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Posted by: SOE | Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Today we introduced Station Cash to EverQuest and EverQuest II. With this we added the ability to purchase items in both games. We have insured that we aren’t adding anything that could be considered imbalancing.
Why did we do this? We believe in giving our players different options in their gameplay. I realize this is something that is going to be controversial, but it’s also something that surveys are showing players are excited about… provided we don’t alter game balance and make these items required in any way. Be rest assured we will NOT add ANY microtransactions that will disrupt the integrity of these games.
Our long term plan for Station Cash is to give a flexible currency to be used in many of our games, particularly our future games. But we have big ambitions to do some really cool stuff for both our current and future players. Imagine being able to have a photo of your guild physically mailed to members of your guild, or get a t-shirt or poster of your character mailed to you.
We’ll also use it to do things like Character moves or Character renames over time. Think convenience, not necessity.
Is this the slippery slope? I don’t think it is. We’re always going to have to be careful to make sure we don’t mess with the balance of any of our games. We also have no intention of making EQ and EQII heavily microtransaction based games. Our goal is to add cool new things that make players lives’ easier or more fun.
Enjoy, and keep talking with us, we want to hear from you!
He told the comunity that Stationcash will not be added to regular servers, now they are in. He can post whatever he want, we will not believe it. In fact Im 100% sure SOE will add imbalancing items to the item mall. Why? Because they always do the opposite they say, always.
So they plan on making EQ and EQ2 heavily microtransaction based games. At least I hope they turn them free to play.
He told the comunity that Stationcash will not be added to regular servers, now they are in. He can post whatever he want, we will not believe it. In fact Im 100% sure SOE will add imbalancing items to the item mall. Why? Because they always do the opposite they say, always.
So they plan on making EQ and EQ2 heavily microtransaction based games. At least I hope they turn them free to play.
How do you know if Smedley is lying? A good sign is ANY form of lip movement.
Not really. He can use telepathy to communicate with SOE HQ.
He told the comunity that Stationcash will not be added to regular servers, now they are in. He can post whatever he want, we will not believe it. In fact Im 100% sure SOE will add imbalancing items to the item mall. Why? Because they always do the opposite they say, always.
So they plan on making EQ and EQ2 heavily microtransaction based games. At least I hope they turn them free to play.
He said they would not be free to play. This is the only statement of his I believe. He wants you to pay for the client and expansions, and a monthly fee while he beats you up with microtransactions.
Whoa. So let me get this straight, you can do this on *ANY* server? Unbelievable. I will never resub now. No thanks to that.
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LMAO! I was considering re-upping my sub. But with this bit of news? Not a chance in Hades.
I quit a few years ago after $OE raised the Station Pass price 3 times, in about as many months.You would think they would have a clue after the many mistakes they have made, but I guess not.
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Ummm, didn't he say something similar about the SWG CU? I think that was when the game had 200-300k in subscribers and they have how many now?
Does this guy never learn? If everyone against it cancels for a month, maybe they'll finally fire this clown.
"It is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees,"
I will never play this game again. Never. Anyone who does is just a sucker.
Tecmo Bowl.
I to I will never play this game again. I see no point now.
Its just greed. I hope you lose money so you have to rethink.
What 'Surveys'?
Any of you remember participating in any surveys that asked you if you wanted RMT?
Thats what I said in my other post. He claimmed that all the SWG changes were wanted by the ''test'' group. Course no one knew wtf the ''test' group was. Nor did anyone believe their was one because the majority of the players hated the changes. Now history is repeating and like with SWG I hope this blows up in his face as well.
I mean come on a cash shop AND a monthly fee. Talk about the balls on this guy.
"It is better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees,"
Thats what I said in my other post. He claimmed that all the SWG changes were wanted by the ''test'' group. Course no one knew wtf the ''test' group was. Nor did anyone believe their was one because the majority of the players hated the changes. Now history is repeating and like with SWG I hope this blows up in his face as well.
