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Who wants a AoC Free Trial?


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,634

    Odd Poll, as I play it, no :)

  • tubelighttubelight Member UncommonPosts: 276

     I would never buy a game without a free trial. 1 week or 10 day trials are a must for me before i decide to invest any amount of money in a game. This is the reason why i still havent played WAR or AoC

  • ZsasZZsasZ Member Posts: 208
    Originally posted by tubelight

     I would never buy a game without a free trial. 1 week or 10 day trials are a must for me before i decide to invest any amount of money in a game. This is the reason why i still havent played WAR or AoC


    Same here. The cost (in terms of both time and money) of MMOs is just too much for me to get on board based on reviews and screenshots.

    Evil will always win, because Good is dumb.

  • ZANGFEIZANGFEI Member Posts: 439

    More curiosity on my part than anything. 

  • jaxsundanejaxsundane Member Posts: 2,776
    Originally posted by Scot

    Odd Poll, as I play it, no :)


    You play it but I'd be willing to bet alot more registered users of this site don't play it so that makes it a good poll especially if you consider AOC and FCs reputation nowadays

    but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....

  • TecknicTecknic Member Posts: 458
    Originally posted by tubelight

     I would never buy a game without a free trial. 1 week or 10 day trials are a must for me before i decide to invest any amount of money in a game. This is the reason why i still havent played WAR or AoC


    That.  Word for word.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Playing: Nothing
    Played: Champions Online, CoX, STO, PSO, WoW, lots of free-to-play crap
    Looking Forward To: DC Universe Online, Blade and Soul

  • Calintz333Calintz333 Member UncommonPosts: 1,193

    I don't want a free trial, I wouldn't play the game if it was given to me for free...Its not that I don't like it, iv never palayed it, but from what I hear, and from the screen shots, pics and videos iv seen, it really does not seem like my kind of game.


    Kinda like some people know WoW wouldn't be the game for them just from reaserching it a bit. I play FFXI, Happy with that for now.

  • silkwormsilkworm Member Posts: 163

    I made the mistake of using one of my buddy passes to witness the changes... Boredom was still there ... I managed to last 2 hrs, then at the time when death never seemed so sweet, I uninstalled AOC for the 2nd time. In short, I don't.

  • Devildog1Devildog1 Member Posts: 494

    I said no because at this point I honestly don't think it will last over a year unless the devs do some wonder work on the game and shore up the hemoraging of players they are experiencing. Then theere would be a need for a free trial, but until they fix the game and put all the features in the game that were promised there is no need.

  • RocktoberRocktober Member Posts: 118
    Originally posted by Calintz333

    I don't want a free trial, I wouldn't play the game if it was given to me for free...Its not that I don't like it, iv never palayed it, but from what I hear, and from the screen shots, pics and videos iv seen, it really does not seem like my kind of game.
    Kinda like some people know WoW wouldn't be the game for them just from reaserching it a bit. I play FFXI, Happy with that for now.


    I felt the same way about WoW after looking at screens/vids and articles and thinking "Wow, what a load of crap."  However, one day while bored out of my mind I came across a free trial for it; before the trial period was over I'd bought the game and enjoyed it for over a year and honestly look forward to going back some day.  Now, like others have said, I won't buy a MMO (or SP games usually) without a trial or me it just makes more sense.  Now from my experience I have to say, as much as I may really not care to try AoC, if they came out with a trial I would certainly jump on it.  And why not?  It's free!  As much crap gets thrown at AoC (I'm not debating whether it's deserved or not), there are still people that play it so that has to mean something.

    Anyways, I often find myself looking back at older games and thinking "Wow..I really wish I'd tried this afterall.." and I hate to see people pass things up just based on prima facie.  You never know what you'll find, and you never know what you'll really enjoy until you give it a shot! 

    You can't win - if you strike me down I shall respawn more powerful than you could possibly imagine!

  • JupstoJupsto Member UncommonPosts: 2,075
    Originally posted by silkworm

    I made the mistake of using one of my buddy passes to witness the changes... Boredom was still there ... I managed to last 2 hrs, then at the time when death never seemed so sweet, I uninstalled AOC for the 2nd time. In short, I don't.


    why do you have the same avatar as one of the aoc forum mods? (tahitoa?)

    My blog: image

  • silkwormsilkworm Member Posts: 163
    Originally posted by Consensus

    Originally posted by silkworm

    I made the mistake of using one of my buddy passes to witness the changes... Boredom was still there ... I managed to last 2 hrs, then at the time when death never seemed so sweet, I uninstalled AOC for the 2nd time. In short, I don't.


    why do you have the same avatar as one of the aoc forum mods? (tahitoa?)


