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In SWG Pre CU there was like no crazy magical abilities like there is now in the NGE where you can pull heals outta your arse and do these weird storm clouds and shit. I just find that dumb because it doesn't fit into the Star Wars Universe and apart from Jedi which have powers I hope they keep everything realistic for other classes. Like if a Bounty Hunter is doing like stun attacks and hitting certain body parts to stop them from moving away as fast then thats kool, as soon as that bounty Hunter is doing weird shit like healing youself with some magical spell then.... I'm out. I liked the whole Stim pack thing in SWG where heals wern't magical but like medicine and shit.
You mean like a 4' tall Bothan leisurely slaughtering a lair's worth of Enraged Rancors, with nothing more than his bare fists, some intergalactic karate, and a Chef Boyardee hat? The "creature" handler who could summon three (or more) AT-STs out of thin air? Or how 'bout a "combat" medic lobbing area-of-effect bio-toxin grenades farther than my marksman could shoot a T-21 rifle?
Please, can we give the Pre-CU-FTW fanboism revisionist history lessons a rest?
lmao, good point.
Wait, so you wish to see absolutely no force powers in the jedi at all? And if you read enough of the novels in the universe you would know that there are things out there that can use force powers without being a jedi. Hate to tell you, but there really is some mysticism in the star wars universe.
But AT-STs are magical! j/k
But seriously, the op needs to get a life.
agreed with this
jedi and sith need force abilities or it will just be a glowstick fest
and some other classes could make use of certain abilities that may not be jedi and sith specific
Wouldn't be a Star Wars game without some lightning flinging old dudes.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
Someone obviously was pwned multiple times by a Bothan CM and is still bitter that his defense stacker build did nothing to save him.
BTW you didn't need CH skills to call AT STs, just lots of Imperial faction.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Someone obviously was pwned multiple times by a Bothan CM and is still bitter that his defense stacker build did nothing to save him.
BTW you didn't need CH skills to call AT STs, just lots of Imperial faction.
I’ve killed a few inattentive CM’s with little problem (eyeshot did wonders) But I still thought it was stupid. Especially when you had a large scale PvP battle in a Starport and run in to 3 CM’s spamming poison all over the whole place. Not really tactical, just button mashing.
There should be more to battle then spamming the same attack over and over again. I mean the most novice MCM could hold down an entire port area, with one or two Jedi to catch the runners it was pretty much an easy win for that team. This essentially turns it into a game of clone zerging, you might get lucky and call a few more people in to help, but mostly you are gonna spend lots of time cloning. I hope TOR has a more indepth PvP system then SWG ever did.
1. I never said Jedi shouldn't have powers I said the normal classes to not have magical abilities.
2. SWG pre cu animations were the reason why seeing a barehanded person take down a rancor by spamming the same attack over and over again looked so silly.
Magic doesn't exist in the Star Wars Universe and I hope they keep it realistic.
I know what you meant, the magic heals, magic buffs, magic grenades ect. You're saying it would be cool if players made or bought the items to enhance, defend and heal themselves instead of just being based on a cool down timer, and I agree.
Yeah, it was silly because of the animations... not because a character defeating several 30+ foot tall monsters with Chuck Norris inspired roundhouse kicks is unrealistic.
Just remember kids, it's not magic — it's midichlorians!
TKM's Grinding lairs on Tattooine
TKM Solo Tanking
Okay, that was just awesome!
Personally here in the real world I prefer to apply the dark side of the force.
What is the force if not magic?
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Actually you are incorrect. In the Sith War era the abilities of the Sith were often refered to as Sith Magic, not the dark side. So technically the force = magic in the star wars universe.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Actually as a poster before me said, there is a perfectly scientific explanation to this so-called 'magic' that we call the force.
It's called Midichlorines people... LOL
It was another one of George Lucas' bright ideas to clear up the whole force issue.
O_o o_O
And it's based on the real principal of Mitochondria, which are symbiotic "parasites" which live in the cells of every human being and without which, we would die from being unable to process energy. There has long been speculation over whether people who have "extra-sensory" perception and other "abnormal" abilities may be being influenced by their mitochondria, and what would happen to us as host if our mitochondria suddenly decided to take control.
In fact, a good game to play which is based on scientific knowledge of mitochondria ( with a little sci-fi added to it ) is Parasite Eve.
What the poster is trying to say, is that he hopes the Non-Jedi classes do not have magical abilities.
A good example of this would be the Heal ability in SWG where a Bounty Hunter, Commando, or even an Officer could heal himself to a both flashy and magical animation.
What would be more realistic animation for a heal ability in Star Wars (for non-jedi classes), would be the player injecting himself with a stimpack and nothing more. No green flashes or little floating red crosses.
This also applies to other abilities that would obviously not be magical in the Star Wars Universe.
Although most posters totally misunderstood what you were saying, you have a reasonable concern, and I can agree with you somewhat. In addition to the Non-jedi classes having no magical abilities/animation, I'm also concerned about the Jedi/Sith abilities as well.
While some Jedi/Sith abilities should definately have "magical" animations (i.e. Force Lightning, Concealment, and of course Force Heal/Absorb), there are a few that I personally hope they do not tamper with (i.e. Force Grip/Choke, Force Run, and Throw Saber). Unfortunately, according to the screenshots on this forum it looks like they have already done so with Force Choke.
Force Push/Pull could go either way for me. A wave is visible in KOTOR I/II, but in the movies not so much.
I sure don't. The reason I play games is to get the furthest away from reality as I possibly can!
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
And it's based on the real principal of Mitochondria, which are symbiotic "parasites" which live in the cells of every human being and without which, we would die from being unable to process energy. There has long been speculation over whether people who have "extra-sensory" perception and other "abnormal" abilities may be being influenced by their mitochondria, and what would happen to us as host if our mitochondria suddenly decided to take control.
In fact, a good game to play which is based on scientific knowledge of mitochondria ( with a little sci-fi added to it ) is Parasite Eve.
Like in the game parasite eve, the main character uses her mitochondria to use telekinetic and pyrokenesis powers.
oops didnt read ur last part lol
As someone smart enough to read past the first sentence, I agree with you. While it is ok for Jedi/Sith and force users to have seemingly magical abilities, I don't want to see any unfitting abilities in other classes. I don't want to see a so-called realistic game, but I want to see a game that sticks to the Star Wars lore.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
THe point should be... keep it starwars like... dont had fantasy crapon it ok... I know the atst matter is only a technical issue of gaming.. ok... but it can be fixed by putting some animation of the atst falling from space inside a pod or something... anyway... star wars is star wars... not lord of the wars or star of the rings...
Don't worry.
I'm sure the game will have many rainbow coloured bling clouds comming outta your characters butts, and there will be flash and awe, from strobing lightning pixels with every uberiffic jedi thing you do... And if you're one of the 1 in 1000 peoples who are not a jedi, you will have flashes and blings and rainbows too! Just not the exact same strobing effects as the jedi.
So don't worry.
As for "it wont be SWG NGE bling".... One of the many things apologists have said to "help" SOE is that Lucasarts have to sign off on and aprove every little detail.
This means that Lucasarts aprove of the rainbow flashy bling farts that the NGE is filled with. So they would surely push for it in SWTOR too, because it sells and looks cool and it appeals to kids.
The last of the Trackers