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How many couples are playing WOW?

Me and my Wife are really looking forward to WOW. We have played both EQ2 Beta and WOW. We have decided to go with WOW :)



  • moukinmoukin Member Posts: 278
    My fiance and I are going to be playing!  We're already planning a guild and such.  image


  • khas001khas001 Member Posts: 102

    I am working on getting my fiance hooked. She loved the Neverwinter's and Baldur's Gate's but she's nervous about the whole REal Time action. She is used to pausing the game and taking her time with her next action.

    On a second note, I have started forming a Guild based on RP, co-op play, and NOT so hard-core "we got to get to 60 in a week" play.

    If any of you are interested in more details feel free to email myself at [email protected]. I'd be more than happy to share all the details with you.

    Hope is a waking dream.
    -Aristotle [384 BC - 322 BC]

    Hope is a waking dream.
    -Aristotle [384 BC - 322 BC]

    -NE Hunter 'IceCrown Server'

  • moukinmoukin Member Posts: 278

    Yeah.  Our guild is going to be similar.  We just want nice, friendly players who can take everything in stride and enjoy the game.  I think powerleveling through WoW would totally ruin the experience. 

    Is your guild going to be Horde or Alliance?


  • AdoraAdora Member Posts: 320
    My boyfriend and I will be playing together. image It will be fun! I can not wait.image


  • FE|TachyonFE|Tachyon Member UncommonPosts: 652

    My GF absolutely dispises anything that takes time that I could be out spending my hard earned money on her, away. Don't think I can talk her into it. ... ::::22::

  • CervethCerveth Member Posts: 97

    My g/f and I play UO, EQ2 beta, and WOW beta together.

    We plan on buying EQ2 and WOW and will play both of those as a duo as well. We have a spare room setup as a gaming room.

  • BigxBigx Member Posts: 148
    Me and my wife played daoc for couple of years and year and half in ao.  We cant wait for WoW imageimage

  • KlyneKlyne Member Posts: 66
    My fiancee and I shall be playing WoW as well.



  • PaganchildPaganchild Member Posts: 159

    Trying to get my GF to play the game with me, but she wants to try EQ2. She said I would have to pay for the WoW account, so I guess that's what I am gonna have to do.


    Level 21 Gnomish Mage

    Level 19 Night Elf Hunter

    Silvermoon server

  • Apex-AlphaApex-Alpha Member Posts: 16

    Originally posted by moukin
    My fiance and I are going to be playing!  We're already planning a guild and such.  image


    We plan on being Dark Elfs. What type of Guild do you plan on having (Good-Evil)?? We are looking for a group of mature Older players. My Wife likes have a Girl or 2 in clan so she dosent feel alone :)


    P.S. I tried WOW during stress test and we both have been playing EQ2 Beta since Aug. We both agree to play WOW.

  • moukinmoukin Member Posts: 278

    We're going to have a Horde guild on a PvE server.  If they have the server name Ysera again and it's PvE, that's the one we'll be on.  :)

    I'll probably have a Night Elf, too.  I like to have lots of alts.


  • gettingluckygettinglucky Member Posts: 94

    [quote]Originally posted by khas001
    [b]I am working on getting my fiance hooked. She loved the Neverwinter's and Baldur's Gate's but she's nervous about the whole REal Time action. She is used to pausing the game and taking her time with her next action.
    On a second note, I have started forming a Guild based on RP, co-op play, and NOT so hard-core "we got to get to 60 in a week" play.
    If any of you are interested in more details feel free to email myself at [[email protected]]. I'd be more than happy to share all the details with you.

    Hope is a waking dream.
    -Aristotle [384 BC - 322 BC][/b][/quote]

    Khas001 your hands can not be your fiance. We are talking about real people not the ones you put in your pockets.

  • Hawke_crHawke_cr Member Posts: 20

    My wife and I run a guild in DAoC and have for several years. We tried EQII together and up until yesterday both had pre-orders for the WoW Collectors edition. Once we read about Blizzard going to lock out Euro players from American servers we immediatly cancelled our pre-orders, though. We have several good friends overseas in our guild.

    Seems to me that Vivendi has Blizzard over the barrell here. What a shame. We're going to stick with with Dark Age because of this, and ruled out EQII in beta because of the horrible joke they call "Crafting system"

    WoW had everything going for them, but at the end, a few bad decisions could spoil the whole thing.


    Heres hoping Catacombs isn't a bust!



