The man and I will be playing together and starting a guild with our friends from work and our other game. I've been dying for open beta so we could play together instead of taking turns, since we only managed to get one CB account.
Originally posted by froby1kinobi I would like my wife to play WoW but I cannot find a way to get her to try. Any suggestions to get her to play would be appreciated.
Tell here there's lots of other women playing and leave it at that. It will either relax her and make her more interested in trying it out, since it's not a "boys club", or it will make her paranoid and she'll start playing just to make sure every bloodsucking harlot in the game knows that you're taken!!! Ok, so that's evil, but hey, you never know.
~~~~~~~~~ Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
~~~~~~~~~ Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
My wife is looking forward to the open phase of WoW so she can play with me. Right now seeing as I got a closed beta account and she did not it did not lend it self well to us playing at the same time o.O
But we do plan on playing as a couple come retail we have 2 copies of the game on pre-order already.
Originally posted by Rukland My wife is looking forward to the open phase of WoW so she can play with me. Right now seeing as I got a closed beta account and she did not it did not lend it self well to us playing at the same time o.O
But we do plan on playing as a couple come retail we have 2 copies of the game on pre-order already.
Do you plane on playing on a PVP server? We are going to play PVP. My Wife is a Fan of PVP and so iam I.
My wife and I aye are both playing Wow. She will be a mage and I will be a warrior. She has played CB and loves it!
Xanthorn -- Future WoW guild upon release, check it out! If you want access, please put refered by Xanthorn on Thanks, Xanthorn.
My husben and I will be playing WOW together... We are going to be NightElves. He's gonna be a Hunter and I'm gonna be a Druid. Can't wait to play and hopefully find a PvP Gulid to join.
My wife and I met in the original NWN on AOL 10 years ago. Since then we have played UO, EQ, & DAOC. We will both be playing WoW and would be interested in meeting, playing with, and forming an Alliance guild with other couples.
Anyone out there planning one of these, please feel free to e-mail me, and we can work out server details etc.
The man and I will be playing together and starting a guild with our friends from work and our other game. I've been dying for open beta so we could play together instead of taking turns, since we only managed to get one CB account.
Tell here there's lots of other women playing and leave it at that. It will either relax her and make her more interested in trying it out, since it's not a "boys club", or it will make her paranoid and she'll start playing just to make sure every bloodsucking harlot in the game knows that you're taken!!!
Ok, so that's evil, but hey, you never know. 
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
My wife is looking forward to the open phase of WoW so she can play with me. Right now seeing as I got a closed beta account and she did not it did not lend it self well to us playing at the same time o.O
But we do plan on playing as a couple come retail we have 2 copies of the game on pre-order already.
My wife and I aye are both playing Wow. She will be a mage and I will be a warrior. She has played CB and loves it!
Xanthorn -- Future WoW guild upon release, check it out! If you want access, please put refered by Xanthorn on Thanks, Xanthorn.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
The wife and I talked some more tonight and the plan is to play horde on a PvP server.
She wants to be an Orc something (she has always liked orcs o.O ) And I plan to be a Troll Priest so we can start out in the same area.
My wife and I met in the original NWN on AOL 10 years ago. Since then we have played UO, EQ, & DAOC. We will both be playing WoW and would be interested in meeting, playing with, and forming an Alliance guild with other couples.
Anyone out there planning one of these, please feel free to e-mail me, and we can work out server details etc.
Kellyn Greymist (& Ilustriel Morningstar)