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What's the crappiest graphics you would put up with for gameplay?

IhmoteppIhmotepp Member Posts: 14,495

Most of you are here on this forum  because you don't want to play WoW. It's not the graphics in WoW that are the main reason you won't play, although they may be a contributing factor.

So let's say the game has YOUR preferred gameplay. Whatever it is, FFA PvP, cool raiding, phat lewts, awesome PvE, great solo play, great group play, sandbox style gameplay, whatever it is you want in your MMORPG, it's there, feature complete and it works.

However, the graphics aren't pretty, either from a technical standpoint, shading, bump mapping, specular lighting, etc., or from a stylistic standpoint, realistic vs stylized artwork, anime style, cartoony, etc. And/or theres not much customization in the characters, perhaps everything looks kinda bland or cookie cutter.

What's the worst graphics you'll put up with to play this game.

Vanguard graphics or better, WAR graphics or better, EQ1 graphics or worse, WoW graphics, etc.?




  • Punk999Punk999 Member UncommonPosts: 882

    Asheron's Call graphics is about as far as i would go.

    "Negaholics are people who become addicted to negativity and self-doubt, they find fault in most things and never seem to be satisfied."

  • sanders01sanders01 Member Posts: 1,357

     2d graphics are fine, as far as quality, I could only play a game with Shadowbane graphics and up. But I cannot stand too cartoony, with loud color (Maple story etc.) WAR's graphics are perfect, and so is WoW's. Comp cant run AoC or Vangaurd on high so I refuse to play them.

    Currently restarting World of Warcraft :/

  • DarwaDarwa Member UncommonPosts: 2,181

    Probably Star Trek Online, if the gameplay turns out better than it sounds.


  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Blizzard took a more stylistic approach with WoW's graphics, and while not the best by far they can be appealing.  Plus I don't need a glacial-cooled video card to run the game.

    Imo, gameplay will always trump graphics.  For example, SWG had better than average graphics, imo, but the gameplay was completely borked.  I fealt like convulsively beating a small mamal each time a SOE devs announced some great acheivement with graphics (pariticularily during the JTL beta).

    Graphics are important, but man alive! please invest more time in polishing the game.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    It's a difficult question I try to explain.

    Most games LOOK good, but what can make them ugly has in my opinion more to do with the animation then the graphics themself.

    Example, Star Wars Galaxies, look at the graphics and I am sure everyone can agree the graphics look fine even for today standards, now take a look at the animation of these graphics and here is where it shows the game is sort of dated.

    So the reason why I find it a difficult question to answer is because I have almost no problem with the graphics of most games, but more trouble with how the animations make these graphics work.

    just a  question OP, what makes you think that "most" are on this forum because they don't want to play WOW?


  • FaTKaTFaTKaT Member UncommonPosts: 31

    Final Fantasy XI most likely

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521

    Wurm Online is a perfect example of game I would not play. Lots of sandbox style players are loving it, but man is it ugly.

    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    I wouldn't go worse than WoW.

    When I did play WoW before, I liked the content, but not the art style, I preferred FFXI's artstyle way more. But I was able to get 3 lev70's out of WoW cause Blizzard had enough stuff to do before I got bored in 6 months.

    But I wouldn't pick a game with worse graphics than WoW. I mean, that's a good part of why you play a game in the first place. Not the main reason, but enough of one.

    So most F2P grinders.. out.

  • l0rdb0shl0rdb0sh Member Posts: 20

    The game I play, StarQuest Online is a really ambitious game with tons of potential and open ended play. I'm someone who loves open endedness in a game and being able to really do whatever I want, even build my own nation and go to war with others and wipe them off the map. StarQuest Online gives me that, even though it has outdated graphics. If the game is awesome, I can deal with lackluster graphics.

  • sanders01sanders01 Member Posts: 1,357
    Originally posted by tillamook

    Wurm Online is a perfect example of game I would not play. Lots of sandbox style players are loving it, but man is it ugly.

    Agreed lol

    Currently restarting World of Warcraft :/

  • qombiqombi Member UncommonPosts: 1,170

    Everquest the original graphics suite me just fine. I think they had character, you can tell the artist put some heart into them. The artist can only do what they can with the tools provided. If I can tell the artist put their heart into their work no matter how primitive the tools are .. I usually am quite happy.

    I have often wondered if the artist for the original graphics were different than the artist that updated the graphics during Luclin. To me it feels like there wasn't much passion in making those updated models. I actually prefer the first ones.