I mean come on a cash shop AND a monthly fee. Talk about the balls on this guy.
My problem isn't with this station cash thing but when they add items that you can only get via micro trasactions and not in game like TCG loot cards.
After the SWG hilarity, it's amazing you guys would be surprised by this. This is a scandelous company of failures looking to screw everyone over.
Can't say you weren't warned by everyone who got to experience SWG
WoW fanboi: "lolz 11.5 million customers, itz obviously da best"
McDonald's: over 1 billion burgers served
I never played SWG, but I followed the situation here as users posted their experience. It was a widely-known fiasco and all but destroyed that game.
I have to admit, some of what is happening now seems to resemble what happened then. I would like to think that those at SOE would remember the past, rather than be doomed to repeat it.
actually there are surveys in game....type /survey and it brings up the list of em
actually there are surveys in game....type /survey and it brings up the list of em
Really? Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone link to a screenshot?
You had the station Exchange servers already man.............what the hell are u talking about.
If people wanted "options" they could have played on those servers, but apparently they weren't that succesful, so you decided to force everyone else to play in such servers, therefore "NOT giving the choice" to your customers.
You are lieing once again (also see my sig.)
See how easy it is to dismantle your poor PR attemts?
Your PR skills are as good as your CeO skills, and that's not a compliment..............
As history show, SOE does not make the smartest choices. Remember when KoS first came out? They released the KoS expansion, merged 1/2 of the servers (crushing each server economy in the process) and introduced two new PvP servers all on the same day. Does any remember people having so many issues with lost item, houses, and even accounts. just add this to the list of many stupid choices SOE has and will make.
As for me, I will not resub to a company that will blatantly lie to my face.
And those 2 PvP servers have folks begging and trying to bribe players from PvE servers to come over. IIRC, there's only like 2000 accounts on one PvP server as it is (and folks giving reasons to not go there is the ganking that keeps going on...very difficult to PvP when a game is based on gear, and you have to start at level 1, only to meet level 80s camping for noobs).
Think more than the brains were lost when Sony left 8000 employees go.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
actually there are surveys in game....type /survey and it brings up the list of em
Really? Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone link to a screenshot?
/survey brings up the resource survey menu in SWG.
I recently rolled a character on a pvp server.
I would agree that the pvp'ers are their own worst enemies.
I recently rolled a character on a pvp server.
I would agree that the pvp'ers are their own worst enemies.
With little to do but to try to advertize their EQ2Player sigs (their kill streak) on any fresh fish -- as the game doesn't distinguish what is being ganked -- yep (compared to FPS games like BF2 and BF2142, where the stats are broken down to which weapon was used, on which map, and the averages killed -- let alone the history of tags taken).
PvP would be much more acceptable if it was locked to no higher than 10 levels above the player (much like it is on mobs). That way players have the ability to realistically fight back, and ganking will cease as a cheap past time.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
I recently rolled a character on a pvp server.
I would agree that the pvp'ers are their own worst enemies.
With little to do but to try to advertize their EQ2Player sigs (their kill streak) on any fresh fish -- as the game doesn't distinguish what is being ganked -- yep (compared to FPS games like BF2 and BF2142, where the stats are broken down to which weapon was used, on which map, and the averages killed -- let alone the history of tags taken).
PvP would be much more acceptable if it was locked to no higher than 10 levels above the player (much like it is on mobs). That way players have the ability to realistically fight back, and ganking will cease as a cheap past time.
This is exactly how it is, in the low level zones, it is actually locked to 4 levels difference, but if you are fighting someone who has the best gear, tons of AAs, master spells, and you dont, it doesnt really matter, they will wipe the floor with 3-4 normally geared players anyway.
Unfortunately, this is what happens when a RPG tries to be a FPS game. FPS games are a level playing field, despite a vet having more experience and better gear -- a buck private can still shoot down a general, over and over and over -- as FPS games are about skill, not gear itself to protect them.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.