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Darkfall: Most Anticipated Game of 2008: Winner

StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696 is pleased to announce the winner of the 2008 Reader's Choice Award for most Anticipated Game of 2008.

In the voting for Most Anticipated , 4643 votes were cast. The editorial nominees were: Runes of Magic, Aion, Champions Online, Chronicles of Spellborn, Darkfall, Earthrise, Jumpgate Evolution, and Stargate Worlds.

Once again, this is another category with a strong winner, standing more than 16% above even its strongest competition. Aventurine's Darkfall, which has been stirring up quite a bit of buzz and interest as of late, wins the award with 31% of the vote.

Read Most Anticipated Game of 2008: Winner

Jon Wood
Managing Editor



  • logicbomb82logicbomb82 Member UncommonPosts: 228

    It should win for both 2008 and 2009.

    I run the Mature Minded Gamers. We do video and board gaming videos and reviews. We also have a big Dungeons and Dragons community with multiple games active each week.
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  • ThatimThatim Member Posts: 240
    Originally posted by logicbomb82

    It should win for both 2008 and 2009.


    And don't forget 2010 and 2011.


    I know Tasos thinks that people like me talking crap because we are sceptical. Didn't he even said something like "Fuck them".


    It is his own fault. They need to do some decent communicating with their fanbase. I am not a fan or something, but I feel sad for the people who are loyal fans, and still know squat about the games release in less then 2 weeks.


    So Tasos, same right back! And I even want to challenge you, probally as all the people like me, to deliver this game on time, just for your fans.


    Hmm did I just wrote a post to Tasos?

  • gamerman98gamerman98 Member UncommonPosts: 809

    expected as much....

  • demolishIXdemolishIX Member Posts: 632

    Darkfail ,the game with the most fanatical fans that rival religios followers in the middle ages... made 100 accounts each to get it a prize wich it doesnt even deserve to hear about... shows how good the community will be.

  • johnnychangsjohnnychangs Member UncommonPosts: 261

    A game where developers fail to deliver repeatedly.  Wow, sounds just like one of the many failed MMOs.  But wait...Darkfall hasn't been released yet.

    Add a developer who makes rude comments to the MMO community and openly argues with employees from other MMOs.

    Darkfall may turn out to be an awesome game, but it didn't get my vote here, and I'm not going to play it.  Congrats on the award regardless.

  • MrbloodworthMrbloodworth Member Posts: 5,615

    Its repeating just like DnL. The same pattern is evolving.

    "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me

    "No, your wrong.." - Random user #123

    "Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.

    How are you?" -Me

  • dalevi1dalevi1 Member Posts: 829
    Originally posted by Mrbloodworth

    Its repeating just like DnL. The same pattern is evolving.


    I know. Those were good times...

    Played (more than a month): SWG, Second Life, Tabula Rasa, Lineage 2, Everquest 2, EvE, MxO, Ryzom.

    Tried: WoW, Shadowbane, Anarchy Online, Everquest, WWII Online, Planetside

    Beta: Lotro, Tabula Rasa, WAR.

  • LukePlumberLukePlumber Member Posts: 74
    Originally posted by Thatim

    Didn't he even said something like "Fuck them".

    Nope, he didn't. But he really had the right to say that to the trolls like you putting words in his mouth and trolling around, spending their whole day to give his work a bad name (what do you get out of this?). Before you say you're not a troll; "It should win for both 2008 and 2009." is a classical troll statement, no denying here.

    "It is his own fault. They need to do some decent communicating with their fanbase. I am not a fan or something, but I feel sad for the people who are loyal fans, and still know squat about the games release in less then 2 weeks."

    The real fans do actually know alot of the game and most people who followed darkfall for longer than one year are not complaining about a lack of information.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264

    Finally picked a winner....I got shot down on all the other awards so far....

    Yeah, face it...everyone wants to know if this game can live up to its promise...even if they don't want to play.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • zephyr40kzephyr40k Member Posts: 2

    [quote]Darkfall Online, a game that intends to bring the sandbox back into the world of fantasy MMORPGs[/quote]

    That's not quite right.  There are other fantasy/historical sandbox mmos out there, that have been doing it for years: 

    • WURM Online
    • Roma Victor
    • A Tale in the Desert

    Though I think Darkfall will be more popular than those three combined.  After all, it's the most violent. 


  • stonyleinstonylein Member UncommonPosts: 88

    congrats aventurine. darkfall is TEH game 2009.

  • busdriverbusdriver Member Posts: 859

    As it should be.

    I mean, what else is there? Aion? ROFLMAO

  • spikenogspikenog Member Posts: 283

     Going to win for 2009 too...and 2010.