  • Calind0rCalind0r Member Posts: 735

    I'm putting up with WoW, cause my clan is playing it while waiting for Aion...however in any other game it would be Lineage 2...its graphics Spoiled me 5 years ago, and there are only a handful of games today that can beat it.

  • VengerVenger Member UncommonPosts: 1,309

    For good game play I'd be willing to give up a lot in graphics.  Hell AC UO what ever just give me some decent game play.

  • BrenelaelBrenelael Member UncommonPosts: 3,821
    Originally posted by darwa

    Probably Star Trek Online, if the gameplay turns out better than it sounds.

    *Throws a duck at Darwa*


    Well I played Runescape off and on for 2 years if that's any indication. 1 year of that was before the graphics upgrade. I also still play games like X-com and Master of Orion just because they are that great to play. I would trade fancy flashy graphics for game play every time.




  • IhmoteppIhmotepp Member Posts: 14,495
    Originally posted by Reklaw

    just a  question OP, what makes you think that "most" are on this forum because they don't want to play WOW?


    Well, if you're happy with WoW, then why would you be here bitching an moaning that there's no good MMORPGs to play at the moment? Wouldn't you just be happily playing WoW, like the rest of the 11 million WoW players?

    I didn't like WoW graphics. Not so much the quality, number of polygons, specular lighting, bump mapping etc., but the style. To cartoony for me. However, I would put up with these graphics for good gameplay, which for me either more group play than WoW solo game in the early levels, or more sandbox elements.

    I suppose even EQ or AC would work. I would not go as far as UO. I just can't get into a game that looks that dated.

    I really like the look that Old Republic is going for. Stylized, so not very realistic, not very high poly,  but not cartoony like WoW.



  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,065
    Originally posted by Venger

    For good game play I'd be willing to give up a lot in graphics.  Hell AC UO what ever just give me some decent game play.


             There have only been a couple games where hte graphics were gamebreaking to me: UO and Runescape. 99 percent of the time I am looking at the gameplay more than the graphics......

  • WRyanWRyan Member Posts: 266

    This is a fun simple question, but I suppose it's more complicated to answer.  I'll put this as plainly as I can.

    I've seen some videos and some screenshots of Darkfall... and in complete honesty I can say that I will not play Darkfall based on what I have seen in those mediums.

    In reality, it boils down to what I get for my money.  As far as I know, it's a premium price ($15 a month), so with that, I expect it to be at least competitive on all fronts.  Darkfall looks terrible, and I would never pay a premium price for a game that looks 3-5 years old, unless I had been playing it for that long in the first place.

    Still... that doesn't mean I'd play a F2P game that looked that old either.  And of course, I don't.  Look, I don't mind paying premiums.  I really don't.  I enjoy the benefits that should come with that price too.  The minimum I expect is for the game to release with AT LEAST competitive graphics of the games that were released the year prior.  I honestly don't beleive that is too much to ask for.

    Oh, and that includes everything - shaders, texturing, artistic approach, realistic approach, animation (most importantly), and also, scalability.

    AND!  Just to be clear... I don't compare an older game's lack of "sparkly newness" against a newer game with a lot more graphical powerhouse.  I'm picky, but I don't have unrealistic tastes.  I've played lots of games that were older, and I respected that they were released prior to the modern glitz and glamour of today's games.  So, when it comes to this, particular event, I'm usually more focussed on the gameplay, rather than what I'm looking at.

    If I'm having fun, then I can look past a lot of the lack of graphical polish.  But... only so much.  It would have to look decent enough before I'd even give it a chance...

  • IhmoteppIhmotepp Member Posts: 14,495
    Originally posted by WRyan

    This is a fun simple question, but I suppose it's more complicated to answer.  I'll put this as plainly as I can.
    I've seen some videos and some screenshots of Darkfall... and in complete honesty I can say that I will not play Darkfall based on what I have seen in those mediums.


    Darkfall works just fine for me. The graphics and animations are not pretty, but good enough if the game play is fun.

    It's also kinda hard to judge the Darkfall graphics. I've seen so many different resolutions, and screenshots of computer screens. Some look decent, and some look horrible.


  • EvasiaEvasia Member Posts: 2,827
    Originally posted by Ihmotepp

    Originally posted by WRyan

    This is a fun simple question, but I suppose it's more complicated to answer.  I'll put this as plainly as I can.
    I've seen some videos and some screenshots of Darkfall... and in complete honesty I can say that I will not play Darkfall based on what I have seen in those mediums.


    Darkfall works just fine for me. The graphics and animations are not pretty, but good enough if the game play is fun.

