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It seems the problems mentioned in this thread are back (or still persisting?).
I wanted to use the holidays to test a few games, and it seems this one's perma-down.
Well, it's holidays and all, and i understand they're a small company and probably are not in the office either.
But since i don't really want to wait until mid-January, i am curious if there's another way to test the game?
(Like, all you need is a patcher to download and one can register on a pre-game screen for the free period?)
The posts i've read here, the vid's i saw on you tube left me keen to at least give it a try
Thx for any advice!
CTS isn't having any problems at all, its the big 1&1 corporation that can't keep the webserver running.
{end rant}
I checked with all the fansites, and it seems that all of them took the shortcut and just posted a URL to the download instead of hosting it themselves.
Maybe some other player knows where it can be downloaded?
O and don't worry, if its not up in a couple days CTS is going to dump 1&1 and go with something else. So it should be back up within 3 days. Normally 1&1 would have it back up in a couple hours but all they will say right now is "Sorry its a hardware issue *click*"
Right now a windows 95 server running on dial-up would work better than 1&1 hosting........
Website is back up now
Thx for the reply.
But honestly it does not matter if the problem is with the hoster or the company itself, since the result is the same:
Their site is not accessible
Alas, somewhere between now and ~10mins ago it came back up.
So i am downloading the files atm and i hope i can get a first glance at it tomorrow
(I've been up now for 23+ hrs - i need some rest finally :P )
I plan to make a "dedicated" testdummy at first, or perhaps several.
(Since i had the "privilege" to utterly "misroll" several chars in the past...)
And i hope the site will still be up tomorrow too, so i can check the manuals and Official forums.
(Since the fansites linked here either don't exist anymore or have only links up to the official site.
Might i recommend a mirror site?
G'Night and CU in-game