go on for awhile.  Game is below my ideal.
    If you have any questions post them.  I know everything there is about the game.  I am not biased,  im willing to give you an honest opinion without telling you it sucks.  So if you have any questions,  dont be shy.

    Hello all you .Those that read my posts for about a month now know i been in both betas for a while.Got into US closed WoW and the august EQ2.

    Same folks know i have given both games thumbs up and actually pre ordered both but cancelled my WoW after finding out they plan to block foriegn credit cards and make us europeans wait till feb.

    So my decision to go EQ2 is based solely on WoW marketing rather then gameplay.

    So i guess i can give as an unbiased view as possible IMHO.

    But sorry anyone how reads the post above should be able to tell this is very very biased .

    First he points out about loads of bugs.At first i thought his post was very old ie september or earlier.Then i saw 26th of oct .Sorry at this stage while it has bugs it is just slightly more then the current WoW has.

    Second he mentions lag.Now again this is a point of controvesy.Some people try and push their system higher then they should.EQ2 engine is build as such that if you set it to the highest setting even with the best Gcard in the market some zones with stutter badly.This is because its build with future Gcards in mind.

    Even before october fixes  most zones were very playable if you put on the right setting.My R9800pro OC could do the high quality to balanced  in all zones but if i set it to very high quality i will lag badly.

    It is a matter of accepting what your system can  do and setting it accordingly.

    Now the worst zone for lag in most of beta was antontica which was really bad.They fixed it and there was some lag still.But now it been made into 2 instance and runs great.So as of the time of this post that statement of most zones been unplayable is false sorry.

    Half the contetn not ingame.Dunno where he got the list of everything they promise to reach the conclusion that half is not ingame.There is always something missing in every mmorpg that is not at launch.I leave this statement  in the hopes he will give us a link about all the things EQ2 promised so we can see what the half the promised content that is missing is actually.

    Spells look very feminine and if you are a guy with normal genetic background ?well the day i judge my sexuality by a video game is the day i should take a hammer and break my computer because that means i have a serious real life issue .

    But i seen nothing that shows my spells has anything to do with sexes honestly maybe i don't think so deep .I also don't run away from pink candy so i dunno.

    You don't have to move in combat.Well i play group mostly and as a scout(espically if you branch to things like swashbuckler) i have to be contantly moving to get the right position for an attack.As a warrior i have to keep running back to get mobs off the healers and mages.

    Maps suck and most players want a fog of war.I have not played this week but i saw in patch message of a new mapping system.In short i believe the last patch did mention for og war map incoming or something like that.

    Player houses been instanced.Well  there are only 2 options i like this and DAoC special zone for housing.Personally i perfer the DAoC way but this suits me fine too.I for sure don't want the UO style in which the wilderness turned to a housing estate no thanks!

    Zones.Well it been a debate about zones.But  the developers have stated that it is impossible to make a mmorpg with so much detail  without zones.Antontica which is one of the biggest zones might be clear evidence of that.In the end after bringing in consultants from many places they had to instance it to bring in the performance.

    But honestly why in the world do u want 500 ppl in same zone with you?what for?can u see then all?can u interact with them all?whats the purpose other then to say hey i did a /who and there are 500 ppl in this zone.


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