  • moukinmoukin Member Posts: 278

    Originally posted by Hawke_cr

    My wife and I run a guild in DAoC and have for several years. We tried EQII together and up until yesterday both had pre-orders for the WoW Collectors edition. Once we read about Blizzard going to lock out Euro players from American servers we immediatly cancelled our pre-orders, though. We have several good friends overseas in our guild.
    Seems to me that Vivendi has Blizzard over the barrell here. What a shame. We're going to stick with with Dark Age because of this, and ruled out EQII in beta because of the horrible joke they call "Crafting system"
    WoW had everything going for them, but at the end, a few bad decisions could spoil the whole thing.
    Heres hoping Catacombs isn't a bust!

    Apparantly you haven't read up on this situation.  Blizzard has stated that they will be providing a way for people in other areas to connect to US servers, even if it is against their recommendations.  They'll be offering this solution after European release.


  • paradise2paradise2 Member Posts: 159

    That must be really fun to have your woman/man play with you all. I would love to play WoW with my G/F but like someone already said: That is not going to happen.

    Congratulations to all of the gaming couples!!!!!

  • Hawke_crHawke_cr Member Posts: 20
    Ah, thanks for the info, Moukin. Too bad its too late. Pre-orders already cancelled. Blizzard should have thought that decision more fully through before making that announcement.

  • moukinmoukin Member Posts: 278

    Originally posted by Hawke_cr
    Ah, thanks for the info, Moukin. Too bad its too late. Pre-orders already cancelled. Blizzard should have thought that decision more fully through before making that announcement.

    image  Maybe something to look into later on if you get burned out on the other game. 


  • sumlitxxxsumlitxxx Member Posts: 47

    The day I get my girlfriend to play a game, is the day i proclame myself as miracle worker.
    I am totaly hopeless in this matter so I won't even bother to try to convince her. Oh well too bad for her right :)

  • Apex-AlphaApex-Alpha Member Posts: 16

    Originally posted by moukin

    Originally posted by Hawke_cr

    My wife and I run a guild in DAoC and have for several years. We tried EQII together and up until yesterday both had pre-orders for the WoW Collectors edition. Once we read about Blizzard going to lock out Euro players from American servers we immediatly cancelled our pre-orders, though. We have several good friends overseas in our guild.
    Seems to me that Vivendi has Blizzard over the barrell here. What a shame. We're going to stick with with Dark Age because of this, and ruled out EQII in beta because of the horrible joke they call "Crafting system"
    WoW had everything going for them, but at the end, a few bad decisions could spoil the whole thing.
    Heres hoping Catacombs isn't a bust!

    Apparantly you haven't read up on this situation.  Blizzard has stated that they will be providing a way for people in other areas to connect to US servers, even if it is against their recommendations.  They'll be offering this solution after European release.


    Do you have a link to that info?

  • khas001khas001 Member Posts: 102

    First I wanted to apologize for my absence, I was fixing up my G/F's computer.

    I have started an alliance Guild for PvE, I will send an Email out to all interested once OB or Retail starts.

    I am looking to have a Guild based on friendly casual play, somewhere to enjoy the game not power play to death for a month and quite. I am planning on staying with WoW for a long time. I stayed with UO actively for 5 years and while I no longer play I still have my active character from day 1.

    I have incorporated a few things to aid members as they progress, and to help nourish the feeling of evolvement within the Guild. If anyone would like additional information feel free to email myself at [email protected].

    Hope is a waking dream.
    -Aristotle [384 BC - 322 BC]

    Hope is a waking dream.
    -Aristotle [384 BC - 322 BC]

    -NE Hunter 'IceCrown Server'

  • froby1kinobifroby1kinobi Member Posts: 114

    I would like my wife to play WoW but I cannot find a way to get her to try. Any suggestions to get her to play would be appreciated.

  • PeacecPeacec Member Posts: 9

    Anyone creating a PvP guild?

  • moukinmoukin Member Posts: 278

    Apparantly you haven't read up on this situation.  Blizzard has stated that they will be providing a way for people in other areas to connect to US servers, even if it is against their recommendations.  They'll be offering this solution after European release.

    Do you have a link to that info?

    There was a sticky in the forums, but they're down for the weekend.  If I can find it after the forums come back up, I'll post a link.


  • FE|TachyonFE|Tachyon Member UncommonPosts: 652

    Peacec Yes. Visit us Here

  • xboxman4xboxman4 Member Posts: 10

    the wife and i will be playing together.::::01::

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