  • xbellx777xbellx777 Member Posts: 716

    go darkfall

  • Master25Master25 Member Posts: 21

    It's epic to read all these saddened flaming posts. laughing my ass off at em.


    A well deserved win.

  • KinikkaKinikka Member UncommonPosts: 23

    Its pretty apparent that those who dislike the game for *whatever* reason are more obsessed with it then those that are looking forward to it.

    Thats really rather.... Sad...  rofl

    Whats there to be afraid of, you guys will still have your WoW and other cookie cutter games to mindlessly drone on through. Or is it like a... If someone else is happy its makes me sad kinda thing?


    Easy win... Would've had a higher percentage if the community here wasn't mostly a bunch of tools.


  • SXRchosen1SXRchosen1 Member Posts: 179
    Originally posted by Kinikka

    Its pretty apparent that those who dislike the game for *whatever* reason are more obsessed with it then those that are looking forward to it.
    Thats really rather.... Sad...  rofl
    Whats there to be afraid of, you guys will still have your WoW and other cookie cutter games to mindlessly drone on through. Or is it like a... If someone else is happy its makes me sad kinda thing?
    Easy win... Would've had a higher percentage if the community here wasn't mostly a bunch of tools.


    great post, simple but to the point

    WOOT! GO DF GO! 

    image <- if your bored at work :)

  • cosimustacosimusta Member Posts: 25




  • Alden120Alden120 Member Posts: 69

    Yeah, that is what I am talking about !


    Go Darkfall, usher in a new era of MMORPG gaming!

  • toddzetoddze Member UncommonPosts: 2,150
    Originally posted by LukePlumber

    The real fans do actually know alot of the game and most people who followed darkfall for longer than one year are not complaining about a lack of information.


    I am calling Bull manure on this. The real fans as well as everyone else knows what is force feed to them BY WORDS from Tasos. Its the "real fans" that turn those words into the word of god. 

    The cultists just cant understand that the majority of the public wants to see that what is being told  to us is in fact the way it is in game. We do not blindly belive that what is said about the game is in the game, especcially these days since there has been countless  broken promises and flawed system mechanics.

    Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
    Now Playing: N/A
    Worst MMO: FFXIV
    Favorite MMO: FFXI

  • javacjavac Member Posts: 1,175

    proof that gaming companies should be pouring their development euros/dollars/pounds into DEVELOPMENT, not 50% development, 50% marketing.


    good games will market themselves.


    go darkfall!

  • midway22midway22 Member Posts: 9

    Darkfall definetly deserves this. Congratulations!

    Even if you are not a fan of sandbox games you must realize how this is so much different from the cookie cutter mold the rest of the gaming industry is using. And be glad that there are companies out there trying to create something different even if you are not sure you will like it. This is an essentially a indie company and does not have the resources that players are used to in other main stream titles so cut them some slack.

    Also I find it odd that the first few posts are not even darkfall fans but trolls just complaining about what  amounts to nothing.

  • cosimustacosimusta Member Posts: 25
    double post
  • cosimustacosimusta Member Posts: 25
    Originally posted by toddze

    Originally posted by LukePlumber

    The real fans do actually know alot of the game and most people who followed darkfall for longer than one year are not complaining about a lack of information.


    I am calling Bull manure on this. The real fans as well as everyone else knows what is force feed to them BY WORDS from Tasos. Its the "real fans" that turn those words into the word of god. 

    The cultists just cant understand that the majority of the public wants to see that what is being told  to us is in fact the way it is in game. We do not blindly belive that what is said about the game is in the game, especcially these days since there has been countless  broken promises and flawed system mechanics.

    what are you even talkn about?

    the game isn't out, and neither is open beta, so we can't absolutely know for sure. And that's how it's been for every single MMO out there. What makes Darkfall any different?

    "blindly believe"

    well we have quotes from the dev, we have interviews, we have screenshots, we have videos, and we even have beta leaks.

    Countless broken promises and flawed system mechanics? Name me some of these broken promises and flawed system mechanics plz.


  • mutantmagnetmutantmagnet Member Posts: 274

    Originally posted by toddze
    Originally posted by LukePlumber The real fans do actually know alot of the game and most people who followed darkfall for longer than one year are not complaining about a lack of information.

    I am calling Bull manure on this. The real fans as well as everyone else knows what is force feed to them BY WORDS from Tasos. Its the "real fans" that turn those words into the word of god. 
    The cultists just cant understand that the majority of the public wants to see that what is being told  to us is in fact the way it is in game. We do not blindly belive that what is said about the game is in the game, especcially these days since there has been countless  broken promises and flawed system mechanics.

    Do you have to exaggerate?

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