    Cause I find it to be rather annoying. An example of an avatar a moderator should never have. Disrespectful. Like it? :p

  • AmazingAveryAmazingAvery Age of Conan AdvocateMember UncommonPosts: 7,188

    Personally I reckon a trial for previous subscribers will happen in February folllow by something similar for people whom haven't played yet.

  • AzrileAzrile Member Posts: 2,582
    Originally posted by AmazingAvery

    Personally I reckon a trial for previous subscribers will happen in February folllow by something similar for people whom haven't played yet.


    Jan 22nd is Darkfall launch.  I'm sure that game will fail bigtime, but they might want to do the free AOC trail on Jan 15th just to be sure.  

  • courtsdadcourtsdad Member Posts: 326

    While I am sure its coming FC has to be really really careful with this. If an old player comes back and finds the same old same old or problems still not having been addressed then they have lost the percentage that may have given them a second shot at their wallet.

  • arkady09arkady09 Member Posts: 245
    Originally posted by AmazingAvery

    Personally I reckon a trial for previous subscribers will happen in February folllow by something similar for people whom haven't played yet.


    I migrated back to wow and honestly, for the life of me, I cant remember why I left. Its so professional.  The customer support I received when returning to the game was SUPERB.  I had forgotten about reclaiming my account and all that and so started a trial and then paid to upgrade it.  The guy asked me when I called to reclaim and explained what I had done " So am I to understand that you dont want two accounts? " When I said no he instantly cancelled the trial account, refunded my paid download 19.99 and the 14.95 for the one month I had selected.  Reinstated my old account in a snap and I was off and running.

    Can you even call customer support for funcom?


  • ScaredgirlScaredgirl Member Posts: 313
    Originally posted by AmazingAvery

    Personally I reckon a trial for previous subscribers will happen in February folllow by something similar for people whom haven't played yet.


    You reckon it will happen in February? Where is this information coming from? From your pals at Funcom or did you just make it up?

    Originally posted by Frobner
    "Massive sieges" "mounted combat" and "spellweaving" are just few words that spring to mind when I hear the word AOC.... But the word FAILURE will always top the list.

  • BearShammyBearShammy Member Posts: 240
    Originally posted by arkady09

    Originally posted by AmazingAvery

    Personally I reckon a trial for previous subscribers will happen in February folllow by something similar for people whom haven't played yet.


    I migrated back to wow and honestly, for the life of me, I cant remember why I left. Its so professional.  The customer support I received when returning to the game was SUPERB.  I had forgotten about reclaiming my account and all that and so started a trial and then paid to upgrade it.  The guy asked me when I called to reclaim and explained what I had done " So am I to understand that you dont want two accounts? " When I said no he instantly cancelled the trial account, refunded my paid download 19.99 and the 14.95 for the one month I had selected.  Reinstated my old account in a snap and I was off and running.

    Can you even call customer support for funcom?

    My god, thread a stake through my head...If i ever adapt thoughts like posted above. Running around with clunky subparedered boxy characters (looking like they have hermoroids from the way they walk/run) is certainly NOT something I am ready to do.


  • AmazingAveryAmazingAvery Age of Conan AdvocateMember UncommonPosts: 7,188
    Originally posted by arkady09

    Originally posted by AmazingAvery

    Personally I reckon a trial for previous subscribers will happen in February folllow by something similar for people whom haven't played yet.


    I migrated back to wow and honestly, for the life of me, I cant remember why I left. Its so professional.  The customer support I received when returning to the game was SUPERB.  I had forgotten about reclaiming my account and all that and so started a trial and then paid to upgrade it.  The guy asked me when I called to reclaim and explained what I had done " So am I to understand that you dont want two accounts? " When I said no he instantly cancelled the trial account, refunded my paid download 19.99 and the 14.95 for the one month I had selected.  Reinstated my old account in a snap and I was off and running.

    Can you even call customer support for funcom?


    What's the percentage of mmorpg P2P out there in relation to those that offer phone support and those that don't? I think you will see a good trend there.

    When you have over $10M players the reality is that you can afford decent phone support.

  • AmazingAveryAmazingAvery Age of Conan AdvocateMember UncommonPosts: 7,188
    Originally posted by Scaredgirl

    Originally posted by AmazingAvery

    Personally I reckon a trial for previous subscribers will happen in February folllow by something similar for people whom haven't played yet.


    You reckon it will happen in February? Where is this information coming from? From your pals at Funcom or did you just make it up?


    I reckon as in it's my opinion and assumption that it will be like this. My theory is backed up by some info that was released not long ago.

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