    It's also kinda hard to judge the Darkfall graphics. I've seen so many different resolutions, and screenshots of computer screens. Some look decent, and some look horrible.

    Go over to and look carefully at the video shaar made and you can see even tho its still work in progress its AWESOME GRAFHICS


    Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
    In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    Originally posted by Ihmotepp

    Originally posted by Reklaw

    just a  question OP, what makes you think that "most" are on this forum because they don't want to play WOW?


    Well, if you're happy with WoW, then why would you be here bitching an moaning that there's no good MMORPGs to play at the moment? Wouldn't you just be happily playing WoW, like the rest of the 11 million WoW players?

    I didn't like WoW graphics. Not so much the quality, number of polygons, specular lighting, bump mapping etc., but the style. To cartoony for me. However, I would put up with these graphics for good gameplay, which for me either more group play than WoW solo game in the early levels, or more sandbox elements.

    I suppose even EQ or AC would work. I would not go as far as UO. I just can't get into a game that looks that dated.

    I really like the look that Old Republic is going for. Stylized, so not very realistic, not very high poly,  but not cartoony like WoW.



    That looks like KOTOR, not TOR.




    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • tigris67tigris67 Member UncommonPosts: 1,762
    Originally posted by qombi

    Everquest the original graphics suite me just fine. I think they had character, you can tell the artist put some heart into them. The artist can only do what they can with the tools provided. If I can tell the artist put their heart into their work no matter how primitive the tools are .. I usually am quite happy.
    I have often wondered if the artist for the original graphics were different than the artist that updated the graphics during Luclin. To me it feels like there wasn't much passion in making those updated models. I actually prefer the first ones.


    I agree with you, I turn all my new models off when playing EQ1. I prefer the blocky old models from 1999-2000, But I can't help but wonder if its nostalgia talking as opposed to if they were actually "better". I will never know considering that I consider myself with a strong bias.

    Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
    MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls

  • ZarraaZarraa Member Posts: 481

    I already play a dated title (CoX) but I enjoy the game play and it's comic book style so I deal.

    Now.. regarding new releases Darkfall & Spellborn are about as dated graphic wise as I'd go. If you can't reach at least that quality in 2008 then MMO's aren't the buisness for you.

    Hell you can license an engine these days if you're serious.

    Dutchess Zarraa Voltayre
    Reborn/Zero Sum/Ancient Legacy/Jagged Legion/Feared/Nuke & Pave.

  • x_rast_xx_rast_x Member Posts: 745

    Gameplay is most important, but good gameplay without solid graphics to back it up will always fall short.

    Solid graphics does not mean eighty gazallion 3.0-shader enabled photorealistic polygons.  It means graphics that look appealing and get the job done.  Games with truly good graphics tend to age quite gracefully - just look at WoW, Half-Life, UT2004, hell, even some old SNES games like FF6 or SD3 which were all 2D.  Stil looks good even today.

    I think the ongoing backlash against 'good graphics' has more to do with the cart being put before the horse with the current generation of consoles (360 and PS3) , Nintendo demonstrating that games can look great on old hardware if you have artists that have a clue, as well as some more recent PC games that had bleeding edge graphics with no effective way to tone them down to function on a consumer PC.  Successful bleeding-edge games of years past you could turn down the graphics so they'd work on a minimal computer of the time, while people with gaming rigs (and everyone else, once it got sufficiently old) could crank the settings up all the way and see it the way it was meant to be seen.

  • IhmoteppIhmotepp Member Posts: 14,495
    Originally posted by tillamook

    Originally posted by Ihmotepp

    Originally posted by Reklaw

    just a  question OP, what makes you think that "most" are on this forum because they don't want to play WOW?


    Well, if you're happy with WoW, then why would you be here bitching an moaning that there's no good MMORPGs to play at the moment? Wouldn't you just be happily playing WoW, like the rest of the 11 million WoW players?

    I didn't like WoW graphics. Not so much the quality, number of polygons, specular lighting, bump mapping etc., but the style. To cartoony for me. However, I would put up with these graphics for good gameplay, which for me either more group play than WoW solo game in the early levels, or more sandbox elements.

    I suppose even EQ or AC would work. I would not go as far as UO. I just can't get into a game that looks that dated.

    I really like the look that Old Republic is going for. Stylized, so not very realistic, not very high poly,  but not cartoony like WoW.



    That looks like KOTOR, not TOR.





    I think you are correct, however the style is pretty much the same, IMO.


  • SpellforgedSpellforged Member UncommonPosts: 458

    I would accept graphics like this, if it means great gameplay:

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